Operator overloading in F#

More adventures with F#…

Operator overloading is documented perfectly well in Operator Overloading (F#) but to summarize I’ve created this post…

Operators in F# can be overloaded at the class, record type or global level.

Overloading an operator on a class or record type

Let’s look at the syntax for overloading an operator on a class or record type.

Note: Reproduced from the Operator Overloading (F#) page

static member (operator-symbols) (parameter-list> =

Overloading an operator which is globally accessible

Let’s look at the syntax for overloading an operator at a global level.

Note: Reproduced from the Operator Overloading (F#) post

let [inline] (operator-symbols) parameter-list = 


You can overload the “standard” operators but you can also create your own operators. For example FAKE creates it’s own global operator to combine two file paths using the @@ operator

The below is taken from the FAKE source code available in github

let inline (@@) path1 path2 = combinePaths path1 path2

As it’s pretty obvious, this is a global level overload of a newly created operator, the @@ which takes two parameters.

Where an operator may be used for binary or unary (infix or prefix), such as + or – (+., -., &, &&, %, and %% may also be used for infix or prefix operators) we need to prefix the operator with a tilde ~, hence to overload the + and use as a unary operator we’d write something like

let inline (~+) x = [ x ]

// in use we'd have

let v = + "hello"

Whereas using the + as a binary operator we’d write something like

let inline (+) x y = [ x, y ]

// in use we'd have

let v = "hello" + "world"

If you’re coming from C# to F# you’ll have already noticed the “funky” set of operators that F# supports. As already shown with the @@ operator sample (taken from FAKE) you can combine operators to produce all sorts of new operators, for example

let (<==>) x  y = [ x, y]