During development of our React application, we’ll be using something like
yarn start
When we’re ready to deploy our application, we’ll use
yarn build
Which, in the case of React Typescript, will transpile to JavaScript and package files ready for deployment.
We can also serve the files within the build folder using the serve application.
Installing serve
To install serve, execute
yarn global add serve
This will add server to the global location. Normally (without the global command) packages etc. are installed local to the folder you’re working in. In the case of global packages, these will be installed in C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\npm\bin on Windows.
To check the location on your installation run
yarn global bin
Running serve on our build
Once serve is installed we can run it using
serve -s build
Note: Obviously if the global location is not in your path you’ll need to prefix the command with the previously found location