Category Archives: Programming

WCF – Basics

I’ve used WCF (and the previous incarnation of web services in .NET) on and off for a while. However once the inital work to set the application up is completed I tend to forget much of what I’ve done to concentrate on the actual application. This is one of the great things with WCF – it just works once set-up.

So this post is going to be written as a quick refresher.


One of the key things to remember with WCF is the the setting up is pretty much all about the ABC’s

  • A is of Address. In other words what’s the location (or endpoint) of the service.
  • B is of Binding. How do we connect to the endpoint, i.e. what’s the protocol etc.
  • C is of Contract. The application/programming interface to the web service, i.e. what does it do ?


Simply put, creating an interface and decorating the interface with [ServiceContract] will mark out an interface as a service contract. Marking the methods that you want to publish with [OperationContract] i.e.

public interface IPlantService
   List<Plant> GetPlants();
   // and so on

where we’re passing our own complex types back (in the above we have the Plant class) here we mark the class with [DataContract] attribute and each property we wish to publish are marked with [DataMember] as per

public class Plant
   public int Id { get; set; }
   public string CommonName { get; set; }
   // ... and so on

Don’t forget to include the System.ServiceModel assembly and System.Runtime.Serialization.

Hosting a service outside of IIS

Whilst IIS offers a scaleable, consistent and secure architecture for hosting WCF web services, one might prefer to host via a console app or Windows service for example. The following is a simple example of the code needed to get WCF self hosted in a console application.

class Program
   static void Main(string[] args)
      ServiceHost serviceHost = new ServiceHost(typeof(PlantService));
      Console.WriteLine("Service Running");

Configuring the ABC’s

Configuration of the ABC’s can be accomplished through code or more usually through configuration. I’m not going to dig deep into configuration but instead point to something I’ve only recently been made aware of. Having always edited the app.config by hand.

It’s slightly strange in Visual Studio 2010 how you enable this option but go to Tools | WCF Service Configuration Editor then close it. Now if you right mouse click to get the context menu on the App.config file you’ll see the Edit WCF Configuration option. Now you can configure WCF via this UI.

HTTP could not register URL http://+:8080/ Your process does not have access rights to this namespace

If you’re getting an exception along the lines of “HTTP could not register URL http://+:8080/. Your process does not have access rights to this namespace” whilst writing a WCF web service on Vista or Windows 7 then take a visit to PaulWh’s Tech Blog and download his HttpNamespaceManager.

Just add the url along the lines of http://+8080/ (or whatever port you’re using). Then added group or users (for example BUILTIN\Users and NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE) and assign GenericExecute access to them.

This works whilst running within Visual Studio as well as running a standalone EXE.

If you prefer a more hardcore approach then run netsh as admin, either typing

netsh http add urlacl url=http://+:8080/MyService/ user=DOMAIN\user

or you can run netsh (again as admin) and then enter the command

http add urlacl url=http://+:8080/MyService/ user=DOMAIN\user

netsh works like a folder structure, to equally you can type http followed by enter to enter the http section and enter everything after the http section of the command line.

To view the currently set up urlacl’s simple type

netsh http show urlacl

Entity Framework – Dynamic Proxies and WCF

A quick post regarding a simple problem you might find using Entity Framework with WCF. I have a simply little application which uses Entity Framework to access SQL Server and currently this all happens in a little client application.

I decided I wanted to move the DB access into a web service so I could look at writing an iPad or the likes front end to access it. All went well until I got the following exception

An error occurred while receiving the HTTP response to http://localhost:9095/MyService. This could be due to the service endpoint binding not using the HTTP protocol. This could also be due to an HTTP request context being aborted by the server (possibly due to the service shutting down). See server logs for more details.

My web service code looked like the following

public List<Plant> GetPlants()
   using (PlantsContext context = new PlantsContext())
       return context.Plants.ToList();

The problem is that the return is returning dynamic proxies, of the Plant type, not strictly real Plant types. What we need to do is change the code to add a line to turn off proxy creation

using (PlantsContext context = new PlantsContext())
   context.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;
   return context.Plants.ToList();

And all works.

Quick Start – MahApps Metro

I discovered the excellent MahApps Metro libraries a while back but it wasn’t until I started using github:Windows that I was inspired to really start using this excellent library.

Basically MahApps Metro offers a bunch of styles and controls which duplicate aspects of Windows 8 UI but ofcouse they can be used on non-Windows 8 versions of Windows. For example, I have code on both WinXP and Windows 7 using these libraries and they look great.

This post is just a quick “how to quickly get up and running” with MahApps.

  • Let’s start by creating a WPF Application in Visual Studio.
  • Now using NuGet type MahApps.Metro into the search box of NuGet and install MahApps.Metro
  • In the MainWindow.xaml.cs change the base class from Window to MetroWindow and add using MahApps.Metro.Controls;
  • In the MainWindow.xaml change Window to MetroWindow add the namespace if need be (for example xmlns:Controls=”clr-namespace:MahApps.Metro.Controls;assembly=MahApps.Metro”)
  • Finally add A Window.Resources section to the MainWindow.xaml file as per the code below to enable the Metro styles
         <ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/MahApps.Metro;component/Styles/Colours.xaml" />
         <ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/MahApps.Metro;component/Styles/Fonts.xaml" />
         <ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/MahApps.Metro;component/Styles/Controls.xaml" />
         <ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/MahApps.Metro;component/Styles/Accents/Blue.xaml" />
         <ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/MahApps.Metro;component/Styles/Accents/BaseLight.xaml" />

Note: After installing MahApps.Metro using NuGet the page is displayed, it contains the steps above plus more so obviously read that for a fuller explanation. I’ve written these steps out just to show the bare minimum I need to do to get started.

The Singleton Pattern in C#

The singleton pattern has fallen out of favour in recent times, the preference being towards using IoC in it’s place, but it’s still useful. I’m not going to go in depth into coding samples for this pattern as there’s an excellent article “Implementing the Singleton Pattern in C#” which covers the subject well.

A simple thread safe implementation taken from the aforementioned article is

public sealed class Singleton
   private static readonly Singleton instance = new Singleton();

   static Singleton()

   private Singleton()

   public static Singleton Instance
      get { return instance; }

Note: The private constructor is included as the intention is for the user to use the Instance property to interact with the Singleton instance and not allow creating a new Singleton directly.

System.Lazy has been around since .NET 4.0 and it offers a threadsafe means to implement lazy loading/initialization. So now we can rewrite the above Singleton class with lazy loading

public sealed class Singleton
   private static readonly Lazy<Singleton> instance = new Lazy<Singleton>(() => new Singleton());   

   private Singleton()

   public static Singleton Instance
      get { return instance.Value; }

Dispose pattern

A quick post to show the implementation of the Dispose pattern for IDisposable implementations.

Note: this is not threadsafe

public class MyObject : IDisposable
   protected bool disposed;

   // only required if we need to release unmanaged resources

   public void Dispose()

   protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
            // dispose of any managed resources here
         // clean up any unmanaged resources here
      disposed = true;

First Impressions – AutoMapper

One of the projects I’m working on (at the time of writing this post) is a C# client which uses Java web services. When creating the proxies we end up with DTO objects which have a few issues, some are aesthetic others functional.

On the aesthetic from they do not adhere to the Pascal case naming convention and use arrays instead of C# Lists, on the functional side they ofcourse are lightweight DTO objects so contain no business logic or the other additional functionality which we’d want in our Domain objects.

So we have ended up with a mass of mapping factories and functionality that converts a DTO object to a Domain object and in some cases the reverse also (not all Domain’s need to be converted back to DTO’s). There’s absolutely nothing wrong with these factories and mapping mechanisms whatsoever, but I came across AutoMapper recently (although it looks like its been around for a long while – so I’m somewhat late to the party) and thought I’d try to use it on a set of similar scenarios.

I’ll start with a couple of simple DTO classes, PersonView and CountryView.

public class CountryView
   public string name { get; set; }

public class PersonView
   public string name { get; set; }
   public int age { get; set; }
   public CountryView country { get; set; }
   public PersonView[] children { get; set; }

to start with the domain objects are going to be just as simple as the DTO’s but conforming to our preference of Pascal case property names and IList’s instead of arrays. So the domains look like

public class Country
   public string Name { get; set; }

public class Person
   public string Name { get; set; }
   public int Age { get; set; }
   public Country Country { get; set; }
   public IList<Person> Children { get; set; }

Okay nothing very complicated or particularly useful in the real world, if we were trying to model a family tree, but it’s good enough for us to start playing with.

So the next question is obviously how we tell AutoMapper to associate the mapping of one type to the other. This is handled via the Mapper.CreateMap method. We need to tell the mapper how to map every object type that makes up the object tree.

Mapper.CreateMap<PersonView, Person>();
Mapper.CreateMap<CountryView, Country>();

Note: If we wanted to convert the Domain objects back to DTO we’d need Mapper.CreatMap entries with the generic parameters switched also.

Finally, we want to actually convert one type of data (in this instance the DTO) to another type of data (in this case the Domain object). To do this we simply use

PersonView dto = GetPerson();
Person domain = Mapper.Map<PersonView, Person>(dto);

I’ll leave the reader to create the GetPerson method and supply some test data. But upon successful completion of the Mapper.Map call the domain object should now have all the data copied from the DTO plus a List instead of an array.

So within AutoMapper it’s obviously matched the properties by a case insensitive comparison of the property names but what, I hear you ask, if the property names on PersonView did not match those in the domain object.

To solve this we simply add some information to the mapping declarations along the following lines (assuming the DTO object name property is now n, age is a etc.)

Mapper.CreateMap<PersonView, Person>().
   ForMember(d => d.Age, o => o.MapFrom(p => p.a)).
   ForMember(d => d.Name, o => o.MapFrom(p => p.n)).
   ForMember(d => d.Name, o => o.MapFrom(p =>
   ForMember(d => d.Name, o => o.MapFrom(p =>;

Finally for this post (as it’s mean’t to be the first impressions of AutoMapper not a comprehensive user guide :)) is what if the DTO property names all end in a standard postfix, for example nameField, ageField etc. Maybe the naming convention from the guys developing the web service uses the xxxField format and we’d prefer to not use the same. We wouldn’t really want to have to create the ForMember mappings for every field if we could help it. Instead we could use

Mapper.Initialize(c => c.RecognizePostfixes("Field"));

Note: the solution above is global, so would affect all mappings, but essentially now can handle exact case insensitive matches as well as insensitive matches with the postfix “Field”.

Entity Framework – Database First

In a previous post I highlighted how to generate a database from a POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) model in what’s known as “Code First”. However in many situations you’ll more likely have to generate your code model from your database. Either you’ll prefer to implement your DB first, maybe it’s more natural to create the DB first or maybe you’re looking at an existing project where the DB has already been created.

So let’s look at how we can use EF from an existing database.

We’re going to create a MusicDatabase (this sample used to always be a CD Database but as much of my music is bought nowadays as MP3 files I’ll update this to a MusicDatabase instead).

So steps to create this demo database are as follows, in SQL Server Management Studio, create a new database and name it MusicDatabase, then add the following tables (the scripts below were generated from my tables)

1. Create the Artists table

USE [MusicDatabase]


CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Artists](
	[Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
	[Name] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
	[Genre] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
	[Id] ASC


2. Create the Albums table

USE [MusicDatabase]


CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Albums](
	[Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
	[ArtistId] [int] NOT NULL,
	[Name] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
	[Id] ASC


ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Albums]  WITH CHECK ADD  CONSTRAINT [FK_Albums_Artists] FOREIGN KEY([ArtistId])
REFERENCES [dbo].[Artists] ([Id])

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Albums] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_Albums_Artists]

3. Finally create the tracks table

USE [MusicDatabase]


CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Tracks](
	[Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
	[AlbumId] [int] NOT NULL,
	[Number] [int] NOT NULL,
	[Name] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
	[Id] ASC


REFERENCES [dbo].[Albums] ([Id])

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Tracks] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_Tracks_Albums]

The next step we have to task is to generate the code from our database, so create a solution (I’m using a console application)

  • Now right click on the project and select Add | New Item. In the Visual C# Items | Data section select the ADO.NET Entity Data Model, I named my .edmx file MusicDatabase.edmx.
  • Press OK
  • Now select the Generate from database option.
  • Create a new connection and enter your database server details and database name.
  • Select Next
  • Finally you should see a dialog asking what tables, views and stored proces should it include in your model. We only have tables so check all the tables
  • Press Finish

If all went to plan you should now be viewing a database diagram of the entities and their fields and relationships. We’re currently in the MusicDatabase.edms views of our database. Switching the Solution Explorer we can see the MusicDatabase.edmx and it has a Designer.cs. Taking a look into this we can see the classes created to map to our database tables.

Now let’s add an artist to the database along with a couple of their albums and a couple of tracks for each album – just to prove it all works.

Copy/Paste the following into Program.cs Main (if like me you’ve created a simple console app. to test this in)

using(MusicDatabaseEntities context = new MusicDatabaseEntities())
   Artist artist = new Artist
      Name = "Alice Cooper",
      Genre = "Rock",
      Albums =
         new Album
            Name = "School's Out",
            Tracks =
               new Track
                  Number = 1,
                  Name = "School's Out"
	       new Track
                  Number = 2,
                  Name = "Luney Tune"
         new Album
            Name = "Love it to death",
            Tracks =
               new Track
                  Number = 1,
                  Name = "Caught in a dream"
               new Track
                  Number = 2,
                  Name = "I'm Eighteen"


Now if you run this and everything went well, you should find you’ve populated the tables in the database.

You may have noticed the AddObject call at the end of the method (above). This is because Visual Studio 2010 (which I’m using for this example) requires an extra step to make use of the DbContext API that was used in the Entity Framework – Code First post.

See Database First for more on this (actually had I seen this post before I started writing this post I might not have bothered as this link points to a more comprehensive explanation, but I’ve got this far so may as well finish the post :)).

So to use the DbContext carry out the following

  • Double click on the MusicDatabase.edmx file to switch to the Model Browser if it’s not currently visible.
  • Right mouse click on the space MusicDatabase.edmx file within this view.
  • Select Add Code Generation Item.
  • Click on the Online Templates item
  • Type DbContext into the Search Online Template text box
  • Now select EF 5.x DbContext Generator for C#
  • Change the filename from to
  • Press Add

If you now switch to the solution view in Visual Studio you’ll see some additional .tt files which will basically generate code using the DbContext style code and AddObject plus the associated old style EF code (such as the table classes being derived from EntityObject) being replaced with classes more akin to the POCO classes we defined in the Entity Framework – Code First post.

And finally…

We might need to make changes to the database over time so we need a way to update our model, so in SQL Server Management Studio go to the Tracks table and add a new column called Length, I’ve made mine of data type “real” and this will act as the track length field (I’ve allowed my field to be null just to save me issues with existing data).

Back in Visual Studio, load the Model Browser and right mouse click on the MusicDatabase.edmx file (or any free space) and select Update Model from Database. Check the tables checkbox and press Finish. Rebuild the project to get the template files to regenerate their code and the Track class will now have a Length property.

Entity Framework – Migrations

Following on from my post of Code First with entity framework. Each time I wanted to make changes to the database I went through the process of dropping the database and then regenerating it. This is fine during the development phase and especially if there’s no data to reimport to it. But let’s look at an alternative to this and something more likely to be of use when amending an existing database with a changed schema.

Migration commands are used to generate change tracking files. The commands are run via Visual Studio using the Tools | Library Packager Manager | Package Manager Console.

So load up the Package Manage Console (if it’s not already running) in Visual Studio.

The first thing we need to do is enable migrations on the project. This basically sets up the migration configuration files etc. ready for you to start migrations. So run


and you’ll see a Migrations folder added to your project as well as a Congiruations.cs file and an _InitialCreate.cs file (and associated designer.cs and .rex files).

If you first take a look at the Configurations.cs file you’ll see a pretty empty file which can be used to seed data or handle other migration configuration code.

The _InitialCreate.cs file is where the code exists for actually recreating the current database tables.

Okay, so now we want to make some actual changes to our database. So continuing to use the sample code from the Code First I need to add dimensions to the Planogram, so my new code will look like this (new code highlighted)

public class Planogram
   public int Id { get; set; }
   public string Name { get; set; }

   public double Width { get; set; }
   public double Height { get; set; }
   public double Depth { get; set; }

   public virtual ICollection<Product> Products { get; set; }
   public virtual Store Store { get; set; }

If we now write some code to populate the new fields and run our application we’ll get an InvalidOperationException stating that the model backing the database context has changed. In other words we’ve changed the model but the DB is not in sync. The exception kindly notes that we should consider using Code First Migrations to update the database. So that’s what we’ll do next (for completeness the new coe to create the Planogram is listed below)

using (StorePlanDatabase storePlanDatabase = new StorePlanDatabase())
   Planogram pegboard = new Planogram
      Name = "Batteries Pegboard",
      Depth = 50,
      Height = 1000,
      Width = 800

So now back to our Package Manager Console and we need to create a migrations script for the changes to the model and thus the changes required to bring the database into sync with the model. At the Package Manager Console command line type

Add-Migration PlanogramDimensions

PlanogramDimensions is the descriptive name we’re giving to these changes to the model. If you don’t enter a name you will be prompted for one. A new file _PlanogramDimensions.cs (and it’s associated Designer.cs and .resx) are created. If you take a look into this file you’ll see code specific to adding (and dropping) the new columns on the Planograms table.

At this point the database has not been updated, this has just created the required “patch” if you like. So now from the Package Manager Console run


This will run the migrations script and patch the db it will also run the seed data method from the configurations. If you now check the db you’ll find the Planograms table has the new Width, Height and Depth fields.

Entity Framework – Code First

In the past I’ve used Hibernate (in Java) and NHibernate (in C#/.NET) for ORM functionality but more recently started looking again at Entity Framework to see what this has to offer.

“Code First” within EF allows us to concentrate on writing the POCO (Plan Old CLR Objects) and let the EF database generation code create the DB for us.

Let’s look at an example.

Many years ago I wrote software for the retail industry. When a large retailer is looking to create a new store they will not only design the layout of shelving etc. but also stipulate the layout of products on a shelving unit (note: shelving is being used as a generic terms here for any type of shelf, freezer, pegboard etc.). So the basic relationship would be along the lines of a Store having many Planograms (the name given to the shelving unit plans) and each Planogram having many Products. In code we might model this in the following way

public class Product
   public int Id { get; set; }
   public string Name { get; set; }
   public string UPC { get; set; }

public class Planogram
   public int Id { get; set; }

   public virtual ICollection Products { get; set; }

public class Store
   public int Id { get; set; }

   public virtual ICollection Planograms { get; set; }

Note: The above will NOT produce the tables that I/we might expect (discussed later). Also for brevity I’ve not included the connection string as either config or in the DbContext constructor.

The use of the virtual keyword indicates that these properties should be lazy loaded. Now we need something to represent the database itself. This is derived from the DbContext

public class StorePlanDatabase : DbContext
   public DbSet<Store> Stores { get; set; }
   public DbSet<Planogram> Planograms { get; set; }
   public DbSet<Product> Products { get; set; }

Now I’d like to see what the table structure of these classes looks like, so the simplest way is to create an empty database using the following

StorePlanDatabase storePlanDatabase = new StorePlanDatabase();

The database constructed by this call and with the current POCO classes isn’t quite what I expected. The first thing to note is, that my intention was to have Products used across multiple Planograms whereas the generated tables have a many-to-one relationship meaning I have many Products but only associated with one Planogram, which is no use when trying to reuse a Product across multiple Planograms.

The problem is we’ve not really given the EF database generator enough information. One way to describe the relationship (again solely using the POCO’s) is as follows

public class Product
   public int Id { get; set; }
   public string Name { get; set; }
   public string UPC { get; set; }

   public virtual ICollection Planograms { get; set; }

public class Planogram
   public int Id { get; set; }
   public string Name { get; set; }

   public virtual ICollection Products { get; set; }
   public virtual Store Store { get; set; }

Prior to running this code I deleted the database as I don’t want to get into migrations at this time. So for completeness, in SQL Server Management Studio I typed

use master
drop database StorePlanDatabase

and deleted the database. Now re-running our database creation code we see that a new table ProductPlanograms has been created with two keys, Product_Id and Planogram_Id. So we now have the same product used across multiple Planograms in a many-to-many relationship. Ofcourse it’s quite feasible that the Planogram itself should have a many-to-many relationship with a Store also. But for now I’ll assume a Planogram is Store specific.

Time to add some data.

using (StorePlanDatabase storePlanDatabase = new StorePlanDatabase())
   Product tinnedTomatoes = new Product
      Name = "Tinned Tomatoes",
      UPC = "12345678"

   Product tinnedArtichokes = new Product
      Name = "Tinned Artichokes",
      UPC = "23456789"

   Planogram endcap = new Planogram
      Products = new List

   Planogram gondola = new Planogram
      Products = new List

   Store localStore = new Store
      Planograms = new List


One thing we might wish to alter is the Id on the Product. Obviously it’s easy for me to duplicate the “Tinned Tomatoes” name. In the retail world we have things like UPC (Universal Product Code). This is mean’t to be a 12 digit unique code. So we could do away with the Id on the product and make the UPC the key. Just removing the Id will fail with an exception regarding missing key. We need to give the EF database creator a hint (or better still tell it precisely) which property is now the key. To do this we annotate the UPC with the KeyAttribute (see Julie Lerman’s blog for more info. on various code first annotations)

public string UPC { get; set; }

and now it all works again. If we take a look at the UPC field in the Products table we see it’s a nvarchar(128) but the UPC is a 12 digit code, so time to limit the property to this number of characters.

[Key, MinLength(12), MaxLength(12)]
public string UPC { get; set; }

checking the UPC field in the Products table we now see it’s listed as an nvarchar(12).

Note: if you run this with the test data listed previously you’ll get a constraint exception as the UPC were not 12 characters in length. So feel free to change the data accordingly.

So, the next question might be how do I go about validating the 12 character string to ensure it’s all numeric. We now need to add a new override to the StorePlanDatabase

protected override DbEntityValidationResult ValidateEntity(DbEntityEntry entityEntry,
                      IDictionary<object, object> items)
   DbEntityValidationResult result = base.ValidateEntity(entityEntry, items);

   if(entityEntry.State == EntityState.Added ||
              entityEntry.State == EntityState.Modified)
      if(entityEntry.Entity is Product)
         Product p = (Product) entityEntry.Entity;
         if (p.UPC.Any(c => !Char.IsDigit(c)))
                        new DbValidationError("Product", "Must be numeric"));
   return result;

When we attempt to save changes to the StorePlanDatabase the validation code will kick in and any invalid UPC’s will cause a DbEntityValidationException to occur.

And finally for this post, it’s time to access the data we’ve stored

using (StorePlanDatabase storePlanDatabase = new StorePlanDatabase())
   foreach(Product p in storePlanDatabase.Products)
      Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} : {1}", p.UPC, p.Name));


A couple of additional pieces of information, I’ve not mentioned the user of the connection string for the database. One could hard code the connection string into the DbContext constructor, for example

public class StorePlanDatabase : DbContext
   public StorePlanDatabase()
	: base("Server=MyServerName;Database=StorePlanDatabase;Integrated Security=True")

   public DbSet<Store> Stores { get; set; }
   public DbSet<Planogram> Planograms { get; set; }
   public DbSet<Product> Products { get; set; }

or more likely place in the app.config as per the following

      <add name="StorePlanDatabase"
             connectionString="Server=MyServerName;Database=StorePlanDatabase;Integrated Security=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

There are further options on handling the configuration string, but these should get you started.