Waiting for a specified number of threads using the CountdownEvent Class

In a previous post I discussed the Barrier class. The CountdownEvent class is closely related to the Barrier in that it can be used to block until a set number of signals have been received.

One thing you’ll notice is that the signal on the Barrier is tied to a wait, in other words you
SignalAndWait on a thread, whereas the CountdownEvent has a Signal and a separate Wait method, hence threads could signal they’ve reach a point then continue anyway or call Wait after they call Signal equally a thread could signal multiple times.

The biggest difference with the Barrier class is that the CountdownEvent does not automatically reset once the specified number of signals have been received. So, once the CountdownEvent counter reaches zero any attempt to Signal it will result in an InvalidOperationException.

You can increment the participants (or in this case we say that we’re incrementing the count) at runtime, but only before the counter reaches zero.

Time for some sample code

class Program
   static CountdownEvent ev = new CountdownEvent(5);
   static Random random = new Random();

   static void Main()
      Task horse1 = Task.Run(() => 
            GetReadyToRace("Horse1", random.Next(1, 1000)));
      Task horse2 = Task.Run(() => 
            GetReadyToRace("Horse2", random.Next(1, 1000)));
      Task horse3 = Task.Run(() => 
            GetReadyToRace("Horse3", random.Next(1, 1000)));
      Task horse4 = Task.Run(() => 
            GetReadyToRace("Horse4", random.Next(1, 1000)));
      Task horse5 = Task.Run(() => 
            GetReadyToRace("Horse5", random.Next(1, 1000)));

      Task.WaitAll(horse1, horse2, horse3, horse4, horse5);

   static void GetReadyToRace(string horse, int speed)
      Console.WriteLine(horse + " arrives at the race course");

      // wait a random amount of time before the horse reaches the starting gate
      Console.WriteLine(horse + " arrive as the start gate");

In the above code, each thread signals when it “arrives at the race course”, then we have a delay for effect and then we wait for all threads to signal. The CountdownEvent counter is decremented for each signal and threads wait until the final thread signals the CountdownEvent at which time the threads are unblocked and able to complete.

As stated previously unlike the Barrier once all signals have been received there’s no reset of the CountDownEvent, it has simply finished it’s job.