lookup index.docker.io no DNS servers error

I’ve been learning Docker lately and all was working well, then today I started seeing the following error lookup index.docker.io no DNS servers error when trying to pull a docker container from Docker Hub. Very strange as this worked fine previously.

For the record, I was able to use apt-get to update packages and I could ping the index.docker.io address, so I’m not sure what changed to make this break.

Anyway to solve the problem we can simply append dns-nameservers to the file /etc/network/interfaces

For example

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
address 192.x.x.x
gateway 192.x.x.1

In the above I’ve added the loopback and two google name servers to the interfaces file.

To activate these changes (without a reboot) just use

ifdown eth0 && ifup eth0