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Running your own Question & Answer site

The team I’m currently on wanted to run a Q&A type of site, internally within the workplace. We have Stack Overflow onsite, but we were looking for something specific to our application. Some research and trials later, I came across Answer. Unlike some solutions I tested, this came with a working Docker configuration, that ran as easily as

docker run -d -p 9080:80 -v answer-data:/data --name answer answerdev/answer:latest

If you want to have people register themselves you’ll need to set up the SMTP configuration or I think there’s a module for another type of authentication. For our use, I simply ran the docker command and logged in as admin, then added other users. It looks good and so far.

When you need to restart it just run the usual docker command

docker start answer

Currently I’ve it up for the SQLite data store. Volumes, by default are stored

On Windows in


On Linux in
