Category Archives: Programming

Fundamental Moq

Moq is a fabulously simple yet powerful mocking framework.

Please note, MOQ version 4.20 has introduced a SponsoreLink which appears to send data to some third party. See discussions on GitHub.

For those unaware of what a mocking framework are and what they have to offer check out Wikipedia’s Mock Object post.

Here’s the fundamentals for starting to use Moq…

Let’s start with a simple interface for us to mock out

public interface IFeed
   string Name { get; set; }
   bool Update(int firstNPosts);

Now to mock this interface we can simply create a mock object based on the interface, as follows

IMock<IFeed> mock = new Mock<IFeed>();

obviously this is of little use unless we can set up some behaviours, i.e. what happens when a property or method etc. is called. So in the case of this interface we might want to return a known string for Name like this

IMock<IFeed> mock = new Mock<IFeed>();

mock.Setup(f => f.Name).Returns("SomeUniqueName");

// now use the mock in a unit test
IFeed feed = mock.Object;
Assert.Equal("SomeUniqueName", feed.Name);

The code mock.Object gets the actual interface from the mock, i.e. in this case an IFeed.

For methods we do much the same thing

IMock<IFeed> mock = new Mock<IFeed>();

mock.Setup(f => f.Update(10)).Returns(true);

// now use the mock in a unit test
IFeed feed = mock.Object;

The examples above are a little contrived, after all we obviously are not really going to test that the mock we setup, but instead want to test something that uses the mock.

For example, what about if we have a FeedViewModel which takes an IFeed for display via WPF, something like the following

public class FeedViewModel : PropertyChangedBase
   private IFeed feed;
   private bool showProgress;
   private string error;

   public FeedViewModel(IFeed feed)
      this.feed = feed;

   public string Name { get { return feed.Name; } }

   public void Update()
      ShowProgress = true; 
      bool updated = feed.Update(10);
         Error = "Failed to update";
      ShowProgress = false;

   public bool ShowProgress
      get { return showProgress; }
      set { this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref showProgress, value); }

   public string Error
      get { return error; }
      set { this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref error, value); }

Now we can test our FeedViewModel by creating a mock of the IFeed and passing into the FeedViewModel, allowing us to set up mock calls and check our expectations in tests.

The previous examples showed how we can use mocks to setup return values or just take the place of methods when they are called. We may, however, also wish to verify that our code did correctly call our mock objects one or more times – we can do this by marking the set up as Verifiable and then Verify the mocks at the end of the unit test, as per the following

Mock<IFeed> mock = new Mock<IFeed>();
mock.Setup(f => f.Posts).Returns(posts).Verifiable();

FeedViewModel model = new FeedViewModel(mock.Object);
Assert.Equal(posts.Count, model.PostCount);


In this example posts is a list of Post objects. Our view model has a property PostCount which uses the list of posts. We want to verify that the Posts property on our (new extended IFeed) was actually called. So we mark it as Verifiable() and at the end of the test we use mock.Verify(); to verify it was actually called.

We can be a little more explicit with our verifications, for example if we expect a method to be called twice, we can verify this as follows

Mock<IFeed> mock = new Mock<IFeed>();
mock.Setup(f => f.Update()).Returns(true);

FeedViewModel model = new FeedViewModel(mock.Object);
// do something on the model which will call the feed Update method

mock.Verify(f => f.Update(), Times.Exactly(2));

So this will fail verification (with a MockException) if the Update() method is not called exactly 2 times.

We also may wish to raise events on the mocked object to see what happens in our object under test, for example assume we have a StatusChanged event on our IFeed which the FeedViewModel should subscribe to and change an Updating property upon the relevant event arguments

Mock<IFeed> mock = new Mock<IFeed>();
FeedViewModel model = new FeedViewModel(mock.Object);

mock.Raise(f => f.StatusChanged += null, 
       new StatusChangedEventArgs(StatusChange.UpdateStarted));

mock.Raise(f => f.StatusChanged += null, 
        new StatusChangedEventArgs(StatusChange.UpdateEnded));

In this code we’re raising StatusChanged events on the IFeed mock and expecting to see the view model’s Updating property change.

MahApps, where’s the drop shadow ?

In the MahApps Metro UI, specifically the MetroWindow we can turn the drop shadow on using the following. In code…

BorderlessWindowBehavior b = new BorderlessWindowBehavior
   EnableDWMDropShadow = true,
   AllowsTransparency = false

BehaviorCollection bc = Interaction.GetBehaviors(window);

Note: We must set the Allow Transparency to false to use the EnableDWMDropShadow.

In XAML, we can use the following

      EnableDWMDropShadow="True" />

Binding Ninject to an instance based upon the dependency type

I want to bind the Common.Logging.ILog to an implementation which can take a type argument as it’s parameter, i.e. We can use the Common.Logging.LogManager.GetManager method by passing a type into it, as per the following code


So how can we simply declare a dependency on our type to ILog and have it automatically get the logger with the type parameter.

The code speaks for itself, so here it is

IKernel kernel = new StandardKernel();

kernel.Bind<ILog>().ToMethod(ctx =>
   Type type = ctx.Request.ParentContext.Request.Service;
   return LogManager.GetLogger(type);

In the above code we bind to a method, thus we can dynamically handle the binding. From the IContext ctx we can find which type requested the binding and then use this in the call to GetLogger.

So with this the dependency object simply includes the following

public class MyClass
   // other methods, properties etc.

   public ILog Logger { get; set; }

and everything “magically” binds together to get the logger with the type set to typeof(MyClass).

Dynamic Objects

The IDynamicMetaObjectProvider interface represents an object that can be late bound.

Microsoft supplies to implementations of this interface out of the box. DynamicObject and ExpandoObject.


The DynamicObject is mean’t to be used as a base class for the user’s own dynamic object and hence has a protected constructor. The idea is that we can create our own dynamic object and handle any attempted access to member properties or methods etc. at runtime.

For example here’s an implementation of a dynamic object which adds (at runtime) a method which takes no arguments and returns a string

public class MyObject : DynamicObject
   public override bool TryGetMember(
            GetMemberBinder binder, out object result)
      result = null;
      if (binder.Name == "GetName")
         result = new Func<string>(() => "Hello World");
         return true;
      return false;

If we wanted to handle a property named GetName we’d simply return a string, not a function. The TryGetMember is used for methods with no arguments or get properties, when arguments are supplied to a method we should override TryInvokeMember.


Unlike DynamicObject an ExpandoObject can be instantiated and then we can add methods and properties to it via it’s IDictionary interfaces.

So for example, let’s create an ExpandoObject and add a new method

dynamic d = new ExpandoObject();

((IDictionary<string, object>)d).Add("GetName", new Func<string>(() => "Hello World"));


As you can see we must ofcourse declare our variable as dynamic otherwise the use of GetName will cause the compilation error

System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject’ does not contain a definition for ‘GetName’ and no extension method ‘GetName’ accepting a first argument of type ‘System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject’ could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

We also need to cast the instance to IDictionary<string, object> as access to the Add method needs to go through an explicit interface.

So as you see, we can add to the ExpandoObject at runtime, unlike a DynamicObject derived class where only the derived class would be able to add to the object at runtime (obviously assuming we don’t add methods to allow this ourselves).

Dynamically loading assemblies into Caliburn Micro

I want to be able to load the views/viewmodel assemblies into Caliburn Micro dynamically, i.e. instead of adding references to them to the project….

Well, we’ve got two ways of loading assemblies (that I’m currently aware of). The first is via the Bootstrapper and the second can be handled pretty much anywhere. Both examples below are shown using the DLL name, but ofcourse we could take this further via configuration files, build out own attributes and so on, but I leave that decision to the user.

So through Bootstrapper simply overload SelectAssemblies, for example

protected override IEnumerable<Assembly> SelectAssemblies()
   string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(
   return base.SelectAssemblies().Concat(
         new Assembly[] 
            Assembly.LoadFile(Path.Combine(path, "MyViews.dll"))

However if you’re using a plugin approach, possibly where you allow the user to select a plugin DLL or the likes, then at the point you want to load the assembly you could write something like the following

string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
Assembly a = Assembly.LoadFile(Path.Combine(path, "Rabbit.Controls.dll"));

The key here is the AssemblySource singleton and adding assemblies to the IObservableCollection Instance.


NinjectModules allow us to define bindings in assemblies without the need to resort to passing around an instance of the IKernel.

So let’s look at an example. We have an EXE project and another project which contains the common interfaces used in the application. Let’s assume we have an IAdministrationSettings interface in the “common” project. The main application has classes and/or properties which have service dependencies on IAdministrationSettings.

Now we create a third project which will contain the implementations of the interfaces used in our application. So it’s got a reference to the common interfaces project/DLL but has no knowledge of the EXE and likewise the EXE has no knowledge of the implementation project.

So we want to now bind our implementation to the interface and have it automatically injected into our EXE.

In the implementation project we add the usual NInject references (or use NuGet to do it) and create a file, mines called Module.cs but the name doesn’t matter. Then we place the following code into the file

public class Module : NinjectModule
   public override void Load()

We’ve declared a NinjectModule (there could be more than one) which define the bindings of our interface(s) to implementation(s), but we now need Ninject in the EXE to load these modules and hence allow it to bind the correct implementation, so we use the following code in the EXE

IKernel kernel = new StandardKernel();

The above used the wildcard to load any/all DLL’s which have NinjectModules, alternatively we could store the implementations in “known” locations or ofcourse put the actual path to the DLL into this method.

Now Ninject will automatically handle the bindings.

C# code for accessing the network through a proxy server

How to setup proxy authentication and details

ICredentials credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
IWebProxy proxy = new WebProxy(proxyServerHost, proxyServerPort);
proxy.Credentials = credentials;

The code (above) creates a set of credentials, in this case we get the user’s DefaultCredentials and ultimately places the credentials into the IWebProxy.

The IWebProxy is then instantiated with the host name and the port of the proxy server.

Let’s use the proxy

Now to use the web proxy obviously requires the library/framework to support proxies. So this is just one example using the .NET WebClient class.

using (WebClient wc = new WebClient())
   if(proxy != null)
      wc.Proxy = proxy;
   byte[] data = wc.DownloadData(url);

Code Contracts

Elevator pitch

Code contracts allow us to define preconditions, post conditions and the likes in our code. These are constructs I first read about when doing a (very) little bit of Eiffel development.

Visual Studio additions

Before we get into Code Contracts let’s just note that they are available in .NET 4.5 but we need to enable their usage and here we need to install a couple of additions to Visual Studio.

So if you’re running Visual Studio 2012 goto Tools | Extensions and Updates and search online for Code Contract Tools – install this. Then find Code Contracts Editor Extensions VS2012 and install this. You’ll have to restart Visual Studio to see the new installs working. So go ahead and do that.

If Visual Studio 2013 I just install Code Contract Tools.

This will install some addition static analysis tools etc. which we’ll look at later, for now let’s code…

Using Code Contracts


Often in our code we’ll have methods which check the arguments passed to a method or possibly check class wide variables have been set etc. Usually the code might take the following form

public void Analyze(string data)
   if(data == null)
      throw new ArgumentNullException("data");

   // do something

Well first off we can now replace this with a Code Contract precondition. The precondition ofcourse states that for this method to run, this or these preconditions must be met.

public void Analyze(string data)
   Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(line != null)

We could have specified the same precondition without the ArgumentNullException and a ContractException would be thrown instead.


A postcondition specifies the state of a method when it ends. For example, we can declare that we’ll never return a null by declaring the following contract

public static string Analyze(string line)
   Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(line != null);
   Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<string>() != null);
   // do something
   return result;

Now if we actually did attempt to return null we’d get a ContractException.


So, we can define pre and postconditions, but also we can define assumptions. Basically let’s assume we have our Analyze method (above) but without the pre or postconditions and we want to declare an assumption that the result from Analyze will not be null, we could write

public string Analyze(string data)
   // do something

   return result;

static void Main(string[] args)
   string result = Analyze("Some Text");

   Contract.Assume(result != null);

   // do something with result

Obviously if result is set to null, our contract is violated and the ContractException will be thrown.

Object Invariants

An object invariant basically defines the state of an object. So for example, let’s assume we have a Person class as below

public class Person
   public Person(string firstName, string lastName)
      FirstName = firstName;
      LastName = lastName;

   public string FirstName { get; set; }
   public string LastName { get; set; }

It may be that we want to define a contract which states that FirstName and LastName are not null. We could add preconditions to the constructor – but what if we also wanted to define a contract that says FirstName and LastName are never null, not just within the contructor’s scope.

Now we can add a ContractInvariantMethod as below

public class Person
   public Person(string firstName, string lastName)
      FirstName = firstName;
      LastName = lastName;

   public string FirstName { get; set; }
   public string LastName { get; set; }

   private void ContractInvariant()
      Contract.Invariant(FirstName != null && LastName != null);

Note: We could have had the left and right parts of the && in different Contract.Invariant declarations if we wished, so basically we can have multiple Contract.Invariant in this method.

The method name can be anything you like and can only contain Contract.Invariant statements. A compile time error will occur if you have other code in this method.

Now when we create a Person object if either FirstName or LastName are set to null a ContractException will occur, but better still let’s assume we add a new method to the class which sets one of these variables to null. The ContractInvariantMethod will be called and the contract will be violated leading to a ContactException.

Contracts on interfaces

An interesting use of contracts is with interfaces. Basically if we define an interface it would be nice if we could declare the contract definitions against the interface. Then any implementation could “inherit” the contract definitions.

So let’s look at our Person class again but now add an interface and define some contracts on the interface

public interface IPerson
   string FirstName { get; set; }
   string LastName { get; set; }			

internal abstract class IPersonContract : IPerson
   public string FirstName
         Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<string>() != null);
         return default(string); 
      set { Contract.Requires(value != null); }

   public string LastName
         Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<string>() != null);
         return default(string); 
      set { Contract.Requires(value != null); }

public class Person : IPerson
   public Person(string firstName, string lastName)
      FirstName = firstName;
      LastName = lastName;

   public string FirstName { get; set; }
   public string LastName { get; set; }

So the interface is a standard interface except that we are declaring (using the ContractClass attribute) that the IPersonContract class includes contract definitions for the interfaces. Likewise on the IPersonContract abstract class. Yes, it’s mean’t to be abstract and implement the interface. Now when we return values, just use default(<type>) so all will compile and add your pre or postconditions. Unfortunately it doesn’t look like we can add a ContractInvariantMethod method to this abstract class (or at least we can but it doesn’t appear to do anything in the current release of .NET).


The ContractAbbreviatorAttribute is used on a method to denote it contains contract data which, when the method is called from another method in essence runs the contract checks in that method – eh ? It’s a bit like creating a C style macro and having it inlined in a method – eh ?

It’s a was to reuse contracts.

Okay let’s see an example

public class Person
   public string FirstName { get; set; }
   public string LastName { get; set; }

   private void Validate()
      Contract.Ensures(FirstName != null);
      Contract.Ensures(LastName != null);

   public void Amend()

Now when we run Amend (with FirstName and/or LastName set to null) the exception occurs from the Amend method, as if the Contract.Ensure’s replaced the Validate call.

Based upon the above information it would come as no surprise to find out that when the ContractAbbreviator attribute is used on a method (and ofcourse the method is called from another method), the compiler does indeed place the contract code into the calling method and replaces the instruments within the Validate method (in the above example) with a nop. When the attribute is not included we really are calling another method.

Obviously this means we can reuse the Amend method now in more than one method (or more specifically the contracts contained within the method), so we’ve created a reusable set of contracts. If you remove the ContractAbbreviator attribute then run as previously suggested, the validation failure will occur in the Validate method.

Visual Studio Plugin

At the start of this post we installed a couple of code contract specific plugins (in VS2012 and only one in VS2013). These added the property editor into the project properties for enabling etc. Code Contracts. But they also installed editor warnings.

If you check the “Perform Static Contract Checking” option in the Code Contract property page, then rebuild your project. Static analysis will take place and may display warnings. For example if your code looked like this

public void Analyze(string data)
   Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(line != null)

static void Main(string[] args)

We would get warnings stating CodeContracts: requires is false: line != null. Along with a red squiggly underline of the code Analyze(null) and a tooltip popup showing the warning message.

So giving us an indication early on of possible contract violations.


Code Contracts User Manual
Code Contracts

Entity Framework – Tips and Tricks

How do I stop my Code First implementation creating a new database

It might seem a strange request, why use Code First then. But let’s assume you’ve created a Code First EF model and then switched to creating the db using SQL scripts and want ensure the EF application doesn’t try to create the db.


By default the initializer would be set to CreateDatabaseIfNotExists.

See also Database.SetInitializer.

There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which must be closed first

An EntityCommandExecutionException with the message “There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which must be closed first” occurred whilst implementing a bit of code to list all the ProductTypes in a database.

The solution appears to be add


to your connection string

I’ll add more to this post as or when I remember

Some Linq Patterns

What follows is a list of a few patterns for specific tasks using LINQ

Combining two lists

We can combine two lists, where duplicates are removed using

var a = new List {0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
var b = new List { 0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 6 };

var union = a.Union(b);

Find the common items in both lists

var a = new List<int> {0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
var b = new List<int> { 0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 6 };

var intersection = a.Intersect(b);

we can also use the lambda expression join

var l1 = new List<int> {1, 2, 4, 5};
var l2 = new List<int> { 0, 2, 4, 6 };

var r = from a in l1 join b in l2 on a equals b select a;

Find the differences between two lists

This will find the items in the first list which are not in the second list

var listA = new List<int> {0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
var listB = new List<int> { 0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 6 };

var differences = from a in listA where listB.All(i => i != a) select a;

Combining every item in one list with every item in another list

Here we’re going to do a cross join, where the output enumerable is a made up of each element from the first list, combined with each element of the second list

var l1 = new List<int> {1, 2};
var l2 = new List<int> { 0, 2 };

var crossjoin = from a in l1
       from b in l2
       select new {a, b};

The output would be

1 0
1 2
2 0
2 2

I’ll add more as and when I remember to add them.