Specflow/Gherkin tags

We’re going to take a look at tags.

We add tags to our features like this, using the @ to prefix a name

Scenario: Calculate two values
# Given/When/Then steps

We can have multiple tags for a scenario, just comma separate them, like this

@Calculator, @Math
Scenario: Calculate two values
# Given/When/Then steps

Great, so what use do I have for tags?

Tags can be used to create documentation, they can be used to for start up and clean up code and they can be uses within the test runners to run groups of tests via their category, you guessed it, denoted by the tag, for example

// run tests on anything tagged Math
dotnet test MyTests.dll --filter Category=Math

// to run tests with both Calculator and Math tags
dotnet test MyTests.dll --filter "Category=Calculator & Category=Math"

// to run tests with either Calculator or Math tags
dotnet test MyTests.dll --filter "Category=Calculator | Category=Math"