Using the Redux Toolkit

I’ve covered Redux on this blog in the past, but the “modern” approach is to use the Redux Toolkit which cleans up and simplifies some of the code. In some cases I found it more complicated, because it obviously does a lot and abstracts a lot.

Going over the basics

Let’s go over some of the basics of Redux first…

Redux is a global state management system. It’s made up of three key parts, the store which as the name suggests, is where your state is stored. The shape of the data within the store is defined by your needs (i.e. no prerequisites). The store is used for global state, so to partition the store for ease of working with your data, we create slices. We’ll generally have slices based upon the domain, so maybe a slice for feature flags, another for component state, another for an API and so on.

Next we have actions, these are (as the name suggests) used to perform actions against our data. In Redux we have an object with a type and some (optional) payload. The type is the name of the action,

{type: "INCREMENT", payload: 3 }

Finally we have reducers which we use, based upon the type of actions, to carry out updates of state. It’s important to remember that Redux data should be immutable, hence the reducer doesn’t change the state itself, but instead copies the state updating the new version of the state before passing this new copy back


Let’s now create a bare minimum Redux toolkit store

Note: I’m using TypeScript in my examples

import { configureStore } from "@reduxjs/toolkit"

export const store = configureStore({
  reducer: {}.

export type RootState = ReturnType<typeof store.getState>;
export type AppDispatch = typeof store.dispatch;

The code above just creates a Redux store, there’s no reducers. This store is not too useful at this point, but bare with me, let’s now quickly pivot to look at how we might use our store in a React app

import { Provider } from "react-redux"
import { store } from "./state/store.ts"

<Provider store={store}>
   <App />

By using the Provider at the App level our store is now available to our entire app.

As mentioned, the store above is pretty useless at the moment, let’s use the example from Redux/RTK to add a simple counter to the store. This represents one slice of the store hence, we’ll name the file counter.slice.ts (although RTK tends to go with counterSlice.ts style names).

First create a folder for your slices within the store folder, i.e. store/slices. Ofcourse you can place these where best suit, but this is the folder structure I’m using here.

Create the file counter.slice.ts inside store/slices. This, as you probably realised, will contain the counter slice within the state manager, i.e. the data specific to the counter

import { createSlice } from "@reduxjs/toolkit";

interface CounterState {
  value: number;

const intialState: CounterState = {
  value: 0;

const counterSlice = createSlice({
  name: "counter",
  reducers: {
    increment: (state) => {
      state.value += 1;
    decrement: (state) => {
      state.value -= 1;

export const { increment, decrement } = counterSlice.actions;

export default counterSlice.reducer;

In this example we appear to be mutating state, but behind the scenes createSlice handles copying our state (RTK uses Immer to handle such immutability), if you prefer you can use the more obvious state.value + 1.

This file includes the CounterState interface (obviously not required for pure JavaScript) which is a representation of what our counter state will look like, in this case we just store a number, the current counter value. We also have these actions within the reducer, increment and decrement.

We create an initialState so our store has any defaults or starting points, for example in this case we set count initially to zero.

Next, we need to export our actions using export const { increment, decrement } = counterSlice.actions and finally for this section, we now need to register the slice with the store, this is accomplished by adding it to the store reducer, like this

import counterReducer from "./counter/counterSlice";

export const store = configureStore({
  reducer: {
    counter: counterReducer,

At this point, everything is hooked up in the store, so let’s use our increment/decrement actions. We use the useSelector to get our current state and useDispatch to dispatch the actions to the the store

import { useSelector } from "react-redux";
import { RootState } from "../state/store";
import { decrement, increment } from "../state/counter/counterSlice";

export const Counter = () => {
  const count = useSelector((states: RootState) => state.counter.value);
  const dispatch = useDispatch(); // dispatch actions

  return (
      <button onClick={() => dispatch(increment())}>Increment</button>
      <button onClick={() => dispatch(decrement())}>Decrement</button>


Passing parameters

These examples are using simple actions. Let’s extend then by adding a incrementBy

Add a new action to counterSlice like this

incrementBy: (states, action: PayloadAction<number>) => {
  state.value += action.payload;

<em>Note: Whilst the += makes it look like we're mutating state, this is just a reminder, in this instance code within RTK is handling this as an immutable update.</em>

The PayloadAction only handles a single parameter, hence if we want to handle multiple parameters, we need to create an interface (in TypeScript) to define them. Let's move from the counter example and assume our Router is accepting multiple query parameters which we want to store in our store. We'll use an example of the github URL where by you can access my blog post code via <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank"></a>, so the first parameter might be gitUser, in this case <em>putridparrot</em>, followed by the repo name - hence we'd create our queryParams.slice.ts as follows

import { PayloadAction, createSlice } from "@reduxjs/toolkit";

export interface IQueryParams {
  gitUser?: string;
  repoName?: string;

const initialState: IQueryParams = {
  gitUser: "",
  repoName: "",

const queryParamsSlice = createSlice({
  name: "queryParams",
  initialState: initialState,
  reducers: {
    setQueryParams: (_, action: PayloadAction<IQueryParams>) => 

export const { setQueryParams } = queryParamsSlice.actions;

export default queryParamsSlice.reducer;

Everything’s pretty much as our counter example apart from the PayloadAction<IQueryParams>. In this example we’re actually just passing everything into the store so just returning the payload via setQueryParams.

Async actions

RTK supplies a way to incorporate async actions into the store. If we have something like a network call or another process we know may take some time, we’ll want to make it async. Just for a simple example, we’ll assume increment is now handled via either a network call or some longer running piece of code. We create an async thunk like this

export const incrementAsync = createAsyncThunk(
  async (amount: number) => {
    // simulate a network call
    await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
    return amount;

We’re supplying the name of our function counter/incrementAsync here. We now need to add this function to our slice, so after the reducers we add the following

extraReducers: (builder)  => {
  // we can accept state but for this example, we've no need
  builder.addCase(incrementAsync.pending, () => { 
  }).addCase(incrementAsync.fulfilled, (state, action: PayloadAction<number>) => {
    state.value += action.payload;

Notice that each “case” is based upon some state which comes from createAsyncThunk. This is very cool as we now have the ability to update things based upon the current state of the async call, i.e. maybe we display a spinner for pending and remove when fulfilled or rejected occurs and in the case of rejected we now display an error toast message or the


To actually call into the store, i.e. call and action, we need to use code like the following

const dispatch = useDispatch<AppDispatch>();

Usually we’ll just wrap both the dispatch and selector into the following to make working with TypeScript simpler (just place this is some utility file such as hooks.ts or the classic helper.ts named file)

export const useAppDispatch: () => AppDispatch = useDispatch;
export const useAppSelector: TypedUseSelectorHook<RootState> = useSelector;

So now we can get the current count and update like this

import { decrement, increment } from '../store/slices/counter.slice'
import { useAppDispatch, useAppSelector } from '../store/hook'

export function Counter() {
  const count = useAppSelector((state) => state.counter.value)
  const dispatch = useAppDispatch()

  return (
          aria-label="Increment value"
          onClick={() => dispatch(increment())}
          aria-label="Decrement value"
          onClick={() => dispatch(decrement())}

Calling services or API’s

The example within the RTK documentation is a call to the pokeapi, so let’s start with that. RTK documentation seems to suggest such API’s go into a folder named services, so we’ll stick with that although they are essentially just other slices of global state (at least in my view).

In our services folder add pokemin.ts and here’s the contents of the file

import { createApi, fetchBaseQuery } from '@reduxjs/toolkit/query/react'

export const pokemonApi = createApi({
  baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({ baseUrl: '' }),
  tagTypes: [],
  endpoints: (builder) => ({
    getPokemonByName: builder.query({
      query: (name: string) => `pokemon/${name}`,

// Export hooks for usage in functional components
export const { useGetPokemonByNameQuery } = pokemonApi

We used createAsyncThunk earlier and ofcourse we can easily implement services/network/API calls via the same mechanism, but the createApi method, which extends createAsyncThunk, generates React hooks for us. We also have options to handle caching and more from here.

In this example we use the fetchBaseQuery defining the baseUrl. This is a lightweight method wrapping the fetch method.

We define our endpoints, i.e. the API to our service and then at the end of the code we export the code generation hook, useGetPokemonByNameQuery.

To use this code within our store we need to go back to store.ts and add the following to the rootReducer

api: pokemonApi.reducer,

and to the middleware we need to concat the API like this


Finally we’ll want to use this API, and we simply use the hook like this

export const Pokemon = ({ name, pollingInterval }: { name: string, pollingInterval: number }) => {
  const { data, error, isLoading, isFetching } = useGetPokemonByNameQuery(

Notice that we now get those async thunk states, but named differently. So we have the data returned, a potential error. We also have isLoading and isFetching for handling progress info.

Multiple parameters and multiple API’s

As mentioned previously RTK accepts a single object as input and this is the same for createApi actions, so if you have a situation where you need to pass multiple parameters to your API, then you handle in the same way (although in this example I’m creating via an anonymous type), i.e.

getContract: builder.query<any, {contractId?: string, version?: string}>({
  query: (arg) => {
    const { contractId, version } = arg;        
    return {
      url: `someurl?contractId=${contractId}&version=${version}`,

With regards multiple API’s, let’s say we have a pokemon and contracts api (I admit an odd combination). Then to register them with the store, as seen with a single API we concat them with the middleware, but we don’t appear to concat each, instead we concat an array like this

  .concat([contractsApi.middleware,  pokemonApi.middleware]),

Dynamic baseUrl and/or setting headers etc.

In the pokemon API example we had a fixed URL for the service, but when developing the front and back end we’ll often have dev and/or test and then production environments. In this case we’ll want to change the baseUrl based upon the environment. In such cases and also when we want to apply our own headers, for example let’s assume our API requires an SSO token, then we’ll want to include that in the call in some way or other.

Here’s our dynamicBaseQuery which we’re actually using the store to store something called enviroment which we’re assume contained data such as the the current environment URL along with the current SSO token for the user for the environment. In the second line we set the baseUrl and then it’s used in the fetchBaseQuery. We also use this to set up the headers.

const dynamicBaseQuery: BaseQueryFn<string | FetchArgs, unknown, FetchBaseQueryError> = async (args, WebApi, extraOptions) => {
  const baseUrl = (WebApi.getState() as any).environment.appSettings.contractsApiUrl;
  const rawBaseQuery = fetchBaseQuery({
    prepareHeaders: async (headers, { getState }) => {
      const token = (getState() as any).environment.token;
      if (headers) {
        headers.set("Accept", "application/json");
        if(token) {
          headers.set("authorization", `Bearer ${token}`);

      return headers;
  return rawBaseQuery(args, WebApi, extraOptions);

To use this we simple replace the baseQuery value with dynamicBaseQuery, like this snippet

export const contractsApi = createApi({
  reducerPath: "contractsApi",
  baseQuery: dynamicBaseQuery,
  // rest of the code ommitted


I highly recommend installing the Redux Dev Tools for your browser. These tools allow you to easily see the state of your Redux store (and as RTK is built on Redux we can see our RTK defined store) and best of all, RTK is automatically configured to work with the Redux Dev Tools, so now additional code is required.


Code for this post is available in my blog-projects.

Note: Not all code is hooked up and being used, but hopefully there’s enough to show how things might look.

React Context API

The React Context API allows us to share data between components without the need for passing props to each child component. One of the biggest data problems with have in React is how to pass data down an element tree from parent to a child element. There’s several ways to achieve this including Redux and Mobx as well as the slightly more dreaded “prop drilling”.

Using the Context API we can essentially declare components which accept a specific context and in the parent we “provide” that context. This means child components will get context directly.

Let’s see how we implement a context…

We need a context (the data), a context provider and a context consumer.

  • Create a folder names contexts
  • We’ll create a simple string array for our data, so we create our context like this (mine’s in a file named NameContext.tsx
    import { createContext } from "react";
    export const NameContext = createContext<string[]>([]);

    In a real world application the NameContext file would have the types/interfaces for our application data, but we’re just making a simple example here.

  • Now we can wrap any part of our application in our NameContext, so in App.tsx I’ll have the following
    import { useState } from 'react';
    import './App.css';
    import { NameContextList } from './components/List';
    import { NameContext } from './contexts/NameContext';
    function App() {
      const [issues, _] = useState(["One", "Two", "Three"]);
      return (
        <NameContext.Provider value={issues}>
          <NameContextList />
    export default App;
  • How you handle this part is upto you, but I’m going to first create a List component which we can pass props to, then a context consumer – this will allow me to test the actual component without having to create a context provider, so my List.tsx looks like this
    import { NameContext } from "../contexts/NameContext";
    export const List = ({items}: {items : string[]}) => (
            { => {
                return <li>{item}</li>    
    export const NameContextList = () => (
        {(ctx) => (
            <List items={ctx} />

    We can also use the hook useContext like this

    export const NameContextList = () => {
        const names = useContext(NameContext)
        return <List items={names} />

When we run this application, the App.tsx creates some data via useState and supplies this to the provider. Obviously if you were fetching data from a service or API, facade or whatever, then you’ve ofcourse change this slightly, but the concept’s much the same. The context consumer will then receive the data and it’s not been passed down via the props.

Another addition to this might be to wrap the line

const names = useContext(NameContext);

in a method such as

export const useNameContext = () => {
  const context = useContext(NameContext);

  if(!context) {
     throw new Error("NameContext is in an invald state");

  return context;

This then just allows us to write code (especially in Typescript) safe in the knowledge the context was created.

Multi-SPA using Next.js

With the next.config.js we can do some neat things, such as multi-SPA routing.

If you create yourself two Next.js apps, the “main” one is named home in my example and the second is a catalog and we will be able to navigate to.

Go to the next.config.js of the home app. and add the catalog changes listed below

const nextConfig = {
    reactStrictMode: true,
    async rewrites() {
        return [
                source: '/:path*',
                destination: '/:path*'
                source: '/catalog',
                destination: 'http://localhost:3001/catalog'
                source: '/catalog/:path*',
                destination: 'http://localhost:3001/catalog/:path*'

in the catalog app go to it’s next.config.js and have it look like this

const nextConfig = {

then when you click a hyperlink to your second app it will actually appear as if it’s simply a page on the first app, with the same port.

Code is available on github as multiSpa.

Getting started with Next.js

I’ve been wanting to try Next.js for a while having seen many comments about it and podcasts talking about it. But what is Next.js?

Obviously your best source of information is to go and read the Next.js. website, but the basics are that it’s a React based framework for developing web applications or even full-stack web applications using React and features from React as the basis.

Then the next question you might have is why use Next.js over React?

Next.js builds upon React and give you a lot of tooling/libraries out of the box, such as routing, API calls etc. From this perspective you can get up and running very quickly. Next.js is a React framework, so we still write React code, but with Next.js lots of things just run out of the box. So why use Next.js over React, I guess the answer really is down to the developer experience, the speed and simplicity of getting things up and running. Life any framework that sits atop a library (or framework) such as React, we also need to be mindful that updates to React may not immediately appear in Next.js. Next.js supports SSR whereas, whilst (currently) React does not by default, but I know there’s lots going on with SSR on React.

As I’ve not used Next.js for anything other than learning I cannot say whether one should use Next.js over React or vice versa, but certainly getting up and running with Next.js is simple and as mentioned, some stuff such as routing is built in, so we don’t need to worry about that, but then once your React app has all those libraries what’s the gain in being with Next.js? I don’t have enough experience with Next.js to answer that, so let’s just get started and play…

Getting up and running

This is just a very short getting started (I’m using the current latest which is 14.0.4)

yarn create next-app

Note: Add @latest if you prefer to the command or the version you want to work with

You’ll be prompted for the name of your app as well as other configuration parameters. All I did was give the application a name and stick with all the default parameters, I am using TypeScript so ensure that one’s selected if you’re following through with the code here.

The app folder contains the page.tsx file which is essentially our main page.

Once create we can run the app using the following to run the development server

yarn dev

Bu default this will use port 3000, if you want to run on a different port change the dev script in package.json like this or when you run dev it will automatically pick the next port.

"dev": "next dev -p 3001",

Further configuration for Next.js takes place in the next.config.js file in the route folder of your app (i.e. where package.json is) and it’s a .js as it’s not passed to the Typescript (or Babel) transpiler.

With Next.js the app folder (as you’d probably expect) is where we find the entry point to our application, in the page.tsx file.

As mentioned, Next.js is built upon React, so we can start coding React components just like a CRA created application.

Suspense in React 18

Suspense is a JSX Element/Component which we use to wrap around child components such that whilst they are loading, we can display something else, like a progress page or other fallback page.

This has obvious uses when your React application starts up and potentially loads data from a remote source etc.

Suspense understands, what the React documentation calls “Suspense-enabled data sources”. These include data fetching frameworks such as Relay and Next.js. Also the lazy import keyword lazy and also can understand promises with the (currently experimental) use hook.

Before we use components within the Suspense boundary, they need to be lazy imported.

A simple example of usage would be

<Suspsense fallback={<Loading />}>
   <Header />
   <NavBar />
   <Content />
   <StatusBar />

In this example, the Suspense boundary will load the child components, Header, NavBar etc. whilst loading we’ll see the fallback component. Upon completion that will be removed and we’ll see our full application.

But as mentioned, we need to lazy import these components so we’re have imports like this

const Header = lazy(()=> import("./components/Header"));
const NavBar = lazy(()=> import("./components/NavBar"));
const Content = lazy(()=> import("./components/Content"));
const StatusBar = lazy(()=> import("./components/StatusBar"));

There’s a requirement for lazy imported code to exported as default. If you don’t want to or cannot change the export to default (for example if using micro frontends that you didn’t write) then we can get around this with slightly more verbose syntax.

const Header = React.lazy(() => import("header/Header")
   .then(module => ({ default: module.Header })));

lazy is returning a promise, we can use the continuation as shown above (the then clause), to assign the module’s export to the default: parameter.

Along with use of Suspense to load the children whilst display a fallback, lazy also allows components to be selectively loaded, i.e. not everything is loaded at once, which has obvious results in ensuring better performance when not all components need loading initially, so using Suspense we also now have a nice way to load parts of our application as and when required as distinct parts of an application, each with a fallback. With lazy we also have more options for code splitting to reduce bundle size etc.

Micro frontends using React and Module Federation

Module federation allows us to create micro frontends in a pretty simple way.

Start off by running

npx create-mf-app

You’ll be prompted for a few things (these may change in different versions of this app. so these are current settings)

  • Pick the name of your app. This is essentially the name of the shell/host or main application (however you prefer to think of it). So I’m used to Shell application in MAUI, Xamarin Forms, WPF etc. So mine’s going to be named shell.
  • Project Type. We’re going to choose Application (as this is our shell application)
  • Port number. The default is 8080, but I’m going to choose 3000 (as I already have servers running on 8080 for other things).
  • Framework. We’re going to be using react
  • Language. I’m a TypeScript person, so I’m choosing typescript
  • CSS Accept the default which is CSS

Now our shell will be created. So as the prompt will state

  • cd shell
  • npm install
  • npm start

If all worked you’ll be presented by some large text stating the name of the app, framework etc.

Let’s now create another app in exactly the same way, obviously give it a different name (mine’s about), this is one of your micro frontends, also give it a different port, i.e. 8081 if you stuck with the default 8080 for the shell or in my case 3001.

Now go to that application and run it up using the commands below (again)

  • cd about
  • npm install
  • npm start

If all went well we have an application (the shell) running and the about application running as well. So nothing too exciting to see here, but it just goes to show we’re developing “standard” React apps.

What we will now need to do, is create a component that we’re going to expose from this application. All I’m going to do is move the App.tsx code that shows the application name etc. into a component, so if you want to follow along, let’s add a components folder to the src folder and within that add a About.tsx file and moved the code from the App.tsx into it, so it looks like this

import React from "react";

export const About = () => 
    <div className="container">
    <div>Name: about</div>
    <div>Framework: react</div>
    <div>Language: TypeScript</div>
    <div>CSS: Empty CSS</div>

Now the App.tsx looks like this

import { About } from "./components/About";

const App = () => (
  <About />

We need to make some changes to webpack.config.js, so locate the ModuleFederationPlugin section.

  • Locate the exposes section and change it to look like this
    exposes: {
      "./About": "./src/components/About"

    We expose all the components we want via this section and the shell app can then access them.

  • In your shell/container application we also need to amend the webpack.config.js and locate the remotes section, as you’ve probably worked out, this is going to register the micro frontends to be used within the shell/container. So mine looks like this

    remotes: {
      about: "about@http://localhost:3001/remoteEntry.js"

    Let’s see if this work, open the shell/container’s App.tsx and add/change it to look like the below

    import { About } from 'about/About';
    const App = () => (
      <div className="container">
        <div>Name: shell</div>
        <div>Framework: react</div>
        <div>Language: TypeScript</div>
        <div>CSS: Empty CSS</div>
      <About />

    Run the about app and then the shell and if all went to plan you’ll see the “About” component in the shell.

    A little more in depth ModuleFederationPlugin

    This is really cool and we can see much of the work is done on the ModuleFederationPlugin, so let’s look a little more in depth into some of the key features

    • name is the name we’re giving to our application
    • library is used to determine how exposed code will be stored/retrieved
    • filename by default is remoteEntry.js, but we can name it whatever we want, for example remoteAbout.js for our about app
    • remotes, as we’ve seen these point to the “modules” we want to include and have the format
      "app-name": "name@remote-host/entryFilename.js"
    • exposes, as we’ve seen also the exposes is used to expose components etc. from our micro frontend, it has the format
      "name" : "location-within-app"
    • shared is used to share node libraries which the exposed module depends on.


    Checkout an example shell app with three Material UI/React micro frontend apps at microfrontend-react. Each app. uses Material UI and the shell app. brings them together to create the basics of an application with header, navigation bar and some content.

    Obviously there’s a lot more to do to have a truly interactive micro frontend based application, but it’s a starting point.

The IAM User on AWS

When you signed up for AWS you created a Root user account. However we really should create another user (even if they have root like permissions) to run our cloud account.

Why do we need this user if they’re basically admin? Well we can reduce permissions but also delete the user without affecting the root user which we cannot do this on.

Let’s create an IAM (Identify and Access Management) user for our development use which will basically have admin permissions but would not be the user we use four out applications, this is essentially a developer account.

How do we set up our development user?

  • Log into your AWS account as Root user
  • In this search bar type IAM
  • First we want to create a new group, so select Access management | User groups
    • Click Create group
    • Enter a name for the group, usually we’d probably have this name match the application that the group represents, so I’m going to do this for my unit conversion API app, hence my group is UnitConversionApiUsers for my unit conversions API
    • In the Attach permissions policies let’s give this group AdministratorAccess permissions
    • Now click the Create group button
  • You should be placed back on the User groups screen and see out new group with zero users. So now click the Access management | Users option on the left of the screen
    • Click the Create user button
    • Enter a name for the user then click Next
    • Leave the default Add user to group
    • Check/tick the group you added then click the Next button
    • Finally click Create user
  • From the users screen on the Security credentials tab I have also clicked Enable console access, I also check the User must create new password at next sign-in, but you can autogenerate or create a custom password to suite
  • Download the .csv file for later use, but don’t worry if you don’t it will contain User name, Password and Console sign-in URL so you can copy these if you prefer from the UI

Note that the console URL contains the account number, we can change this using the alias option, from the IAM dashboard select the Dashboard option. On the right of the screen you’ll see AWS Account and am option to Create an Account Alias, clicking this we can enter a name to replace the account number in the URL. You’ll see the Sign-in URL change to suit.

Try signing into AWS by using the console URL or it’s alias if you changed that and in my case I was prompted to change the password, so did that and was able to log in.

You’ll also want to go the the user that you created and click Create access key. When completed download the .csv and or copy the access id and secret key so you can used from the AWS CLI or IDE integration.

Collection Expressions in C# 12

C# 12 includes something called Collection Expressions. These offer more generic way to create our collections from array-like syntax.

Let’s look first at the old style creation of an array of integers

var array = new [] { 1, 2, 3 };

This is simple enough array is of type int[]?. This way of creation arrays is not going away, but what if we want to change the array to a different collection then we end up using collection initializers like this

var list = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3 };

There’s nothing much wrong with this, but essentially we’re sort of doing the same thing, just with different syntax.

Collection expressions now allow us to use syntax such as (below) to create our collection regardless of type

int[] array = [1, 2, 3 ];
List<int> list = [1, 2, 3 ];

On the surface this may not seem a big deal, but imagine you’ve a class that accepts an int[] and maybe you change the type to a List, passing the values via the collection expression [] syntax means that part of your code remains unchanged, it just remains as [1, 2, 3].

Along with this we get to use the spread operator .. for example

List<int> list = [1, 2, 3 ];
int[] array = [.. list];

In this example we’ve created a list then basically copied the items to the array, but a spread operator can be used to concatenate values (or collections), such as

int[] array = [-3, -2, -1, 0, .. list];

Creating your own collections to use collection expressions

For many of the original types, such as List<T> the collection expression code is built in. But newer collections and, if we want, our own collection can take advantage of this syntax by following a minimal set of rules.

All we need to do is create our collection type and add the CollectionBuilderAttribute to it like this

[CollectionBuilder(typeof(MyCollection), nameof(MyCollection.Create))]
public class MyCollection<T>
   // our code

Now this is not going to work, the typeof expects a non-generic type, so we create a simple non-generic version of this class to handle the creation of the generic version. Also notice the CollectionBuilder expects the name of the method to call and expects a method that takes a single parameter of type ReadOnlySpan and returns the collection type, now initialized, like this

public class MyCollection
  public static MyCollection<T> Create<T>(ReadOnlySpan<T> items)
     // returns a MyCollection<T>

Let’s look at potential bare minimum implementation of this collection type which can be used with the collection expression syntax. Notice we will also need to implement IEnumerable and/or IEnumerable<T>

[CollectionBuilder(typeof(MyCollection), nameof(MyCollection.Create))]
public class MyCollection<T> : IEnumerable<T>
  public static readonly MyCollection<T> Empty = new(Array.Empty<T>());

  private readonly List<T> _innerCollection;

  internal MyCollection(T[]? items)
    _innerCollection = items == null ? new List<T>() : [..items];

  public T this[int index] => _innerCollection[index];
  public IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator() => _innerCollection.GetEnumerator();
  IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() => _innerCollection.GetEnumerator();

public class MyCollection
  public static MyCollection<T> Create<T>(ReadOnlySpan<T> items)
    return items.IsEmpty ? 
      MyCollection<T>.Empty : 
      new MyCollection<T>(items.ToArray());

Ofcourse this is a silly example as we’re not adding anything that the inner List<T> cannot supply, but you get the idea. Now we can use the collection expression syntax on our new collection type

MyCollection<int> collection = [1, 2, 6, 7];

Docker on Windows

Note: I’m going through draft posts that go back to 2014 and publishing where they still may have value. They may not be 100% upto date but better published late than never.

Up until recently I’ve been solely using Docker on Linux, but I’ve a need to use it with Windows now. I’ve installed Docker Desktop and set to Switch to Windows containers.

So first off we’re going to download a Windows image, whilst there are several variants, for server, nano windows, we’re going to go pretty much full blown using

docker pull

Note: It may take some time to download, it’s > 3GB

Now just to prove it worked let’s run it in interactive mode and starting the cmd prompt using

docker run -it cmd.exe

Exit your image by typing exit followed by return.

I’m going to want to create a volume to save/share files with the Windows machine running the container, so let’s create a folder c:\shared and then copy or create a file in here, just to allow us to prove we can connect to it through the container, so mine’s predictably HelloWorld.txt, now run

docker run -it -v c:\shared:c:\shared cmd.exe

Note: Change cmd.exe to powershell.exe if you prefer

I’m naming the folder in the image the same as the real machine’s folder, but you can change it to suit, just change the second path like this

docker run -it -v c:\shared:c:\shared2 cmd.exe

and if you created a simple text file with a message in it, once we’re inside the container we can type

type HelloWorld.txt

from the c:\shared folder to see it it’s as expected.

Now I’m wanting to start to install applications into the container, but with no GUI we need “silent installs”

msiexec /i .\myapp.msi /QN /L*V install.log

C# interop with F#

Note: I’m going through draft posts that go back to 2014 and publishing where they still may have value. They may not be 100% upto date but better published late than never.

The intention of this post is to demonstrate how various bits of F# code are viewed from C# code. Obviously as both are .NET languages compiling to IL they can call one another’s code.

F# modules

Let’s start at the top, an F# module. So let’s look at a simple module

module MyModule

let squared x = x * x

The module will appears to C# as a static class and the function squared will become a static method, for example

public static class MyModule
  public static int squared(int x);

F# inferred the type to be an int

Ofcourse from C# we’ll call this function like any other static function

int result = MyModule.squared(4);


The preference within F# is to use the Option type. But if you are working in C# and not wanting to include F# specific types you might prefer to still return a null. However if you are doing something like the following

match results with
| null -> null
| a -> new Thing(a)

This will fail to compiler with an error such as “The type ‘Thing’ does not have ‘null’ as a proper value.”

We can solve this by marking the Thing type with the attribute AllowNullLiteral, for example

type Thing() =
   // members etc.

or we might change the origina F# code to

match results with
| null -> Operators.Unchecked.defaultof<Scale>
| a -> new Thing(a)