Adding imports to your Blazor app.

The default template’s supplied for Blazor Server and WebAssembly applications, gives you lots upfront. However, ofcourse you’re likely to want to import further functionality via the @using directive.

For example, let’s say we want to add the following to the Counter.razor IncrementCount method (from the default template generated files)


We can simply add the following to the top of the Counter.razor file

@using System.Diagnostics

Alternatively and especially useful for using code across multiple pages/components, you can put the above code into the _Imports.razor file. Think of this as a global set of using reference, but only for @code sections, for standard C# classes we ofcourse use the using directive as usual.

Note: I’ve found my current version of Visual Studio doesn’t seem to immediately recognise the updated _Imports.razor file, a build fixes that.