Category Archives: JustMock Lite

Mocking – JustMock Lite, NSubstitute, FakeItEasy and Moq

I having been working on several projects with different teams, each have their preferred mocking framework (as well as many other differences in choices of tech.), this post is not meant as a comparison of popularity, preference or even functionality, its really more of a reminder to myself how to use each framework for the core mocking requirements so when switching between teams/projects I’ve a little reminder of the different syntax etc.

Note: This post is not complete or particularly comprehensive and I’ll update further as I need to use other features of the various libraries, but just wanted to get this published before I forget about it. Also there may be better or alternates ways to do things in different frameworks, for the purpose of this post I’m only really interested in showing the bare minimum changes to switch between frameworks.

Please note, MOQ version 4.20 has introduced a SponsoreLink which appears to send data to some third party. See discussions on GitHub.

What are we mocking?

Before we get into the details of the Mock frameworks, let’s see what we’re mocking

public interface IDataProvider
  IList<string> GetIds(string filter);
  event EventHandler Updates;

So let’s assume this will be an interface to some data provider, whether it’s remote or what the implementation is makes no difference, but the premise is we get some data using GetIds – maybe a list of trades in a trading application. The event tells us there have been updates to the data (this is a rather simplistic example as we don’t tell the consumer what the updates are, but you get the idea hopefully).

We’ll be passing the IDataProvider into a class which will act like a repository and will be used to get the data specific to that repository and the likes, the implementation of this is not really important to the specifics of this post and hence not included here.

Arrange, Act and Assert (AAA)

AAA is a pattern used within unit tests to

  • Arrange – initialize code including setting up any requirements for the system under test, i.e. create instances of objects to be tested, initialize values of the system under test etc.
  • Act – this is really just the action of using the code that we’re testing
  • Assert – this is the stage where we assert or verify results, i.e. did the system under test return the expected data/value

In terms of mocking frameworks, these should also follow and allow a similar flow when used. What we’re after is a way to create instances of


To arrange our mock (or unit tests in general) we aim to create the component parts of a test and setup methods regarding what happens when they’re called etc.. In the case of using a mocking framework, we’ll use the framework to create instances of interfaces (or actual objects in some cases) and as the methods on an object don’t really have implementations behind them, we will want to declare what happens when code tries to call our mocked methods.


var provider = Mock.Create<IDataProvider>();

Mock.Arrange(() => provider.GetData("/trades")).Returns(tradeData);


var provider = new Mock<IDataProvider>();
// or
var provider = Mock.Of<IDataProvider>();

provider.Setup(instance => 


var provider = Substitute.For<IDataProvider>();



var provider = A.Fake<IDataProvider>();

A.CallTo(() => provider.GetTrades("/trades")).Returns(tradeData);


The Act phase is actually the use of our mock objects as if we’re calling the actual implementation, hence in our code we may actually call


See also the section on events to see the mocking frameworks calling events.


In the unit tests we would now assert the results of our system under test, this may take a form such as of an NUnit assert, such as

Assert.AreEqual(3, systemUnderTest.Trades.Count);

This isn’t really part of the mock, as by this time hopefully our mock objects and methods have been called but we might wish to verify that the calls to the mocked methods actually happened.


In cases where you wish to assert that a mock has been called correctly, i.e. with the correct arguments or it’s been called N number of times, then we need to Assert. Assertions may be quick complex, for example we might want to ensure that a mock was only called with specific arguments, was called once or many times, maybe we don’t care about the arguments etc.

Let’s look at a fairly simple example where we want to ensure our mocked method is called once and once only

Note: JustMock includes the expectations of call occurrences etc. when arrange the mock hence we just verify or in JustMock, Assert, that all the previous Arrange definitions have been met.




provider.Verify(instance => instance.GetTrades("/trades"), Times.Once());




A.CallTo(() => provider.GetTrades("/trades")).

What about exceptions?

In some cases we want to mimic the mocked code throwing an exception, we do this as part of the Arrange phase on all frameworks


Mock.Arrange(() => provider.GetIds("/trades"))


provider.Setup(instance => instance.GetIds("/trades"))


provider.GetIds("/trades").Returns(x => throw new ArgumentNullException());


A.CallTo(() => provider.GetIds("/trades")).Throws<ArgumentNullException>();

What about events?

Ofcourse C# has an event model which we would also want to mock, let’s see how each framework allows us to simulate events. The Mock framework would already have supplied the event code and hence what we’re really wanting to do it cause an event to occur. This would therefore be part of the Act phase


Mock.Raise(() => provider.Updates += null, null, null);


provider.Raise(instance => 
   instance.Updates += null, EventArgs.Empty);


provider.Updates += Raise.Event();


provider.Updates += Raise.WithEmpty();


Code is available on GitHub

Returning values (in sequence) using JustMock Lite


Okay, so I have some code which is of the format

      // do something 
} while (reader.ReadNextPage())

the basic premise is Read some data from somewhere until the data is exhausted, then read the next page of data and so on, until no data is left to read.

I wanted to unit test aspects of this by mocking out the reader and allowing me to isolate the specific functionality within the method. Ofcourse I could have refactored this method to test just the inner parts of the loop, but this is not always desirable as it still means the looping expectation is not unit tested.

I can easily mock the ReadNextPage to return false to just test one pages of data, but the Read method itself needs to return true initially, but also must return false at some point or the unit test will potentially get stuck in an infinite loop. Hence, I need to be able to eventually return false on the Read method.

Using InSequence, we can return different values on the calls to the Read method, for example using

Mock.Arrange(() => reader.ReadNextPage()).Returns(false);
Mock.Arrange(() => reader.Read()).Returns(true).InSequence();
Mock.Arrange(() => reader.Read()).Returns(false).InSequence();

Here the first call to Read obviously returns true, the next call returns false, so the unit test will actually complete and we’ll successfully test the loop and whatever is within it.

Comparing Moq and JustMock lite

This is not meant as a “which is best” post or even a feature blow by blow comparison but more a “I’m using JustMock lite (known henceforth as JML) how do I do this in Moq” or vice versa.

Please note, MOQ version 4.20 has introduced a SponsoreLink which appears to send data to some third party. See discussions on GitHub.

For this post I’m using Moq 4.2.1402.2112 and JML 20014.1.1424.1

For the code samples, I’m writing xUnit tests but I’m not necessarily going to write code to use the mocks but will instead call directly on the mocks to demonstrate solely how they would work. Such tests would obviously only really ensure the mocking framework worked as expected, but hopefully the ideas of the mocks usage is conveyed in as little code as possible.

Strict behaviour

By default both Moq and JML use loose behavior meaning simply that if we do not create any Setup or Arrange code for methods/properties being mocked, then the mocking framework will default them. When using strict behavior we are basically saying if a method or property is called on the mock object and we’ve not setup any behaviors for the mock object, then the mocking framework should fail – meaning we’ll get an exception from the mocking framework.

Following is an example of using the strict behavior – removing the Setup/Arrange will cause a mocking framework exception, adding the Setup/Arrange will fulfill the strict behavior and allow the code to complete

Using Moq

Mock<IFeed> feed = new Mock<IFeed>(MockBehavior.Strict);

feed.Setup(f => f.GetTitle()).Returns("");


Using JML

IFeed feed = Mock.Create<IFeed>(Behavior.Strict);

Mock.Arrange(() => feed.GetTitle()).Returns("");


Removing the MockBehavior.Strict/Behavior.Strict from the mock calls will switch to loose behaviors.

Ensuring a mocked method/property is called n times

Occasionally we want to ensure that a method/property is called a specified number of times only, for example, once, at least n times, at most n etc.

Using Moq

Mock<IFeed> feed = new Mock<IFeed>();

feed.Setup(f => f.GetTitle()).Returns("");


feed.Verify(f => f.GetTitle(), Times.Once);

Using JML

IFeed feed = Mock.Create<IFeed>();

Mock.Arrange(() => feed.GetTitle()).Returns("").OccursOnce();



In both examples we could change OccursOnce()/Times.Once to OccursNever()/Times.Never or Occurs(2)/Times.Exactly(2) and so on.

Throwing exceptions

On occasion we may want to mock an exception, maybe our IFeed throws a WebException if it cannot download data from a website, we want to simulate this on our mock object -then we can use the following

Using Moq

Mock<IFeed> feed = new Mock<IFeed>();

feed.Setup(f => f.Download()).Throws<WebException>();

Assert.Throws<WebException>(() => feed.Object.Download());


Using JML

IFeed feed = Mock.Create<IFeed>();

Mock.Arrange(() => feed.Download()).Throws<WebException>();

Assert.Throws<WebException>(() => feed.Download());


Supporting multiple interfaces

Occasionally we might be mocking an interface, such as IFeed but our application will check if the IFeed object also supports IDataErrorInfo (for example) and handle the code accordingly. So, without actually changing the IFeed what we would expect is a concrete class which implements both interfaces.

Using Moq

Mock<IFeed> feed = new Mock<IFeed>();

Assert.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(IDataErrorInfo), feed.Object);

Using JML

IFeed feed = Mock.Create<IFeed>(r => r.Implements<IDataErrorInfo>());

Assert.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(IDataErrorInfo), feed);

As you can see, we add interfaces to our mock in Moq by using the As method and in JML using the Implements method, we can change these methods together to also add further interfaces to our mock as per

Using Moq

Mock<IFeed> feed = new Mock<IFeed>();

Assert.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(IDataErrorInfo), feed.Object);
Assert.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(INotifyPropertyChanged), feed.Object);

Using JML

IFeed feed = Mock.Create<IFeed>(r => 

Assert.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(IDataErrorInfo), feed);
Assert.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(INotifyPropertyChanged), feed);


One of the biggest problems when unit testing using mocks is when a system under test (SUT) requires many parts to be mocked and setup, or if the code for the SUT changes often, requiring refactoring of tests to simply add/change etc. the mock objects used.

As you’ve already seen with Loose behavior we can get around the need to setup every single bit of code and thus concentrate our tests on specific areas without creating a thousand and one mock’s and setup/arrange sections of code. But in a possibly ever changing SUT it would be good if we didn’t need to continually add/remove mocks which we might not be testing against.

What would be nice is if the mocking framework could work like an IoC system and automatically inject the mocks for us – this is basically what auto mocking is about.

So if we look at the code below, assume for a moment that initially the code didn’t include IProxySettings, we write our IFeedList mock and write the code to test the RssReader, now we add a new interface IProxySettings and now we need to alter the tests to include this interface even though our current test code doesn’t need it. Ofcourse with the addition of a single interface this may seem to be a little over the top, however it can easily get a lot worse.

So here’s the code…

System under test and service code

public interface IFeedList
   string Download();

public interface IProxySettings

public class RssReader
   private IFeedList feeds;
   private IProxySettings settings;

   public RssReader(IProxySettings settings, IFeedList feeds)
      this.settings = settings;
      this.feeds = feeds;

   public string Download()
      return feeds.Download();

Now when the auto mocking container mocks the RssReader, it will automatically inject mocks for the two interfaces, then it’s up to our test code to setup or arrange expectations etc. on it.

Using Moq

Unlike the code you will see (further below) for JML, Moq doesn’t come with a auto mock container by default (JML NuGet’s package will add the Telerik.JustMock.Container by default). Instead Moq appears to have several auto mocking containers created for use with it by the community at large. I’m going to concentrate on Moq.Contrib which includes the AutoMockContainer class.

MockRepository repos = new MockRepository(MockBehavior.Loose);
AutoMockContainer container = new AutoMockContainer(repos);

RssReader rss = container.Create<RssReader>();

container.GetMock<IFeedList>().Setup(f => f.Download()).Returns("Data");

Assert.Equal("Data", rss.Download());


Using JML

var container = new MockingContainer<RssReader>();

container.Arrange<IFeedList>(f => f.Download()).Returns("Data");

Assert.Equal("Data", container.Instance.Download());


In both cases the auto mock container created our RssReader, mocking the interfaces passed to it.

That’s it for now, I’ll add further comparisons as and when I get time.

Messing around with JustMock lite

I’ve been trying out JustMock Lite (hereon known as JML), from Telerik – the lite version is free and source available on Github. The package is installable via NuGet.

So let’s start with a simple Arrange-Act-Assert sample

IFeed feed = Mock.Create<IFeed>();

// arrange
Mock.Arrange(() => feed.Update(10)).Returns(true).OccursOnce();

// act

// assert

The example above shows how we create a mock object based upon the IFeed interface. We then arrange the mocked methods etc. The next step in the sample above is where we use the mocked methods before finally setting assertions.

Note: We do not get a “mock” type back from Mock.Create as we would with a framework like Moq, but instead we get the IFeed which I rather like, not having to use the mock’s Object property to get the type being mocked. This is because in Moq the setup/arrange phase and for that matter the assert phase are all instance methods on the mock object, in JML we use static methods on the Mock class

Loose vs Strict

By default JML creates mocks with Behavior.Loose which means that we don’t need to supply all calls on the mock object upfront via the arrange mechanism. In other words, using Behavior.Loose simply means we might make calls on a mocked object’s methods (for example) without having to explicitly setup the Arrange calls and we’ll get default beaviour. Behavior.Strict means any calls we make on the mock object must have been set-up prior to being called on the mocked object.

Let’s look at an example of using JML’s strict behaviour

public interface IReader
   IEnumerable<string> ReadLine();
   string ReadToEnd();

public void ReadLine_EnsureCsvReaderUsesUnderlyingReader()
   IReader reader = Mock.Create<IReader>(Behavior.Strict);

   Mock.Arrange(() => reader.ReadLine()).Returns((IEnumerable<string>)null);

   CsvReader csv = new CsvReader(reader);


In the above, assuming (for the moment) that csv.ReadLine() calls the IReader ReadLine method, then all will be work. But if we remove the Mock.Arrange call we’ll get a StrictMockException as we’d expect as we’ve not setup the Arrange calls. Switching to Behavior.Loose in essence gives us a default implementation of the IReader ReadLine (as we’ve not explicitly provided one via the Mock.Arrange method) and all will work again.

As per other mocking frameworks this simply means if we want to enforce a strict requirement for each call on our mocked object to first be arranged, then we must do this explicitly.

JML also has two other behaviors, Behavior.RecursiveLoose which allows us to create loose mocking on all levels of the mocked object.

The Behavior.CallOriginal sets the mock object up to, by default, call the actual mocked object’s methods/properties. Obviously this means it cannot be used on an interface or abstract method, but what it does mean is that we can mock a class’s virtual method/property (JustMock elevated – the commercial version of JustMock – looks like it supports non virtual/abstract mocking on classes) and by default call the original object’s methods and only Arrange those methods/properties we want to alter.

For example, the following code will pass our test as JML will call our original code and does not require we Arrange the return on the property Name

public class Reader
   public virtual string Name { get { return "DefaultReader"; }}

public void Name_ShouldBeAsPerTheImplementation()
   Reader reader = Mock.Create<Reader>(Behavior.CallOriginal);

   Assert.Equal("DefaultReader", reader.Name);


In some mocking frameworks, such as Moq, will intercept the Name property call and return the default (null) value instead (assuming we’ve not setup any returns ofcourse).

More on CallOriginal

Behavior.CallOriginal sets up the mocked object as, by default, calling the original implementation code, but we can also setup Arrange calls to call the original implementation more explicitly.

For example

public class Reader
   public virtual string GetValue(string key)
      return "default";

Reader reader = Mock.Create<Reader>();

Mock.Arrange(() => reader.GetValue(null)).Returns("NullReader");
Mock.Arrange(() => reader.GetValue("key")).CallOriginal();

Assert.Equal("NullReader", reader.GetValue(null));
Assert.Equal("default", reader.GetValue("key"));


So here when reader.GetValue is called with the argument “key” the original (concrete implementation) or the GetValue method is called.

Note: Moq also implements such a capability using the CallBase() method