Category Archives: AWS

AWS CloudFormation

Disclaimer: This post sat in draft for a while as I’m not using AWS at the moment I cannot guarantee that all works still or the post is 100% complete, but I’m going to publish it anyway, in case it’s of use.

AWS CloudFormation is a service that is essentially a way to group together AWS resources into a stack. We can define the stack using the AWS Dashboard or using either JSON or YAML.

For example, in JSON

  "Resources": {
    "S3Bucket": {
      "Type": "AWS::S3::Bucket",
      "Properties": {
        "BucketName": "mybucket"

or in YAML

    Type: 'AWS::S3::Bucket'
      BucketName: mybucket

In this example the S3 bucket will be created within the Stack. Remember the bucket name must be unique across all accounts.

  • From the dashboard type CloudFormation into the search box
  • Once you’re on the CloudFormation page click the Create stack button

From the Create stack page you can select a JSON or YAML template from your local machine, an Amazon S3 URL or from a Git repos. using the Template is ready option. Or you can Use a sample template to load a pre-existing stack, for example LAMP, Ruby on Rails, WordPress etc. Or you can select the Create template in designer option to use the stack designer.

Let’s see what we can do with CloudFormation by creating our simple Echo service web API and let some tools generate our CloudFormation configuration file for us.

Setting up our credentials

First we’re going to need to set up our credentials.

You’ll hopefully have stored the credentials when you create your IAM user, access id and secret are what’s required for this next step.

If you prefer to handle this from a UI such as Visual Studio Extensions, then you can use the edit credential button in the AWS Explorer (load via the menu View | AWS Explorer) but let’s first do this ourselves.

Credentials are obviously meant to be kept secret, so they’re stored on your local machine in the folder C:\Users\<your-username>\.aws in the file named credentials. The file is an INI type file and should look like this when you’ve added your credentials

aws_access_key_id = IDSUPPLIEDBYAWS
aws_secret_access_key = SECRETSUPPLIEDBYAWS

The profilename is the profile name as seen in tools such as AWS Explorer or will be used in the CLI, this allows us to have multiple access key/secrets for multiple apps.

Note: if you edit this file via AWS Explorer it will add further information to the profile

Using Visual Studio Extensions

If you install the AWS extensions for Visual Studio, you can create CloudFormation based applications using the project templates. If you create yourself a project based upon AWS Serverless Application (.NET Core – C#) for example, you’ll then get the option to choose a project type, I chose Minimal Wweb API.

The resultant project includes everything you need to build and deploy your application to AWS serverless.

For example from Visual Studio 2022 with the current AWS Extensions installed

  • Create a new project, select AWS Serverless Application (.NET Core – C#) or the with Tests version
  • Once create simply replace the minimal API root method with the following
    app.MapGet("/", () => "Use /echo?text=<text>");
    app.MapGet("/echo", (string text) => $"Echo: {text}");
  • Open the serverless.template file and change the Descriptiom to something meaningful to your project
  • Build and run locally to check everything works, i.e. /echo?text=Scooby should echo back Scooby
  • We can now simply right mouse click on the serverless.template file and select Publish to AWS Lambda
  • From the Publish to AWS Lambda popup, enter a Stack Name if it doesn’t exist it will be created
  • Enter an S3 Bucket name or click the New button and supply a name
  • You might need to change the AWS Credentials if required for your specific application and Region
  • Click Publish and if all goes well, your application will be published to a stack in AWS and upon completion the AWS extension will show the URL for you service and you can go and try it

At this point if you log into AWS using the same IAM account that your stack was deployed to, go to CloudFormation and you’ll see our stack was added, it should show Status as CREATE_COMPLETE it’ll have the desription we changed in the serverless.template file. In the Outputs tab we can see the ApiURL (in case you forgot to note it down).

Now if you enter S3 into the search box and go and look at our buckets, you’ll see the bucket we created and finally if you enter Lambda into the search box and go to the Lambda Functions page you’ll see the function name for our Web API.

I’m not going to dig too much into the serverless.template file but note that the Type

"Type": "AWS::Serverless::Function",

Essentially creates the web API as a lamba function, sets up the IAM execution role and adds the HTTP triggers to invoke the function.

Valid types are as followis

  • AWS::Serverless::Function as already looked at this will create the Lambda function, the execution role and any required triggers
  • AWS::Serverless::Api denotes a resource type for creating an API Gateway
  • AWS::Serverless::HttpApi denotes a resource type used to create REST API’s
  • AWS::Serverless::SimpleTable denotes a resource type to create a DynamoDB table with a single primary key

The IAM User on AWS

When you signed up for AWS you created a Root user account. However we really should create another user (even if they have root like permissions) to run our cloud account.

Why do we need this user if they’re basically admin? Well we can reduce permissions but also delete the user without affecting the root user which we cannot do this on.

Let’s create an IAM (Identify and Access Management) user for our development use which will basically have admin permissions but would not be the user we use four out applications, this is essentially a developer account.

How do we set up our development user?

  • Log into your AWS account as Root user
  • In this search bar type IAM
  • First we want to create a new group, so select Access management | User groups
    • Click Create group
    • Enter a name for the group, usually we’d probably have this name match the application that the group represents, so I’m going to do this for my unit conversion API app, hence my group is UnitConversionApiUsers for my unit conversions API
    • In the Attach permissions policies let’s give this group AdministratorAccess permissions
    • Now click the Create group button
  • You should be placed back on the User groups screen and see out new group with zero users. So now click the Access management | Users option on the left of the screen
    • Click the Create user button
    • Enter a name for the user then click Next
    • Leave the default Add user to group
    • Check/tick the group you added then click the Next button
    • Finally click Create user
  • From the users screen on the Security credentials tab I have also clicked Enable console access, I also check the User must create new password at next sign-in, but you can autogenerate or create a custom password to suite
  • Download the .csv file for later use, but don’t worry if you don’t it will contain User name, Password and Console sign-in URL so you can copy these if you prefer from the UI

Note that the console URL contains the account number, we can change this using the alias option, from the IAM dashboard select the Dashboard option. On the right of the screen you’ll see AWS Account and am option to Create an Account Alias, clicking this we can enter a name to replace the account number in the URL. You’ll see the Sign-in URL change to suit.

Try signing into AWS by using the console URL or it’s alias if you changed that and in my case I was prompted to change the password, so did that and was able to log in.

You’ll also want to go the the user that you created and click Create access key. When completed download the .csv and or copy the access id and secret key so you can used from the AWS CLI or IDE integration.

Azure Functions, AWS Lambda Functions, Google Cloud Functions

Some companies, due to regulatory requirements, a desire to not get locked into one cloud vendor or the likes, look towards a multi-cloud strategy. With this in mind this post is the first of a few showing some of the same functionality (but with different names) across the top three cloud providers, Microsoft’s Azure, Amazon’s AWS and Google Cloud.

We’re going to start with the serverless technology known as Lambda Functions (in AWS, and I think they might have been the first), Azure Functions and the Google cloud equivalent Google Cloud Functions. Now, in truth the three may not be 100% compatible in terms of their API but they’re generally close enough to allow us to worry about the request and response only and keep the same code for the specific function. Ofcourse if your function uses DB’s or Queues, then you’re probably starting to get tied more to the vendor than the intention of this post.

I’ve already covered Azure Functions in the past, but let’s revisit, so we can compare and contrast the offerings.

I’m not too interested in the code we’re going to deploy, so we’ll stick with JavaScript for each provider and just write a simple echo service, i.e. we send in a value and it responds with the value preceded by “Echo: ” (we can look at more complex stuff in subsequent posts).

Note: We’re going to use the UI/Dashboard to create our functions in this post.

Azure Functions

From Azure’s Dashboard

  • Type Function App into the search box or select it from your Dashboard if it’s visible
  • From the Function App page click the Create Function App button
  • From the Create Function App screen
    • Select your subscription and resource group OR create a new resource group
    • Supply a Function app name. This is essentially our apps name, as the Function app can hold multiple functions. The name must be unique across Azure websites
    • Select Code. So we’re just going to code the functions in Azure not supply an image
    • Select a runtime stack, let’s choose Node.js
    • Select the version (I’m sticking with the default)
    • Select the region, look for the region closest to you
    • Select the Operating System, I’m going to leave this as the default Windows
    • I’ve left the Hosting to the default Consumption (Serverless)
  • Click Review + create
  • If you’re happy, now click Create

Once Azure has done it’s stuff, we’ll have a resource and associated resources created for our functions.

  • Go to resource or type in Function App to the search box and navigate there via this option.
  • You should see your new function app. with the Status running etc.
  • Click on the app name and you’ll navigate to the apps. page
  • Click on the Create in Azure portal button. You could choose VS Code Desktop or set up your own editor if you prefer
  • We’re going to create an HTTP trigger, which is basically a function which will start-up when an HTTP request comes in for the function, so click HTTP trigger
    • Supply a New Function, I’m naming mine Echo
    • Leave Authorization level as Function OR set to Anonymous for a public API. Azure’s security model for functions is nice and simple, so I’ve chosen Function for this function, but feel free to change to suite
    • When happy with your settings, click Create

If all went well you’re now looking at the Echo function page.

  • Click Code + Test
  • The default .js code is essentially an echo service, but I’m going to change it slightly to the following
    module.exports = async function (context, req) {
      const text = (req.query.text || (req.body && req.body.text));
      context.log('Echo called with ' + text);
      const responseMessage = text
        ? "Echo: " + text
        : "Pass a POST or GET with the text to echo";
      context.res = {
        body: responseMessage

Let’s now test this function. The easiest way is click the Test/Run option

  • Change the Body to
    {"text":"Scooby Doo"}
  • Click Run and if all went well you’ll see Echo: Scooby Doo
  • To test from our browser, let’s get the URL for our function by clicking on the Get function URL
  • The URL will be in the following format and we’ve added the query string to use with it

If all went well you’ll see Echo: Shaggy and we’ve basically created our simple Azure Function.

Note: Don’t forget to delete your resources when you’ve finished testing this OR use it to create your own code

AWS Lamba

From the AWS Dashboard

  • Type Lambda into the search box
  • Click the button Create function
  • Leave the default as Author from scratch
  • Enter the function name. echo in my case
  • Leave the runtime (this should be Node), architecture etc. as the default
  • Click Create function

Once AWS has done it’s stuff let’s look at the code file index.mjs and change it to

export const handler = async (event, context) => { 
  const response = {
    statusCode: 200,
    body: JSON.stringify('Echo: ' + event.queryStringParameters.text),
  return response;

You’ll need to Deploy the function before it updates to use the latest code but you’ll find that, at this time, you’ll probably get errors use the Test option. One thing we haven’t yet done is supply trigger.

  • Either click Add trigger or from the Configuration tab click Add trigger
  • Select API Gatewway which will add an API to create a HTTP endpoint for REST/HTTP requests
  • If you’ve not created a existing API then select Create a new API
    • We’ll select HTTP API from here
    • I’m not going to create JWT authorizer, so for Security for now, select Open
    • Click the Add button
  • From the Configuration tab you’ll see an API endpoint, in your browser paste the endpoint url and add the query string so it looks a bit like this

    Note: Don’t forget to delete your functions when you’ve finished testing it OR use it to create your own code

    Google Cloud Function

    From the Google Cloud dashboard

    • Type Cloud Functions into the search box
    • From the Functions page, click Create Function
    • If the Enable required APIs popup appears you’ll need to click ENABLE to ensure all APIs are enabled

    From the Configuration page

    • Set to Environment if required, mine’s defaulted to 2nd gen which is the latest environment
    • Supply the function name, mine’s again echo
    • Set the region to one near your region
    • The default trigger is HTTPS, so we won’t need to change this
    • Just to save on having to setup authentication let’s choose the Allow unauthenticated invocations i.e. making a public API
    • Let’s also copy the URL for now which ill be something like
    • Clich the Next button

    This defaulted to creating a Node.js runtime. Let’s change our code to the familiar echo code

    • The code should look like the following
      const functions = require('@google-cloud/functions-framework');
      functions.http('helloHttp', (req, res) => {
        res.send(`Echo: ${req.query.text || req.body.text}`);
    • Click the Test button and GCP will create the container etc.

    Once everything is deployed then change the test payload to

      "text": "Scooby Doo"

    and click Run Test. If all went well you’ll see the Echo response in the GCF Testing tab.

    Finally, when ready click Deploy and then we can test our Cloud function via the browser, using the previously copied URL, like this

    Note: Don’t forget to delete your function(s) when you’ve finished testing this OR use it to create your own code

Deploying your static web site to AWS

Nowadays, if you’re developing a static web site, the old hosting packages you’d get via the web hosting companies now need to compete with offerings from the cloud. Azure, AWS and GCP all offer the ability to host your static pages and ofcourse, why wouldn’t they, it’s just storage and ingress to a web server and depending upon your site requirements, these can be hosted for free.

In this post I’m going to deploy a simply little React app using Material UI that I have, I deployed the same to Azure a long while back (it’s available via It’s a bit of fun which displays a single countdown to a selected date/time and tells you the number of days, minutes etc. and work days.

  • Go to your AWS console and I’m clicking the Host a static web app option in the Build a solution section of the AWS console
  • I then select GitHub from the From your existing code screen as GitHib is where I host the code for the app.
  • AWS wants permissions to my repo. so I’ll authorize that
  • Next I’m going to only Install & Authorize the one repo. with the countdown code, so I select Only select repositories but select All repositories if you prefer
  • As mentioned, I clicked Only select repositories then I selected my countdown app repo. and finally I click Install & Authorise
  • You may be prompted for further authentication from GitHub, oddly AWS said authentication failed when I was doing this and then AWS changed it’s mind and said it was successful

If all works you’ll be back at AWS in the Add repository branch section. We authorized use of a repo. but may have authorised all repos., so now we choose the the repo. and branch to deploy.

  • When ready click Next
  • Fill in anything required on the next page and then click Next again
  • On the review page, reviews your details and then click Save and deploy when ready

If all goes well you’ll see a message regarding AWS downloading the app. and the site will be provisioned. We now need to wait on AWS to Build and move the progress on to the Deploy step. Once completed you’re site will have been provisioned, built and deployed. A Domain URL is assigned and clicking on this, you should see your site.