Category Archives: C#

Running and deploying to Azure Kubernetes

We’re going to be deploying our web services to k8s using Docker, so first off we need to create a registry (if you don’t already have one) on Azure.

  • Go to the Azure Dashboard and select Create a resource
  • Locate and click on Container Registry
  • Click on Create
  • Supply the Resource Group you want to use, I’m using the one I created for my previous post Creating and using the Azure Service Bus
  • Create a registry name, mines apptestregistry
  • Select your location and SKU, I’ve gone Basic on the SKU

Now click Review + create. Review your options and if all looks correct then click Create. Now wait for the Deployment to complete and go to the resource’s dashboard where you’ll see (at least on the current Dashboard) options to Push a Container image, Deployment a container image etc.

Adding a Kubernetes service

We now need to return to the main dashboard to select Containers | Kubernetes services or just type Kubernetes services into the Dashboard search bar.

  • In Kubernetes services click Create
  • Click Create a Kubernetes cluster
  • Supply a Resource Group
  • For Cluster preset configuration choose Dev/Test for now
  • Enter a Kubernetes cluster name, mine’s testappcluster
  • Fill in the rest of the options to suite your location etc.

Now click Review + create.

Stop, don’t press create yet. Before we click create, go to the Integrations tab and set the Container Registry to the one we created – if you don’t do this then you’ll get 401’s when trying to deploy from your registry into K8s.

Note: There is a way to create this integration between k8s and your registry later, but it is so much simpler letting the Dashboard do the work for us.

Now, review your options and if happy all looks correct, click Create.

Note: I kept getting an error around quota’s on the setup above, I found if you reduce the autoscaling slider/values (as mine showed it would be maxed out) then this should pass the review phase.

Once the deployment in complete (and it may take a little while) we’ll need something to push to it…

Creating a simple set of microservices

  • Using Visual Studio, create a new ASP.NET Core Web API, make sure to have Docker support checked
  • Delete the Weatherforecast controller and domain object
  • Right mouse click on Controllers and select Add | Controller
  • Select an empty controller

Note: We’re going to use the Azure CLI tools, so if you’ve not got the latest, go to and install from here

Now let’s dockerize our WebApi…

Note: Replace apptestregistry with your registry name and I’m not going to include th az login etc. and my service within the registry is called myname, so replace with something meaningful. Also ver01: is the version I’m assigning to the image.

  • Copy your Docker file for your WebApi into the solution folder of your project
  • Run az acr build -t myname:ver01 -r apptestregistry .

That’s all there is to it, repeat for each WebApi you want to deploy.

To check all went well. We’re going to use the following az command to list the Azure registry (change the registry name to yours)

az acr repository list --name apptestregistry

Or you can go to the Azure container registry dashboard and select Repositories

Deploying to Kubernetes

At this point we’ve created our WebApi, dockerized it and deployed to the Azure registry of our choice, but to get it into k8s we need to create the k8s manifests.

We create a YML file, for example kubernetes-manifest-myname.yaml (change myname to the name of your service as well is with the YML below, don’t forget to change apptestregistry to your registry name also)

apiVersion: apps/v1 
kind: Deployment 
  name: myname
    app: myname
      app: myname 
  replicas: 1 
        app: myname
      - name: myname
            cpu: 100m 
            memory: 100Mi 
            cpu: 200m 
            memory: 200Mi 
        - containerPort: 80 
apiVersion: v1 
kind: Service 
  name: myname
  - port: 80 
    app: myname

We need to set up kubectl access from Terminal/PowerShell using

az aks get-credentials -n testappcluster -g test-app-cluster
kubectl apply -f .\kubernetes-your-manifest-file-yaml

We can check that the pods exist using

kubectl get pods

If you notice Status or ImagePullBackOff then it’s possible you’ve not set up the integration of k8s and your registry, to be sure type “kubectl describe pod” along with your pod name to get more informations.

and finally, let’s check the status of our services using

kubectl get services

In the Azure Kubernetes services dashboard you can select Services and ingresses to view the newly added service(s).

We can see Cluster IP address which is an internal IP address. So for example if our myname service has Cluster IP then other services deployed to the cluster can interact with the myname service by this IP.

External facing service

We’ve created an service which is hosted in a pod within k8s but we have no external interface to it. A simple way to create an external IP from our service is by declaring a service as a load balancer which routes calls to the various services we’ve deployed.

So let’s assume we created a new WebApi, with Docker support and we added the following controller which routes operations to a single endpoint in this case, but ofcourse it could route to any WebApi that we’ve deployed via it’s Cluster IP

public class MathController : Controller
    public async Task<string> Get(string op)
        var httpClient = new HttpClient();
        using var response = await httpClient.GetAsync($"{op}");
        return await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

Once we have an External IP associate with this load balance type of service, then we can access from the web i.e. http://{external-ip}/myservice/get?op=display

Creating and using the Azure Service Bus

The Azure Service Bus is not much different to every other service bus out there, i.e. we send messages to it and other applications or services receive those messages by pulling the messages off the bus or monitoring it.

Let’s set up an Azure Service bus.

We’ll use the Azure Dashboard (the instructions below are correct as per the Dashboard at the time of writing).

  • Type Service Bus into the search bar of the dashboard or locate the Service Bus from the dashboard buttons etc. if available
  • Click Create then either give the resource group a name (or select an existing). I’ll create new and mine’s going to be called test-app. Create a namespace, mine’s test-app-bus and set the location pricing tier etc. as you wish.
  • Click the Review + create button.
  • Review your settings then if you’re happy, click the Create button

If all went well, you’ll see the deployment in progress. When completed, we need to set up a queue…

  • Click the Go to resource button from the deployment page
  • Click the Queue button
  • The queue name needs to be unique within the namespace, I’ve chosen test-app-queue, although it’s more likely you’ll want to choose a name that really reflects what the purpose of the queue is, for example trades, appointments, orders are some real world names you might prefer to use
  • I’m going to leave all queue options as the default for this example
  • Click the Create button and in a few seconds the queue should be created.

In the dashboard for the Service Bus Namespace you’ll see the queues listed at the bottom of the page. This pages also shows requests count, message count etc.

We’ve not completed everything yet. We need to create a SAS policy for accessing the service bus…

  • From the Service Bus Namespace dashboard, select Entities | Queues select the queue to view the dashboard page Service Bus Queue
  • From here select Settings | Shard access policies
  • Click the Add button
  • We’re going to set the policy up for applications sending messages, so give the policy an appropriate name, such as SenderPolicy and ensure the Send checkbox is checked
  • Finally, click the Create button

If you now click on the policy it will show keys and connection strings. We’ll need the Primary Connection String for our test application.

Note: Obviously these keys need to be kept secure otherwise anyone could interact with your service bus queues.

Creating a test app to send messages

This is all well and good, but let’s now create a little C# test app to send messages to our queue.

  • From Visual Studio create a new project, we’ll just create a Console application for now
  • Add a NuGet reference to Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus

In Program.cs simply copy/paste the following

using Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus;

const string connectionString = "the-send-primary-connection-string";
const string queueName = "test-app-queue";

var serviceBusClient = new ServiceBusClient(connectionString);
var serviceBusSender = serviceBusClient.CreateSender(queueName);

    using var messageBatch = await serviceBusSender.CreateMessageBatchAsync();

    for (var i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
        if (!messageBatch.TryAddMessage(new ServiceBusMessage($"Message {i}")))
            throw new Exception($"The message {i} is too large to fit in the batch");

    await serviceBusSender.SendMessagesAsync(messageBatch);
    await serviceBusSender.DisposeAsync();
    await serviceBusClient.DisposeAsync();

Creating a test app to receive messages

Obviously we will want to receive messages from our service bus, so let’s create another C# console application and copy/paste the following into Program.cs

using Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus;

async Task MessageHandler(ProcessMessageEventArgs args)
    var body = args.Message.Body.ToString();
    Console.WriteLine($"Received: {body}");
    await args.CompleteMessageAsync(args.Message);

Task ErrorHandler(ProcessErrorEventArgs args)
    return Task.CompletedTask;

const string connectionString = "the-listen-primary-connection-string";
const string queueName = "test-app-queue";

var serviceBusClient = new ServiceBusClient(connectionString);
var serviceBusProcessor = serviceBusClient.CreateProcessor(queueName, new ServiceBusProcessorOptions());

    serviceBusProcessor.ProcessMessageAsync += MessageHandler;
    serviceBusProcessor.ProcessErrorAsync += ErrorHandler;

    await serviceBusProcessor.StartProcessingAsync();


    await serviceBusProcessor.StopProcessingAsync();
    await serviceBusProcessor.DisposeAsync();
    await serviceBusClient.DisposeAsync();

Before this will work we also need to go back to the Azure Dashboard, go to the Queues section and click on Shared access policies. Along side our SenderPolicy add a new policy, we’ll call it ListenPolicy and check the Listen checkbox. Copy the Primary Connection String to the code above.

This code will listen for messages but in some cases you may wish to just get a single message, in which case you could use this code

using Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus;

const string connectionString = "the-listen-primary-connection-string";
const string queueName = "test-app-queue";

await using var client = new ServiceBusClient(connectionString);

var receiver = client.CreateReceiver(queueName);
var message = await receiver.ReceiveMessageAsync();
var body = message.Body.ToString();


await receiver.CompleteMessageAsync(message);

First Chance Exceptions can be more important than you might think

Note: This post was written a while back but sat in draft. I’ve published this now, but I’m not sure it’s relevant to the latest versions etc. so please bear this in mind.

You’ll often see First Chance exceptions in the output window of Visual Studio without them actually causing any problems with your application, so what are they ?

A first chance exception is usually associated with debugging an application using Visual Studio, but they can occur at runtime in release builds as well.

A first chance exception occurs whenever an exception occurs. The exception is thrown at which point .NET searches for a handler (a catch) up the call stack. If a catch is found then .NET passes control to the catch handler code. So in this instance, let’s say we see a first chance exception which is caught in some library code. Then, whilst debugging, we’ll see the message that a first chance exception occurred, but it won’t cause an exception to halt an application because it’s caught. On the other hand if no catch is found the exception becomes a second chance exception within the debugging environment and this causes the debugger to break (if it’s configured to break on exceptions).

We can watch for first chance exceptions by adding an event handler to the AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FirstChanceException, for example

AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FirstChanceException += CurrentDomain_FirstChanceException;

private void CurrentDomain_FirstChanceException(
    object sender, FirstChanceExceptionEventArgs e)
   // maybe we'll log e.Exception

So first chance exceptions don’t tend to mean there’s problems within your code however using async/await, especially with void async methods you may find first chance exceptions are the a precursor for an unhandled exception from one of these methods.

If you check out Jon Skeet’s answer on stackoverflow to Async/await exception and Visual Studio 2013 debug output behavior he succinctly describes the problems that can occur with exception handling in async/await code.

To use this great quote “When an exception occurs in an async method, it doesn’t just propagate up the stack like it does in synchronous code. Heck, the logical stack is likely not to be there any more.”. With the async/await on a Task, the task itself contains any exceptions, but when there is no task, when we’re async/await on a void method, then there’s no means to propagate any exceptions. Instead these exceptions are more likely to first appear as First Chance exceptions and then unhandled exceptions.

See also

C# 8.0 nullable and non-nullable reference types

Note: This post was written a while back but sat in draft. I’ve published this now, but I’m not sure it’s relevant to the latest versions etc. so please bear this in mind.

One of the key C# 8.0 features is nullable/non-nullable reference types, but before we get started you’ll need to enable the language features by editing the csproj and adding the following to each PropertyGroup


You can also enable/disable on a per file basis using

#nullable enable

and to disable

#nullable disable

What’s it all about?

So we’ve always been able to assign a null to a reference type (which is also the default value when not initialized), but ofcourse this means if we try to call a method on a null reference we’ll get the good old NullReferenceException. So for example the following (without #nullable enable) will compile quite happily without warnings (although you will see warnings in the Debug output)

string s = null;
var l = s.Length;

Now if we add #nullable enable we’ll get the warnings about that we’re attempting to assign a null to a non-nullable. Just like using the ? as a nullable for primitives, for example int? we now mark our reference types with the ?, hence the code now looks like this

string? s = null;
var l = s.Length;

In other words we’re saying we expect that the string might be a null. The use of the non-nullable on reference types will hopefully highlight possible issues that may result in NullReferenceExceptions, but as they’re currently warnings you’ll probably want to enable Warnings as Errors.

This is an opt-in feature for obvious reasons i.e. it can have a major impact upon existing projects.

Obviously you still need to handle possible null values. Partly because you might be working with libraries which do not have this nullable reference type option enabled, but also because we can “trick” the compiler – so we know the previously listed code will result in a Dereference of a possibly null reference warning, but what if we change things to the following

public static string GetValue(string s)
   return s;

// original code changed to
string s = GetValue(null);
var l = s.Length;

This still gives us a warning Cannot convert null literal to non-nullable reference type so that’s good but we can change GetValue to this

public static string GetValue([AllowNull] string s)
   return s;

and now, no warnings exist – the point being that even with nullable reference types enabled and not marking a reference type as nullable, we can still get null reference exceptions.


As you’ve seen, there’s also (available in .NET core 3.0) some attributes that we can apply to our code to the compiler a little more information about our null expectations. You’ll need to use the following

using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;

See Update libraries to use nullable reference types and communicate nullable rules to callers for a full list of attributes etc.

Alignment using string interpolation in C#

C#’s string interpolation supports alignment and format options


Using the following syntax, {expression, alignment}, we can use negative alignment numbers for left-aligned expressions and positive numbers for right-aligned alignment. For example

var number = 123;

This would produce the following

|123       |
|       123|

See also Alignment component.

Format String

We can use the following {expression, alignment:format} or {expression:format} syntax to add formatting, i.e.

var number = 123;
Console.WriteLine($"|{number, -10:F3}|");
Console.WriteLine($"|{number, 10:F3}|");

would produce the following

|123.000   |
|   123.000|


var number = 123;

would produce


See also Format string component.

The with expression in C# 9.0 and later

I’ve not had cause to use this so far. Which seems strange (in a way) as I used similar language features with the spread operator and changing values in TypeScript a lot.

The with expression basically copies a record, struct or anonymous type and allows us to change some values, hence creating a new instance but overriding certain properties or fields.

Note: In C# 9.0 the with expression only worked with record types, in C# 10 it can be used, additionally, with struct and anonymous types.

Let’s look at a simple example. We have my old favourite demo type, a Person record which looks like this

public record Person(string Name, int Age);

Now we’ll create a Person like this

Person scooby = new("Scooby Doo", 7);


This would ofcouse output something like Person { Name = Scooby Doo, Age = 7 }.

Note: Obviously this is a rather simplistic record but it should give you the idea how things work. For more complex cases imagine there’s a first name, last name, lines of an address, national insurance/social security number etc. just to make it a little more work to create copies of a Person record instance.

Now let’s say we wanted to create a new record which has all the same properties/fields bar some properties/fields that will be changed. Ofcourse we could just create a new Person in the same way as above and change the properties. However, the with expression allows us to copy and change in a more elegant way (well more elegant if we had lots more properties/fields on the record than this example).

We can write

Person scooby = new("Scooby Doo", 7);
Person scrappy = scooby with { Name = "Scrappy Doo" };


The scooby instance remains unchanged as we’ve essentially created a new instance of the Person record, copying the Age and explicitly changing the Name.

Now, what if we wanted to simply create a new instance of a Person with the same properties and fields as the scooby instance? We can just use the { } syntax like this

Person scoobyCopy = scooby with { };

Assert.IsFalse(Object.ReferenceEquals(scooby, scoobyCopy));

As the Assert states, scooby and scoobyCopy instances are not the same instance, they are copies.

Note: If using a struct (or if you’re explicitly supplying properties for a record) as the left-hand of the with expression and change values within the curly braces, you will need properties to have setters.

.NET HttpClient – the correct way to use it

For ages I’ve been using the HttpClient in .NET without any issues, but usually I have a single endpoint and a singleton (or equivalent) of a class that uses the HttpClient. A while back I needed to call multiple different endpoints using the HttpClient and so I happily wrapped an instantiation of an HttpClient in a using statement, I mean after all it has an IDisposable interface so that makes sense right?

Well NO this is not the case. So don’t do this!

// Don't do this
using(var httpClient = new HttpClient())
   // do something with httpClient

This post stems from a work colleague pointing me to the post YOU’RE USING HTTPCLIENT WRONG AND IT IS DESTABILIZING YOUR SOFTWARE.

What does the documentation say?

If you take a look at the HttpClient Class documentation states

HttpClient is intended to be instantiated once and re-used throughout the life of an application. Instantiating an HttpClient class for every request will exhaust the number of sockets available under heavy loads. This will result in SocketException errors.

If we take a look at some C# templates in Visual Studio, for example the ASP.NET core Blazor application template, it will give you a scoped instance of the HttpClient, for example

builder.Services.AddScoped(sp => 
  new HttpClient 
       BaseAddress = new Uri(builder.HostEnvironment.BaseAddress) 

So how are we supposed to use a single instance of HttpClient

Let’s now assume that we create an HttpClient per application. Then how do we call multiple service endpoints without having changes affect different endpoint calls and is it threadsafe?

Is the HttpClient thread-safe? Well the answer is both yes and no.

Changing properties on the HttpClient are not threadsafe or at least cannot/should not be modified whilst there are outstanding requests. However methods such as GetAsync, PostAsync, SendAsync etc. are threadsafe which then leads us to how to se set-up different calls, i.e. maybe different headers etc. on all our calls. The answer here is to use SendAsync and create an HttpRequestMessage. This allows us to specify many of the properties we’ll need per HTTP call.



Nullable reference types in C#

Nullable reference types are now enabled by default on projects created with Visual Studio 2022, so let’s have a quick look at them…

Enabling nullable reference type checking

By default nullable reference types were disabled prior to Visual Studio 2022, so would need enable them at a project or file level. Enabling in the project means adding the following to the .csproj file


If you prefer to enable at a file level then simply add the following to the top of each file

#nullable enable

Now what?

So once you’ve enabled nullable reference type checking, especially if on a legacy code base, be prepared for warnings such as

  • warning CS8625: Cannot convert null literal to non-nullable reference type.
  • warning CS8604: Possible null reference argument for parameter ‘s’ in ‘void Program.SetName(string s)’.
  • warning CS8602: Dereference of a possibly null reference.

I’m sure there are plenty of other warnings, but you get the idea.

Basically what we’re ask the compiler to do is tell us when we might have the potential to be passing a null into a function etc. and highlight the potential issue with a warning. In other words we now need to mark reference types as nullable so the compiler knows we’re expecting a null and in situations where we’re not using a nullable reference type we’ll be warned.

Let’s see some example code. First off, if you default arguments to null, for example

public void SetName(string name = null)
   // do something

This will result in the warning >warning CS8625: Cannot convert null literal to non-nullable reference type.. All we need to do is tell the compiler we’re expecting a null, by making the argument nullable, i.e. add the ? to the type just like nullable value types.

public void SetName(string? name = null)
   // do something

Any usage of the variable name will now expect a null check, so if we compile the following

public void SetName(string? name = null)

as you’d imagine, the compiler will issue a warning here, in this case warning CS8602: Dereference of a possibly null reference., so obviously we have the potential of a null reference exception here, so adding a conditional check like this will fix that

static void SetName(string? name = null)
   if (name != null)

In some situations you may in fact know a variable/argument is not null – in TypeScript it’s not unusual to find the transpiler getting a little confused in which case we use the null-forgiving operator simply an !, so whilst the SetName method, as it stands ofcourse can be null, what if we remove the optional argument and expect all callers of the SetName method – for example maybe it’s a private method and we know each caller must check for null first anyway, then we use the following

static void SetName(string? name)

We’re basically saying, by using name!. we know the value is not null. This example is a little contrived because we could just change the string? to string and not require the !, but you get the idea.

Struct, Class and now Record types in C#

I thought it’d be interesting to compare the three C# types, struct, class and record. I’m sure we all know that a struct is a value type and a class a reference type, but what’s a record.

The record “keyword defines a reference type that has built-in functionality for encapsulating data” (see Records (C# reference)).

Before we get into record. let’s review what struct and classes give us using the example of a Person type which has a FirstName property.


struct Person
  public string FirstName { get; set; }
  • A struct extends System.ValueType and structs are “allocated either on the stack or inline in containing types and deallocated when the stack unwinds or when their containing type gets deallocated. Therefore, allocations and deallocations of value types are in general cheaper than allocations and deallocations of reference types.” See Choosing Between Class and Struct.
  • ToString() will output YouNameSpace.Person by default.
  • Structs cannot be derived from anything else (although they can implement interfaces).
  • Structs should be used instead of classes where instances are small and short-lived or are commonly embedded in other objects.
  • As structs are ValueTypes they are boxed or cast to a reference type or one of the interfaces then implement.
  • As a function of being a ValueType, structs are passed by value


class Person
  public string FirstName { get; set; }
  • A class extends System.Object and classes are reference types and allocated on the heap.
  • ToString() will output YouNameSpace.Person by default.
  • Obviously classes may extend other class but cannot extend a record and vice versa, records cannot extend classes.
  • Reference types are passed by reference.


Records can have properties supplied via the constructor and the compiler turns these into readonly properties. The syntax is similar to TypeScript in that we can declare the properties in a terse syntax, such as

record Person(string FirstName);

Whilst records are primarily aimed at being immutable we can still declare them with mutability, i.e.

class Person
  public string FirstName { get; set; }
  • Records can only inherit for other records, for example
    record Scooby() : PersonRecord("Scooby");
  • Records use value comparison (not reference comparison) via IEquatable
  • ToString formats output to show the property values
  • Records support the with keyword which allows us to create a copy of a record and mutate at the point of copying. Obviously as records are generally aimed at being immutable this use of with allows us to copy an existing record with some changes, for example
    var p = somePerson with { FirstName = "Scrappy" };

    This is not a great example with our record which has a single property, but if we assume Person also had a LastName property set to “Doo” then we’d essentially have created a new record with the same LastName but now with the new FirstName of “Scrappy”.

    We can also copy whole records by not supplying any values within the { } i.e.

    var p = somePerson with { };

More Pattern Matching in C#

A while back I wrote a post C# 8.0 enhancements with pattern matching which was very light on the subject. Let’s look a little more in depth at options for pattern matching.

is/as in pattern matching syntax

Often (if you’ve been writing C# for a while) you’ll used to writing code like this

var person = o as Person;
if (person != null)

i.e. we have an object o which we don’t know the type of, so we use as to convert this to a Person type or null if it’s not of that type.

This can be replaced with a slightly more concise syntax (and what’s known as the declaration pattern).

if (o is Person person)

Null checks

This is a pattern known as a constant pattern

if (o is null)
  Console.WriteLine("Is null");

Along with a logical pattern using not we can also write

if (o is not null)
  Console.WriteLine("Is not null");

We can also use this pattern with types, for example

if (o is not (string or null))
  Console.WriteLine("Is NOT string or null");

<strong>Pattern matching when values match a criteria</strong>

If we extend the above Pattern Matching to not just check the type is a Person but also that the Age property is greater than 4, so we can now replace

[code language="csharp"]
if (o is Person p && p.Age > 4)
  Console.WriteLine($"Older than 4 {p.FirstName}");

with the following

if (o is Person { Age: > 4 } p)
   Console.WriteLine($"Older than 4 {p.FirstName}");

In the above we’re using a property pattern.

Switch patterns matching

Exhaustive switches can be used to match types using switch statements, for example

var result = o switch
  string s => $"String {s}",
  Person p => $"Person {p.FirstName}",
  _ => throw new ArgumentException("Unhandled type")

Note the use of the _ (discard) ensuring this is an exhaustive switch.

Better still we can also use other features of pattern matching in the switch like this

var result = o switch
  string s => $"String {s}",
  Person { Age: > 4} p => $"Person {p.FirstName} > 4",
  Person p => $"Person {p.FirstName}",
  null => "In Null",
  _ => throw new ArgumentException("Unhandled type")

In the above we’re switching based upon type and also matching values.

We can also use relational patterns, in this example we’ll assume o is an int

var result = o switch
  1 or 2 => "One or Two",
  > 2 and < 4 => "Mid",
  >= 4 and < 6 => "High",
  6 => "Six",
  _ => "Other"

Before we leave the switch statement we can also match against types using the “standard” switch syntax, i.e.

switch (o)
  case string s:
  case Person p:


Pattern matching also allows us to match against tuples and use the discard to ignore parts we’re not interested in, for example

var result = o switch
  (1, _) => "First One",
  (_, 0) => "Second Zero",
  _ => "Other"

Creating new variables from patterns

We can also use the var pattern to assign values from the patterns

var result = o switch
  var (a, b) when a < b => new Tuple<string, int, int>("First less than second", a, b),
  var (a, b) when a > b => new Tuple<string, int, int>("Second greater than first", a, b),
  var (a, b) => new Tuple<string, int, int>("Equals", a, b)

In this example we’re deconstructing a tuple and assigning to some new value (in this case an extended Tuple, just because I couldn’t think of a better example – check the documentation link above for a better example).