I was messing around with the random number generator code for Int and noticed that the API has two Range types, Range and ClosedRange. Upon further investigation I found that Swift supports even more range types.
So currently the range types are Range, ClosedRange, PartialRangeFrom, PartialRangeUpTo, PartialRangeThrough and CountableRange.
The Range type is “a half-open interval from a lower bound up to, but not including, an upper bound”. Which basically means the ..< syntax, i.e.
let range = 1..<100
In other words range is from (and including) 1 to 100 (but not including 100).
We might write a function to handle this using the following syntax
// usage rangeTest.range(1..<10) func range(_ r: Range<Int>) -> Void { print("\(r.lowerBound), \(r.upperBound)") }
The ClosedRange type is “an interval from a lower bound up to, and including, an upper bound”. Which basically means the … syntax, i.e.
let range = 1...100
In other words range is from (and including) 1 to 100 (and including 100).
We might write a function to handle this using the following syntax
// rangeTest.range(1...10) func range(_ r: ClosedRange<Int>) -> Void { print("\(r.lowerBound), \(r.upperBound)") }
The PartialRangeFrom type is “a partial interval extending upward from a lower bound”. Which uses … syntax, i.e.
let range = 0...
We might write a function to handle this using the following syntax
// rangeTest.range(..<10) func range(_ r: PartialRangeUpTo<Int>) -> Void { print("\(r.lowerBound)") }
The PartialRangeUpTo type is “a partial half-open interval up to, but not including, an upper bound”. Which uses ..< syntax, i.e.
let range = ..<100
We might write a function to handle this using the following syntax
// rangeTest.range(..<10) func range(_ r: PartialRangeUpTo<Int>) -> Void { print("\(r.upperBound)") }
The PartialRangeThrough type is “a partial interval up to, and including, an upper bound”. Which uses the … syntax, i.e.
let range = ...100
We might write a function to handle this using the following syntax
// rangeTest.range(...10) func range(_ r: PartialRangeThrough<Int>) -> Void { print("\(r.upperBound)") }
The CountableRange is just a type alias around a Range