Category Archives: Programming

Getting RESTful with Suave

I wanted to implement some microservices and thought, what’s more micro than REST style functions, executing single functions using a functional language (functional everywhere!). So let’s take a dip into the world of Suave using F#.

Suave is a lightweight, non-blocking, webserver which can run on Linux, OSX and Windows. It’s amazingly simple to get up and running and includes routing capabilities and more. Let’s try it out.

Getting Started

Create an F# application and the run Install-Package Suave via Package Manager Console.

Now, this code (below) is taken from the Suave website.

open Suave
open Suave.Filters
open Suave.Operators
open Suave.Successful

let main argv = 

    let app =
            [ GET >=> choose
                [ path "/hello" >=> OK "Hello GET"
                  path "/goodbye" >=> OK "Good bye GET" ]
              POST >=> choose
                [ path "/hello" >=> OK "Hello POST"
                  path "/goodbye" >=> OK "Good bye POST" ] ]

    startWebServer defaultConfig app

    0 // return an integer exit code

Run your application and then from you favourite web browser, type in either http://localhost:8083/hello and/or http://localhost:8083/goodbye and you should see “Hello GET” and/or “Good bye GET”. From the code you can see the application also supports POST.

Let’s test this using Powershell’s Invoke-RestMethod. Typing Invoke-RestMethod -Uri http://localhost:8083/hello -Method Post and you will see “Hello POST”.

Passing arguments

Obviously invoking a REST style method is great, but what about passing arguments to the service. We’re going to need to add the import open Suave.RequestErrors to support errors. We can read parameters from the commands using HttpRequest queryParam

 let browse =
        request (fun r ->
            match r.queryParam "a" with
            | Choice1Of2 a -> 
                match r.queryParam "b" with
                | Choice1Of2 b -> OK (sprintf "a: %s b: %s" a b)
                | Choice2Of2 msg -> BAD_REQUEST msg
            | Choice2Of2 msg -> BAD_REQUEST msg)

    let app =
            [ GET >=> choose
                [ path "/math/add" >=> browse ]

    startWebServer defaultConfig browse

Disclaimer: This is literally my first attempt at such code, there may be a better way to achieve this, but I felt the code was worth recording anyway. So from our preferred web browser we can type http://localhost:8083/math/add?a=10&b=100 and you should see a: 10 b:100.

Passing JSON to our service

We can also pass data in the form of JSON. For example, we’re now going to pass JSON contain two integers to our new service. So first off add the following

open Suave.Json
open System.Runtime.Serialization

Now we’ll create the data contracts for sending and receiving our data using, these will be serialized automatically for us through the function mapLson which will see in use soon. Notice we’re also able to deal with specific types, such as integers in this case (instead of just strings everywhere).

type Calc =
      [<field: DataMember(Name = "a")>]
      a : int;
      [<field: DataMember(Name = "b")>]
      b : int;

type Result =
      [<field: DataMember(Name = "result")>]
      result : int;

Finally let’s see how we startup our server. Here we use the mapJson to map our JSON request into the type Calc from here we carry out some function (in this case addition) and the result is returned (type inference turns the result into a Result type).

startWebServer defaultConfig (mapJson (fun (calc:Calc) -> { result = calc.a + calc.b }))

Let’s test this using our Invoke-RestMethod Powershell code. We can create the JSON body for this method in the following way.

Invoke-RestMethod -Uri http://localhost:8083/ -Method Post -Body '{"a":10, "b":20}'


Suave Music Store
Building RESTful Web Services
Building REST Api in Fsharp Using Suave

What resource names exist in my WPF application

Occasionally I need to get at the names of the resources in an assembly, usually this coincides with me trying to use a resource which either doesn’t exist of I otherwise make a typo on its name.

This little snippet simply allows us to iterate of the resources in an assembly and returns an array of the key names

public static string[] GetResourceNames(Assembly assembly)
   string resName = assembly.GetName().Name + ".g.resources";
   using (var stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resName))
      using (var reader = new System.Resources.ResourceReader(stream))
         return reader.Cast<DictionaryEntry>().
                    Select(entry =>

Throwing/rethrowing exception from a continuation onto the Dispatcher

Even with async/await we still have a need for using Task continuations and ofcourse we need to handle exceptions within, or from, these tasks and their continuations.

A problem can occur in a WPF application for example, where the exception seems to get lost, for example from a ICommand handler I has such a situation where I couldn’t seem to catch the exception and neither did it propagate through to any unhandled exception handlers.

In the example below, we’ll assume that RunAsync returns a Task and we want to do something after the task completes on the calling thread (for example if the calling thread was the UI thread), we might have something like this

   ContinueWith(tsk =>
       // do something UI specific
   }, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());

If we have exceptions occur in the RunAsync method, then we would maybe write something like this

   ContinueWith(tsk =>
          throw tsk.Exception;

       // do something UI specific      
   }, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());

If you don’t like the exception code mixed with the non-exception you could ofcourse create a continuation that is only called when a fault is detected, using TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted

This will correctly handle the exception and throw it, but you’ll probably find it just seems to disappear after the throw and doesn’t even appear in the various unhandled exception handlers – meaning the worse case occurs for an exception, in that it simply disappears.

What we really want is to throw the exception onto the Dispatcher thread so that an unhandled exception handler can at least alert the user that a problem exists. We can do this using the following line of code

Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { throw ex; }));

Now, unfortunately this means the stack trace is lost as we’re not simply re-throwing the original exception, but on the plus side we now actually see the exception.

My Visual Studio 2012 C++ 32-bit application is “exe is not a valid Win32 application”

I have a C++ application which I’ve just updated to be built using Visual Studio 2012. The original solution was developed in Visual Studio 2010, so I updated the project properties, Configuration Properties | General | Platform Toolset to Visual Studio 2012.

The application is a 32-bit application, everything was built for 32-bit and all worked well on Windows 7, but on Windows XP (which is still used by some of our users) it failed with the “exe is not a valid Win32 application”.

Checking the configuration manager suggested it was indeed a 32-bit application. Running dumpbin /headers app.exe confirmed it definitely was a 32-bit application but XP said no it wasn’t.

Here’s the thing – I hadn’t noticed when setting the Platform Toolset, there was a second option Visual Studio 2012 – Windows XP (v1100_xp).

Changing to this toolset fixed the problem. So 32-bit does not mean 32-bit on all Windows.

Populating random data

I was working on a small utility which generates XML based upon a given class (which is already XML serializable). I wanted to generate random data just so I could see how the end XML looked in case I needed to tweak the XSD.

Source for the utility is available on AutoGenXml.

I figured somebody must have already approached such a problem, and thankfully I was right. There are a few solutions for populating object data. I ended up trying out two different libraries, AutoFixture and NBuilder.

Disclaimer: I have literally only just started using these libraries, so I’ve yet to find all the good and/or bad points of each library.

Let’s take a real quick look at what these libraries can do.

Test object

Let’s start out by defining an object hierarchy to test this two libraries out on. Mine looks like this

public class Album
   public string Title { get; set; }
   public string RecordLabel { get; set; }
   public Artist Artist { get; set; }
   public string Genre { get; set; }

public class Artist
   public string Name { get; set; }
   public BandMember[] Band { get; set; }

public class BandMember
   public string FirstName { get; set; }
   public string LastName { get; set; }
   public string Talent { get; set; }


AutoFixture source can be found on AutoFixture.

We can create objects with AutoFixture (hence using it as the factory for our objects) and it returns a populated object hierarchy.

Let’s look at the code (it’s pretty simple)

var fixture = new Fixture();
var album = fixture.Create<Album>();

The album will now have data in all fields and the Artist and BandMember properties are also created and data supplied.

Whilst it’d obviously be easy enough for us to create an object multiple times if we wanted a list of Albums but AutoFixture also supplies this code to do the same thing

var fixture = new Fixture {RepeatCount = 10};
var albums = fixture.


NBuilder source can be found on NBuilder.

NBuilder also supplies a factory pattern for both creating our objects and populating the object.

Here’s the code

var album = Builder<Album>

NBuilder uses a fluent style interface and offers options for creating multiple items (i.e. an IList<> of objects). There’s also a mechanism for us to intercept the object population step and supply our own data. So whilst in the usage shown above, we don’t have the object heriarchy created, we can create this ourselves fairly easily using

var albums = Builder<Album>
      .With(a => a.Artist = Builder<Artist>.CreateNew()
         .With(b => b.Band = Builder<BandMember>


This is a great post on using NBuilder with Faker which allows us to populate the objects with more realistic data than the default process.

Compiling C# code at runtime

Occasionally we might come across a problem which lends itself well to the idea of C# code being compiled at runtime, maybe we’ve created some script like plug-in or in my case I wanted to generate sample XML data from xsd.exe generated classes at runtime.

We can use the CSharpCodeProvider to do exactly this, it can compile some code, create an assembly (in my case in-memory) and then allow us to instantiate the code within that assembly. Let’s jump straight into some code and then we’ll look at how the code works

var param = new CompilerParameters
   GenerateExecutable = false,
   IncludeDebugInformation = false,
   GenerateInMemory = true

var codeProvider = new CSharpCodeProvider();
var results = codeProvider.CompileAssemblyFromFile(param, filename);

if (results.Errors.HasErrors)
   foreach (var error in results.Errors)
   object o = results.

In the code above, we’re assuming that the source code we want to compile exists in a seperate C# source code file stored in the variable filename.

Firstly we create the CompilerParameters. I don’t want an executable to be generated and debug information will be of little use to me. I’m going to create the resultant assembly in memory as we’re not intending to write this to disc.

Next up we need to tell the compiler what assemblies will be required, ofcourse this might be best supplied in some alternate way, such as the script itself could be parsed or we might have another file with the assemblies listed, but for my purposes I’ll just list the “standard” assemblies.

We create a CSharpCodeProvider (as we’re working in C#) and passing the compiler parameters and the source code filename we get the code provider to compile the code. If any errors occur we simply list them (in this example, to the console).

Assuming all compiles we use the CompiledAssembly and create an instance of the type we’re interested in. In my example I supplied the typeName (i.e. class name) in the command line arguments to the application which uses obviously allows this code to be a little more flexible.

Once we’ve got the instance of the type we can obviously start interacting with it.

Invoking with generics using reflection

Sometimes we need to run methods or create types with generic parameters at runtime. For example, situation where the type is not known at compiler time but the method(s) we want to use expect the generic parameter to be supplied.

Let’s take a look at the syntax of various scenarios and you’ll get the idea.

Calling an instance method

So let’s assume we have some code like this

public class Runner
   public T Create<T>()
      // do something
      return default(T);

and we want to invoke this at runtime with an “unknown” (i.e. discovered at runtime) type. We can write something like this

object unknown = CreateType(); // generates some type at runtime

var runner = new Runner();

typeof (Runner).
   Invoke(runner, null);

This code would also work if the Create method was a static.

Note: we can ofcourse use typeof(Runner) or runner.GetType() in the above depending upon your preference or use.

Next up, let’s look at the same code but where we need to also pass the method a generic parameter.

public class Runner
   public T Create<T>(T type)
      // do something
      return type;

So the only real difference here is that we also need to pass the type into the method, a simple addition of the parameters to the invoke will allow this to work, here’s the code

object unknown = CreateType(); // generates some type at runtime

var runner = new Runner();

   Invoke(runner, new []{ unknown });

Calling methods on a static class or extension methods

As you will know, extension methods are really just static classes with syntactic sugar to allow them to appear like instance methods, so the procedure for invoking them is the same as the normal static classed, but we’ll cover examples here all the same.

Let’s first look at a static class

public static class Runner
   public static T Create<T>()
      // do something
      return default(T);

The only real difference to the code for the instance method on a non-static class is that we do not pass a instance to the first parameter of the invoke method, like this

object unknown = CreateType(); // generates some type at runtime

   Invoke(null, null);

As extension methods expect a “this” argument, they’re no different to the above code, expect that we need to ensure the first argument is the instance of an object

public static class Runner
   public static T Create<T>(this DoSomething doSomething)
      // do something
      return default(T);

public class DoSomething

So this assumes Create is an extension method for the class, DoSomething. To invoke this Create method we can simply write

object unknown = CreateType(); // generates some type at runtime

var doSomething = new DoSomething();

   Invoke(null, new object[]{ doSomething });

Classes with generic parameters

So now let’s move the generic parameter onto the class itself. We’ll begin by looking at static classes

public static class Runner<T>
   public static T Create()
      // do something
      return default(T);

So now we need to make the generic on the type not the method. We get this

   Invoke(null, null);

Notice how the MakeGenericType is used to generate our generic class and the syntax of the typeof.

Obviously we might wish to create non-static classes with generic parameters as well, something like this

public class Runner<T>
   public T Create()
      // do something
      return default(T);

ofcourse we can’t simply create an instance to this class and use the same techniques of previous because the type of the generic parameter is not known, so we need to create an instance of this class via reflection then invoke the method – this can be accomplished with

var genericType = typeof (Runner<>).

var runner = Activator.CreateInstance(genericType);

	Invoke(runner, null);

In the above we need to use the genericType twice, so we store it in a local variable. The first time we use it is with Activator.CreateInstance this creates an instance of the class with a generic parameter. Next we use the same type but with the GetMethod call and ofcourse pass the instance variable into Invoke.

What about when we have more than one generic parameter

So what if we had something like this

public class Runner<T1, T2>
   public T1 Create()
      var t2 = default(T2);
      // do something
      return default(T1);

Obviously this is assuming T2 actually does something of use in our code.

All of the previous sample code will work, the difference is that we declare the typeof(Runner<>) as typeof(Runner<,>) and need to pass the extra parameters in the MakeGenericType method, for example

var genericType = typeof (Runner<,>).
   MakeGenericType(unknown1.GetType(), unknown2.GetType());

var runner = Activator.CreateInstance(genericType);

   Invoke(runner, null);

Increasing the maximum number of connections with maxconnection

By default when calling webservices etc. we’re limited to 2 maximum connections at a time in an application, so it doesn’t matter if you (for example) create multiple background threads to run webservice calls as you’ll still be limited to two connections.

We can change this using the App.config for our application and adding the following

      <add address="*" maxconnection="20"/>

See ConnectionManagementElement.MaxConnection Property

Note: The maxconnection does not apply to local web service calls

PowerArgs, command line parser

I cannot tell you how many times I forgot the name of this project when looking for a command line parser, so I thought the best way to remember it is by writing a blog post on the subject.

The github repository for PowerArgs has excellent documentation, so I will simply cover a few of the basics here, just to get things started.

PowerArgs is available via Nuget using Install-Package PowerArgs.

With PowerArgs we can define a class for our command line arguments and using PowerArgs attribute we define required arguments, optional arguments, argument descriptions and many other options. One very useful options is ArgExistingFile which tells PowerArgs the argument is a filename and it should exist.

Let’s look at some simple code. This class acts as my command line arguments for a simple Csv to Xml file application

public class Arguments
   [ArgDescription("The mapping file")]
   public string MappingFile { get; set; }

   [ArgDescription("The CSV file to convert")]
   public string CsvFile { get; set; }

   [ArgDescription("The output XML file")]
   public string XmlFile { get; set; }

In our Main method we’d then having something like this

   var arguments = Args.Parse<Arguments>(args);
   // use the arguments
catch (ArgException e)

In the above, we parse the args using the Parse method which will ensure the ArgRequired properties are supplied and the files exist via ArgExistingFile. If any required arguments are missing an ArgException occurs and we use ArgUsage.GenerateUsageFromTemplate to output a list of the command line arguments expect, as well as description of the arguments and we can also list examples.

Go look at the github repository PowerArgs for further documentation.

WPF Resources

Resources in WPF terms, are simply mechanisms for storing data, whether it be strings, colours, brushes, styles etc.

We can store such resources locally, within the scope of a Window or control or we can store the resources globally within the Application resources.

Resources are stored as key value pairs within a Resources section or ResourceDictionary. We therefore need to define a x:Key for each item in the resources, for example

   <system:Int32 x:Key="ButtonWidth">100</system:Int32>

In the above XAML we’re storing an Int32 type in the resource of a Window class. The key is “ButtonWidth” and the value is “100”.

Now let’s look at some example of using the resources.

<Window x:Class="Test.MainWindow"
        Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
        <FontWeight x:Key="Weight">Black</FontWeight>
        <Button Content="Hello World" FontWeight="{StaticResource Weight}" />

In the XAML above we are storing the resources within the scope of the Window. This means everything within the Window class will now have access to these resources but they’re not available outside of this Window.

We’ve created a FontWeight type resource with the key “Weight”. In the Button we use the resource to assign the value from the key “Weight” to the FontWeight of the Button. simply think of the key as a variable name.

Note: I’ll discuss the StaticResource at the end of this post

We can add resources to a top level UserControl (for example) just as we’ve done in the Window example, but we can also add resources to controls within a control or Window, for example, let’s take the Button from the above example but move the resource into the Button.Resources

<Button Content="Hello World">
      <FontWeight x:Key="Weight">Black</FontWeight>
      <Binding Source="{StaticResource Weight}"/> 

Notice in the code above, we’ve used the Button.FontWeight element instead the FontWeight attribute of the Button (as per the original code). This is simply because when we add the resources in this way, these are now within the scope of the Button and unfortunately this means we cannot apply to the Button attributes themselves.

Application resources are defined in much the same way as for a Window resources but are available to all Windows/controls – in other words have global scope. We might declare our resource as follows

<Application x:Class="Test.App"
      <FontWeight x:Key="Weight">Black</FontWeight>

Finally we can also create XAML files which are of type ResourceDictionary

   <FontWeight x:Key="Weight">Black</FontWeight>

Now to use this ResourceDictionary from our Window (or control) we need to writing the following

            <ResourceDictionary Source="MyResources.xaml"></ResourceDictionary>

This will merge the MyResources.xaml into the Windows ResourceDictionary and thus make the FontWeight resource available to the Window as if we’d declared it within the Window Resources. However by using the ResourceDictionary, not only can we create tidier code, removing possibly lots of resources from our views but also create libraries of resources that can be easily reused.

Resource Markup Extension

In the code above, we used the StaticResource markup extension. This is not the only option for binding to resources. We could also use the DynamicResource markup extension.

The use of StaticResource means that resource is resolved once at the point the XAML is loaded. Whereas DynamicResource allows us to in essence, late bind, to the resource. This means we can write XAML which might have a DynamicResource binding to a resource but the resource doesn’t need to exist until runtime. This option also allows the binding to update automatically if the resource changes. Hence if you want to bind to a resource which might change, then you can use a DynamicResource – this is obviously very useful when we’re dealing with the concept of themes.

And finally

In some cases we might want to use the resource in code. If we’re embedding the string for the key within the XAML, this means we’ll have to duplicate the string in code – duplication is not good. So instead we might prefer to store the string in source code to begin with and reference this in our XAML.

So let’s create a C# file named it whatever you like, I’m going to call mine’s Constants.cs

Now let’s just create the following static class

public static class Fonts
   public const string Weight = "Weight";

We can obviously use this “Weight” in our code, but in XAML we’re going to need to do the following change.

<!-- Original -->
<FontWeight x:Key="Weight">Black</FontWeight>

<!-- Becomes -->
<FontWeight x:Key="{x:Static local:Fonts.Weight}">Black</FontWeight>