Redux and storybook

We’ve implemented our React UI and set-up storybook to test it but we’re using redux as our store, so how do we use this in storybook?

Storybook allow us to create a decorator which is really just a wrapper around our story, so for example we add a decorator using .addDecorator like this

storiesOf("SomeComponent", module)
  .add("default", () => 
    <SomeComponent />

Within the .addDecorator we can add more React code or HTML, maybe to position our test component centrally in the screen or in this case we can use the same code to wrap a Provider.

As you can see from the above code we’ve got a withProvider value which looks like this

const withProvider = (story) => <Provider store={store}>{story()}</Provider>

Hence the code takes a story (the story we’re testing) and we simply wrap it within a Provider element having previously created the redux store using the standard createStore function, i.e.

const store = createStore(reducer);

Now we can test our UI/UX code within storybook using the redux store for it’s state.