Are you serious Powershell !!!!?
Okay, now I’ve got that out of the way, I wrote a little Powershell command to delete the *.deleteme files as well as the folders they refer to that Nuget occasionally seems to leave behind when updating packages.
So I developed the script on the command line and all looked good so decided to turn it into a function to add to $profile.
The function kept failing with the error “Supply values for the following paraneters: Process[0]”.
This appears because my foreach looked like this
foreach { // some functionality }
and even though we think that the curly brace is the block (as it is in C#) it appears we need to place the first curly brace on the same line as the foreach, thus
foreach { // some functionality } Here's the script, when it was completed [code language="csharp"] function Delete-DeleteMeAndFolder { ls "*.deleteme" | foreach { rm -Recurse -Force $_.Name.Replace(".deleteme", "") del $_.Name } }