Styles in Xamarin Forms

Like WPF and UWP, Xamarin Forms supports the ability to “style” your application controls.

We can explicitly apply styles by creating a style with a key and explicitly assigning that style to a control. Alternatively we can implicitly apply styles be declaring the type (only) that the style applies to.

Let’s just do something very simple and make our ContentPage a rather bright Lime colour.

Explicit Style

After creating a mobile application within Visual Studio (which will default to using a ContentPage) simply add the following to the App.xaml, within the Application.Resources element.

   <Style x:Key="ContentStyle" TargetType="ContentPage" >
      <Setter Property="BackgroundColor" Value="Lime" />

In this example, we’ve declared the x:Key as ContentStyle. This is an explicit style in that, to use it, we need to set the Style property on the ContentPage that we want to apply this style to.

Open the MainPage.xaml (or any other ContentPage xaml files you have) and add the following as an attribute to the ContentPage

Style="{StaticResource ContentStyle}"

If you run the application you’ll be presented with a ContentPage with a bright Lime background colour.

If you’ve come from using WPF or UWP you’ll know you can also declare styles to the resource of your page’s so they’re scoped solely to that page. The App.xaml is globally scoped.

Implicit Style

Now, if all our ContentPage objects were to use this style, we might prefer to not have to assign the style each time. Instead we can change our App.xaml Style to look like this

<Style TargetType="ContentPage" ApplyToDerivedTypes="True">
   <Setter Property="BackgroundColor" Value="Lime" />

Notice, we’ve removed the x:Key and added the ApplyToDerivedTypes. Now remove the Style attribute from your, previously created, ContentPage and run the application again and you’ll see the Style is automatically applied to all ContentPage objects.

Note: You can use TargetType=”{x:Type ContentPage}”, this more verbose way of declaring the TargetType is not required.

Using the Xamarin Forms ListView

The ListView (as probably expected) allows us to display a list of data items, just like WPF/XAML we can alter the list item (or ViewCell) to display a custom view of our data, including images, buttons etc.

Bind to the ItemsSource property

For some unknown reason, I continually forget that the property used to bind our list of items to on a ListView is ItemsSource, not BindingContext, so just putting this note to myself Bind to the ItemsSource.

Okay back to the post…

Basic use of the ListView

In the case where we have a list of items, such as strings, then we can simply use

<ListView ItemsSource="{Binding Items}" />

assuming we have a view model which exposes an Items property which is a collection (i.e. ObservableCollection or the likes).

Displaying more complex items

As you’d probably expect, if you’re trying to display a non-primitive type, you can override the class ToString method to return a string representation of the data, for example if we’re trying to display for the type SlightlyLessBasicItemViewModel

public class SlightlyLessBasicItemViewModel
   public string Key { get; set; }
   public string Value { get; set; }

   public override string ToString()
      return $"{Key} : {Value}";

However, it’s also likely that we’ll want to formatting, images. buttons etc. into a list view item at which point we need to create our own item template.

If we assume we have a view model with an Items collection of SlightlyLessBasicItemViewModel we might like to display our row/cell with the key in bold and the value italic, for example we would use something like

<ListView ItemsSource="{Binding Items}">
            <StackLayout Orientation="Horizontal" VerticalOptions="Center">
               <Label Text="{Binding Key}" FontAttributes="Bold" />
               <Label Text="{Binding Value}" FontAttributes="Italic" />


The ListView supports grouping, i.e. displaying something slightly different to indicate that the items belong to a group. Let’s create the following

public class GroupViewModel : 
   public string GroupName { get; set; }

Now our main view model will return an Items collection of GroupViewModel types, each GroupViewModel will act as a separate header (and bind to the GroupName for the group heading) and the items will then be displayed beneath each grouping name in the ListView.

All we need to do to our XAML is add IsGroupingEnabled=”True” and then tell the List view to display the GroupName using GroupDisplayBinding=”{Binding GroupName}”. For completeness, here’s the full XAML for this

<ListView ItemsSource="{Binding Items}" 
      GroupDisplayBinding="{Binding GroupName}">
            <StackLayout Orientation="Horizontal" VerticalOptions="Center">
               <Label Text="{Binding Key}" FontAttributes="Bold" />
               <Label Text="{Binding Value}" FontAttributes="Italic" />

We can also add the GroupShortNameBinding binding to add to the jump list for jumping to specific parts of our list.

Ofcourse it’s also likely we’re want to override the cell that displays the group. To do this we override the GroupHeaderTemplate (we no longer need the GroupDisplayBinding if we’re taking over the displaying of it). So for example here’s out new group header template displayed in bright green

<ListView ItemsSource="{Binding Items}" 
            <StackLayout Orientation="Horizontal" VerticalOptions="Center">
               <Label Text="{Binding Key}" FontAttributes="Bold" />
               <Label Text="{Binding Value}" FontAttributes="Italic" />
            <StackLayout Orientation="Horizontal" VerticalOptions="Center">
               <Label Text="{Binding GroupName}" TextColor="Chartreuse"/>

Headers and Footers

Along with groupings we can define headers (displayed as you’d expect at the top of the list view) and footers (yes, these are displayed at the end of the list view). Again, like groupings, we can create/use the default look and feel or override it, so here’s an example with the default look and feel (as our ListView XAML’s getting rather large I’ll show an abridge version to just show the changes here, source for this post will be available on my GitHub repos).

Note: I’m not going to change the view model (the GroupingViewModel) used in this example but instead hard code the header and footer, ofcourse you can data bind to these from your view model just as we’ve done for groups etc.

<ListView ItemsSource="{Binding Items}" 

Now let’s override our templates to customise the display of our header and footer. Remove the text only from the Header and Footer attributes. We’ll need the attributes still to tell the ListView to display a header and footer. Then we added our HeaderTemplate and FooterTemplate, for example

<ListView ItemsSource="{Binding Items}" 
   Header="" Footer="">
<!-- other content -->
            <StackLayout Orientation="Horizontal" VerticalOptions="Center">
               <Label Text="{Binding GroupName}" TextColor="Chartreuse"/>
         <StackLayout Orientation="Horizontal">
            <Label Text="---" TextColor="Crimson" />
            <Label Text="Header" TextColor="DarkOrange"/>
            <Label Text="---" TextColor="Crimson" />
         <StackLayout Orientation="Horizontal">
            <Label Text="---" TextColor="Orange" />
            <Label Text="Footer" TextColor="Crimson"/>
            <Label Text="---" TextColor="Orange" />

Different (or uneven) row heights

In some situations we might want the ListView to display rows with different heights. By default all rows will have the same height, we simply need to set HasUnevenRows=”True” in the ListView and then, assuming our ItemTemplate expands to fit the data it’s given, we’ll get rows of differing sizes.

This example is slightly contrived to save creating another view model, so we’ll make the changes to the ItemTemplate to support larger labels and also to expand so when the label wraps the row expands. Here’s the changes to the ListView

<ListView ItemsSource="{Binding Items}" 
     IsGroupingEnabled="True" Header="" Footer="" 
            <StackLayout Orientation="Horizontal" 
               <Label Text="{Binding Key}" FontAttributes="Bold" FontSize="24"/>
               <Label Text="{Binding Value}" FontAttributes="Italic" FontSize="24"/>
<!-- other content -->

Pull to refresh

A paradigm used in mobile list views is the idea of pulling the list view to refresh it, for example maybe the list view displays a list of email messages, instead of automatically updating the list the user might see an indicator which says more messages are pending, then the user pulls the list to refresh/update the view.

To add such functionality we need to add the IsPullToRefreshEnabled=”True” to the ListView itself and then we’ll need our view model to supply a RefreshCommand and also a boolean property to tell the UI when the refresh has completed.

So let’s go back to a very basic list view and view model. Here’s my view model

public class PullToRefereshViewModel : ViewModel
   public PullToRefereshViewModel()
      RefreshCommand = new ActionCommand(() =>
         IsRefreshing = false;

   public ExtendedObservableCollection<string> Items
      => GetProperty<ExtendedObservableCollection<string>>();

   public ICommand RefreshCommand { get; }

   public bool IsRefreshing
      get => GetProperty<bool>();
      set => SetProperty(value);

Note: I’m using my Presentations.Core view model code which hopefully is fairly obvious.

Here’s the list view

<ListView ItemsSource="{Binding Items}" 
   RefreshCommand="{Binding RefreshCommand}"
   IsRefreshing="{Binding IsRefreshing}"/>

When the user pulls the ListView down, it (assuming IsPullToRefreshEnabled is true and the supplied RefreshCommand CanExecute is true) will set IsRefreshing to true and display a activity/busy indicator. It will then call the ICommand assigned to RefreshCommand. However after the command completes the IsRefreshing will need to be set to false to hide the activity/busy indicator. It sort of feels like this should happen automatically when the command finishes, but seems it’s down to the view model to reset this flag.

Note: It’s important that the IsRefreshing is set to false or you’ll be stuck the busy indicator being displayed. Therefore, it’s probably best to put the code to reset IsRefreshing into a finally block if there’s chances of exceptions in the refresh command code.

Context Menu/Actions

We can add a context menu/action to the cell of a listview, for example a Delete option when the cell is tapped the option to delete the selected cell should appear.

We’ll extend the “Pull to Refresh” example by adding an ItemTemplate and changing the view model a little. Here’s the ItemTemplate

            <MenuItem Text="Delete" 
               Command="{Binding DeleteCommand}" 
               IsDestructive="True" />
             <Label Text="{Binding Value}" VerticalOptions="Center" />

Note: the use of IsDestructive=”True” has significance on iOS devices, only a single action can have this set to true.

In this example we need to move away from using a collection of strings for the ItemSource and have a class with a DeleteCommand on it, hence in the example above the cell label binds to a Value property on this new class. Here’s one possible way of implementing the view model for this along with the replacement for the PullToRefreshViewModel

public class ItemViewModel : ViewModel
   private readonly ContextMenuViewModel _parent;
   public ItemViewModel(ContextMenuViewModel parent, string value)
      _parent = parent;
      Value = value;
      DeleteCommand = new ActionCommand<ItemViewModel>(s =>

   public ICommand DeleteCommand { get; }

   public string Value
      get => GetProperty<string>();
      set => SetProperty(value);

   public class ContextMenuViewModel : ViewModel
      public ContextMenuViewModel()
         RefreshCommand = new ActionCommand(() =>
            Items.Add(new ItemViewModel(this, DateTime.Now.ToString()));
            IsRefreshing = false;

      public ExtendedObservableCollection<ItemViewModel> Items
         => GetProperty<ExtendedObservableCollection<ItemViewModel>>();

      public ICommand RefreshCommand { get; }

      public bool IsRefreshing
         get => GetProperty<bool>();
         set => SetProperty(value);

Note: there are several ways we might want this sort of code to work, this is just one example.

Code for the samples

Code for the samples listed, can be found at GitHub

Upgrading Xcode and Visual Studio for Mac

This post is a note to myself – after upgrading Xcode to 9.4 I found that Visual Studio for the Mac seemed to fail to run on the iOS simulator, instead what happens when you run the VS is that it simply stops, no errors are shown, nothing.

What to do after upgrading Xcode

After upgrading/updating Xcode, always run Xcode to allow it to install any updates. Part of the upgrade might be that the Visual Studio for Mac has updated the simulator, in my case this is what had happened. Xcode 9.4 had the 11.4 version simulator whereas Visual Studio for Mac listed version 11.3.

Running Xcode installed pending updates but I also needed to go to the Xcode Preferences and in the accounts tab, ensure I was signed in (if the login has expired).

Now Visual Studio for Mac displayed the correct versions of the simulator and all worked again.

Monitoring your application using App Center

Microsoft’s App Center ( allows us to do several things, including build and distribution of our application(s), but what I’m interested in for this post, is the capabilities which allow us to monitor some usage information, tracing events and viewing exceptions.

Within App Center you need to create an application and tell App Center what OS and Platform is being used and it will respond by supplying you with information on how to “embed” App Center code into your application.

Once we’ve created an application in App Center we’ll be supplied with a key (currently you need a key per OS application).

Let’s now create a simply test application using Xamarin.Forms, although you can create a standard UWP application if you prefer.

Note: at this time WPF does not seem to be fully supported.

Creating our Xamarin.Forms application

  • In Visual Studio, select Mobile App (Xamarin.Forms) project, this will allow us to create a UWP, IOS and Android application (ensure all three platforms are selected).
  • Now add the two NuGet packages, Microsoft.AppCenter.Analytics and Microsoft.AppCenter.Crashes to each platform specific project.

Inside the shared project, edit the App.xaml.cs adding the following using clauses

using Microsoft.AppCenter;
using Microsoft.AppCenter.Analytics;

and within the OnStart, add the following code

   "android=ANDROID_KEY;" +
   "uwp=UWP_KEY;" +

For each platform you need to create a new application key within App Center. If you are only intending to create a single platform version of your application, for example a UWP application, you can use the following instead


If we now run our application, App Center will start to log each time the application is run along with information regarding the OS being used, but what if we want to start to track certain usage, for example to find out if a feature is actually being used.

Exceptions and crash reporting

Crash/Exception reporting is enabled by default but obviously if you’re running inside the Debugger in Visual Studio, this may intercept such exceptions before they get sent to the App Center, so if your using a mobile device, you’ll need to actually deploy the application to test any exception handling.

However in instances where we want to both handle an exception (probably most cases) and log/track the exception we use code like the following

   // do something
catch(Exception e) 

We can also supply a dictionary with additional information to TrackError, for example

   // do something
catch(Exception e) 
   Crashes.TrackError(e, new Dictionary<string, string>
      { "WithFile", filename }

Tracking events

To track events, simple add the following line (obviously replacing the text with whatever you want to see in App Center when an event occurs).

Analytics.TrackEvent("New Feature Used");

we can also supply more information to the event tracking, by supplying a dictionary to the TrackEvent method, for example

Analytics.TrackEvent("New Feature Used", new Dictionary<string, string>
   { "WithFile", filename }

Turning Analytics on/off

Obviously you might want to have a configuration option which allows a user to opt-in/out of analytics, simply use


Offline behaviour

Obviously all this is great if the application/device in connected to the internet but in situations where the application or device are offline, messages will be stored locally. The FAQ states that up to 300 logs can be stored offline and once a internet connection is restored the messages will be sent to the App Center.

Using Lottie in your UWP apps.

Lottie is a library for displaying After Effects animations.

Let’s create a UWP application to try this out.

  • Create a UWP application
  • Add the LottieUWP package via NuGet

The easiest way to get something up and running is, head over to LottieFiles, find an animation and download it (you’ll be downloading a JSON file).

Place the JSON file into the Assets folder of your UWP solution and set the Build Action to Content.

Now, in the MainPage.xaml place the following code with the Grid

   AutoPlay="True" VerticalAlignment="Center" 
   Width="100" Height="100"/>

The namespace is


It’s as easy as that.

Writing a custom JUnit test runner

We’re going to create a new JUnit test runner which will be a minimal runner, i.e. has the barest essentials to run some tests. It should be noted that JUnit includes an abstract class ParentRunner which actually gives us a better starting point, but I wanted to demonstrate a starting point for a test runner which might no adhere to the style used by JUnit.

Our test runner should extend the org.junit.runner.Runner and will contain two methods from the abstract Runner class and a public constructor is required which takes the single argument of type Class, here’s the code

import org.junit.runner.Description;
import org.junit.runner.Runner;
import org.junit.runner.notification.RunNotifier;

public class MinimalRunner extends Runner {

    public MinimalRunner(Class testClass) {

    public Description getDescription() {
        return null;

    public void run(RunNotifier runNotifier) {

we’ll also need to add the dependency


Before we move onto developing this into something more useful, to use our test runner on a Test class, we need to add the RunWith annotation to the class declaration, for example

import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

public class MyTest {

Okay, back to the test runner. The getDescription method should return a description which ultimately makes up the tree we’d see when running our unit tests, so we’ll be wanting to return a parent/child relationship of descriptions where the parent is the test class name and it’s children are those methods marked with the Test annotation (we’ll assume children but no deeper, i.e. no grandchildren etc.).

Spoiler alert, we will be needing the Description objects again later so let’s cache them in readiness.

public class MinimalRunner extends Runner {

    private Class testClass;
    private HashMap<Method, Description>  methodDescriptions;

    public MinimalRunner(Class testClass) {
        this.testClass = testClass;
        methodDescriptions = new HashMap<>();

    public Description getDescription() {
        Description description = 

        for(Method method : testClass.getMethods()) {
            Annotation annotation = 
            if(annotation != null) {
                Description methodDescription =

                methodDescriptions.put(method, methodDescription);

        return description;

    public void run(RunNotifier runNotifier) {

In the above code we create the parent (or suite) description first and then locate all methods with the @Test annotation and create test descriptions for them. These are added to the parent description and along with the Method, to our cached methodDescriptions.

Note: that we’ve not written code to handle @Before, @After or @Ignore annotations, just to keep things simple.

Obviously we’ll need to add the following imports also to the above code

import org.junit.Test;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.HashMap;
// also need these two for the next bit of code
import org.junit.AssumptionViolatedException;
import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure;

Next up we need to actually run the tests and as you’ve probably worked out, this is where the run method comes in. There’s nothing particularly special here, we’re just going to run on a single thread through each method. Had we been handling @Before and @After then these methods would be called prior to the code in the following code’s forEach loop (but we’re keep this simple).

public void run(RunNotifier runNotifier) {

   try {
      Object instance = testClass.newInstance();

      methodDescriptions.forEach((method, description) ->
         try {


         catch(AssumptionViolatedException e) {
            Failure failure = new Failure(description, e.getCause());
         catch(Throwable e) {
            Failure failure = new Failure(description, e.getCause());
         finally {
   catch(Exception e) {

In the code above we simply create an instance of the test class the loop through our previous cached methods invoking the @Test methods. The calls on the runNotifier object tell JUnit (and hence UI’s such as the IntelliJ test UI) which test has started running and whether it succeeded or failed. In the case of failure, the use of getCause() was added because otherwise (at least in my sample project) the exception showed information about the test runner code itself, which was superfluous to the actual test failure.

I’ve not added support for filtering or sortable capabilities within our code, to do this our MinimalRunner would also implement the Filterable interface for filtering and Sortable for sorting (within the org.junit.runner.manipulation package).

I’m not going to bother implementing this interface in this post as the IDE I use for Java (IntelliJ) handles this stuff for me anyway.

Code on GitHub

Code’s available on GitHub.

Using JMock

At some point we’re likely to require a mocking framework for our unit test code. Ofcourse there’s several java based frameworks. In this post I’m going to look into using JMock.

Setting up an example

Let’s start by looking at an interface, my old favourite a Calculator

public interface Calculator {
    double add(double a, double b);

Let’s now add some dependencies to the pom.xml


Using JMock

We need to start off by creating a Mockery object. This will be used to create the mocks as well as handle the three A’s, Arrange, Act and Assert. Let’s jump straight in an look at some code…

package com.putridparrot;

import org.jmock.Expectations;
import org.jmock.Mockery;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;

public class CalculatorTest {

    private Mockery mockery;

    public void setUp() {
        mockery = new Mockery();

    public void tearDown() {

    public void add() {

        final Calculator calc = mockery.mock(Calculator.class);

        mockery.checking(new Expectations()
                oneOf(calc).add(2.0, 4.0);

        double result = calc.add(2, 4);
        assertEquals(6.0, result, 0);

In the code above we’re creating the Mockery in the setup method and the assert in the teardown.

We then use the Mockery to create a mock of the interface Calculator which we would normally pass into some other class to use, but for simplicity I’ve simply demonstrated how we arrange the mock using mockery.checking along with the expectations. Then we act on the mock object by calling the add method which ofcourse will execute our arrange code.

Here’s an example of some code which demonstrates arranging values which will return a different value each time, so we’ll add the following to our Calculator interface

int random();

and now create the following test, which expects random to be called three times and arranges each return accordingly.

public void random() {
   final Calculator calc = mockery.mock(Calculator.class);

   mockery.checking(new Expectations()


   assertEquals(4, calc.random());
   assertEquals(10, calc.random());
   assertEquals(42, calc.random());

Ofcourse there’s plenty more to JMock, but this should get you started.

Vert.x futures

In previous examples of implementations of AbstractVerticle classes I’ve used start and stop methods which take no arguments, there’s actually asynchronous versions of these methods which support the Vert.x Future class.

For example

public class FutureVerticle extends AbstractVerticle {
   public void start(Future<Void> future) {

   public void stop(Future<Void> future) {

Let’s take a look at how our start method might change to use futures.

public void start(Future<Void> future) {

   // routing and/or initialization code

      .listen(port, l ->
         if(l.succeeded()) {
         else {

In this example we simply set the state of the future to success or failure and in the case of the failure supply a Throwable as the argument to the fail method.

Using the Future in our own code

Obviously the Future class may be used outside of the start and stop methods, so let’s take a look at creating and using a Future.

To create a future simply use

Future<Record> f = Future.future();

in this case we’re creating a Future which takes a Record. We can now supply our own AsyncResult handler to handle the future on completion, i.e.

Future<Record> f = Future.future();

f.setHandler(ar ->
   if(r.succeeded() {
      // do something with result

Many of the Vertx methods (like listen in the earlier code) supply overloads with an AsyncResult callback. We can pass a future as a callback using the method completer and supply a handler via the future. For example

Future<HttpServer> f = Future.future();
f.setHandler(l ->
   if(l.succeeded()) {
   else {;

   .listen(port, f.completer());

Shell scripting (Linux)

The shell script file

By default we name a script file with the .sh extension and the first line is usually (although not strictly required) to be one of the following




The use of sh tells Linux we want to run the script with the default shell script . Note that this might be dash, bash, bourne or any other shell available, hence when using sh the developer of the script needs to be aware that they cannot expect bash (for example) capabilities to exist and therefore if bash specific code exists within the script the #!/bin/bash line should be used.

Note: #! is known as the sha-bang

What shell am I running?

You can use $SHELL in your scripts or from the command line, for example

echo $SHELL

Making the script executable

chmod 777


Comments are denoted by #. Anything after the # until a new line, will be seen as a comment, i.e.

echo "Some text" # write to stdout "Some text"


We can create variables, which are case-sensitive, like this


echo $VARIABLE1 $variable2

Note: You should not have spaces between the = operator or the command may not found. So for example this will fail VARIABLE1 = “Hello”

Whilst we can use variables that are not strings, underneath they’re stored as strings and only converted to numerical values when used with numerical functions etc.

So for example


will fail with 0=0+1: command not found. To increment a variable (for example) we need to use the following syntax

let "i=i+1"

we can also use postfix operators, i.e. ++ or += such as

let "i++"
let "i+=1"

We can also create arrays using the following syntax

a=("a" "b" "c")

and an example of indexing into this array is as follows

echo "Array element at index 1 is ${array[1]}"
# outputs Array element at index 1 is b

We can also remove or unset a variables like this

unset i

Logic operations


As our scripts become more capable/complex it’s likely we’ll want to use some logic and branching code, i.e. IF, THEN, ELSE, ELIF code. Let’s look at an example of IF, THEN syntax

if [ $i = 6 ] 
   echo "i is correctly set to 6" 

Note: after the space after the [ and before ] without this the script will error with command not found.

The [ ] syntax is the way you’ll often see this type of operation, from my understanding this is actual an alternate syntax to test i=6, so for example

test i=6; echo "i is correctly set to 6"

Note: the example above shows the test on a single line, in this case the ; is used to denote the end of the line.

We can use = or -eq along with less than, greater than etc. however these standard operators are to be set to use a string comparisons, i.e. we do not use <, instead we use -lt for non-strings, like wise = will do a string comparisons whereas -eq will handle numerical comparisons.

We can also use ELSE for example

if [ ! -d "BAK" ]
   echo "BAK does not exist"
   echo "BAK exists"

and finally ELIF

if [ -d "BAK" ]
   echo "BAK exists"
elif [ -d "BACK" ]
   echo "BACK exists"

Checkout If Statements! which has a list of the operators in more depth.

[[ ]] vs [ ]

The [ ] is actually just an alias for test as mentioned above. BASH and some other shells also support [[ ]] syntax which is more powerful. See What is the difference between test, [ and [[ ? for more information.

Case (switch)

Extending the IF, THEN, ELSE, ELIF we also have a switch style comparison capability, for example

case $response in
   y|Y) echo "Executing script" ;;
   *) exit ;;

The syntax for y|Y) is pattern matching and ) terminates the pattern. This is followed by one or more statements to be executed followed by the ;; terminator. The *) means match against anything else (or default condition). We then terminate the case block with esac. So in this example we’ll output “Executing script” if the response variable is either y or Y.


We can run commands in loops such as for, while and until.

While and Until are very similar except that while keeps looping whilst a condition is true whereas until loops, until a condition is true. Here’s a couple of simple examples

while [ $i -lt 10 ]
   echo $i

until [ $i -lt 0 ]
   echo $i

for loops using a similar syntax again, except they use the in keyword, for example

array=("a" "b" "c")
for item in ${array[@]}
  echo $item

This example demonstrates looping through an array, but we can also loop through items returned by shell commands, for example

for item in $(ls -a)
   echo $item

In this example we’re looping through the results of the command ls -a. Although a better solution to this might be

for item in ${PWD}/*
   echo $item

The ls version returns multiple items for a file name with spaces, so not too useful if we want each file name including spaces.

Here’s a final example using using the back tick (`) which can be used to enclose commands, for example in this instance we execute the command seq 1 10

for item in `seq 1 10`;
   echo $item

Passing arguments to your shell script

Arguments are passed into your script via the command line as you’d normal do, i.e. in this example my shell script ( takes two arguments Hello and World

./ Hello World 

To reference the arguments in the script we simply use $1 and $2. i.e.

echo $1 # Should be Hello
echo $2 # Should be World

There also there’s also the $@ which denotes all arguments, i.e.

echo "$@" 

Will output all the arguments passed into the script or function.


We can create functions inside our shell scripts and/or include other script files which have functions etc. within.

You need to declare the function before usage and writing a function is pretty simple, i.e.

    echo "say_hello called"


To include arguments/parameters we use the same system as passing arguments via the command line, so for example

    echo "say_something says $1 $2"

say_something Hello World
# outputs say_something says Hello World

here we see the arguments are turned into the $1 and $2 variables, but of course local to our function.


We’ve already seen that echo is the equivalent of output to STDOUT in it’s default usage, although in can be used to output to STDERR, see Illustrated Redirection Tutorial.

We can use read to read input from the user/command line via STDIN.

In it’s most basic use we can write the following

read input 

Where input is a variable name.

We can also use it in slightly more powerful ways, such as

read -n1 -p "Are you sure you wish to continue (y/n)?" input

In this case we read a single character (-n1) with the prompt (-p) “Are you sure you wish to continue (y/n)?” into the variable named input.

The read function can also be used to read data from a file by using a file descriptor and the argument -u.


Loops for, while and until


Why do we need ZooKeeper

The first question I had to ask myself was, why do we need ZooKeeper? After all I could store/publish the host/port etc. to a Redis server, a database or just a plain centrally located web service (which for all I care could store the information to a simple file).

ZooKeeper has been designed specifically for handling configuration and name registry functionality in a distributed and clustered environment, hence comes with more advanced features to ensure consistency of data along with capabilities to handle cluster management of the servers.

ZooKeeper in Docker

I’m using ZooKeeper within docker.

To run a ZooKeeper instance within a Docker container, simply use

docker run --name zookeeper1 --restart always -d zookeeper

My first instance is named zookeeper1. This command will run a server instance of ZooKeeper.

We may also need to attach to the service with a client, we can run the following command

docker run -it --rm --link zookeeper1:zookeeper zookeeper -server zookeeper

Ensure the name of the Docker instance matches the name you assigned to the server.

Client commands

  • create We can create a path, /root/sub format, to our data, for example create /services “hello”. Note: it seems that to create child nodes we cannot just type create /services/hello-service “hello”, we need to first create the root node then the child node.
  • ls We can list nodes by typing ls / or using root and/child nodes, for example ls /services/hello-service. If nodes exist below the listed node the output will be [node-name], so for example ls /services will result in [hello-service]. When no child nodes exists we’ll get [].
  • get We can get any data stored at the end of a node, so for example get /services/hello-service will display the data stored in the node along with data such as the date/time the data was stored, it’s size etc.
  • rmr We can recursively remove nodes (i.e. remove a node and all it’s children) using rmr. For example rmr /services.
  • delete We can delete an end node using delete but this will not work on a node which has children (i.e. it works only on empty nodes).
  • connect We can connect the client to a running instance of a ZooKeeper server using connect, i.e. connect
  • quit Exists the client.

There are other client commands, but these are probably the main one’s from the client run help to see a full list of commands.

Some command have a [watch] options, which can be enabled by either supplying 1 or true as the last argument to the relevant commands.

Useful References

ZooKeeper Usage 1 – 5