Solution specific NuGet repository locations

Whether we’re making our code available to others or want to simply implement solution specific changes to our NuGet repository locations, we can create a NuGet.config file which is stored in the same location as our solution. Here’s a simple example of a NuGet.config which adds a local NuGet location

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
       <add key="Local" value="c:\Development\LocalNuGet" />


Configuring NuGet behavior

Tasks and CancellationTokens

We’re executing some code on a background thread using the Task API, for example let’s create a really simple piece of code where we loop on a task every second and call UpdateStatus to display the current iteration to some UI control, such as this

Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
   for (var i = 1; i <= 100; i++)

Now this is fine, but what about if we want to call this code multiple times, stopping any previous iterations or we simply want a way to cancel the thread mid-operation.

Cancellation is a co-operative process, i.e. we can call the Cancel method on a CancellationTokenSource but we still need code within our task’s loop (in this case) to check if cancel has been called and then exit the loop.

The cancellation token is actually taken from CancellationTokenSource which acts as a wrapper for a single token (see References for information about this separation of concerns). So in our class we’d have the following member field

private CancellationTokenSource _cancellationTokenSource;

If the code which uses this token is called prior to completion then we’d potentially want to call the Cancel method on it and then dispose of it.


As mentioned, the separation of the token source and token means that when we execute a task we pass, not the token source, but a token take from the source, i.e.

var cancellationToken = _cancellationTokenSource.Token;
Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
   // do something
}, cancellationToken);

The final piece of using the cancellation token is within our task, where we need to check if the cancellation token has been cancelled and if so, we can throw an exception using the following


Here’s a very simple example of using the cancellation token

public partial class MainWindow : Window
   private CancellationTokenSource _cancellationTokenSource;

   public MainWindow()

   private void Start_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

      _cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
      var cancellationToken = _cancellationTokenSource.Token;

      Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
         for (var i = 1; i <= 100; i++)


      }, cancellationToken)
      .ContinueWith(ca =>
      }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted);

   private void UpdateStatus(string status)
      Status.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => Status.Content = status);

   private void DisposeOfCancellationTokenSource(bool cancelFirst = false)
      if (_cancellationTokenSource != null)
         if (cancelFirst)
            UpdateStatus("Cancel called");
         _cancellationTokenSource = null;
         UpdateStatus("TokenSource Disposed");

   private void Stop_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            <RowDefinition />
            <RowDefinition />
            <RowDefinition />
        <Button Grid.Row="0" Content="Start" Margin="10" Click="Start_OnClick"/>
        <Button Grid.Row="1" Content="Stop" Margin="10" Click="Stop_OnClick"/>
        <Label Grid.Row="2" Name="Status" Content=""/>


Why CancellationToken is separate from CancellationTokenSource?
Task Cancellation
CancellationTokenSource.Dispose Method

Java’s Linq equivalent, Streams

I was working on a previous post on Java and GraphQL and wanted to use a Linq query. Java doesn’t have Linq but it does have something equivalent (in Java 8) called Stream. For the examples within this post we’ll create the following simple method for generating our test data

private static List<String> getData() {
   return Arrays.asList(
      "2", "2", "2", "4", "4", 
      "6", "7", "7", "9", "10");

Let’s look at some of the standard sort of functionality…


We can get a distinct stream from our data using

Stream<String> distinct = getData()


If we want to filter our data to select only strings longer than one character, for example, then we can use the following

Stream<String> where = getData()
   .filter(s -> s.length() > 1);


There are several methods which return a Boolean, for example if all items in the Stream are of a certain value, or any of the values no matches, for example

boolean allMatch = getData()
   .allMatch(s -> s.contains("4"));

boolean anyMatch = getData()
   .anyMatch(s -> s.contains("4"));

boolean noneMatch = getData()
   .noneMatch(s -> s.contains("4"));


In scenarios where we wish to change the data returned from a stream (i.e. like Select in Linq), for example we’ll simply loop through each item and return the length of each string as a Stream, we can use

Stream<Integer> select = getData()


If we want to take a stream and reduce it to a single value, for example taking our data and concatenating into a single String, we could use the following

String reduce = getData()
   .reduce("", (a, b) -> a + b);

The initial value “” in this case is a starting value for the reduced value, in this case we’re not wanting to prepend anything to our string. The result of the reduce is a String with the value 22244677910.

Creating an empty Stream

We can create an empty Stream (useful in those situations where we do not wish to return a null) using

Stream<String> empty = Stream.empty();


We can iterate over the Stream using the forEach method, for example

   .forEach(s -> System.out.println(s));

Parallel Streams

We can also parallelize (is that a word) our Stream using the parallelStream, for example

Stream<Integer> parallel = getData()

As you’d expect the order or processing of the map in this instance is indeterminate.

Obviously there’s more to Stream than I’ve listed here, but you get the idea.

Creating a TaskScheduler

In my previous post, ExecutorService based multi-threading in Java, I looked at the ExectorService which allows us to create our own fixed size threadpool which can, at times, be extremely useful.

As part of a port of some Java code (which used the ExectorService) to C# I had a need for a similar class in .NET and came across the LimitedConcurrencyLevelTaskScheduler which is part of the Samples for Parallel Programming with the .NET Framework. The code and example of this class can also be found here, TaskScheduler Class.

The Task factory’s StartNew method comes with an overload which takes a TaskScheduler class and this is where the LimitedConcurrencyLevelTaskScheduler is used. For example

var taskScheduler = new LimitedConcurrencyLevelTaskScheduler(3);
var tsk = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
   // do something

So, if we’re in a situation where we need to create a new TaskScheduler then we simply implement a TaskScheduler class, here’s the required overrides.

public class MyTaskScheduler : TaskScheduler
   protected override IEnumerable<Task> GetScheduledTasks()

   protected override void QueueTask(Task task)

   protected override bool TryExecuteTaskInline(
      Task task, bool taskWasPreviouslyQueued)

The QueueTask method is called when a Task is added to the scheduler. In the case of an implementation such as LimitedConcurrencyLevelTaskScheduler, this is where we add a task to a queue prior to executing the task.

TryExecuteTaskInline is called when trying to execute a task on the current thread, it’s passed a Boolean taskWasPreviouslyQueued which denotes whether the task has already been queued.

GetScheduledTasks is called to get an enumerable of the tasks currently scheduled within our TaskScheduler.

Optionally, we may wish to override the MaximumConcurrencyLevel property which stipulates the maximum concurrency level supported (i.e. number of threads), the default is MaxValue. Also where we might be maintaining a queue of tasks, we wold want to override the TryDequeue method for when the scheduler tries to remove a previously scheduled task.

Obviously implementing the TaskScheduler will also require the developer to handle any thread synchronization etc. within the implementation.

ExecutorService based multi-threading in Java

A threading feature within Java is the ExecutorService. This allows us to, in essence, create our own threadpools. This is useful because it allows us to create a limited number of threads that our code may run on, ensuring we do not end up with thread starvation or the number of threads getting out of hand.

By writing our code to use the ExecutorService we can also limit our methods to only use a single thread if we want.

Here’s a simple example of using the ExectorService

public static void main(String[] args) throws 
ExecutionException {

   System.out.println("Main Thread - " + Thread.currentThread().getId());

   //ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
   ExecutorService executorService = 

   Future<?> f1 = executorService.submit(() 
      -> outputInformation(1));
   Future<?> f2 = executorService.submit(() 
      -> outputInformation(2));
   Future<?> f3 = executorService.submit(() 
      -> outputInformation(3));

   // the equivalent of waiting on the threads


private static void outputInformation(int id) {
   try {
      // some arbitrary time wasting
      System.out.println(id + " - " + Thread.currentThread().getId());
   }catch (Exception e) {

In the code above, we are creating our own threadpool (using Executors.newFixedThreadPool) with the size based upon the number of available processors. Hence in this example (assuming you have more than 1 processor on your machine) the resulting output is indeterminant, i.e. we might see 2 followed by 1, followed by 3 and all on different threads.

By simply changing to use Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor() the output will be in the correct order as only a single thread is used for each call.

The ExecutorService is a useful abstraction for containing and controlling multiple threads.

Spring boot and GraphQL

A previous post Writing a GraphQL service using graphql-dotnet and ASP.NET core covered implementing an ASP.NET application with a GraphQL service.

As GraphQL is language/platform agnostic I wanted to see how to implement a similar little service using Java frameworks.

I’m using JetBrains’ IntelliJ (I think you need the ultimate edition for this) to create a project, so I’ll list a few steps regarding this process. In IntelliJ

  • Create a new Project
  • Select Spring Initializr
  • Leave the defaults as and just press the Next button
  • Supply a name for your project then press the Next button
  • At the next page you can select dependencies, just press the Next button
  • Finally give your project a name then press the Finish button

Now let’s update the pom.xml with the following

<!-- Add the following for GraphQL -->

<!-- Add this for the GraphQL interactive tool -->

As shown with the comments, the last dependency will allow us to include the GraphQL interactive web application graphiql, obviously remove this if you do not need it.

Now let’s write some code…

Schema and Queries

Unlike the previous C# example, we’re going to use the GraphQL schema definition language to declare our schema (in C# we used code to implement this).

In your package folder add with the following code

public class Person {
    private String name;

    public Person() {

    public Person(String name) { = name;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) { = name;

It’s basic but this is our starting point (and matches what we did in the C# example).

We now need to create a QueryResolver, so add a file named to the package with the following code

import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class Query implements GraphQLQueryResolver {
    List<Person> people = new ArrayList<>();

    public Query() {
        people.add(new Person("Scooby"));
        people.add(new Person("Shaggy"));
        people.add(new Person("Daphne"));
        people.add(new Person("Thelma"));
        people.add(new Person("Fred"));

    public List<Person> people() {
        return people;

That’s it for the Java code for now – Spring Boot’s dark magic will wire everything up for us, but before then we need to add a .graphqls file. Within the resources folder lets add a schema file named schema.graphqls (IntelliJ comes with a plugin for recognising this file type).

Note: the name of the file need not be schema, any name will suffice for this example.

Within the schema.graphqls file we have the following

type Query {
    people : [Person]

type Person {
    name: String!

That’s it!

Running the application will result in a Tomcat embedded server running on http://localhost:8080/graphiql (assuming you include graphiql in the Maven file). If we now execute the following query within graphiql

  people {

we should see the result

  "data": {
    "people": [
        "name": "Scooby"
        "name": "Shaggy"
        "name": "Daphne"
        "name": "Thelma"
        "name": "Fred"

Let’s now add an operation find to allow us to locate a Person by their name. In the Query class, add the following

public Person find(String input) {
      .filter(p -> p.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(input))

This code acts a little like a Linq query in C#, returning an Optional, we’ll basically return a null if no item was found hence unwrapping our return from the Optional.

We need to add this operation to the schema.graphql Query type, so it now looks like this

type Query {
    people: [Person]
    find(input: String!) : Person

Running the application we can now write the following in graphiql

   find(input : "Scooby") {


Next up, let’s write a mutation to add a person. We’re not going to add a Person to the list of people as this would require some refactoring of the query data, but it simply demonstrates the changes required to our project to implement mutations.

Let’s jump into the schema file and add mutation to the schema definition, so it looks like this

schema {
    query: Query
    mutation: Mutation

and now add the mutation type into the file, which should look like this

type Mutation {
    addPerson(input: String) : Person

Now we’ll create the code. Add a file (mine’s called for our mutation code, here’s a the very simple example

import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

public class Mutation implements GraphQLMutationResolver {
    public Person addPerson(String input) {
        return new Person(input);

That’s all there is to it, run the application and using grapiql, write the following in your query window

mutation addPerson($input : String) {
   addPerson(input : $input)

and in the Query variables window add the following

  "input" : "Scooby Doo"


Finally let’s write some subscription code. Change the schema.graphqls schema to look like this

schema {
    query: Query
    mutation: Mutation
    subscription : Subscription

and add the following type

type Subscription {
    personAdded : Person

The file will look like this

import org.reactivestreams.Publisher;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

public class Subscription implements GraphQLSubscriptionResolver {

    private PersonPublisher publisher;

    public Subscription(PersonPublisher publisher) {
        this.publisher = publisher;

    public Publisher<Person> personAdded() {
        return publisher.getPublisher();

This implements our Subscription resolver, but we’ll separate out the publisher code to look like this. Here’s my file

import io.reactivex.BackpressureStrategy;
import io.reactivex.Flowable;
import io.reactivex.Observable;
import io.reactivex.observables.ConnectableObservable;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

public class PersonPublisher {

    private final Flowable<Person> publisher;

    public PersonPublisher() {
        Observable<Person> o = Observable.interval(1, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
                .map(l -> new Person(l.toString()));
        ConnectableObservable<Person> co = o.share().publish();

        publisher = co.toFlowable(BackpressureStrategy.BUFFER);

    public Flowable<Person> getPublisher() {
        return publisher;

Note: I’ve based the code for the Subcription and PersonPublisher on the and the sample code.


Code is available on GitHub.


graphiql does not display subscription events at this time. So I’ve not tested this subscription code. Hence beware, it may or may not work. I’ll try to update when I get chance to test it fully.

Git aliases

In a previous post on git (Using GIT from the CLI), I listed a fair few commands which are very useful. For the most part they’re fairly simple commands/options, but occasionally they become less easy to remember.

For example to check for merge conflicts on a branch that you may wish to merge master to, you can type

git merge master --no-ff --no-commit

Luckily I have this blog post allowing me to copy and paste this command, an alternate might be to create an alias to this command.

Adding an alias

Creating the alias is simply a way to store a command name within git’s global config which runs another command. Whether we want to simply shorten a name, like using co and ci in place of checkout and commit or shorten a command such as the merge above with check-conflicts.

To create an alias we use the following

git config --global alias.check-conflicts 'merge master --no-ff --no-commit'

In this example we’re telling git to add configuration using –global option (so the configuration is across all repositories or –local for just this repository). We create the alias using the alias option followed by a period/full stop and then the name we want for our alias. This is then followed by the git command and options (within single or double quotes if there are multiple options).

Now we can execute

git check-conflicts

Deleting an Alias

To delete an alias we can either remove it from the config file (for example .gitconfig) or run the following command line

git config --global --unset alias.check-conflicts

Listing Aliases

We can look in the .gitconfig or run the following command line to list the available aliases

git config --get-regexp '^alias\.'

Creating an Alias to list Aliases

To round this up nicely, let’s now create an alias to list aliases, for example

git config --global alias.alias "config --get-regexp ^alias\."

Writing a GraphQL service using graphql-dotnet and ASP.NET core


GraphQL is classified as a query language for querying your data.

I’m not going to go into a full description of it’s capabilities/uses, for that go to the GraphQL website, but one thing which has always interested me, is an API where the client application can tell the server API what data to return. Thus allow the client to reduce bandwidth as well as reduce the amount of data being deserialised to exactly what the client application requires – obviously particularly useful for mobile applications.

Using graphiql-dotnet and ASP.NET core

We’re going to be using graphql-dotnet and ASP.NET core to implement a basic

  • Create an ASP.NET Core Web Application, mine’s named GraphQLService
  • Select an Empty project
  • I’m going to uncheck “Configure for HTTPS”
  • Now add the following packages via NuGet
    • GraphQL.Server.Transports.AspNetCore
    • GraphQL.Server.Transports.WebSockets
    • GraphQL.Server.Ui.GraphiQL
    • GraphQL.Server.Ui.Playground
    • GraphQL.Server.Ui.Voyager
    • GraphQL-Parser

Note: We’ve added the GraphQL.Server.Ui.Playground package to allow us to write queries within an interactive environment (http://localhost:5000/ui/playground) which also allows us to view the schema definitions etc. We’ve added GraphQL.Server.Ui.Voyager which adds a cool schema/type viewer (http://localhost:5000/ui/voyager). Finally we’ve added GraphQL.Server.Ui.GraphiQL to allow us to use the well known GraphiQL interactive environment (http://localhost:5000/ui/graphiql), feel free to remove all or some of these as required.

Remove the code from the Configure method of the Startup.cs file except for the following

if (env.IsDevelopment())

Now we’re going to add some tools, the playground (an interactive query web app) the voyager for digging into the schema and the GraphQL endpoint. So add the following to the Startup.cs below the code shown above

app.UseGraphQLPlayground(new GraphQLPlaygroundOptions()
   Path = "/ui/playground",
app.UseGraphiQLServer(new GraphiQLOptions
   GraphiQLPath = "/ui/graphiql",
   GraphQLEndPoint = "/graphql"
app.UseGraphQLVoyager(new GraphQLVoyagerOptions()
   GraphQLEndPoint = "/graphql",
   Path = "/ui/voyager"

Finally within Startup.cs, within the ConfigureServices method add the following code, which will register some types (which we’ll be supplying soon, the schema and query classes) and configures the GraphQL middleware.


services.AddGraphQL(options =>
   options.EnableMetrics = true;
   options.ExposeExceptions = true;


At this point we can see a need for the classes PersonSchema and PersonQuery. As you’ve realised, we are needing to create a schema object which will define our queries and types that we can query against. We’ll just create the bare bones schema class in PersonSchema.cs

public class PersonSchema : Schema
   public PersonSchema()
      Query = new PersonQuery();


Now we’ll create a bare PersonQuery.cs file which will be the starting point for some query functionality

public class PersonQuery : ObjectGraphType

At this point we could compiler and run the ASP.NET core application and navigate to http://localhost:5000/ui/playground to view the playground web application. However there’s not much we can do at this point.

Let’s add a domain object which represents a Person object, so add the following class. This represents the class that might come from a database or from another service

public class Person
   public string Name { get; set; }

For graphql-dotnet to allow us to use this class we need to wrap our Person object within a graphql-dotnet type, so create the following PersonType

public class PersonType : ObjectGraphType<Person>
   public PersonType()
      Field(o => o.Name);

In this case graphql-dotnet will now map fields to the Person object via the Field methods. This type then needs to be added to the PersonQuery class, to allow for querying again PersonType (and then ultimately Person) data. So add the PersonQuery constructor with the following code

public PersonQuery()
   Field<ListGraphType<PersonType>>("people", resolve: context => new[]
      new Person {Name = "Scooby Doo"},
      new Person {Name ="Daphne Blake" },
      new Person {Name ="Shaggy Rogers" },
      new Person {Name ="Velma Dinkley" },
      new Person {Name ="Fred Jones" }

Now if we run the application and navigate to http://localhost:5000/ui/playground we’ll find a Schema tab which displays information about how to query our data and if we write the following query

  people {

and run it from the playground we’ll see a list of the names from our Person data.

The previous example omitted the query keyword, i.e. it would look like this in a more formal definition of a query

query {
  people {

We can also implement our own query methods that might be called using the following (the C# for this is shown further down the post)

find(input : "Scooby Doo") {

Or we can create a query which takes parameters/arguments from query variables. This example shows the use of an operation name, i.e. getPerson.

Note: operation names can be used for queries, mutations and subcriptions.

query getPerson($input : String) {
  find(input : $input) {

along with the input

  "input" : "Scooby Doo"

We’ll now create an input type in C# which will work with the above queries, such as

public class PersonInputType : InputObjectGraphType
   public PersonInputType()

Now add another field to the PersonQuery constructor like this

   arguments: new QueryArguments(
      new QueryArgument<StringGraphType> 
         Name = "input"
   resolve: context =>
      var i = context.GetArgument<string>("input");
      return new Person {Name = i.ToString()};

In the above, we essentially have created a new field in the PersonQuery which acts like a method, it is of type PersonType (the return type in this instance) and named find it takes a single argument of type string and expects the argument name of input. Finally it resolves to a method which we can then write something more substantial code for querying our data. In this simple example we’re just returning the argument passed in.

Note: We can also create multiple queries, so for example say we want to locate Person A and Person B and return data as a single result, we could write

   A : find(input : "Scooby") {
   B : find(input : "Shaggy") {

In the above query we use a GraphQL feature using aliases, the A and B acting like variable names. This allows us to create multiple queries against the same query/method.

When our queries start to become more complicated, we might prefer to place the field selection into, what’s know as a fragment, for example

   find(input : "Scooby") {

fragment fields on PersonType {

Obviously in our example it took more work to create and use the fragment that just using the field name, but you get the idea. However fragments can also be reused if we had multiple queries, so hence with more fields this become a much more useful technique.


We’ve created our queries, which is great for scenarios where we’re simply reading data, but we can also create mutations, i.e. code that changes our data.

We can write a GraphQL mutation like this

mutation addPerson($input : String) {
   addPerson(input : $input)

along with input such as

  "input" : "Scooby Doo"

What we now need to do is create our mutation class, like this

public class PersonMutation : ObjectGraphType<Person>
   public PersonMutation()
         arguments: new QueryArguments(
            new QueryArgument<StringGraphType> {Name = "input"}),
         resolve: context =>
            var n = context.GetArgument<string>("input");
            return new Person { Name = n };

We also need to alter the PersonSchema constructor to look like this

public PersonSchema()
   Query = new PersonQuery();
   Mutation = new PersonMutation();


As you might expect, subscriptions are a way to handle something similar to events, hence we can connect to our service and received updates. Here’s a simple example of a query

subscription {
  personAdded {

Here’s a simple example of a subscription, to keep things simple this will simply send a message every second to any subcribers

public class PersonSubscription : ObjectGraphType
   public PersonSubscription()
      AddField(new EventStreamFieldType
         Name = "personAdded",
         Type = typeof(PersonType),
         Resolver = new FuncFieldResolver<Person>(ResolvePerson),
         Subscriber = new EventStreamResolver<Person>(SubscribePerson)

   private Person ResolvePerson(ResolveFieldContext context)
      return context.Source as Person;

   private IObservable<Person> SubscribePerson(ResolveEventStreamContext context)
      return Observable.Interval(
           .Select(s => new Person 
              Name = s.ToString()

Now we need to update the schema constructor like this

public PersonSubscription()
   AddField(new EventStreamFieldType
      Name = "personAdded",
      Type = typeof(PersonType),
      Resolver = new FuncFieldResolver<Person>(ResolvePerson),
      Subscriber = new EventStreamResolver<Person>(SubscribePerson)

Further reading

Refer to the GraphQL site for in depth examples and more complete explanations of the everything I’ve discussed above.

Also check out the web site for graphql-dotnet documentation.

If you’re interested in code for the project, it’s available on GitHub.

Azure page “Hmmm… Looks like something went wrong” in Edge

I just tried to access my Azure account via Microsoft Edge and logged in fine but upon clicking on Portal was met with a fairly useless message

Hmmm... Looks like something went wrong

Clicking try again did nothing.

On searching the internet I found that if you press F12 in Edge to display the developer tools, the Cookies node had the following UE_Html5StorageExceeded.

Running localStorage.clear() from the developer tools console window is suggested here. Sadly this failed with an undefined response.

However Edge Crashing with HTML5 storage exceeded suggests going to Edge | Settings | Clear browsing data, clicking the button Choose what to clear and selecting Choose Cookies and saved website data followed by clicking the Clear button did work.

Oh and yes, sadly you will need to login again to various websites that you probably left logged in permanently.

Pre-emptive scheduler on Google Cloud

Having used Azure on and off for a bit, I’m now looking into the GCP (Google Cloud Platform) for a project and whilst this might not be to everyone’s interest, there’s a very interesting youtube video “Google Cloud Platform on a shoestring budget (Google I/O ’18)” on cost savings on GCP (especially interesting for start-ups or smaller developers but also for larger scale development).

Anyway, one interesting cost saving mentioned is, if your application runs on a compute engine/VM but you are okay with GCP killing your instance if/when it requires further resources, then cost savings (according to the video) can be from $24.67 per month down to $7.30 per month (costs may have changed since the video) running on an n1-standard1.

Why this is interesting is that, when writing for mobile, for example, we have a similar design paradigm to be aware of. The mobile application may be running but then at some point the OS wishes to free up space and stops the application. With the GCP scheduler’s pre-emptive capability we need to design our cloud solution in the same way as our mobile. i.e.

  • We’re informed for GCP (or OS on mobile) that the application is being suspended
  • We need to store our state somewhere, in the case of GCP we have approx. 30 seconds to do this
  • When GCP (or mobile OS) decides it can restart our application we need to read back our stored state get our applications back into the state they were prior to suspending

Note: If we run a load balancer in front of our compute engine we can better handle spinning up compute power when required.

In reality, unlike a mobile application, the notification of shutdown of your application is done at an OS level, through ACPI G2 Soft Off, so it’s generally better (from what I can see) to run your code in a stateless, almost serverless way. For example, we might run jobs as pre-emptive instances which take a message off of a pubsub or from a DB, process data and then mark to message/DB row as completed when the application has finished – in such a scenario, if the application is interrupted and shut down, the next application to be spun up and start work on the same data.


Creating and Starting a Preemptible VM Instance
Preemptible VM Instances
Saving Money with Preemptive VMs (Cloud Performance Atlas)