Using gRPC with Protocol Buffers

In the last post, Using Protocol Buffers, we looked at creating .proto files and how we generate C# code from them along with how to stream the binary data created by the generated code.

Let’s now look at how we might like to use Protocol Buffers “over the wire”.

Whilst we can write our own sockets code and stream data via this, there’s a close relationship between gRPC and Protocol Buffers which allows us to generate RPC code using the. proto file.

Let’s begin by adding a service and a method to the .proto file, so add the following

service MusicService {
   rpc Query(NotesRequest) returns (NotesResponse) {

In the last post, I mentioned the NoteResponse was designed for use in the remoting code. Here it’s our return type.

To generate the gRPC code we need to make some additions to our previously defined Pre-Build event. Before we can do that, we need some more tools installed. So using nuget install the following package, Grpc.Tools, while you’re at it, if you’re working with the VS project previously defined, also add the package Grpc.

Now, append the following to the Pre-Build command (formatted to be a little more readable)

--grpc_out $(ProjectDir) 

In my case, rebuilding my VS solution will result in a new file MusicGrpc.cs which I’ll need to include in the project.

If you’ve created a Console application already, this can act as the server, so you’ll need to create another Console application to be our client. I won’t go through all the steps for adding the files etc. but let’s just jump straight into looking at the server code.

The Server

Add a new class, mine’s MusicServer we derive this from the gRPC generated MusicServiceBase, like this

using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Grpc.Core;
using PutridParrot.Music;

namespace Server
    public class MusicServer : MusicService.MusicServiceBase
        public override Task<NotesResponse> Query(
           NotesRequest request, 
           ServerCallContext context)
            if (request.Key == Note.C)
                return Task.FromResult(new NotesResponse
                    Name = request.Name,
                    Key = request.Key,
                    Notes =
                        Note.C, Note.E, Note.G
            return base.Query(request, context);

Obviously the functionality here is rather limited, but you get the idea, the Query method was generated for us by protoc, and we simply supply our implementation.

To run up the server, we change our Main method to look like this

var server = new Grpc.Core.Server
   Services = 
      MusicService.BindService(new MusicServer())
   Ports = 
      new ServerPort("", 



This is pretty self-explanatory, we supply the Server with the Services and the ports, then start the server.

The Client

The client code looks like this

var channel = new Channel(

var client = new MusicService.MusicServiceClient(channel);

var request = new NotesRequest
   Key = Note.C,
   Name = "Major"

var response = client.Query(request);

// output the results
foreach (var note in response.Notes)

As you can see, we create a Channel which is the equivalent of a socket connection, passing in the and port information.

Next we create an instance of the MusicServiceClient which was generated by protoc for us. Everything else is as you’d expect, we create our request object call our rpc method passing in the request and a response object is returned.

Code available here