Category Archives: C#

A .NET service registered with Eureka

To create a .NET service which is registered with Eureka we’ll use the Steeltoe libraries…

Create an ASP.NET Core Web Application and select WebApi. Add the Steeltoe.Discovery.Client NuGet package, now in the Startup.cs within ConfigureServices add the following


and within the Configure method add


We’re not going to create any other code to implement a service, but we will need some configuration added to the appsettings.json file, so add the following

"spring": {
    "application": {
      "name": "eureka-test-service"
  "eureka": {
    "client": {
      "serviceUrl": "http://localhost:8761/eureka/",
      "shouldRegisterWithEureka": true,
      "shouldFetchRegistry": false
    "instance": {
      "hostname": "localhost",
      "port": 5000

The application name is what’s going to be displayed within Eureka and visible via http://localhost:8761/eureka/apps (obviously replacing the host name and ip with your Eureka server’s).

The Elvis (conditional null) operator is not magic

I was looking over somebody else’s code the other day and was intrigued by the liberal use of the Elvis or correctly known as, conditional null operator, i.e. the ?.

I assumed that for every ?. the compiler would create an IF statement, but it did make me wonder whether the compiler was actually able to optimize such code (where the ?. is used multiple times on the same object), so for example, what’s produced in IL for the following

var s = ??? // null or an instance 

My assumption would be that (without any optimization) we’d end up with the following

Console.WriteLine(s != null ? (s.Name != null ? s.Name.Length : 0) : 0);
Console.WriteLine(s != null ? s.Name : null);

Or, would if magically create code like this

object o = null;
int? l = null;

if (s != null)
   o = s.Name;
   if (s.Name != null)
      l = s.Name.Length;


With the first snippet of code, a best case scenario results in the IF statement being called twice (when s is null), the worst case (when nothing is null) is that the IF statement will be called three times. Whereas the second example would have the IF called once (when s is null) and twice in the worst case (when nothing is null).

Ofcourse the easiest way to see what happens is to fire up ILSpy and take a look at the generated IL/C# code. Here’s the C# that ILSpy created for us based upon the IL

object obj;
if (s == null)
   obj = null;
   string name = s.Name;
   obj = ((name != null) ? new int?(name.Length) : null);
Console.WriteLine((s != null) ? s.Name : null);

In this code, the best case (when s is null), the IF statement is called twice and worst case (when nothing is null), it’s called three times.

This is a simple example, but it’s worth being aware of what code is being produced using such syntactic sugar.

Tasks and CancellationTokens

We’re executing some code on a background thread using the Task API, for example let’s create a really simple piece of code where we loop on a task every second and call UpdateStatus to display the current iteration to some UI control, such as this

Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
   for (var i = 1; i <= 100; i++)

Now this is fine, but what about if we want to call this code multiple times, stopping any previous iterations or we simply want a way to cancel the thread mid-operation.

Cancellation is a co-operative process, i.e. we can call the Cancel method on a CancellationTokenSource but we still need code within our task’s loop (in this case) to check if cancel has been called and then exit the loop.

The cancellation token is actually taken from CancellationTokenSource which acts as a wrapper for a single token (see References for information about this separation of concerns). So in our class we’d have the following member field

private CancellationTokenSource _cancellationTokenSource;

If the code which uses this token is called prior to completion then we’d potentially want to call the Cancel method on it and then dispose of it.


As mentioned, the separation of the token source and token means that when we execute a task we pass, not the token source, but a token take from the source, i.e.

var cancellationToken = _cancellationTokenSource.Token;
Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
   // do something
}, cancellationToken);

The final piece of using the cancellation token is within our task, where we need to check if the cancellation token has been cancelled and if so, we can throw an exception using the following


Here’s a very simple example of using the cancellation token

public partial class MainWindow : Window
   private CancellationTokenSource _cancellationTokenSource;

   public MainWindow()

   private void Start_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

      _cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
      var cancellationToken = _cancellationTokenSource.Token;

      Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
         for (var i = 1; i <= 100; i++)


      }, cancellationToken)
      .ContinueWith(ca =>
      }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted);

   private void UpdateStatus(string status)
      Status.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => Status.Content = status);

   private void DisposeOfCancellationTokenSource(bool cancelFirst = false)
      if (_cancellationTokenSource != null)
         if (cancelFirst)
            UpdateStatus("Cancel called");
         _cancellationTokenSource = null;
         UpdateStatus("TokenSource Disposed");

   private void Stop_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            <RowDefinition />
            <RowDefinition />
            <RowDefinition />
        <Button Grid.Row="0" Content="Start" Margin="10" Click="Start_OnClick"/>
        <Button Grid.Row="1" Content="Stop" Margin="10" Click="Stop_OnClick"/>
        <Label Grid.Row="2" Name="Status" Content=""/>


Why CancellationToken is separate from CancellationTokenSource?
Task Cancellation
CancellationTokenSource.Dispose Method

Creating a TaskScheduler

In my previous post, ExecutorService based multi-threading in Java, I looked at the ExectorService which allows us to create our own fixed size threadpool which can, at times, be extremely useful.

As part of a port of some Java code (which used the ExectorService) to C# I had a need for a similar class in .NET and came across the LimitedConcurrencyLevelTaskScheduler which is part of the Samples for Parallel Programming with the .NET Framework. The code and example of this class can also be found here, TaskScheduler Class.

The Task factory’s StartNew method comes with an overload which takes a TaskScheduler class and this is where the LimitedConcurrencyLevelTaskScheduler is used. For example

var taskScheduler = new LimitedConcurrencyLevelTaskScheduler(3);
var tsk = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
   // do something

So, if we’re in a situation where we need to create a new TaskScheduler then we simply implement a TaskScheduler class, here’s the required overrides.

public class MyTaskScheduler : TaskScheduler
   protected override IEnumerable<Task> GetScheduledTasks()

   protected override void QueueTask(Task task)

   protected override bool TryExecuteTaskInline(
      Task task, bool taskWasPreviouslyQueued)

The QueueTask method is called when a Task is added to the scheduler. In the case of an implementation such as LimitedConcurrencyLevelTaskScheduler, this is where we add a task to a queue prior to executing the task.

TryExecuteTaskInline is called when trying to execute a task on the current thread, it’s passed a Boolean taskWasPreviouslyQueued which denotes whether the task has already been queued.

GetScheduledTasks is called to get an enumerable of the tasks currently scheduled within our TaskScheduler.

Optionally, we may wish to override the MaximumConcurrencyLevel property which stipulates the maximum concurrency level supported (i.e. number of threads), the default is MaxValue. Also where we might be maintaining a queue of tasks, we wold want to override the TryDequeue method for when the scheduler tries to remove a previously scheduled task.

Obviously implementing the TaskScheduler will also require the developer to handle any thread synchronization etc. within the implementation.

Singletons using C# 6 syntax

A while back I wrote the post The Singleton Pattern in C# and just thought it’d be nice to use C# 6 syntax to update this post.

So here’s the code with the change for to use default property syntax

public sealed class Singleton
public static Singleton Instance { get; } = new Singleton();

static Singleton() { }
private Singleton() { }

Where to store your application data?

Actually I don’t intend to answer the question “Where to store your application data?” because this will depend on your requirements, but what this post will look at is, some of the options available and hopefully help shed light on what best suits your application.

Application data can be separated into two types, user specific data and application specific data (or if you prefer “All User” data).

Obviously multiple user’s might have access to a single machine but an application may be available to all users of a machine, hence we need a way to store settings specific to each user on the machine, for example user preferences. However we also may have application specific data, maybe the application stores a list of URL’s specific, in essence global settings.

Let’s look at some of our options for storing data…

Within your application’s folder

Obviously we could simply store configuration data etc. along with the application, one way to locate this folder is, as follows

var folder = Path.GetDirectoryName(
   Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) +
   Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + 

Here we might store a file for application specific data then create another file using the username (here we can use the Environment.UserName) of the user logged into the machine for each user.

This is a simple solution and in some cases more than adequate, plus it has the benefit that if we delete the application (i.e. it wasn’t installed via an installer) then we delete any configuration files.

Program Data

The ProgramData folder is on the system drive and is hidden by default (see C:\ProgramData). As can be inferred from the name, it’s generally used for settings specific to the application itself, i.e. not based upon specific users on a machine.

We can access it using the following code

var folder = Path.Combine(

Interestingly you can access the ProgramData using C:\Users\AllUsers in File Explorer, although File Explorer will state that you are in C:\Users\AllUsers it’s the same folder as C:\ProgramData.

Program Data can also be located using the environment variable %programdata%.

User Data

So we’ve seen that we can use the Environment.UserName to combine with our file name to create user files, but Windows already has the capability locations for user data. Plus, depending how your OS is set up, this data may be used across any machine a user logs into (known as Roaming).

The default location for the following “User Data” folders is under the location C:\Users\<username>\AppData


The Local folder can be located using the special folder LocalApplicationData, for example

var folder = Path.Combine(

and is also available via the environment variable %localappdata%.

This location contains data that cannot be stored in the Roaming folder, for example data that’s specific to the machine the user is logged into or that is too large to store in a synchronized roaming folder (i.e. where Roaming folders are synchronized with a server).


As hinted at in the section on the Local folder. The Roaming folder can be synchronized with a server, i.e. this is a profile which is accessible from other machines that a user logs into on the same domain. Hence anything stored here will “follow” the user around and so is very useful for preferences, favourites etc. However the space available may be limited depending upon quota settings or other space limitations.

To access this folder we simply use the ApplicationData special folder or environment variable %appdata%, for example

var folder = Path.Combine(


The LocalLow folder is basically a restricted version of the Local folder. The data is not synchronized with a server and hence does not move from the machine its created on and it has a lower level of access.

When I say “restricted” or “lower level access” basically this means the application being run, itself has security constraints placed upon it.

The LocalLow folder does not have an entry within the SpecialFolder enumeration, so access the folder you need to use the following (copied from Thomans Levesque’s answer on StackOverflow –

static extern int SHGetKnownFolderPath(
   [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStruct)] Guid rfid, 
   uint dwFlags, 
   IntPtr hToken, 
   out IntPtr pszPath);

public static string GetFolderLocalLow()
   var pszPath = IntPtr.Zero;
      var hr = SHGetKnownFolderPath(folderGuid, 0, IntPtr.Zero, out pszPath);
      if (hr < 0)
         throw Marshal.GetExceptionForHR(hr);
      return Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(pszPath);
      if (pszPath != IntPtr.Zero)

Accessing location via the environment variables

In a few places I’ve shown the environment variable for each of the locations mentioned. We can also use these variables to locate the folders, for example

var location = 

This will result in returning the Roaming folder location, but what’s nice is this static method will work with environment variables combined with file locations (as you’d probably expect), so for example

var location = 

This will return a path along the lines C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\MyApp

Source added to

More ASP.NET Core with C#

In the previous post I looked into the F# Giraffe library which makes writing all sorts of web request/response code pretty simple. This in turn is built on top of the existing functionality within ASP.NET Core.

Let’s again look at the bare bones code from running up Kestrel adding code to the pipeline

using Microsoft.AspNetCore;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;

namespace KestrelTest
    public class Startup
        public void Configure(
            IApplicationBuilder applicationBuilder,
            IHostingEnvironment hostingEnvironment)

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)

Within the Configure method we can start adding code to respond to different routes using the Map method, for example add the following to the Configure method

applicationBuilder.Map("/hello", app =>
   app.Run(async ctx =>
      var request = 
         ctx.Request.Path.HasValue ? 
            ctx.Request.Path.Value.Substring(1) : 
       await ctx.Response.WriteAsync("Hello " + request);
applicationBuilder.Map("/error", app =>
   app.Run(ctx => 
         ctx.Response.StatusCode = 404) 

Note: The code is somewhat basic, obviously you would probably want to write some better code for extracting partial paths etc. from the routes/maps. However we’ll be covering a better alternative to this sort of code later in the post.

In the above we’ve created the equivalent of two “routes”. The first handles URL’s along the line of localhost:5000/hello/World where the return would become “Hello World”. The second route simply responds with a 404 for the URL localhost:5000/error.

We can also (as you’d expect) handle queries within our URL, so let’s say we expect this format URL, http://localhost:5000/hello?name=World, then we can amend our /hello code to the following

applicationBuilder.Map("/hello", app =>
   app.Run(async ctx =>
      await ctx.Response.WriteAsync(
         "Hello " + ctx.Request.Query["name"]);

These pieces of code write responses, but we can also insert code into the pipeline which doesn’t write to the response but instead might add debug/logging code. Other examples of usage might include (as per Writing Middleware) changes to the culture for the user response.

Here’s a simple example of such code, this is a little contrived as we’re going to (in essence) redirect calls to /hello path. Just place the following code before the applicationBuilder.Map method in the above

applicationBuilder.Use(async (ctx, next) =>
   if (ctx.Request.Path.Value == "/hello")
      ctx.Request.Path = new PathString("/error");
   await next.Invoke();

Note: there are redirect/URL rewriting capabilities already in ASP.NET Core, see URL Rewriting Middleware in ASP.NET Core.


In the previous example we demonstrated using the Map method to route our calls but ASP.NET Core libraries already supply a routing middleware which handles a lot of the standard routing type of functionality we’d expect. We can add the routing services by adding a method to the Startup class like this

public void ConfigureServices(
   IServiceCollection services)

Now the Configure method should look like this

public void Configure(
   IApplicationBuilder applicationBuilder,
   IHostingEnvironment hostingEnvironment)
   var routes = new RouteBuilder(applicationBuilder);
   routes.MapGet("hello/{name}", ctx =>
      var name = ctx.GetRouteValue("name");
      return ctx.Response.WriteAsync($"Hello {name}");


The RouteBuilder handles the routing in a more helpful/useful manner. Don’t forget to use the line applicationBuilder.UseRouter(routes.Build()); or you’ll find that the routes are not registered and hence your code will never get called.


ASP.NET Core MiddlewareRouting in ASP.NET Core

Kestrel – ASP.NET core web server

Kestrel is a .NET Core cross platform web server that can be used to host web sites, web/REST services etc.

Note: This code covers .NET core 2.0 and ASP.NET core 2.0.1

Take a look at Introduction to Kestrel web server implementation in ASP.NET Core for a great post about using Kestrel along with IIS, Nginx etc.

Getting Started

Let’s get started and build a very basic application running Kestrel.

  • Create a Visual C# | .NET Core | Console App (.NET Core) application
  • My project is named KestrelTest
  • Use NuGet to add the package Microsoft.AspNetCore

Now let’s create the most basic and most useless web server by writing the following code

using Microsoft.AspNetCore;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;

namespace KestrelTest
    public class Startup
        public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder applicationBuilder,
            IHostingEnvironment hostingEnvironment)

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)

In Main we create the webserver and we supply the Startup application which we’d use to configure our services. Minimally we need the Configure method in the Startup object and notice we’re not adhering to any specific interface or type.

We could pass the args to the CreateDefaultBuilder if we want to start the application with certain arguments and/or use the UseKestrel override to create options for our server, but we’re aiming to just create the bare essentials of a Kestrel based web server in this post.

Now we can run this code and we’ll get, by default, a web server running and exposing port 5000 on localhost. However the server does nothing else, no static pages, nothing.

So let’s now add the NuGet package Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles and change our Configure method to look like this

public void Configure(
   IApplicationBuilder applicationBuilder,
   IHostingEnvironment hostingEnvironment)

Now run the application and using your preferred web browser, navigate to localhost:5000 and you should see a ASP.NET Core Welcome Page.

Again this is of little use but does show that everything is working.

Serving up some static content

See Work with static files in ASP.NET Core for more in depth information.

Let’s now use Kestrel to serve up some static pages. Change the Configure method to look like this

public void Configure(
   IApplicationBuilder applicationBuilder,
   IHostingEnvironment hostingEnvironment)

Now in your project folder (i.e. the folder with your Program.cs file) which should be the same as the Content root path shown when you run the application. Here you can add a wwwroot folder and place an HTML page in the folder, i.e. here’s a simply index.html file

        Hello World

Make sure you set the file to have the “Copy to Output Directory” option as “Copy if Newer” in the properties window in Visual Studio.

Run the application again and navigate to localhost:5000/index.html and you should see the text Hello World.


As we’ve seen in this post, the design of Kestrel is to supply a default web server application which we can then add our middleware code to, turning the application into a static web server or adding ASP.NET MVC into the mix etc. We can implement our own middle ware (see ASP.NET Core Middleware) which can be used to handle requests via a middleware pipeline.

I’m not going to go into any real depth in terms of developing my own middleware as we can already use various libraries for this, but just to demonstrate how we can intercept a request, change the Configure method to look like this

public void Configure(
   IApplicationBuilder applicationBuilder,
   IHostingEnvironment hostingEnvironment)
   applicationBuilder.Run(async context =>
      await context.Response.WriteAsync("***Hello World***");

Now if we run up the application and navigate to localhost:5000 we should see ***Hello World*** returned.


Introduction to Kestrel web server implementation in ASP.NET Core
BenchmarksASP.NET Core Web Servers: Kestrel vs IIS Feature Comparison and Why You Need Both

Currying functions

Currying is probably better known within functional languages. In it’s simplest form we can view a currying as a way to declare a function and if a user of the function supplies less arguments than expected then a function is returned which takes the remaining arguments.

Let’s look at currying using a functional language such as F# first, as this really shows the usefulness of such a capability. We’ll define an add function which takes three parameters

let add a b c = a + b + c

Now we can write code such as

let r = add 1 2

Note: when we create a new function from our curried function, such as r in above, we can call this a partially applied function.

As you can see, we have not supplied all the arguments and hence r is not an integer but is instead a function which now accepts a single argument, i.e. the final argument the add function expects. Therefore we can write the following code against the returned function

let i = r 3

Now, i is an integer and contains the result of add 1 2 3 function call (i.e. the value 6).

Currying comes “built-in” syntactically in languages such as F#. We can write explicit code to demonstrate what in essence happens when we work within currying capable languages. Here’s an F# example which shows how we create functions returning functions along with closures to pass the preceding function arguments to each inner function

let add a = 
    let add1 b = 
        let add2 c = 
            a + b + c

Note: The F# compiler does NOT create the code equivalent to the above when we create functions unless the usage of the add method includes using it in a curried scenario.

The above is written in F# but you’ll notice that this same technique can easily be written in languages such as C#, Java etc. Here’s the same code in a verbose implementation in C#

public static Func<int, Func<int, int>> Add(int a) => 
   new Func<int, Func<int, int>>(b => (c => a + b + c));

Thankfully C# allows a less verbose syntax, so the above can be rewritten as

public static Func<int, Func<int, int>> Add(int a) =>
   b => (c => a + b + c);

To call such a function we’d need to write code such as

var i = Add(1)(2)(3)

This is not as elegant as the F# code (in my opinion) but does allow currying and partially applied functions in C#.

As you’d expect – another functional language, Scala, supports currying using the following syntax

def add(a : Int)(b : Int)(c : Int) = a + b + c;

val r = add(1)(2)_
// or alternate syntax
// val r = add(1)(2)(_)
val i = r(3)

Notice that we require the _ (underscore) to ignore the third argument and we need to wrap each argument within brackets (creating parameter groups) to enable the function to be curried. The missing last argument need now be enclosed within brackets.

Scala also allows us to create partially applied functions where it’s not just the last n parameters that make up the new function. For example (let’s change the argument types to a string to the output is more obvious.

def mid(a : String)(b : String)(c : String) = a + b + c;

def m = mid("Start ")(_:String)(" End")
println(m("Hello World"))
// outputs Start Hello World End

In this case we’re making a partially applied function using the curried function mid where in usage we miss out the middle parameter in the example usage. However we must also supply the type along with the _ placeholder.

Reading the BOM/preamble

Sometimes we get a file with the BOM (or preamble) bytes at the start of the file, which denote a UNICODE encoded file. We don’t always care these and want to simple remove the BOM (if one exists).

Here’s some fairly simple code which shows the reading of a stream or file with code to “skip the BOM” at the bottom

using (var stream = 
   var length = stream.Length;
   var bytes = new byte[length];
   var numBytesToRead = (int)length;
   var numBytesRead = 0;
      // read the file in chunks of 1024
      var n = stream.Read(
         Math.Min(1024, numBytesToRead));

      numBytesRead += n;
      numBytesToRead -= n;

   } while (numBytesToRead > 0);

   // skip the BOM
   var bom = new UTF8Encoding(true).GetPreamble();
   return bom.Where((b, i) => b != bytes[i]).Any() ? 
      bytes : 