Deploying my library to NuGet using Github actions

I have a little library that I wanted to package up and make available on It’s nothing special, seriously it’s really not special (source available here PutridParrot.Randomizer).

Note: at the time of writing the library is very much in an alpha state, so don’t worry about the code etc., instead what we’re interested in is the .github/workflows/dotnet-core.yml.

Setting up NuGet

  • If you don’t already have a NuGet account then go to NuGet Register and sign up.
  • Next, click on the top right hand account name drop down. Clicking on this will display a drop down, from here select API Keys.
  • Click the Create option, and give your library a key name and ensure Push is checked and Push new packages and package version is selected, finally in the Glob Pattern just enter an *
  • Finally click the Create button to generate an API key

The API key should be kept secret as it will allow anyone who has access to it to upload package to your account. If for any reason you need to regenerate it, then from the Manage option on the API keys screen, click Regenerate.

Creating our deployment action

I’m using Github actions to build and then deploy my package. As you’ve seen, we need to use an API key to upload our package and obviously we do not want this visible in the build/deployment script, so the first thing we need to do is create a Github secret.

  • Go to the Settings for your project on Github
  • Select the Secrets tab on the left of the screen
  • Click New Secret
  • Give your secret a name, i.e. NUGET_API_KEY
  • In the value, of the secret, place the API key you got from NuGet

This secret is then accessible from your Github action scripts.

Note: You might be thinking, “didn’t this post say the key was to be kept secret”, I’m assuming as Microsoft owns Github and NuGet that we’re fairly safe letting them have access to the key.

Now we need to add a step to package and then a step to deploy to nuget to our Github workflow/actions.

We’re not going to be doing anything clever with our package, so not creating a nuspec for the project or signing it (at this time). So we’ll just use the dotnet CLI pack option. Here’s the addition to these dotnet-core.yml workflow for step

- name: Create Package
  run: dotnet pack --configuration Release
- name: Publish to Nuget
  run: dotnet nuget push /home/runner/work/PutridParrot.Randomizer/PutridParrot.Randomizer/PutridParrot.Randomizer/bin/Release/*.nupkg --skip-duplicate --api-key ${{secrets.NUGET_API_KEY}} --source

In the above, we have a step “Create Package” to create our package using the dotnet CLI’s pack command using release configuration. If (as I am) you’re using an ubuntu image to run your workflow this will be stored a a folder similar to this one listed below


Where you replace PutridParrot.Randomizer with you project name. Or better still, check the build logs to see where the output should show where the .nupkg was written to.

As you can see from the “Publish to Nuget” step, you’ll also need to reuse the path there where we again use the dotnet cli to push our nupk file to NuGet using the secret we defined earlier as the API key. In this usage we’re also not pushing if the package is a duplicate.

That’s it.

_Note: One side note – if you go onto to check your packages, they may by in “Unlisted” state initially. This should change automatically after a few minutes to Published._