Websockets and Kestrel

In my post Websockets with Fleck we looked at using Fleck to create a websocket based server, let’s not turn our attention to integrating websockets with an ASP.NET core application using Kestrel.

This is NOT meant to implement anything near as complete as the Fleck library, but is just an example of how we might implement websockets in a Kestrel application and we’re going to try to emulate the code we had for that Fleck example.

  • Create an ASP.NET Core Web Application
  • Select the Empty template

Let’s clean out the Properties | launchSettings.json by remove the iisExpression and IIS Express profile, so mine looks like this

  "profiles": {
    "YOUR_APP_NAME": {
      "commandName": "Project",
      "environmentVariables": {
        "ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT": "Development"

Obviously keep your application name in the YOUR_APP_NAME string.

Now in Program.cs we’ll add code to allow us to use the 8181 port, so the CreateHostBuilder method should now look like this

public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
    .ConfigureWebHostDefaults(webBuilder =>

Delete everything within the Startup.cs’s Configure method and replace with


this adds the websocket middleware.

We’re actually going to then create our own middleware to handle web socket requests, so
let’s create the file WebSocketManagerMiddleware.cs. Here’s the code…

public class WebSocketManagerMiddleware
  private readonly RequestDelegate _next;
  private readonly WebSocketConnection _connection;

  public WebSocketManagerMiddleware(
    RequestDelegate next, 
    WebSocketConnection connection)
    _next = next;
    _connection = connection;

  public async Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext context)
    if (context.WebSockets.IsWebSocketRequest)
      var socket = await context.WebSockets.AcceptWebSocketAsync();


      await Receive(socket, (result, buffer) =>
        switch (result.MessageType)
          case WebSocketMessageType.Text:
            var s = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer);
            _connection.OnMessage(socket, s.Substring(0, Math.Max(0, s.IndexOf('\0'))));
          case WebSocketMessageType.Binary:
            _connection.OnBinary(socket, buffer);
          case WebSocketMessageType.Close:
    await _next(context);

  private async Task Receive(
    WebSocket socket, 
    byte[]> handler)
    var buffer = new byte[1024];

    while (socket.State == WebSocketState.Open)
      var result = await socket.ReceiveAsync(buffer: 
        new ArraySegment<byte>(buffer),
        cancellationToken: CancellationToken.None);

      handler(result, buffer);

Middleware expects an Invoke or InvokeAsync method that returns a Task. In our example, we firstly ensure this is a websocket request before accepting the request. In this example we pass in a WebSocketConnection instance (we’ll have a look at that next), but basically this middleware intercepts the websockets and then calls the WebSocketConnection class in a manner similar to the way our Fleck server was implemented, i.e. using OnOpen, OnClose, OnMessage and OnBinary calls.

At the end of the code we pass the context through to the next piece of middleware in the pipeline.

The reason we have a WebSocketConnection class is to just give us an abstraction for creating our actual application websocket code.

Add the file WebScocketConnection.cs, this is going to expose OnOpen, OnClose etc. extension points as well as a SendAsync method for sending data to the connected client, here’s the code

public class WebSocketConnection
  public void Start(Action<WebSocketConnection> connection)

  public Action<WebSocket> OnOpen { get; set; } = 
    webSocket => { };
  public Action<WebSocket> OnClose { get; set; } = 
    webSocket => { };
  public Action<WebSocket, string> OnMessage { get; set; } = 
    (webSocket, message) => { };
  public Action<WebSocket, byte[]> OnBinary { get; set; } = 
    (webSocket, bytes) => { };

  public async Task SendAsync(WebSocket socket, string message)
    if (socket.State == WebSocketState.Open)
      await socket.SendAsync(
        new ArraySegment<byte>(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(message),

Finally let’s return to Startup.cs and the Configure method, here’s the full code

var websocketServer = new WebSocketConnection();
websocketServer.Start(connection =>
  connection.OnOpen = socket => Console.WriteLine("OnOpen");
  connection.OnClose = socket => Console.WriteLine("OnClose");
  connection.OnMessage = async (socket, message) =>
    Console.WriteLine($"OnMessage {message}");
    await connection.SendAsync(socket, $"Echo: {message}");
  connection.OnBinary = (socket, bytes) => 
    Console.WriteLine($"OnBinary {Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes)}");



WebSockets support in ASP.NET Core
Write custom ASP.NET Core middleware

.NET Channels

This post is based upon a Channel9 video with Stephen Toub, I recommend you go and watch it (see references) if you’re interested in threadsafe producer/consumer mechanisms.

This is the namespace you want to be looking at

using System.Threading.Channels;

There are two types of channel, bounded and unbounded.

Bounded channels have a fixed size. In this example the queue within the channel will only allow a maximum of 10 items, meaning if we try to write more than the 10 items, the write method would block until an item is removed/read from the queue

var c = Channel.CreateBounded<int>(10);

So from this, we can tell that unbounded means the queue within the channel in unlimited in size. We create an unbounded channel like this

var c = Channel.CreateUnbounded<int>();

When we want to add items to the channel we use code such as the following, obviously if the queue has reached a limit (bounded) then this will block


To read a value from the channel (if one exists) we use

await c.Reader.ReadAsync()


Working with Channels in .NET
An Introduction to System.Threading.Channels

Websockets with Fleck

I’m going to create a .NET core console application to demonstrate using Fleck.

So create yourself a project and add the Fleck nuget package or simply add the Fleck nuget package to an existing project.

Creating a websocket server

To begin with, we simply create a websocket server, supplying the “location”, i.e.

var websocketServer = new WebSocketServer("ws://");

Don’t forget the using Fleck; line at the start of your code

In this example we’re using (the non-routable meta-address) along with the port 8181 and ofcourse we prefix this with the ws protocol.

Interacting with clients

Next up we’ll want to start the server and intercept various events/messages. Fleck uses a callback function/delegate style, so we simply supply our functions for each of the connection methods that we wish to intercept, for example

websocketServer.Start(connection =>
  connection.OnOpen = () => 
  connection.OnClose = () => 
  connection.OnMessage = message => 
    Console.WriteLine($"OnMessage {message}");
  connection.OnBinary = bytes => 
    Console.WriteLine($"OnBinary {Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes)}");
  connection.OnError = exception => 
    Console.WriteLine($"OnError {exception.Message}");
  connection.OnPing = bytes => 
  connection.OnPong = bytes => 

Note: if we’re handling different state for different connections to the same url, it’s our responsibility to create our own form “session state”.

In this example, we’ve listed all the OnXXX actions that we can intercept.

Obviously OnOpen occurs when a new client connects to the server (on ws:// and OnClose occurs if the client closes the connection.

OnMessage is called when string messages are sent over the websocket, whereas OnBinary is, ofcourse, the binary equivalent (in the example above we’re assuming the bytes represent a string, obviously change this if you’re sending raw byte data).

OnError is called with an Exception for instances where exceptions occur (as you’ll have surmised).

OnPing is used when being pinged and like wise OnPong is used when receiving a pong – ping and pong are used as ways to, in essence, check if the client or server are still running. If supported, a server might send a ping to the connected clients then mark the clients as stopped (and hence dispose of any connections) if the server does not receive a pong within a specified timeout period. Obviously one of the biggest problems for any server that is maintaining some form of state is at what point they can assume the client is no longer around. Obviously if the client closes the connection the server can handle this, but what about if they just disconnect – this is where ping and pong come into play.

Obviously we also need to be able to send data to the client, hence we use the connection’s Send method. For example let’s change the OnMessage delegate to send an “Echo” of the message back to the client

connection.OnMessage = message =>
  Console.WriteLine($"OnMessage {message}");
  connection.Send($"Echo: {message}");

Writing a client to test our server

Let’s now create a simple console app to test our server code. This will use the System.Net.WebSockets ClientWebSocket class.

We will need to actually specify a network address for the client, so we’ll use the loopback

Below are the contents of our client console application’s Main method

var websocketClient = new ClientWebSocket();
var cancellationToken = new CancellationTokenSource();

var connection = websocketClient.ConnectAsync(
  new Uri("ws://"), 

connection.ContinueWith(async tsk =>
  // sends a string/text message causes OnMessage to be called
  await websocketClient.SendAsync(
    new ArraySegment<byte>(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hello World")),

  // receives a string/text from the server
  var buffer = new byte[128];
  await websocketClient.ReceiveAsync(
    new ArraySegment<byte>(buffer), cancellationToken.Token);

  // sends a string/text message causes OnBinary to be called
  await websocketClient.SendAsync(
    new ArraySegment<byte>(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hello World")),

  Console.WriteLine("Press <enter> to exit");

  // close the connection nicely

  // this will cause OnError on the server if not closed first

Hopefully it’s fairly self explanatory what’s going on – we create a websocket client and a cancellation token (as the methods all required one). We connect to the server and when a connection is established we send and receive data (strings and then binary). Eventually we close the connection.

What and ping and pong?

At this time I don’t have any examples to implement these.

In the case of the ClientWebSocket code, if you leave the client and server running you will periodically see OnPing being called.

I almost forgot…

We can also interact with the connection’s ConnectionInfo property which gives us access to headers, cookies and whether path was specified, i.e. the client url ws:// will result in ConnectionInfo.Path having the value /somepath.

Here’s an example of the server changes for OnOpen

connection.OnOpen = () =>

From what I can tell, each connection is assigned a GUID (found in ConnectionInfo.Id), so when handling multiple different clients with different state requirements we should be able to use this Id.


Writing WebSocket servers

So _ are called discards

I’ve used the _ (underscore) previously in code – particularly with F# tuples but also C#. It is used to denote a value that is intentionally unused, ignored, discarded.

It seems that the underscore used in such situations has a name (maybe it has the same name in other languages, I’ve not yet checked). It’s called a discard.

Note: With regard to its use in C#, it appeared with C# 7.0.

Let’s have a look at a very simple example

public bool IsNumber => Double.TryParse("123", out _);

This slightly contrived example (the best I could think of quickly) shows how this might be used. In this example we’re not interested in the out value so just use a discard to basically say “this is unused, ignore it”.

Note: The discard doesn’t need a var or type.

Obviously the discard comes in very useful with tuples. I guess, for C#, this became most useful when tuples became a first class language feature.

So for example we might have this code

public (string, string, int) GetPerson()
   return ("Scooby", "Doo", 13);

// in use we only want the age
var (_, _, age) = GetPerson();

Git tags using the CLI

Creating tags from the command line…

Tags allows us to store a pointer to the repository at a point in time, these are often used for “tagging” a release, but can be used for other purposes.

Note: I will use the tag name v1.0.2 here, obviously this should be replaced with the tagname you’ve used/assigned.

Listing your tags

To see what tags you currently have on a repository run

git tag

this will list all your tags.

Creating your tags

There’s a couple of ways to create your tags, the first is the annotated tag

git tag -a v1.0.2 -m "Version 1.0.2"

Here we use -a (annotate) to create a new tag and -m (add a message). When creating an annotated tag, a message is expected and so you will be prompted to enter a message if you omit -m. Annotated tags store the message (although you could specify an empty message) along with the author of the tag.

Lightweight tags are another way to tag, these tags store no data with the tag (so do not supply -a or -m), for example

git tag v1.0.2

These tags store the commit checksum and whereas you’d tend to use the annotated tag for releases (for example) the lightweight tag might be used simply to label certain commits.

We can also tag by using the commit checksum (the 6a0b83 in the example below), this example uses a lightweight tag

git tag v1.0.2 6a0b83

Pushing your tags

Ofcourse, if we’re working with others we’ll want to share our tags, so if we have a remote to push to then we can push the tag using

git push origin v1.0.2

A simple git push does not push our tags, we need to be explicit or we can use the –tags switch to push all tags.

git push origin --tags

Viewing your tag

We’ve seen that git tag will list the tags but what about showing us the annotation tag data or what the tag actually refers to, this is where we use

git show v1.0.2

If it’s an annotated tag you see the author of the tag and any message along with the last commit within that tag, for the lightweight we simply see the last commit details.

If you’ve signed your tag (see Signing tags below) you’ll also see the GPG signature attached to the tag.

Deleting your tag

To delete a tag just use the following

git tag -d v1.0.2

If you’ve pushed your tag to a remote then use the following after the local delete

git push origin :refs/tags/v1.0.2

Or use

git push origin --delete v1.0.2

Checking out a tag

We can checkout the tag just like any branch using

git checkout v1.0.2

This will put your repository into a “detached HEAD” state. You cannot commit to this tag, or to put it another way, if you commit to this tag your commits will not appear within the tag, instead they’ll only be reachab;e by the commit hash.

If you intention it to make changes to a tag then instead, you need to branch from the tag, i.e.

git checkout -b v1.0.2-branch v1.0.2

Signing tags

Tags can be signed using GPG. The purpose of this functionality is to simply ensure that the tag was created by the person we expected. I’ve not so far needed to sign a tag (or commits for that matter, which can also be signed). However there may be a time when this is useful, so let’s go through it.

To check if you have a key installed type

gpg --list-keys

If no keys exist it’ll create the folders needed for creating keys.

To generate a key key run

gpg --gen-key

This will ask for your “real name” and “email address”, followed by a pass phrase and then this will create your key. Now running gpg –list-keys should list the newly created key.

Next we need to tell git to use our key using the following

git config --global user.signingkey 123456789

where 123456789 is replaced by the pub string associated with your key (see output from gpg –list-keys).

Now we can sign our tags using

git tag -s v1.0.2 -m "Version 1.0.2"

We replace -a with -s, this is now a signed, annotated tag.

We’ll probably want to verify our tag, and we do this using

git tag -v v1.0.2

If you have the public key installed you’ll see information about the key, if not then you’ll get a verification error.

UWP Transparent title bar

In the last post I extended the view into the title bar on a UWP application, which looks great with the NavigationView or the likes.

However, if you then place a view, such as a SplitView, on the right of the screen the title bar buttons (minimize, maximize and close) will appear in a different colour (if using the default colours).

So we can make the button backgrounds transparent like this

var titleBar = ApplicationView.GetForCurrentView().TitleBar;
titleBar.ButtonBackgroundColor = Colors.Transparent;
titleBar.ButtonInactiveBackgroundColor = Colors.Transparent;

How to extend a UWP page into the titlebar

If you want your page/view to extend into the title bar area (in other words no longer having a title bar), then OnLaunched add the following

CoreApplication.GetCurrentView().TitleBar.ExtendViewIntoTitleBar = true;

and add this using clause

using Windows.ApplicationModel.Core;

Writing JavaScript templates using ejs

There are quite a few (as you’d probably expect) templating engines for use with JavaScript, such as Mustache and handlebars both of which use {{ }} syntax.

The syntax used is really not very important, what matters is the flexibility/functionality, but for nostalgia’s sake (as much as anything) this post will instead use ejs which uses syntax such as <%= %> which is very much like old ASP from my recollections (hence the nostalgia).

Note: I’m not endorsing ejs over any other engine, I just picked this to begin with, if/when I get time I will probably create posts covering using some other templating engines also.

Getting Started

We need to start by installing ejs, so run the following

yarn add ejs

We’re going to create a folder named templates (this is not a requirement of ejs) to store our .ejs files. So the template files will be saved with the .ejs extension.

Let’s just create a very standard Hello World app. so in the file templates/sample.ejs write the following

<%= message %>

Now let’s write the code to use ejs generate some output from our template and supply our data to the generator.

const ejs = require("ejs");

ejs.renderFile("./templates/sample.ejs", {
    message: "Hello World",
  (err: any, result: string) => {
    if(err != null) {
    // use the results of the template combined
    // with the supplied model

Here we show the basic usage pattern, which uses the asynchronous renderFile function. This takes the template file (we can ofcourse also supply the template as a string using the render function). The second argument is a “model” of the data being passed into the template engine and ofcourse the key’s related to the variable names used within the template file. The third argument supplies any options to the template engine, in this example I’m not applying any options. Finally, as this function is asynchronous, we will get an error or result or the processing of the template.


That was simple enough but we’re not going to want to just output simple values like this, so let’s take a look at some more capabilities.

If we take a look at the Docs (https://ejs.co/#docs), Tags section we can see the tags for embedding our model data, let’s take a look at some of these in usage.


The scriptlet tag is used for flow control and does not embed output into the template itself (as such). Instead it allow us to use conditionals such as if or loops such as for loops on our data model items.

type Names = <% for(let i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { %>
    | '<%= name[i].header %>'<% } %>;

In this example we’re code generating some types by taking an array of names from the model and creating a union of those header names.

Like-wise we might also use this tag for if statements within the <% %gt;


This will strip whitespace from before the tag. One of the problems we often find with templated code generation is how to control whitespace before and after the generated code. Hence this will remove the preceding whitespace.


This simply embeds an HTML escaped value into our template, in other words it simply replaces the tag with the value from message in this example below. Ofcourse message is a value stored in our data model.

<%= message %>


As per <%= but no escaping of values takes place.


Comment tags, just in case you wanted to add some comments/documentation to your template, this does not get output as part of the generated data.


Escapes the tag, i.e. outputs <%


Standard end tag for use with the other start tags.


Trims the following newline.


Removes whitespace after the tag, again allows us to have some control of the whitespace following our generated output.

Custom Fonts in Xamarin Forms v4.5.0.530

In my previous post Custom Fonts in Xamarin Forms the section title Preview Feature is now working.

We’re use the Lobster-Regular.ttf file mentioned in the aforementioned post.

  • Add a Resources/Fonts folder to your shared project
  • Add your .otf or .ttf file to this Fonts folder
  • Set the Build Action to Embedded resource
  • In you AssemblyInfo.cs file add
    [assembly: ExportFont("Lobster-Regular.ttf")]
  • Now in your XAML you simply use
    <Label Text="Hello Xamarin.Forms"
       FontFamily="Lobster-Regular" />

That’s all there is to it.

You may still want to use the previous method for custom fonts if applying either different fonts to different devices, otherwise, this is such a simple and natural way to handle this task.

Tizen emulator “Extra package installation is failed. cert must be installed MANUALLY”

I started to see the warning/error displayed when starting the emulator “Extra package installation is failed. cert must be installed MANUALLY”. Nothing changed, that I was aware of, i.e. no new installations or the likes.

I found that if you go to (on Windows)


then delete the Cert folder (probably a good idea to back up first), then open the emulator again (I also opened the cert manager, but I think the cert folder was recreated when the emulator started and no more warnings/errors) then everything worked again.

However this seems to be something that keeps happening, if I find out why I’ll update this post.