Fun with Expression objects

Expressions are very useful in many situation. For example, you have a method which you pass a lambda expression to and the method can then determine the name of the property the lambda is using or the method name etc. Or maybe you’ve used them in the past in view model implementations pre-nameof. They’re also used a lot in mocking frameworks, to make the arrange steps nice and terse.

For example

Expressions.NameOf(x => x.Property);

In the above example the lambda expression is the x => x.Property and the NameOf method determines the name of the property, i.e. it returns the string “Property” in this case.

Note: This example is a replacement for the nameof operator for pre C# 6 code bases.

Let’s look at some implementations of such expression code.


So you have code in the format

Expressions.InstanceOf(() => s.Clone());

In this example Expressions is a static class and InstanceOf should extract the instance s from the expression s.Clone(). Obviously we might also need to use the same code of a property, i.e. find the instance of the object with the property.

public static object InstanceOf<TRet>(Expression<Func<TRet>> funcExpression)
   var method = funcExpression.Body as MethodCallExpression;
   // if not a methood, try to get the body (possibly it's a property)
   var memberExpression = method == null ? 
      funcExpression.Body as MemberExpression : 
      method.Object as MemberExpression;

   if(memberExpression == null)
      throw new Exception("Unable to determine expression type, expected () => vm.Property or () => vm.DoSomething()");

   // find top level member expression
   while (memberExpression.Expression is MemberExpression)
      memberExpression = (MemberExpression)memberExpression.Expression;

   var constantExpression = memberExpression.Expression as ConstantExpression;
   if (constantExpression == null)
      throw new Exception("Cannot determine constant expression");

   var fieldInfo = memberExpression.Member as FieldInfo;
   if (fieldInfo == null)
      throw new Exception("Cannot determine fieldinfo object");

   return fieldInfo.GetValue(constantExpression.Value);


As this was mentioned earlier, let’s look at the code for a simple nameof replacement using Expressions. This implementation only works with properties

public static string NameOf<T>(Expression<Func<T>> propertyExpression) 
   if (propertyExpression == null)
      throw new ArgumentNullException("propertyExpression");

   MemberExpression property = null;

   // it's possible to end up with conversions, as the expressions are trying 
   // to convert to the same underlying type
   if (propertyExpression.Body.NodeType == ExpressionType.Convert)
      var convert = propertyExpression.Body as UnaryExpression;
      if (convert != null)
         property = convert.Operand as MemberExpression;

   if (property == null)
      property = propertyExpression.Body as MemberExpression;
   if (property == null)
      throw new Exception(
         "propertyExpression cannot be null and should be passed in the format x => x.PropertyName");

   return property.Member.Name;