Debugging redux

Whilst developing our UI and using redux to store our model things can get complicated when trying to understand what’s going on – did the reducer get called, what’s the state of the data in redux etc.

I’m using storybook primarily for my own testing, whilst the information below is not specific to storybook, it is a useful way to keep this stuff out of the production code.

First we need to add Chrome (or Firefox) extensions/add-ons to enable us to use the redux viewer (see When installed a Redux option should appear in the Chrome (or Firefox) debug tools and selecting it will display the redux extension which give us a way to see each dispatch message, the changes in the redux store and dig into what’s currently stored in redux.

Let’s start tings off by installing the following

yarn add redux-devtools-extension -D

Now we need to plug the dev tools into the redux store, so I’m creating a store in my story and the code looks something like this (where myReducer is obviously the reducer I’m using, initialState is obviously the state I wish to prime the redux store with, i.e. my test data). In the example below I’m using the middleware, the redux-promise-middleware this is all passed into the composeDevTools which is basically the link to the previously installed Chrome (or Firefox) dev tools.

import { composeWithDevTools } from 'redux-devtools-extension';

const store = createStore(myReducer, initialState, 

That’s all there is to it, now run your code up, display the dev tools in Chrome (or Firefox) and select the Redux option then interact with your UI to see redux dispatched message etc.