Anatomy of an Azure Function

In a previous post we looked at creating Azure Functions, hopefully from this we’re able to quickly and easily get things up and running. We also looked (in another post) and various triggers and hooks which help run our functions.

For this post I want to look into functions a little deeper.

Template code

As we’ve seen, from the Azure Portal or from Visual Studio (with the relevant extensions) we can easily generate our function code. Different function types have slightly different code patterns.

This post will concentrate on C# code, but we can generated code in JavaScript, F# and more.

Azure Portal Generated Code

The Azure Portal generates code for us, which for a C# developer is actually generating C# scripting code. Hence, unlike via Visual Studio, to reference external assemblies which are not included by default. In this case we can use #r (requires) and the assembly name, for example

#r "System.Data"

It’s fairly obvious that an Azure function is literally that, a function/method. Not a class with multiple methods where you create an instance of the class and interact with it. Hence Azure functions are static and may be async, or not, as required.

Depending upon the type of function we’re creating we may return a response or void or another object type. Again, depending on the type of function, we may have a TimerInfo, or an HttpRequestMessage and there may be other arguments, whether they’re parameters for a query of connections to BlobStorage (via a Stream), Queue names or whatever.

With the Azure Portal functions we also have generated for us, the function.json file (and in some cases a file).


This file acts as a binding (using JSON as the extension suggests) which defines the inputs and outputs as well as some configuration details, such as whether it’s disabled or not.

Visual Studio Generated Code

Code from Visual Studio differs from the Portal code in that we’re creating assemblies here, we’re not uploading scripts to the Azure Portal. Hence we add references in the standard way to the project. We don’t have a function.json file, but instead have a host.json file as well as a local.settings.json file (which we’re look into later).

Our function name (i.e. the name we see in the Portal etc.) is defined using the FunctioNameAttribute on the method. The configuration that exists in the function.json file becomes attributes on the Run method (generated by Visual Studio). So for example, what type of trigger is often defined as an attribute on the first arguments, for example

public static void Run([TimerTrigger("0 */5 * * * *")]TimerInfo myTimer, TraceWriter log)
   log.Info($"C# Timer trigger function executed at: {DateTime.Now}");

and this attribute then will tend to have the configuration for the trigger, for example this TimerTriggerAttribute has the CRON format string, an HttpTriggerAttribute might have the AuthorizationLevel used, the HTTP methods uses, the Route etc. The BlobTriggerAttribute has connection information etc. Obviously, just like the Azure generated code, other parameters exist depending upon the type of trigger and/or params passed to the method. Also included is the TraceWriter for us to log information to.

For anything other than an HttpTrigger function, you’ll need to supply AzureWebJobStorage details etc. in the local.settings.json file, to do this, from Visual Studio Command Prompt and from your project’s folder (where it’s host.json and local.settings.json files reside) run

func azure functionapp fetch-app-settings (your-app-name)

Replacing your-app-name with the app you will need to have created in the Azure Portal. If you have multiple projects then you have to do this in each one’s project folder. This command will fill in connections strings, account details and encrypted keys etc.

Note: if the func exe is not in your path etc. you can run

npm i -g azure-functions-core-tools

to install the tools.

Running/Debugging locally

Obviously, for as much development as possible, it would be best if, whilst testing, we ran our functions locally. As mentioned, to integrate your Azure Portal app settings we can run

func azure functionapp fetch-app-settings (your-app-name)

and you may have noticed when we run via the debugger the func.exe is executed. So it also makes sense that we can run our binary representations of our functions locally outside of the debugger.

Within your project’s output folder, i.e. bin\Debug\net461 (for example) and obviously after you’ve actually built you project, you can run (via the command prompt or Visual Studio command prompt (where func.exe is in your path) you can run

func host start

This will fire up an Azure emulator, read host.json, generate the host for your functions and then run a service on localhost:7071 (in my case) to host your functions.