Category Archives: Powershell

Creating a Powershell function

We can create commands/cmdlets using C# or combine commands in ps1 files (for example) but we can also implement Powershell functions, which give is the ability to combine existing Powershell commands but wrap them in their own function with their own help etc.

Let’s look at a simple implementation of a tail-like command

Get-Content -Path c:\logs\logfile.log -Wait 

Ofcourse the first thing we might like to do is wrap this in a simple function, like this

function Get-Tail 
   Get-Content -Path $args[0] -Wait 

This works fine, but now maybe we’d like to make it more obvious what argument(s) Get-Tail expects. So we’ll add a parameter which better illustrates the intent via it’s name etc. So now we might have

function Get-Tail 
   param (
       HelpMessage="Path of file to tail")]

   Get-Content -Path $Path -Wait 

Here we’ve named the parameter that we expect as Path and we’ve stipulated it’s type. We’ve also added a Parameter attribute to ensure it’s obvious that this is a mandatory field and if the user forgets to supply it, Powershell will ask for it, to that purpose we’ve also supplied a help message so if the user types !? into the prompt for Path, the user will get the help message telling them what’s expected.

This is looking good, but running Get-Help tells us very little about the function so now we can extend this further and make it look like this

function Get-Tail 
   Lists the file to standard out and waits 
   for any change which are then also output
   Get-Tail works a little like the tail 
   command, it allows the user to write a 
   file to standard out and then waits for
   any further changes, these to are written to
   standard out until the user exist the command.
   The Path to the file to be tailed
   Get-Tail c:\logs\logfile.log
 HelpMessage="Path of file to tail")]
Get-Content -Path $Path -Wait 

Now we have a command written in Powershell which looks and acts like any of the common commands might work, with help.

Let’s quickly review the lines we’ve added – the <# #> is the comment block for Powershell, within it we’ve headings along the lines of .HEADING and below that we’ve just some text to describe the command. The .PARAMETER is more interesting in that we write the parameter name after it (we can have multiple .PARAMETER blocks for multiple params).

To find out what options are available for the help block, type

Get-Help about_Comment_Based_Help


Documenting Your PowerShell Binary Cmdlets

Creating a C# CmdLet

So Powershell comes with a lot of commands/CmdLets but as a developer I’m always interested in how I might write my own. Whilst it’s likely that combining existing commands might produce the results you’re after, if it doesn’t we can resort to writing our own command using C#.

Getting Started

  • Create a new Class Library project
  • Go to the project properties and target the version of .NET supported by your installed version of Powershell (to find this out simply type $PSVersionTable into Powershell and check the CLRVersion)
  • Add a reference to System.Management.Automation to locate this browse to C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\WindowsPowerShell\3.0
  • The namespace we need to add is System.Management.Automation

Hello World CmdLet

Now we’ve got everything set-up we need to make our CmdLet do something. Here’s the source for a good old HelloWorld Cmdlet

[Cmdlet(VerbsCommon.Get, "HelloWorld")]
public class GetHelloWorld : Cmdlet
   protected override void ProcessRecord()
      WriteObject("Hello World");

The CmdLetAttribute takes a string for the verb, in this case I’m reusing the VerbsCommon.Get string. The next requirements is the noun, the name of the Cmdlet. So in this case the two go together to give us the Cmdlet Get-HelloWorld.

We derive our class from Cmdlet as we’re not dependent upon the Powershell runtime, if we were we’d derive from the PSCmdlet.

Importing and using the new CmdLet

Once we’ve built our CmdLet and assuming it’s been built with the same version of .NET as supported by the installed Powershell, we can import the “module” into Powershell using

Import-Module c:\Dev\MyCmdLets.dll

Obviously replacing the path and DLL with the location and DLL you’re installing

Once imported we can simply run


Autocomplete also works if you type Get-He then press tab and you’ll find Get-HelloWorld presented.

If you need to rebuild your Cmdlet you’ll need to close the Powershell instance to remove the instance from it, I tried Remove-Module MyCmdLets but this only removes its availability to Powershell, i.e. you can no longer run it, but I guess, like in C# applications, once the module is in the AppDomain you cannot fully unload it.


Let’s add a parameter to the Cmdlet.

[Cmdlet(VerbsCommon.Get, "HelloWorld")]
public class GetHelloWorld : Cmdlet
   [Parameter(Mandatory = true)]
   public string Name { get; set; }

   protected override void ProcessRecord()
      WriteObject("Hello World " + Name);

So now, we’ve added a mandatory parameter Name. When we run the Get-HelloWorld Cmdlet we can now supply the name, thus

Get-HelloWorld -Name Scooby

Returning objects

So far we’ve returned a string, but what about if we want to return and object or better still multiple objects, like Get-Process might.

[Cmdlet(VerbsCommon.Get, "HelloWorld")]
public class GetHelloWorld : Cmdlet
   protected override void ProcessRecord()
      WriteObject(new HelloObject { Name = "Scooby", Description = "Dog"} );
      WriteObject(new HelloObject { Name = "Shaggy", Description = "Man" });
      WriteObject(new HelloObject { Name = "Daphne", Description = "Woman" });

public class HelloObject
   public string Name { get; set; }
   public string Description { get; set; }

Now running this from Powershell will list two columns, Name and Description and three rows with the name and description as per our objects.

Better still we can now write commands such as

Get-HelloWorld | where {$_.Description -eq "Dog"}


Cmdlet Methods

Writing Powershell command (.ps1) files

In a previous post I started to look into using Powershell, but ofcourse the power of commands/Cmdlets comes when they’re either combined or whereby our most common commands exist in files to be run again and again.

So let’s turn an often used command into a ps1 file.

Windows PowerShell ISE (Integrated Scripting Engine)

From the Windows search box (ctrl+R) we can run up the Windows PowerShell ISE. This gives us, both an editor and also a command prompt for writing and testing our command scripts.

You can also run this application from the command line using powershell_is or better still via the alias ise.

In the editor let’s type

Get-Process | where {$_.CPU -gt 1000}

Now save this file as Top-Cpu.ps1

Running our new command

We can simply drag and drop a ps1 file from Windows Explorer onto the Powershell window to fill in the fully qualified path on the command line, pressing enter we can then run the file. Obviously if you know the full path you can do this yourself by typing the same into the command prompt.

Specifying parameters

It may be that our ps1 file is perfect as it is, but it’s also quite likely we’ll want to allow the user to change some values in it at runtime, i.e. using command line arguments/parameters.

To specify parameters in our script we write


This defines a parameter named cpu and gives a default value, in this case 1000. If we change our script to look like this

Get-Process | where {$_.CPU -gt $cpu}

where you’ll notice $cpu is the placeholder/variable where the parameter is used. We can now run this script as Top-cpu.ps1 and the default parameter is used. Or we might write Top-cpu.ps1 7000 to supply a new parameter.

Multiple parameters

We can command separate our parameters to include multiple params, like this

param($value=1000, $field="CPU")
Get-Process | where {$_.$field -gt $value}

Maybe not so useful in this specific script, but you get the idea.


Windows PowerShell: Defining Parameters

Powershell $profile

What’s the purpose of the $profile

The $profile (like a bash script configuration) allows us to configure the way our Powershell command shell looks, or sets the default location, we can add commands and aliases etc.

Where’s the $profile and does it exist?

Typing the following will result in Powershell telling us where the Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 file is expected to be


Just because $profile outputs a path, does not mean there’s a file’s there. It’s simply telling us where it goes to get the profile, we may still need to created one, instead we can use the following

We can find out whether a $profile already exists using

Test-Path $profile

Test-Path determines whether all elements of a path exists, i.e. in this case, does the file exist

Creating the profile file


New-Item -path $profile -itemType file -force

will create a new item (in this case a file) at the location (and name) supplied by the $profile variable. The force switch ensure the file is overwritten if it already exists.

The ps1 file is just a text file, so from the command line you can run Notepad or powershell_ise (or ofcourse from the Windows GUI you can do the same) and edit the file, allow us to enter the commands that might want available from session to session.

Finally decided to learn a little Powershell

For years I’ve been thinking of learning Powershell, but I’ve never really had a real need for it, so subsequently it got neglected for such a long time.

I’ve finally decided to spend some time with it and see what it can do for me. Let’s start by looking at some of the basics to getting started with Powershell.

Commands (or Cmdlets)

Built-in commands are also known as Cmdlets, although I’ve also seen that some users prefer to think of Cmdlets as multiple commands – more like batch files. Either way, I’ll use the word interchangeably.

Note: Commands are case-insensitive

Let’s jump right in

Let’s have a look at an example command in Powershell

Get-Process | where {$_.CPU -gt 1000}

In the above, the command is Get-Process. This returns a list of the current processes running on your computer. Running Get-Process will result in eight headings (on my machine). Get-Process actually returns data as objects which we then pipe using | to the where clause.

The where clause syntax uses the braces {} to group together to form a block (much like blocks in C++ etc.). Within this block we use the $_ syntax which is a placeholder which in essence means “the current value” from the Get-Process command. In other words each item return from Get-Process is piped to the where clause and the $_ indicates the current value. From this we use standard object oriented style dot notation to get at a property on the item $_, in this case the property is CPU.

Note: The $ is used for to denote a variable, whether it’s supplied by default by Powershell or created by the user

Next up with have the -gt which as I’m sure you can determine, means “greater than” and ofcourse on the right hand side of this expression is the value we want to test for.

How do we determine what properties exist on an object?

In the previous command we used the CPU property of the results from Get-Process but how did we know that property existed and are there more properties we could have used? Ofcourse, there’s documentation which can tell us such things, but we can also use another Powershell command to tell us.

By typing the following

Get-Process | Get-Member

We can pipe the Get-Process object into Get-Member which will output a list of properties (and other members) of the type returned by Get-Process. If you run this you’ll find the CPU property (and many others).

Actually using the Powershell command prompt we can also view the properties by pressing ctrl+space after the dot, this allows us to list all available member names for an object. In the case of Get-Process this will list 122 possible member names.

Getting help

Powershell’s help system is very powerful. Simply type


to view the help on the Get-Help command. From here you’ll see you can type

Get-Help Get-Process

which will display help on the Get-Process command. We can also view examples for this command using

Get-Help Get-Process -examples


Some commands are also aliased, meaning our original Get-Process | where {$_.CPU -gt 1000} can be rewritten as

ps | where {$_.CPU -gt 1000}

ps is simply an alias to the longer winded Get-Process and we can find an alias (if one exists) using the following

Get-Alias -definition Get-Process


I noted previously that you can get a list of member names by pressing the combination ctrl+space after the dot, this is also useful after the – operator, for example when looking for alternatives to gt we can type – then ctrl+space and a list of options appears which includes, bnot, eq, f and more.