One of the many cool things with Blazor is that we can actually use a Blazor component within a React application…
- Create React app using
yarn create react-app my-app-js
In this example, we’ll use JS instead of Typescript, but I’ll show how to use Typescript later
- Create a Blazor Web Assembly (or Server)
dotnet new blazorwasm-empty -o BlazorComponents
- Within the Blazor project, add a Blazor component, here’s a simple starter
<h3>Welcome to My Component</h3> <button @onclick="UpdateCounter">OK</button> <div>@_counter</div> @code { int _counter = 0; private void UpdateCounter() { _counter++; } }
- Add the Nuget package Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.CustomElements
- Within the Program.cs add
The my-component is the name that gets used within the React app.
- To test, simple add the component to you Blazor project’s Index.razor and then run the project
- When you’re happy, run
dotnet publish
- We now need to copy the _content folder from ${project}\bin\Release\net9.0\publish\wwwroot to the public folder of the React app
- In the index.html file within the public folder of the React application add the following before the </body> tag
<script src="_framework/blazor.webassembly.js"></script>
- Finally add our component (using the name we gave it earlier) to our React code, so for example my App.tsx looks like this
<div className="App"> <my-component></my-component> </div>
Now if we created our React application using Typescript, which is my usual way of doing this, using
yarn create react-app my-app-ts --template typescript
and if you follow all the instruction for the React side of things from above, you’ll find that there’s an error message displayed because <my-component> as it’s not an instrinsic JSX type, so the simplest way to handle this is to disable the error using ts-ignore, i.e.
<div className="App"> {/* @ts-ignore */} <my-component></my-component> </div>