Category Archives: Database

Postgresql in Docker

Let’s run up the Docker image with an instance of PostgreSQL

docker run --name mypostgres -d postgres

Now, connect to the instance so we can create a database etc.

docker exec -it mypostgres bash
createdb -U postgres MyDatabase

Note: if you find this error message psql: FATAL: role “root” does not exist, you’ll need to switch to the postgres user, see below.

Switch to the postgres user (su substitute user).

su postgres

At which point, we’re now in the psql application and can create databases etc.

Docker, spring boot and mongodb

I wanted to create a docker build to run a spring boot based application along with it’s mongodb database which proved interesting. Here’s what I fouand out.


To begin with, we need to create a docker configuration file, named Dockerfile. This will be used to create a docker image which we will host a spring boot JAR. Obviously this will require that we create an image based upon a Java image (or create our own). So let’s base our image on a light weight open JDK 1.8 image, openjdk:8-apline.

Below is an example Dockerfile

FROM openjdk:8-alpine
MAINTAINER putridparrot

RUN apk update

RUN mkdir -p $APP_HOME

ADD putridparrot.jar $APP_HOME/putridparrot.jar



CMD ["java","","-jar","/home/putridparrot.jar"]

The above will be used to create our image, based upon openjdk:8-apline, we then run an update (in case its required) we create an environment variable for our application folder (we’ll simply install our application into /home, but it could be more specific, such as /home/putridparrot/app or whatever), we then create that folder.

Next we ADD our JAR, so this is going to in essence copy our JAR from our host machine into the docker image so that when we run the image it’ll also include the JAR within that image.

I’m also exposing port 8080 as my JAR will be exposing port 8080, hence when we interact with port 8080 docker will proxy it through to our JAR application.

Finally we add a command (CMD) which will run when the docker image is run. So in this case we run the executable JAR passing in some configuration to allow it to access a mongodb instance (which will be running in another docker instance.

Note: The use if the db host is important. It need not be named db but the name needs to be the same as we’ll be using within the upcoming docker-compose.yml file

Before we move onto the mongodb container we need to try to build our Dockerfile, here’s the commands

docker rmi putridparrot --force
docker build -t putridparrot .

Note: These commands should be run from the folder containing our Dockerfile.

The first command will force remove any existing images and the second command will then build the docker image.


So we’ve created a Dockerfile which will be used to create our docker image but we now want to create a docker-compose file which will be used to run both our newly created image and then a mongodb image and by use of commands such as depends_on and the use of the name of our mongo service (which we used within the JAR execution command). Here’s the docker-compose.yml file

version: "3.1"

    build: .
    restart: always
      - "8080:8080"
      - db

    image: mongo
      - ./data:/data/db
      - "27017:27017"
    restart: always

The first line simply sets the version of the docker-compose syntax, in this case 3.1. This is followed by the services which will be run by docker-compose. The first service listed is our JAR’s image. In fact we do not use the image, we rebuild it (if required) via the build command – this looks for a Dockerfile in the supplied folder (in this case we assume it’s in the same folder as the docker-compose.yml file). We then set up the port forwarding to the docker image. This service depends on a mongodb running, hence the depends_on option.

The next service is our mongodb image. As mentioned previously, the name here can be whatever you want, but to allow our other service connect to it, should be used within our JAR configuration. Think of it this way – this name is the hostname of the mongodb service and docker will handle the name resolution between docker instances.

Finally, we obviously use the mongo image, and we want to expose the ports to allow access to the running instance and also store the data from the mongodb on our host machine, hence allow it to be used when a new instance of this service is started.

Now we need to run docker-compose using

docker-compose up

If all goes well, this will then, possibly build a new image of our JAR, the will bring up the services. As the first service depends_on the second, it will in essence be executed once the mongodb service is up and running, obviously allow it to then connect to the database.

MongoDB revisited

As I’m busy setting up my Ubuntu server, I’m going to revisit a few topics that I’ve covered in the past, to see whether there are changes to working with various servers. Specifically I’ve gone Docker crazy and want to run these various server in Docker.

First up, let’s see what we need to do to get a basic MongoDB installation up and running and the C# client to access it (it seems some things have changes since I last did this).

Getting the server up and running

First off we’re going to get the Ubuntu server setup with an instance of MongoDB. So let’s get latest version on mongo for Docker

docker pull mongo:latest

this will simply download the latest version of the MongoDB but not run it. So our next step is to run the MongoDB Docker instance. By default the port MongoDB uses is 27017, but this isn’t available to the outside world. So we’re going to want to map this to a port accessible to our client machine(s). I’m going to use port 28000 (there’s no specific reason for this port choice). Run the following command from Ubuntu

docker run -p 28000:27017 --name my-mongo -d mongo

We’ve mapped MongoDB to the previously mentioned port and named the instance my-mongo. This will run MongoDB in the background. We can now look to write a simple C# client to access the instance.

Interactive Shell

Before we proceed to the client, we might wish to set-up users etc. in MongoDB and hence run its shell. Now running the following

docker exec -t my-mongo mongo

Didn’t quite work as expected, whilst I was placed inside the MongoDB shell, commands didn’t seem to run.

Note: This could be something I’m missing here, but when pressing enter, the shell seemed to think I was about to add another command.

To work with the shell I found it simpler to connect to the Docker instance using bash, i.e.

docker exec -t my-mongo bash

then run


to access the shell.

I’m not going to set up any users etc. at this point, we’ll just used the default setup.

Creating a simple client

Let’s fire up Visual Studio 2015 and create a console application. Then using NuGet add the MongoDB.Driver by MongoDB, Inc. Now add the following code to your Console application

public class Person
   public ObjectId Id { get; set; }
   public string FirstName { get; set; }
   public string LastName { get; set; }
   public int Age { get; set; }

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
   var client = new MongoClient("mongodb://");
   var r = client.GetDatabase("MyDatabase");
   var collection = r.GetCollection<Person>("People");
   collection.InsertOne(new Person 
      FirstName = "Scooby", 
      LastName = "Doo", 
      Age = 27 

Obviously replace the with the IP address of your server (in my case my Ubuntu server box), the port obviously matches the port we exposed via Docker. You don’t need to “create” the database explicitly via the shell or a command, you can just run this code and it’ll create MyDatabase then the table People and then insert a record.

Did it work?

Hopefully your Console application just inserted a record. There should have been no timeout or other exception. Ofcourse we can use the Console application, for example

var client = new MongoClient("mongodb://");
var r = client.GetDatabase("MyDatabase");
var collection = r.GetCollection<Person>("People");
foreach (var p in collection.FindSync(_ => true).ToList())
   Console.WriteLine($"{p.FirstName} {p.LastName}");                

I’m using the synchronous methods to find and create the list, solely because my Console application is obviously pretty simple, but the MongoDB driver library offers Async versions of these methods as well.

The above code will write out Scooby Doo as the only entry in our DB, so all worked fine. How about we do the same thing using the shell.

If we now switch back to the server and if its not running, run the MongoDB shell as previously outlined. From the shell run the following

use MyDatabase

We should now see a single entry

  "_id" : ObjectId("581d9c5065151e354837b8a5"), 
  "FirstName" : "Scooby", 
  "LastName" : "Doo", 
  "Age" : 27 

Just remember, we didn’t set this instance of MongoDB up to use a Docker Volume and hence when you remove the Docker instance the data will disappear.

So let’s quickly revisit the code to run Mongo DB within Docker and fix this. First off exit back to the server’s prompt (i.e. out of the Mongo shell and out of the Docker bash instance).

Now stop my-mongo using

docker stop my-mongo

You can restart mongo at this point using

docker start my-mongo

and your data will still exist, but if you run the following after stopping the mongo instance

docker rm my-mongo

and execute Mongo again the data will have gone. If we add a volume command to the command line argument, and so we will execute the following

docker run -p 28000:27017 -v mongodb:/data/mongodb --name my-mongo -d mongo

the inclusion of the /v will map the mongodb data (/data/mongodb) to the volume on the local machine named mongodb. By default this is created in /var/lib/docker/volumes, but ofcourse you could supply a path to an alternate location

Remember, at this point we’re still using default security (i.e. none), I will probably create a post on setting up mongo security in the near future

Returning to Entity Framework database first

After working with a database project in Visual Studio, I thought it was probably time to create a simple console application to interact with the database using the current version of Entity Framework (v6.0).

So as we’ve already created the cddb database in a previous post, we’ll simply create a new console project and work with that DB.

  • Create your application, as stated mine is a console application
  • Add new item and select Data | ADO.NET Entity Data Model, mine’s named CddbContext (as this will include the source for the data context created for EF)
  • Select Code First from database
  • Create a new connection and supply the relevant details for your database connection
  • Press next then select the tables (and views) you want to generate code for – then click Finish

Here’s the code generated


public partial class CddbContext : DbContext
   public CddbContext()
      : base("name=CddbContext")

   public virtual DbSet<album> albums { get; set; }
   public virtual DbSet<artist> artists { get; set; }

   protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
         .HasMany(e => e.albums)
         .WithRequired(e => e.artist)


public partial class artist
   public artist()
      albums = new HashSet<album>();

   public int Id { get; set; }

   public string Name { get; set; }

   public virtual ICollection<album> albums { get; set; }


public partial class album
   public int Id { get; set; }

   public string Title { get; set; }

   public int ArtistId { get; set; }

   public virtual artist artist { get; set; }

finally let’s create a simple but of code to get the artists from the database, so in Main we have

using (var db = new CddbContext())
   var artists = db.artists;
   foreach (var a in artists)

If your database schema changes you will need to re-run the steps to generate your data context etc. or code by hand. There isn’t (currently) a way to update existing classes – so don’t make changes to the generated code and expect it to still exist after regeneration.

SQL Server Database Project

I must admit most (if not all) my SQL Server interaction takes place in SQL Server Management Studio, but I wanted to create a new database project using the Visual Studio database tools, so I thought I’d give this a go…

Getting Started

I always like to start such posts off with a set of steps for getting the basics up and running, so let’s continue with that way of doing things.

  • Create a new SQL Server | SQL Server Database Project (mine’s called cddb)
  • Select the project in solution explorer and if need be, open the project properties/settings and set the Target platform etc.
  • Right mouse click on the project and select Add | Table…
  • Name the table artist
  • Repeat the last two steps but name the table album

So at this point we have a database project and two tables/sql scripts with nothing much in them.

We’re going to create some very basic tables, as this post isn’t mean’t to be too focused on data but more using these tools.

So for artist.sql we should have

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[artist]

and for album.sql we should have

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[album]
[ArtistId] INT NOT NULL, 
CONSTRAINT [FK_album_Toartist] 
  FOREIGN KEY (ArtistId) 
  REFERENCES [artist]([Id])

Deploy/Publish your database

At this point, let’s actually publish our database to an instance of SQL Server or SQL Server Express.

Right mouse click on the project and select Publish, you should have the Database name supplied as cddb and the script as cddb.sql. Click the Edit button and enter the connect details for the instance of SQL Server. Finally click on the generate script button if you wish to create DB script and then run this yourself or click the Publish button to automatically publish your tables to the SQL Sever instance.

In the Data Tools Operations view you’ll see the process of publishing and creating the database scripts. Once successfully completed you should now have the cddb database running in SQL Server.

Let’s add some data

In a continuous integration and/or continuous deployment scenario, it’s useful to recreate our database from scripts, so generating the script instead of publishing to the database obviously helps in this, but it’s also useful to generate some data. Ofcourse it could be we’re populating the data from another instance of the DB but for this example we’re going to add some data via an SQL script.

Right mouse click on the database project and select Add | Script… We’re going to create a post-deployment script. As the name suggests this should be run after the DB is generated. I’ve named my script populate.sql, you’ll notice in the Visual Studio properties window the Advanced | Build Action will show PostDeploy.

We’re going to use the T-SQL Merge statement to create our test data, this script is as follows


MERGE artist AS target
   (1, N'Alice Cooper'),
   (2, N'Van Halen'),
   (3, N'Deep Purple')
AS source (Id, Name)
ON target.Id = source.Id
   UPDATE SET Name = source.Name
   INSERT (Id, Name)
   VALUES (Id, Name)



MERGE album AS target
   (1, N'Lace and Whiskey', 1),
   (2, N'I', 1),
   (3, N'III', 1),
   (4, N'Burn', 2)
AS source (Id, Title, ArtistId)
ON target.Id = source.Id
   UPDATE SET Title = source.Title, ArtistId = source.ArtistId
   INSERT (Id, Title, ArtistId)
   VALUES (Id, Title, ArtistId)


Ofcourse the above would be somewhat unwieldy if we’re populating hundreds of hundreds or MB of data entries.

Populating data from CSV

One possible solution for populating a larger number of records might be to use one or more CSV files to contain our seed data. So let’s assume we have the following files


1,Alice Cooper
2,Van Halen
3,Deep Purple

and albums.csv

1,Lace and Whiskey,1

we could now replace our post deployment code with the following

   FROM 'artists.csv'


   FROM 'albums.csv'


Importing data using SQL Server Management Studio

Whilst this doesn’t fit in with the context of this post, i.e. it’s not automated. You could ofcourse create the database and use SQL Server Management Studio’s Import task to import data into your database.

Simply select the database you want to import data into, right mouse click on this and select Tasks | Import Data and work through the wizard to import your data from a variety of sources.

Describing my tables, views, stored procs etc.

Having become a little too reliant (at times) on great GUI tools for interacting with my databases, I had to remind myself it’s pretty easy to use code to do this, sure good old Aqua Studio does it with CTRL+D on a data object in the editor, or both Oracle SQL Developer and the MS SQL Server Management Studio allow us to easily drill down the item in the data object tree, but still. Here it is in code…

Tables and views

For Oracle

desc TableName

For SQL Server

exec sp_columns TableName

Stored Procs

For Oracle

desc StoredProceName

For SQL Server

exec sp_help StoredProceName

In fact sp_help can be used for Stored Procs and Tables/Views.

SQL select case

As mentioned in other posts on SQL. I’m currently working on a simple database to maintain information on the plants I’m planting (or looking to plant) this year. I’m going to use this application to write some “reminders” on using SQL.

Note: Currently I’m using SQL Server for this database, so I’ve only tried this on SQL Server.


A simple example which classifies plants by their maximum height.

select Name, MaxHeight,
   case when MaxHeight > 100 then 'Tall'
        when MaxHeight > 50 and MaxHeight <= 100 then 'Medium'
        when MaxHeight > 0 and MaxHeight <= 50 then 'Small'
        else 'No Information'
        end as Height
from Plant


[table “” not found /]

SQL Basics (Part 4)

In the previous SQL Basics posts, we’ve looked at querying our data, CRUD operations and transactions.

Let’s now look at creating databases, tables etc. These statements come under the acronym DDL (Database Definition Language).

Creating a database

We can create a database easily in SQL Server using


Now this is not accepted by every SQL type database, for example file based databases would probably not support this as the existence of the file is the database.

Creating Tables

To create a table on a database, we might use the following command in SQL Server

USE Employee;

This will ensure that we do not need to prefix our table definitions etc. with the database name. So we can create a table as

   Id int,
   FirstName nchar (20),
   LastName nchar (20),
   Age int

Note: the types supported by different databases may differ, but generally you’ll have numeric, string and date/time types (at least).

In the example Person table, we created a table with an Id, FirstName, LastName and Age. We’ve not created any primary key for this, so let’s now delete (or DROP) the table and try again with the following (see below for how to DROP the table)

   Id int IDENTITY(1, 1) not null,
   FirstName nchar (20) not null,
   LastName nchar (20) not null,
   Age int null,
      Id ASC

Now we’ve also been more explicit in stating whether columns may be NULL (Note: NULL is the default for a column and some databases may not support explicit setting to NULL as it’s assumed NULL already). We’re using IDENTITY to create an auto incrementing ID. This may not be available in all SQL databases. Then finally we create a primary key constraint on the table named PK_Person.


To delete a table we call


obviously all the data will be lost when we drop a table. We also may need to remove relationships to the Person table first, if any exist.


As it’s name suggests, ALTER TABLE allows us to amend a TABLE. It may also be used as part of the TABLE creation process when foreign keys exist with tables which have not yet been created. i.e. we might create all the tables then ALTER TABLE to create the foreign keys etc.

Let’s just make a simple change to add a Nationality field to the table

ADD Nationality nchar(2) null

Whoops Nationality is a little on small size, so we need to alter this column, let’s use

ALTER COLUMN Nationality nchar(20)

Or we could remove the column thus

DROP COLUMN Nationality

SQL Basics (Part 3)


In previous SQL Basics posts we’ve looked at querying the database, but we actually need to get some data into the database. So let’s go over the Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete commands.


To create data in SQL we use the INSERT keyword, for example

INSERT INTO Plants (CommonName, Type_Id) VALUES ('Strawberry', 2)

This creates a new plant with the CommonName Strawberry and the Type_Id 2.


We’re not going to go through this again as we’ve dealt with the SELECT query already (this is the way we retrieve data using SQL).


The UPDATE keyword is used to alter data with SQL.

Beware, if no WHERE clause is used then ALL rows will be updated

UPDATE Plants p SET p.CommonName = 'Strawberry' where p.Id = 123


DELETE is used to remove items from the database using SQL. We can delete one or more rows at a time but only from one table at a time, for example


Beware you can easily delete ALL rows from a table if you do not specify a WHERE clause


We’ve finished looking at the CRUD operations but you’ve probably noted some of the pitfalls of not correctly forming your DELETE or UPDATE queries. So let’s look a transactions which allow us to make changes which are not permanent until the transaction is completed.

First off, let’s look at the concept of ACID…

ACID stands for Atomic, Consistent, Isolated and finally Durable.

A transaction is said to be atomic in that it either happens or doesn’t happen, i.e. we cannot have a partially altered set of data. It’s consistent if the transaction leaves the database in a consistent state. It’s isolated in that it occurs in a serial way and finally it’s durable if it’s “permanently” stored, i.e. it’s not kept in memory but stored on disc so it will still be available after a reboot (for example).

Transaction syntax requires we tell the database we’re beginning a transaction, then we run our SQL command before either committing the transaction or rolling it back. For example


Now in the sample above I have started a transaction and deleted all Plants. If I now try to get all rows from the Plants table I’ll find they’re all gone. But uncommenting the ROLLBACK will allow us to cancel the transaction and return all the rows we seemed to have deleted.

Obviously had this been our intention then we could alternatively just uncomment the COMMIT transaction and commit out changes.