Category Archives: C#

Eureka Discovery with Steeltoe outside of ASP.NET

Whilst the previous post showed how we use Steeltoe in an ASP.NET application, sometimes we might not want to (or be able) to use all the nice methods for automatic service discovery etc.

In this post we’re going to create a simple .NET core console application and interact with the discovery service at a slightly lower level.


  • Create yourself a .NET core console application
  • Add the NuGet package Steeltoe.Discovery.Eureka

We need to configure the discovery client. You can use your own configuration method but for this example we’ll hard code parameters into a EurekaClientConfig object.

var config = new EurekaClientConfig
   EurekaServerServiceUrls = "http://localhost:8761/eureka/",
   ShouldFetchRegistry = true,
   ShouldRegisterWithEureka = false

We’re just writing a client, hence we don’t want to register the application with Eureka, but we do want to fetch registry data.

Next we will create the discovery client, access the applications and get our weatherapi application…

var discoveryClient = new DiscoveryClient(config);
var applications = discoveryClient.Applications;
var service = applications?.GetRegisteredApplication("weatherapi");

Finally we want to find instances of the services associated with the application which are UP and get the URL associated with one of the instances.

var instance = service?.Instances.FirstOrDefault(info => info.Status == InstanceStatus.UP);
if(instance != null)                    
   var client = new HttpClient
      BaseAddress = new Uri(instance.HomePageUrl)
   var response = await client.GetAsync("weatherforecast");
   Console.WriteLine(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());

If an instance is found we just simply use HttpClient to invoke a GET method on the service and output the response to the console, just to prove everything worked.

This code doesn’t use any load balancing strategies, I’ll leave that to the reader to look into as in a real world scenario we wouldn’t want all clients to use the first instance only.

Creating an ASP.NET client using Eureka and Steeltoe

In the previous post Eureka Server (using Steeltoe) revisited I went through the process of running a Eureka instance and creating a default template based ASP.NET Web API which registers itself with the Eureka server as the application weatherapi.

Let’s now create a basic ASP.NET MVC project to interact with the Eureka server, get an instance of the API service and use it.

Note: This post is almost 100% based on the Channel 9 video Service Discovery with Steeltoe, so credit should go to Tim Hess for the sample code.

  • Create an ASP.NET Core application and then select Web Application (Model View Controller)
  • Add the following NuGet packages, Steeltoe.Discovery.ClientCore, Steeltoe.Discovery.Eureka and System.Net.Http.Json
  • Update the appsettings.json with the following
      "eureka": {
        "client": {
          "serviceUrl": "http://locahost:8761/eureka/",
          "shouldFetchRegistry": "true",
          "shouldRegisterWithEureka": false,
          "validateCertificates": false

    Notice we set shouldFetchRegistry to true as we want to get the latest registry information, and we set shouldRegisterWidthEureka to false as, in this case, we don’t want to register this client. Ofcourse change this is your client also exposes services.

  • Within Startup.cs, ConfigureServices add the following
       client => client.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://weatherapi/"))

    The interesting thing here is that we associate the name “weather” with an address which looks like a URL but really is the name of the service within Eureka that we want to access. Then, by using the AddServiceDiscovery this will be converted to an instance URL representing the instance of the service associated with the app name.

    Note: we can also use load balancing strategies, such as round robin or random.

  • Finally within the Startup.cs, method Configure, add the following
  • We’re going to simply copy the WeatherForecast class from the service and add to the client, here it is

    public class WeatherForecast
       public DateTime Date { get; set; }
       public int TemperatureC { get; set; }
       public int TemperatureF => 32 + (int)(TemperatureC / 0.5556);
       public string Summary { get; set; }
  • Within HomeController.cs we need to add a variable of type IHttpClientFactory which will be injected into the constructor and then uses to call defined HTTP client, this will then used service discovery to return the URL of an instance (as already discussed) and then we’re use that to call the weather API to get a list of values. Here’s the changes required to HomeController.cs
    private readonly IHttpClientFactory _httpClientFactory;
    public HomeController(IHttpClientFactory httpClientFactory, ILogger<HomeController> logger)
       _httpClientFactory = httpClientFactory;
       _logger = logger;
    public async Task<IActionResult> Index()
       var client = _httpClientFactory.CreateClient("weather");
       var weather = await client.GetFromJsonAsync<IList<WeatherForecast>>("weatherforecast");
       return View(weather);
  • Finally, let’s change the Index.cshtml to display the weather forecast data returned in the Index method. Firstly we declare the @model and then simply create a table to output the items from that model in columns and rows, so here’s the change to be added to the top of the file
    @model IList<EurekaWebClient.Controllers.WeatherForecast>

    and within the main div, just add the following

    <table class="table">
       <tr><th>Day of Week</th><th>Summary</th><th>Temp</th></tr>
       @foreach (var weather in Model)

That should be it. Ensure Eureka is running, your service is up and you should now see the weather service data in a nice little table.

Eureka Server (using Steeltoe) revisited

The Eureka server is used as a registry for maintaining lists of services and their endpoints. It’s used a lot in the microservice world by way of a microservice registering it’s existence somewhere (in this case in Eureka). When a client (whether it’s another service or anything else for that matter) want to access a service it asks the registry for an instance, in this case we connect to the Eureka server and find the services instance(s) that are available for a specific application name and are ofcourse UP.

Installing and running Eureka Server

In a previous post Spring boot Eureka server we wrote a Java application to run a Eureka server. In this post we’re going to use Docker to host the server and then use Steeltoe with .NET to interact with the instance.

To get an image of Eureka server, let’s use the Steeltoe docker image (Spring and others exist, the Steeltoe image is not intended for production, but is fine for what we want to do)

docker pull steeltoeoss/eureka-server

Now run up the docker image using

docker run --publish 8761:8761 steeltoeoss/eureka-server

If all goes well, connect to the Spring Eureka dashboard using


change localhost to the ip/host you’re running the Eureka server from, now you should now see the Spring Eureka web page.

Registering a .NET core client with Eureka

I’ve a post on this topic A .NET service registered with Eureka, but let’s go through the process again with the current version of Steeltoe (as the NuGet packages have changed somewhat).

  • Create an ASP.NET Core Web Application, as this will represent a REST service that we want to interact with. My project is called RegisterExample and is an API project.
  • Add the NuGet package Steeltoe.Discovery.ClientCore and Steeltoe.Discovery.Eureka
  • In Startup.cs within ConfigureServices add the following
  • Within the Configure method add the following
  • Finally add the following to the appsettings.json file
    // Eureka info
      "eureka": {
        "client": {
          "serviceUrl": "http://localhost:8761/eureka/",
          "shouldFetchRegistry": "false",
          "shouldRegisterWithEureka": true,
          "validateCertificates": false
        "instance": {
          "appName": "weatherapi",
          "port": "8080",
          "ipAddress": "localhost",
          "preferIpAddress": true

We’re going to leave the API with the default weatherapi, hence the appName in the appsettings.

Notice we set the value for “shouldFetchRegistry” to false as this service will not be acting as a client to any other services. Obviously change this is you also need to discovery other services. “shouldRegisterWithEureka” is set to true as we want this service to automatically register itself with Eureka.

Now navigate to the URL of your Eureka server again (or refresh) and you should see a new Application. In my case I have an application with the name weatherapi. This name comes from our appsettings.json configuration application/name.

Info and Health

If you click on the instance link within the Eureka server dashboard, you will navigate to


(or whatever ip/hostname and port your service is running on) you get a 404, so let’s fix that in our project.

Info, by default will display some basic information about the application, product version etc. However you can also add further custom information if you want, but example the git build SHA1 hash or just some general info.

  • Add NuGet package Steeltoe.Management.EndpointCore
  • In Startup.cs ConfigureServices, add the following
    services.AddSingleton<IInfoContributor, MyInfoContributor>();

    The first of these lines will add our implementation of an IInfoContributor to allow for custom info.

  • Still in Startup.cs, but now the method Configure, add the following to the UseEndpoints endpoint routes

  • Now we’ll create a simple implementation of and IInfoContributor which allows us to add our own info, so add the following class

    public class MyInfoContributor : IInfoContributor
       public void Contribute(IInfoBuilder builder)
          builder.WithInfo("MyInfo", new { SomeName = "Scooby Doo" });

Now when we run our service we hope to see our info data, however by default Steeltoe seems to set the info and health endpoint to /actuator/info and /actuator/health respectively. Eureka seems to expect /info. So go to the appsettings.json and add the following to the Instance section

"StatusPageUrlPath": "/actuator/info",
"HealthCheckUrlPath": "/actuator/health" 

Note: I’m not sure what I’m missing here and why the defaults don’t match up, but these configuration changes will tell the Eureka server (when we register our service with it) that it should use these paths for info and health.

Now, if you run the service again for /actuator/info you should see something like this

{"MyInfo":{"someName":"Scooby Doo"},

and health something like

{"remoteInstStatus":"UNKNOWN","fetchStatus":"Not fetching","heartbeat":

with and record types in C# 9.0

In the previous post we looked at the new C# record type. Whilst we can make record types mutable, they’re particularly well suited to immutability. When used as immutable types we need a way to make new immutable types based upon previous ones.

Let’s use our Person record type from the previous post but sprinkled with C# 9 goodness in the form of init

public record Person
   public string FirstName { get; init; }
   public string LastName { get; init; }

The init syntax gives us the ability to create instances of a Person, assigning values during the construction phase of the record type using standard initialiser syntax.

For example

var p = new Person 
   FirstName = "Scooby", 
   LastName = "Doo" 

However, this post is mean’t to be about the with keyword with allows us to take a record type and create a new instance baed upon and existing record with changes. i.e. we want to take the Person p and create a new record with the FirstName = “Scrappy”, like this

var scrappy = p with { FirstName = "Scrappy" };

the result of outputting this to the console would be

Person { FirstName = Scrappy, LastName = Doo }

C# 9.0 record type

As of yesterday I got the updated version of Visual Studio 2019 (16.8.1) which includes .NET 5 and C# 9.0 – I don’t intend to post about every feature of C# 9.0 – for those interested simply go and take a look at What’s new in C# 9.0.

One feature that’s quite interesting is C# Records.

Record types “are a reference type that provides synthesized methods to provide value semantics for equality”. So basically we can create multiple instances of a record and compare them for equality. Here’s an example of a record type

public record Person
   public Person(string firstName, string lastName)
      FirstName = firstName;
      LastName = lastName;

   public string LastName { get; }
   public string FirstName { get; }

It’s that easy, we simply declare our type as a record instead of a class.

Now, if we create a couple of instances of a Person that look like this

Person person1 = new("Scooby", "Doo");
Person person2 = new("Scooby", "Doo");

and we compare them using ==/Equals, they will result in the two instances being the same (unlike with classes with would compare equality by reference).

Another feature of records, over classes is. If you use ToString() on an instance of a class you’ll see something like


For a record type you’ll instead get

Person { LastName = Doo, FirstName = Scooby }

this is facilitated by the compiler adding a PrintMembers protected method which generates this output.


In the previous post Starting out with ANTLR we look at the basics of creating a grammar and generating code from it, now let’s take that very simple grammar and integrate it into a C# application.

Here’s the grammar again (from our grammar file queryLanguage.g4)

Note: We’re going to capitalize the grammar name as this will then by more in the style of C# class names.

grammar QueryLanguage;

    : expression

    : STRING
    | NUMBER
    | expression 'AND' expression
    | expression 'OR' expression

WS  : (' '|'\t'|'\r'|'\n')+ -> skip;

STRING : '"' .*? '"';
   : ('+' | '-')
    : SIGN? ( [0-9]* '.' )? [0-9]+;

The ANTLR4 JAR is not compatible with the ANTRL4 Nuget package, so instead for our Example application we’ll use an alternative, the Antlr4 CodeGenerator, so follow these steps to create an application

  • Create a .NET Core Console application
  • Editor the SDK project file and change netcoreapp3.1 to net472
  • Add the ANTLR4.Runtime and Antlr4.CodeGenerator Nuget packages
  • Add your QueryLanguage.g4 grammar to the project

If you select the .g4 file you can now view the properties for that file within Visual Studio 2019 and (if you wish to) change what’s generated by ANTLR. Let’s just ensure Generate Visitor is Yes.

For some reason a .NET framework 4.7.2 project does not include the properties and whilst we can edit the .csproj file to get things working, I’ve found the above steps the simplest to get ANTLR running in a .NET application at the time of writing.

I’ve found I do still need to edit the .csproj file to add the following

  <Antlr4 Update="QueryLanguage.g4">


Change Example.Generated to the preferred namespace for the generated files.

Now build the project and if all goes well there should be no errors and the ANTLR code should be generated in obj/Debug/net472 (or whatever configuration you’re using).

Let’s now make some changes to our grammar to make writing Visitor code simpler by adding labels to our expression code, the changes are listed below

    : STRING #String
    | NUMBER #Number
    | expression 'AND' expression #And
    | expression 'OR' expression  #Or

We use # to create a label and this will turn into a Visit function with the label, i.e. VisitAnd, VisitoOr etc.

All we’re going to do with this grammar is use the Visitor pattern/class to generate code where strings are all lowercase, AND becomes & and OR becomes |, ofcourse you could produce byte code or do all sorts of things with your input.

Create a new file name QueryLanguageVisitor.cs and it should look like this

using Example.Generated;

namespace Example
  public class QueryLanguageVisitor : QueryLanguageBaseVisitor<string>
    public override string VisitString(QueryLanguageParser.StringContext context)
      return context.GetText().ToLower();

    public override string VisitNumber(QueryLanguageParser.NumberContext context)
      return context.GetText();

    public override string VisitAnd(QueryLanguageParser.AndContext context)
      return Visit(context.expression(0)) + "&" + Visit(context.expression(1));

    public override string VisitOr(QueryLanguageParser.OrContext context)
      return Visit(context.expression(0)) + "|" + Visit(context.expression(1));

As you can see from the above code, we subclass QueryLanguageBaseVisitor (a generated file) and the generic parameter is set as a string as our result of running through the QueryLanguageVisitor will simply be another string.

In the case of the AND and OR which ofcourse are binary expressions, i.e. require two parameters either side of the AND or OR and these may themselves be expression, hence we call Visit those expressions.

At this point, we have nothing to actually run the QueryLanguageVisitor so in the Main method place the following code

// add these using clauses
// using Antlr4.Runtime;
// using Example.Generated;

// example expression
var expression = "\"HELLO\" AND 123";

var inputStream = new AntlrInputStream(expression);
var lexer = new QueryLanguageLexer(inputStream);
var tokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
var parser = new QueryLanguageParser(tokenStream);

var visitor = new QueryLanguageVisitor();
var query = parser.query();
var result = visitor.Visit(query);

In the code above, we create an ANTLR input stream (you can ofcource use an AntlrFileStream if you’re taking input from a file). Next we use our generated lexer which is passed into the CommonTokenStream and this in turn is passed into our generated QueryLanguageParser.

Finally we create our newly added QueryLanguageVisitor which will have functions based upon our grammar, in our case the startRule is query hence we call this method and pass the result into the Visit method of our QueryLanguageVisitor. The result (assuming no errors) will be

"hello" & 123

A more fully featured (i.e. includes error handling) implementation would be as follows (concepts and code snippets taken from various existing samples)

public class ParserResult
  public bool IsValid { get; internal set; }
  public int ErrorPosition { get; internal set; } = -1;
  public string ErrorMessage { get; internal set; }
  public string Result { get; internal set; }

public static class Query
  public static ParserResult Parse(string expression, bool secondRun = false)
    if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(expression))
      return new ParserResult
        IsValid = true,
        Result = null

    var inputStream = new AntlrInputStream(expression);
    var lexer = new QueryLanguageLexer(inputStream);
    var tokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
    var parser = new QueryLanguageParser(tokenStream);

    var customErrorListener = new QueryLanguageErrorListener();
    var visitor = new QueryLanguageVisitor();

    var queryExpression = parser.query();
    var result = visitor.Visit(queryExpression);
    var isValid = customErrorListener.IsValid;
    var errorLocation = customErrorListener.ErrorLocation;
    var errorMessage = customErrorListener.ErrorMessage;
    if (result != null)
      isValid = false;

    if (!isValid && !secondRun)
      var cleanedFormula = string.Empty;
      var tokenList = tokenStream.GetTokens().ToList();
      for (var i = 0; i < tokenList.Count - 1; i++)
        cleanedFormula += tokenList[i].Text;
      var originalErrorLocation = errorLocation;
      var retriedResult = Parse(cleanedFormula, true);
      if (!retriedResult.IsValid)
        retriedResult.ErrorPosition = originalErrorLocation;
        retriedResult.ErrorMessage = errorMessage;
      return retriedResult;
    return new ParserResult
      IsValid = isValid,
      Result = isValid || result != null 
        ? result
        : null,
      ErrorPosition = errorLocation,
      ErrorMessage = isValid ? null : errorMessage

public class QueryLanguageErrorListener : BaseErrorListener
  public bool IsValid { get; private set; } = true;
  public int ErrorLocation { get; private set; } = -1;
  public string ErrorMessage { get; private set; }

  public override void ReportAmbiguity(
    Parser recognizer, DFA dfa, 
    int startIndex, int stopIndex, 
    bool exact, BitSet ambigAlts, 
    ATNConfigSet configs)
    IsValid = false;

  public override void ReportAttemptingFullContext(
    Parser recognizer, DFA dfa, 
    int startIndex, int stopIndex, 
    BitSet conflictingAlts, SimulatorState conflictState)
    IsValid = false;

  public override void ReportContextSensitivity(
    Parser recognizer, DFA dfa, 
    int startIndex, int stopIndex, 
    int prediction, SimulatorState acceptState)
    IsValid = false;

  public override void SyntaxError(
    IRecognizer recognizer, IToken offendingSymbol, 
    int line, int charPositionInLine, 
   string msg, RecognitionException e)
   IsValid = false;
   ErrorLocation = ErrorLocation == -1 ? charPositionInLine : ErrorLocation;
   ErrorMessage = msg;

Now the code that uses our parser simply looks like this (and includes error handling)

var expression = "\"HELLO\" AND 123";
var result = Query.Parse(expression);

Tests are failing with DateTime expected format

I’m creating some builds on appveyor for some of my GitHub projects and hit a small snag. All of the DateTime’s in my tests have test data in the en-GB format, i.e. dd/MM/yyyy.

Note: Whilst I haven’t checked, I suspect appveyor is hosted on en-US machines.

A simple way to resolve this is, just add a NUnit SetUp that converts the current culture to the expected culture, i.e.

public void SetUp()
   var culture = new CultureInfo("en-GB");
   Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = culture;
   Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = culture;

.NET Channels

This post is based upon a Channel9 video with Stephen Toub, I recommend you go and watch it (see references) if you’re interested in threadsafe producer/consumer mechanisms.

This is the namespace you want to be looking at

using System.Threading.Channels;

There are two types of channel, bounded and unbounded.

Bounded channels have a fixed size. In this example the queue within the channel will only allow a maximum of 10 items, meaning if we try to write more than the 10 items, the write method would block until an item is removed/read from the queue

var c = Channel.CreateBounded<int>(10);

So from this, we can tell that unbounded means the queue within the channel in unlimited in size. We create an unbounded channel like this

var c = Channel.CreateUnbounded<int>();

When we want to add items to the channel we use code such as the following, obviously if the queue has reached a limit (bounded) then this will block


To read a value from the channel (if one exists) we use

await c.Reader.ReadAsync()


Working with Channels in .NET
An Introduction to System.Threading.Channels

Websockets with Fleck

I’m going to create a .NET core console application to demonstrate using Fleck.

So create yourself a project and add the Fleck nuget package or simply add the Fleck nuget package to an existing project.

Creating a websocket server

To begin with, we simply create a websocket server, supplying the “location”, i.e.

var websocketServer = new WebSocketServer("ws://");

Don’t forget the using Fleck; line at the start of your code

In this example we’re using (the non-routable meta-address) along with the port 8181 and ofcourse we prefix this with the ws protocol.

Interacting with clients

Next up we’ll want to start the server and intercept various events/messages. Fleck uses a callback function/delegate style, so we simply supply our functions for each of the connection methods that we wish to intercept, for example

websocketServer.Start(connection =>
  connection.OnOpen = () => 
  connection.OnClose = () => 
  connection.OnMessage = message => 
    Console.WriteLine($"OnMessage {message}");
  connection.OnBinary = bytes => 
    Console.WriteLine($"OnBinary {Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes)}");
  connection.OnError = exception => 
    Console.WriteLine($"OnError {exception.Message}");
  connection.OnPing = bytes => 
  connection.OnPong = bytes => 

Note: if we’re handling different state for different connections to the same url, it’s our responsibility to create our own form “session state”.

In this example, we’ve listed all the OnXXX actions that we can intercept.

Obviously OnOpen occurs when a new client connects to the server (on ws:// and OnClose occurs if the client closes the connection.

OnMessage is called when string messages are sent over the websocket, whereas OnBinary is, ofcourse, the binary equivalent (in the example above we’re assuming the bytes represent a string, obviously change this if you’re sending raw byte data).

OnError is called with an Exception for instances where exceptions occur (as you’ll have surmised).

OnPing is used when being pinged and like wise OnPong is used when receiving a pong – ping and pong are used as ways to, in essence, check if the client or server are still running. If supported, a server might send a ping to the connected clients then mark the clients as stopped (and hence dispose of any connections) if the server does not receive a pong within a specified timeout period. Obviously one of the biggest problems for any server that is maintaining some form of state is at what point they can assume the client is no longer around. Obviously if the client closes the connection the server can handle this, but what about if they just disconnect – this is where ping and pong come into play.

Obviously we also need to be able to send data to the client, hence we use the connection’s Send method. For example let’s change the OnMessage delegate to send an “Echo” of the message back to the client

connection.OnMessage = message =>
  Console.WriteLine($"OnMessage {message}");
  connection.Send($"Echo: {message}");

Writing a client to test our server

Let’s now create a simple console app to test our server code. This will use the System.Net.WebSockets ClientWebSocket class.

We will need to actually specify a network address for the client, so we’ll use the loopback

Below are the contents of our client console application’s Main method

var websocketClient = new ClientWebSocket();
var cancellationToken = new CancellationTokenSource();

var connection = websocketClient.ConnectAsync(
  new Uri("ws://"), 

connection.ContinueWith(async tsk =>
  // sends a string/text message causes OnMessage to be called
  await websocketClient.SendAsync(
    new ArraySegment<byte>(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hello World")),

  // receives a string/text from the server
  var buffer = new byte[128];
  await websocketClient.ReceiveAsync(
    new ArraySegment<byte>(buffer), cancellationToken.Token);

  // sends a string/text message causes OnBinary to be called
  await websocketClient.SendAsync(
    new ArraySegment<byte>(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hello World")),

  Console.WriteLine("Press <enter> to exit");

  // close the connection nicely

  // this will cause OnError on the server if not closed first

Hopefully it’s fairly self explanatory what’s going on – we create a websocket client and a cancellation token (as the methods all required one). We connect to the server and when a connection is established we send and receive data (strings and then binary). Eventually we close the connection.

What and ping and pong?

At this time I don’t have any examples to implement these.

In the case of the ClientWebSocket code, if you leave the client and server running you will periodically see OnPing being called.

I almost forgot…

We can also interact with the connection’s ConnectionInfo property which gives us access to headers, cookies and whether path was specified, i.e. the client url ws:// will result in ConnectionInfo.Path having the value /somepath.

Here’s an example of the server changes for OnOpen

connection.OnOpen = () =>

From what I can tell, each connection is assigned a GUID (found in ConnectionInfo.Id), so when handling multiple different clients with different state requirements we should be able to use this Id.


Writing WebSocket servers

So _ are called discards

I’ve used the _ (underscore) previously in code – particularly with F# tuples but also C#. It is used to denote a value that is intentionally unused, ignored, discarded.

It seems that the underscore used in such situations has a name (maybe it has the same name in other languages, I’ve not yet checked). It’s called a discard.

Note: With regard to its use in C#, it appeared with C# 7.0.

Let’s have a look at a very simple example

public bool IsNumber => Double.TryParse("123", out _);

This slightly contrived example (the best I could think of quickly) shows how this might be used. In this example we’re not interested in the out value so just use a discard to basically say “this is unused, ignore it”.

Note: The discard doesn’t need a var or type.

Obviously the discard comes in very useful with tuples. I guess, for C#, this became most useful when tuples became a first class language feature.

So for example we might have this code

public (string, string, int) GetPerson()
   return ("Scooby", "Doo", 13);

// in use we only want the age
var (_, _, age) = GetPerson();