Getting started with Travis CI and GitHub

As I’m seemingly trying out each free tier CI/CD online service I can, let’s look into Travis CI.

  • Create an account, with you preferred authentication provider (from the one’s they have available)
  • Sign-in, if not done so already
  • We need to click on Activate All Repositories using GitHub Apps
  • Then click Approve & Install. You can select specific repos. if you wish before click on this button
  • You’ll be asked to sign in again this will take you to GitHub where you click Authorise travis-pro if you wish to continue
  • You’ll then be redirected to Travis CI

Let’s get started

In your project’s repository add the file .travis.yml an example is shown below

language: csharp

  - master

If you’ve read the previous posts, you won’t be surprised to see another .yml file with the Travis CI DSL. If we take a look at Building a C#, F#, or Visual Basic Project we can see that the language for the .travis.yml is csharp for .NET languages C#, F# and VB.NET.

Here’s my .travis.yml for an F# .NET core project

language: csharp
mono: none
dotnet: 3.1
solution: FSharp.Health.sln

  - dotnet build
  - dotnet test

Pretty straight forward, we use the script section for the steps to run the dotnet commands to build and test our code.

Ofcourse we’ll want to add a build badge to the, so from the build within Travis CI simply click on the build badge next to your project name, then select FORMAT Markdown. Here’s an example for my FSharp.Health project

[![Build Status](](