TypeScript 3.7.2

TypeScript 3.7.2 has just been released.

First off you’re going to want to install it globally on your machine, hence run (obviously this will install the latest version so not specific to version 3.7.2)

npm install -g typescript

or if you want it locally to your project, ofcourse you can run

npm install -D typescript 

If you’re using VS Code and you want to set it up for this version (if it’s not already set for the latest) then press F1 and select Preferences: Open User Settings adding (or editing) the following (off of the root level of the JSON)

"typescript.tsdk": "node_modules\\typescript\\lib",

I’m not going go through the new features exception to say we’ve now got optional chaining the ?. operator from C# and Nullish coalescing using the ?? operator.