Getting started with Linq Expressions

The Expression class is used to represent expression trees and is seen in use within LINQ. If you’ve been creating your own LINQ provider you’ll also have come across Expressions. For example see my post Creating a custom Linq Provider on this subject.

Getting started with the Expression class

Expression objects can be used in various situations…

Let’s start by looking at using Expressions to represent lambda expressions.

Expression<Func<bool>> e = () => a < b;

In the above we declare an Expression which takes a Func which takes no arguments and returns a Boolean. On the right hand side of the assignment operator we can see an equivalent lambda expression, i.e. one which takes no arguments and returns a Boolean.

From this Expression we can then get at the function within the Expression by calling the Compile method thus

Func<bool> f = e.Compile();

We could also create the same lambda expression using the Expression’s methods. For example

ConstantExpression lParam = Expression.Constant(a, typeof(int));
ConstantExpression rParam = Expression.Constant(b, typeof(int));
BinaryExpression lessThan = Expression.LessThan(lParam, rParam);
Expression<Func<bool>> e = Expression.Lambda<Func<bool>>(lessThan);

This probably doesn’t seem very exciting in itself, but if we can create an Expression from a lambda then we can also deconstruct an lambda into an Expression tree. So in the previous lambda example we could look at the left and right side of the a < b expression and find the types and other such things, we could evaluate the parts or simply traverse the expression and create database for it, but that’s a subject beyond this post.

An alternate use

An interesting use of Expressions can be found in many MVVM base classes (or the likes). I therefore take absolutely no credit for the idea.

The scenario is this. We want to create a base class for handling the INotifyPropertyChanged interface, it will look like this

public class PropertyChangedObject : INotifyPropertyChanged
   public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

   public void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
      if (PropertyChanged != null)
         PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

Next let’s write a simple class to use this, such as

public class MyObject : PropertyChangedObject
   private string name;

   public string Name
      get { return name; }
         if (name != value)
            name = value;

As you can see, within the setter, we need to check whether the value stored in the Name property is different to the new value passed to it and if so, update the backing field and then raise a property changed event passing a string to represent the property name.

An obvious problem with this approach is that “magic strings” can sometimes be incorrect (i.e. spelling mistakes or the likes). So it would be nicer if we could somehow pass the property name in a more typesafe and compile time checking way. It would also be nice to wrap the whole if block in an extension method which we can reuse in all the setters on our object.

Note: before we go much further with this, in .NET 4.5 there’s a better way to implement this code. See my post on the CallerMemberNameAttribute attribute.

So one way we could pass the property name, which at least ensure the property exists at compile time, is to use an Expression object which will then include all the information we need (and more).

Here’s what we want the setter code to look like

public string Name
   get { return name; }
   set { this.RaiseIfPropertyChanged(p => p.Name, ref name, value); }

The second and third arguments are self-explanatory, but for the sake of completeness let’s review them – the second argument takes a reference to the backing field. this will be set to the value contained within the third field only if the two differ. At which point we expect an OnPropertyChanged call to be made and the PropertyChanged event to occur.

The first argument is the bit relevant to the topic of this post, i.e. the Expression class.

Let’s look at the extension method that implements this and then walk through it

public static void RaiseIfPropertyChanged<TModel, TValue>(this TModel po, 
         Expression<Func<TModel, TValue>> e,  
         ref TValue backingField, 
         TValue value) where 
            TModel : PropertyChangedObject
   if (!EqualityComparer<TValue>.Default.Equals(backingField, value))
      var m = e.Body as MemberExpression;
      if(m != null)
         backingField = value;

The method can be used on any type which inherits from PropertyChangedObject, this is obviously so we get the method call OnPropertyChanged.

We check the equality of the backingField and value and obviously, only if they’re different do we bother doing anything. Assuming the values are different we then get the Body of the expression as a MemberExpression, on this the Member.Name property will be a string representing the name of the property supplied in the calling property, i.e. in this example the property name “Name”.

So now when we use the RaiseIfPropertyChanged extension method we have a little more type safety, i.e. the property passed to the expression must be the same type as the backing field and value and ofcourse a mis-spelled/none existent property will fail to compile as well, so lessens the chances of “magic string” typos. Obviously if we passed another property of the same type into the Expression then this will compile and seemingly work but the OnPropertyChanged event would be passed an incorrect property string and this is where the CallerMemberNameAttribute would help us further.