Minimal Vue and beyond

Vue gives us the ability to include it in a a minimal way by adding a simple script dependency (or installing it into your project’s node_modules using yarn add vue). Vue also comes with a CLI (vue-cli) for building application from a scaffolding application.

Let’s start at the simplest level and create a basic HTML page (no bundling, no built-in web server, nothing) and start writing Vue code. Create an index.html file

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <!-- development version -->
  <script src=""></script>
  <!-- production version
  <script src=""></script>

The development version of Vue comes with console warnings etc. whereas the production version is optimized.

Let’s now place the following into the body tag

<div id="app">
  <button v-on:click="clicked">{{ message }}</button>    
  <div>{{ count }}</div>

var app = new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  data: {
    message: 'Hello World',
    count: 0
  methods: {
    clicked: function(event) {

What we’ve done is create the root (app) div, which corresponds to the el within the Vue options. Hence that Vue object is bound to the app element. It includes data in the form custom data, in this case a message (the usual Hello World example) but also a counter in the form of the count variable. The Vue options also include methods, in this case one labelled clicked is used in the button within the HTML.

Notice this use of this. to access the count in the method.

Now, in the HTML we use v- prefixed attributes to bind the elements to our Vue object (data and methods). So the button is bound to the v-on:click which in turn is assigned the method clicked as created in the Vue options.

Notice also the usage of the {{ }} (Mustache syntax) to allow us to inject (in this case) Vue data into the HTML.

As stated, there’s no web server or the likes, so we can now just drop this index.html into our chosen webserver and serve up Vue enabled web pages.

Taking it to the next step

In the previous example we use the Vue script from a CDN, but we can also run

yarn add vue

To include vue within the node_nodules of an application/website. Obviously this would be the route taken for anything more than the trivial example (above).

We’re not going to do anything more with this simple approach for building a Vue applications, however it does demonstrate that you can build a Vue application from scratch, choosing our preferred bundler etc. ourselves if required.


Let’s turn our attention now to creating a Vue application via the vue-cli tool.

So we’ve seen a minimal Vue page and we’ve seen we can bring Vue into our application in a way that allows us to pick and choose our technologies. With vue-cli we instead generate an application with all the “standard” pieces (i.e. bundler, webserver etc.).

Start by installing the vue-cli using

yarn global add @vue/cli

To check all went well, just run

vue --version

To create a project we simply run

vue create my-project

Obviously replacing my-project with your project name.

You will now be prompted to answer a couple of questions, for example

  • Please pick a preset
  • Pick the package manager to use when installing dependencies

See for a far more complete look at this stage.

If you simply choose the defaults you get bable, eslint and yarn configurations which is not actually what I wanted for this project.

So for the first prompt (Please pick a preset), I selected Manually select features and selected TypeScript, Router, Linter and Unit Testing, I then end up with further prompts asking whether I want class style components etc.

You’ll get the idea, vue-cli gives you default options all along the way.

Note: You can have vue-cli save your presets within ~/.vuerc or on Windows %USERPROFILE%/.vuerc, the option to save the presets is at the end of the available options for configuring your project.

If you prefer a UI to configure things with, then vue also comes with vue ui which will run a webapp (by default on port 8000). I’ll leave the reader to investigate the options themselves.

Once you’re happy with your configurations and you’ve generated your application, cd into your new project folder (cd my-project in case) and then run

yarn serve

This will start-up a server (by default on port 8080).

If we take a look at the code generated, you’ll notice we’ve moved far beyond the minimal use of Vue. I won’t cover too much here as really the topics around the generated code requires a post of their own, but suffice to say I’ve added a router (via the configuration selector). Vue creates main.ts which basically starts everything and mounts #app, which is within the new file type App.vue. The .vue files, I suppose are a little analogous to React’s JSX files in that they contain code and HTML, although obviously somewhat differently to JSX.

I tend to think of React as code with HTML/tags embedded in it (or returned from it) whereas Vue is more like markup with code embedded within it (similar to JSP, ASP etc. in that respect).

So just quickly looking at the generated Home.vue file (as stated, we’ll cover these more in another post). We have the following

  <div class="home">
    <img alt="Vue logo" src="../assets/logo.png">
    <HelloWorld msg="Welcome to Your Vue.js App"/>

// @ is an alias to /src
import HelloWorld from '@/components/HelloWorld.vue';

export default {
  name: 'home',
  components: {

This is pretty easy to understand, like ASP.NET of old, we’re creating templates for our HTML which may also contain Vue code (as per our original minimal index.html). So the template can be thought of as our HTML component, then the script contains the code associated with that template (ofcourse you might simply have a template if no code is required). In this script we’re really just hosting the HelloWorld.vue component, passing props to it in the form of the msg=”Welcome to Your Vue.js App”.

Note: There are different ways to create components, we’ll look at in other posts, for now we’ll simply assume the above is the usual layout of our Vue components.

Vue with Visual Code

I tend to use Visual Code for most of my web development, for Vue it’s worth installing the Vetur plugin which gives Vue tooling for VS Code. This includes syntax highlighting, auto-complete, linting etc.

Note: The vue-cli also included a script to run linting across your code if you want to run that in a shell.