CSS calc, you little beauty

When you have something like a React/material-ui appbar and maybe toolbars these would usually by set to a pixel height which is great, until we want to then expand a component beneath them and have it fill the available space ?

CSS calc() is here to save the day.

Here’s an example style in material-ui style code. In this code our appbar and toolbar’s combined height is 123px and we want the next component to fill the “container”. The following therefore calculates the available space by subtracting 123px from whatever 100% is.

const styles = (_theme: Theme) => ({
  container: {
    width: '100%',
    height: 'calc(100% - 123px)'

Obviously we need to wrap our parent component in the withStyles function, i.e.

export withStyles(styles)(MyComponent);

then in the render method

const { classes } = this.props as any;
// ...
<div className={classes.container}>
// component to fill this space