Python REST service using Bottle

From the command line/terminal run

pip install bottle

Bottle supports a style of defining routes to functions using decorators, for example

from bottle import route, run

def index(name):
    return f"Hello {name}"

run(host='localhost', port=8080)

HTTP Method(s)

By default a @route will respond to a GET HTTP method, but we can change to POST or be more explicit using the following

@route('/<name>', method='GET')
# or
# or POST
@route('/<name>', method='POST')
# or

We can combine the methods using the following

@route('/<name>', method=['GET', 'POST'])

and then within the actual function we can use the request class like this

@route('/<name>', method=['GET', 'POST'])
def index(name):
    if request.method == 'POST':
       return f"POST {name}"
    elif request.method == 'GET':
       return f"GET {name}"

    return "Unexpected"

We can also declare multiple routes to a function like this

@route('/', method=['GET', 'POST'])
@route('/<name>', method=['GET', 'POST'])
def index(name = None):
    if request.method == 'POST':
       return f"POST {name}"
    else request.method == 'GET':
       return f"GET {name}"

    return "Unexpected"

How about some JSON

Obviously JSON is the current “in vogue” format for transferring data. To return JSON instead of a simple string we can use jsonpickle, start off by installing the library using

pip install jsonpickle

We’ll add an example class for our result

class Person:
    def __init__(self):
        self.firstName = "Eddie"
        self.lastName = "Van Halen"

and our code (and additional imports) looks like this

import jsonpickle

def index(name):
    person = Person()
    return jsonpickle.encode(person, unpicklable=False)

The unpicklable=False turns off the pickle additional information to our JSON.


We can also supply web pages, data etc. based upon HTTP errors, such as 404 errors. Assuming we changed out @get (above) to


now URL’s such as http://localhost:8080/PutridParrot will fail to find a matching route and if we supply an error handler for a 404 then we can return some other data, i.e.

def error404(error):
    return "Got a 404!"


Bottle: Python Web Framework