Unit tests in Go

In the previous post I mentioned that the Go SDK often has unit tests alongside the package code. So what do we need to do to write unit tests in Go.

Let’s assume we have the package (from the previous post)

package test

func Echo(s string) string {
	return s

assuming the previous code is in file test.go and we then create a new file in the same package/folder named test_test.go (I know the name’s not great).

Let’s look at the code within this file

package test_test

import "testing"
import "Test1/test"

func TestEcho(t *testing.T) {
	expected := "Hello"
	actual := test.Echo("Hello")

	if actual != expected {
		t.Error("Test failed")

So Go’s unit testing functionality comes in the package “testing” and our tests must start with the word Test and takes a pointer to type T. T gives us the methods to create failures etc.

In Gogland you can select the test_test.go file, right mouse click and you’ll see the Run, Debug and Run with coverage options.