Author Archives: purpleblob

Running PowerShell in a Windows container

I was messing around with Windows based docker images, running IIS and an ASP.NET 4.7.x application and wanted to connect to it’s “shell” to explore what was installed etc.

For Linux container you’ll probably use bash. From a Windows container we can just use powershell

Just change “the-container-id” to the id of the container you wish to connect to

docker container exec -it the-container-id powershell

What’s the purpose of the lang attribute in HTML ?

When creating an an HTML document, we would include the lang attribute to specify the language of the content within the document.

This allows browsers, screen readers etc. to correctly interpret and present content and allows screen readers to pronounce words in the style of the language selected. So for example we’d have

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <!-- content -->

Note that we use the short form language, i.e. “en” or long form such as “en-GB” or “en-US”

Obviously this would need to be changed if your application support i18n, so we might use something like the following, if we’re using something like the i18n package for React

document.documentElement.lang = i18n.language;

// OR

document.documentElement.lang = i18n.resolvedLanguage;

If you do not set the lang or set it to an empty string this simply means the language is unknown.

Whilst this post talks about the html tag, you can actually set the lang on other elements, such as paragraphs p so on a per element basis.

Creating a static web site on Azure (includes Blazor WebAssembly sites)

Azure offer a free static web site option, the process for creating a static web site is the same as creating one for a Blazor standalone application…

  • Create a resource group and/or select an existing one
  • Click Create button
  • Select or search for Static Web App via the marketplace
  • Click Create
  • I’m using the free hosting plan – so click Free, For hobby or personal projects plan type
  • I want the code to be deployed automatically from github, so ensure GitHub deployment details is set up
  • If you need to amend the GitHub account, do so
  • Set your organization, repository and branch to the github account/repo etc.
  • In Deployment configuration I use Deployment Token
  • In Advance, set your region

As part of this process, if you tie to application to your GitHub repo. you’ll also find a GitHub action’s CI/CD pipeline added to your repository which will carry out continuous deployment upon commits/merges to your main branch.

It’s likely you’ll want to map your Azure website name to DNS, I have my domain created with a different company so need to change DNS records

In my third party host I enter DNS record

  • app (or www in most cases)
  • your Azure website name (I have to have the url terminated with a .)

In Azure in the static web app, select Settings | Custom domains and Add Custom domain on other DNS (if host is not in Azure)

  • Type the url name, i.e. or my subdomain is using
  • Azure will create the e CNAME record (which I’ll show below)
  • Click Next then Add (having copied your CNAME values)

Don’t forget to change the Azure supplied workflow

Whilst this is a pretty seamless experience, just usually waiting on CNAME and DNS to be updated etc. One thing to not forget is that the generated workflow file will need some changes to point to your app source etc.

At the end of the build_and_deploy_job you’ll see app_location, api_location and output_location, these need setting up for your application source location, if you are using Azure functions, then the API location and finally the output location. The first of these is the one you do need to add the others are optional.

Is my ASP.NET core application running in Kubernetes (or Docker) ?

I came across a situation where I needed to change some logic in my ASP.NET core application dependant upon whether I was running inside Kubernetes or an Azure Web app, luckily there is an environment variable that we can use (and whilst we’re at it, there’s one for Docker as well)

var isHostedInKubernetes = 
   Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST") != null;
var isHostedInDocker = 
   Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("DOTNET_RUNNING_IN_CONTAINER") == "true";

Using Blazor components within React

One of the many cool things with Blazor is that we can actually use a Blazor component within a React application…

  • Create React app using
    yarn create react-app my-app-js

    In this example, we’ll use JS instead of Typescript, but I’ll show how to use Typescript later

  • Create a Blazor Web Assembly (or Server)
    dotnet new blazorwasm-empty -o BlazorComponents
  • Within the Blazor project, add a Blazor component, here’s a simple starter
    <h3>Welcome to My Component</h3>
    <button @onclick="UpdateCounter">OK</button>
    @code {
        int _counter = 0;
        private void UpdateCounter()
  • Add the Nuget package Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.CustomElements
  • Within the Program.cs add

    The my-component is the name that gets used within the React app.

  • To test, simple add the component to you Blazor project’s Index.razor and then run the project
  • When you’re happy, run
    dotnet publish
  • We now need to copy the _content folder from ${project}\bin\Release\net9.0\publish\wwwroot to the public folder of the React app
  • In the index.html file within the public folder of the React application add the following before the </body> tag
    <script src="_framework/blazor.webassembly.js"></script>
  • Finally add our component (using the name we gave it earlier) to our React code, so for example my App.tsx looks like this
    <div className="App">

Now if we created our React application using Typescript, which is my usual way of doing this, using

yarn create react-app my-app-ts --template typescript

and if you follow all the instruction for the React side of things from above, you’ll find that there’s an error message displayed because <my-component> as it’s not an instrinsic JSX type, so the simplest way to handle this is to disable the error using ts-ignore, i.e.

<div className="App">
  {/* @ts-ignore */}

Quick start to creating a React application using Vite

Just noting this process here, but the full instructions can be found at Getting Started.

To create a React application using Vite, simply run

npm create vite@latest my-app -- --template react-ts

Obviously change my-app to your app. name and in this case I’m using the React Typescript template.

Then cd into the app. folder and run the following

npm install
npm run dev

Blazor templates

Way back I wrote the post Blazor Components. This post demonstrated how to create simple components within Blazor. I didn’t progress massively, using Blazor back when that post was written, but I’ve been getting back into Blazor recently.

Let’s look at a powerful feature of Blazor (a little bit like WPF lookless controls) in that we can create Blazor templates using code behind with entry points (placeholders) for the UI to interact with.

One of the obvious uses of such a template might be for lists or grids etc. as these might allow us to add a header and/or footer along with rows which have the same look and feel but with different data.

Let’s look at a very simple example, a ListView template which allows us to output a list of rows where the list (at a top level) can be styled by the code using it and each row and be styled as well. Ofcourse you could style things quite easily if you know the CSS class etc. but here I mean styled as in you can change the UI itself, hence let’s begin by looking at how we could change a ListView to use ordered lists or unordered lists.

Note: I’m going to reuse the weather forecast data supplied when creating a Blazor WebAssembly application in Visual Studio

The component

First off, let’s create a component named ListView, I’m creating it within a folder named Components. The ListView.razor look like this

@typeparam TItem

@if (ListTemplate is not null)
        @:@{foreach (var item in Items) 

We’re declaring a typeparam named TItem as this adds generic type parameter support which you’ll see being used in the code behind file. We can add a constraint to this type if required, but for this example we’re not too concerned about what type TItem takes. In the example above we’re assuming the user will supply the ListTemplate otherwise nothing is displayed, ofcourse we could create a default output if we wished or display a message for the developer.

The code behind, the ListView.razor.cs looks like this

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components;

namespace BlazorTemplates.Components;

public partial class ListView<TItem>
    [Parameter] public RenderFragment<RenderFragment>? ListTemplate { get; set; }
    [Parameter] public RenderFragment<TItem> ItemTemplate { get; set; } = default!;
    [Parameter] public IReadOnlyList<TItem> Items { get; set; } = default!;

What’s happening here is that we’re declaring a ListTemplate which is a RenderFragment, which is simple put, a piece of UI content, the generic type is also a RenderFragment – so ListTemplate is UI content of UI content essentially. This will act as our “outer” UI, so for example, if were using the ListView for ordered list items, then this would contain the <ol></ot> section of the UI.

The ItemTemplate is again a RenderFragment, hence UI content supplied by the calling code, but this type it takes a generic TItem type, this refers to the type of the list items themselves, i.e. for the WeatherForeast sample code, this is a WeatherForecast class/type. Hence the ItemTemplate will be passed an item from the supplied Items list (within our template) and allows the calling code to render each item.

The Items property is what’s used by the calling code to supply the list of data to our template.

Calling the component

If we look again at the .razor code you’ll see that really all we’re doing it calling the ListTemplate and passing through a segment of code using Wig-Pig syntax which creates a RanderFragment. This then gets used to call through to the ItemTemplate and this template is passed each item from the list of Items so that we can render each row, let’s see the code in use

<ListView Items="_forecasts">
  <ListTemplate Context="rows">
  <ItemTemplate Context="forecast">

Note: _forecasts is the same as the Weather page in the default Blazor WebAssembly template, hence an array of WeatherForeast items

In the example above we’re renaming the context for use within each template, we could have just used the following if we preferred

<ListView Items="_forecasts">

As can be seen (which ever version you use) then ListTemplate is creating the “outer” element, then passing the context into the RenderFragement we supplied within the ListView.razor file, which itself then loops through each item with the Items list (which was defined on the ListView Items property in the above code.

The template then calls the ItemTemplate for each item and the template for this is supplied in the ItemTemplate fragment in the above code. In this case we using li and displaying the summary for each weather forecast.

Using the template if different scenarios

Now using the template to display an unordered list is great, and yes it’s obvious how we can easily change the ol to an ul but I’m sure this looks like a lot of effort for something very easy in Blazor anyway. So let’s look at extending this into something a little more useful, but before we do that, here’s the example of using this template with ordered lists, unordered lists and tables

<ListView Items="_forecasts">

<ListView Items="_forecasts">

<ListView Items="_forecasts">

How about we extend our template to allow for a header and a footer, hence allowing us to use more of the table functionality but also have the same functionality now for the ordered and unordered lists.

We can simply add the following to our ListView.razor.cs class

[Parameter] public RenderFragment? HeaderTemplate { get; set; }
[Parameter] public RenderFragment? FooterTemplate { get; set; }

and within the ListView.razor file just add HeaderTemplate and FooterTemplate like this

@typeparam TItem

@if (ListTemplate is not null)

        @:@{foreach (var item in Items) 


All that’s left to do is add HeaderTemplate code to our calling code, so for example the table based version would look like this (I’ve added more table like element/attribute parts to this code)

<ListView Items="_forecasts">
    <thead><tr><th scope="col">Summary</th></tr></thead>
    <tfoot><tr><th scope="row">Footer</th></tr></tfoot>
      <caption>This is a table</caption>
    <tr scope="row">@context.Summary</tr>

Now we can also add a header and footer to our ordered and unordered lists in the same way, i.e.

<ListView Items="_forecasts">

Note: ofcourse this is not very pretty, so I’ll leave it to the reader to create some nice CSS for the header and footer divs

That’s pretty much it – templates can be useful if you’re going to abstract some UI pattern in a reusable way.

Code for this post is available on GitHub.

Blazor and TypeScript

In the past I wrote a blog post on Blazor and the JavaScript interop. but what about TypeScript, I mean it obviously transpiles to JavaScript, so we should be able to use it, right ?

So yes, we can easily use TypeScript within a Blazor application, let’s do the following

  • Create a Blazor WebAssembly Standalone App (you can use the server one’s if you prefer, but for this post that’s the template I’m starting with)
  • Add the NuGet Package Microsoft.TypeScript.MSBuild, this will allow us to transpile our TypeSript code as part of the build process. This will add the following to the csproj (the version may differ ofcourse)
    <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.TypeScript.MSBuild" Version="5.7.1">
      <IncludeAssets>runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive</IncludeAssets>
  • Within the project root, i.e. where Program.cs is located, add a file tsconfig.json, mine looks like this
      "compilerOptions": {
        "module": "ES2015",
        "target": "ES2024",
        "sourceMap": true
      "exclude": [
  • Let’s create a scripts folder off of wwwroot
  • Now create a file, mine’s not very imaginatively named Example.ts and here’s the code
    namespace Example {
        export class Prompt {
            public showAlert(message: string): string {
                return prompt(message, "Hey");
    export function getPromptInstance(): Example.Prompt {
        return new Example.Prompt();

Before we look at using this code let’s just review a few of the steps.

The tsconfig.json if, ofcourse, used to configure the TypeScript transpiler. The module and target do NOT need to be these two values, but we do need to use a module type which will generate an export function. Some of the other module types will not include the export definition and then we cannot access the factory method getPromptInstance. So feel free to change these two options but before your JavaScript needs to export our factory function.

As mentioned, we’re using the getPromptInstance to create an instance to our class, ofcourse we could export more functions and remove the class in this example.

Interop from Blazor

Interop. with our transpiled code uses the same mechanism/code as my old post Blazor and the JavaScript interop., but let’s create some code in this sample anyway.

Let’s do the following

  • Add a Button to the Home.razor page that looks like this
    <button class="btn btn-primary" @onclick="DisplayMessage">Alert me</button>
  • Now add a code block which looks like this
        private async Task DisplayMessage()
            var module = await JsRuntime.InvokeAsync<IJSObjectReference>("import", "./scripts/Example.js");
            var o = await module.InvokeAsync<IJSObjectReference>("getPromptInstance");
            await o.InvokeVoidAsync("showAlert", "Hello TypeScript World");
  • We also need to add the following to the top of the Home.razore file, below the @page line
    @inject IJSRuntime JsRuntime

Now when you run the application you’ll see the “Alert me” button, clicking this will load the script (note we reference the .js script here obviously) and then we get a reference to the getPromptInstance function and call the showAlert method of the previously defined TypeScript class.

Obviously you’ll probably prefer to create a new C# class that holds onto a reference to the imported script, but hopefully this post gives you a starting point to porting/using TypeScript code within your Blazor app.

Code for this post is available at GitHub

You run your server application and the port is not available

I’ve hit this problem before (see post . An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions). The port was available one day and seemingly locked the next…

Try the following step to see if it’s on the exclusion port range

netsh interface ipv4 show excludedportrange protocol=tcp

If you do find the port is within one of the ranges then I’ve found (at least for the port I’ve been using) that I can stop and restart the winnat service, i.e.

Note: you may need to run these as administrator.

net stop winnat


net start winnat

and the excluded port list reduces in size.

Microsoft’s Dependency Injection

Dependency injection has been a fairly standard part of development for a while. You’ve probably used Unity, Autofac, Ninject and others in the past.

Frameworks, such as ASP.NET core and MAUI use the Microsoft Dependency Injection package (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection) and we can use this with any other type of application.

For example if we create ourselves a Console application, then add the package Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection. Now can then use the following code

var serviceCollection = new ServiceCollection();

// add our services

var serviceProvider = serviceCollection.BuildServiceProvider();

and it’s as simple as that.

The Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection has most of the features we require for most dependency injection scenarios (Note: it does not support property injection for example). We can add services as…

  • Transient an instance created for every request, for example
    serviceCollection.AddTransient<IPipeline, Pipeline>();
    // or
  • Singleton a single instance created and reused on every request, for example
    serviceCollection.AddSingleton<IPipeline, Pipeline>();
    // or
  • Scoped when we create a scope we get the same instance within the scope. In ASP.NET core a scope is created for each request
    serviceCollection.AddScoped<IPipeline, Pipeline>();
    // or

For the services registered as “scoped”, if no scope is created then the code will work more or less like a singleton, i.e. the scope is the whole application, but if we want to mimic ASP.NET (for example) we would create a scope per request and we would do this by using the following

using var scope = serviceProvider.CreateScope();

var pipeline1 = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<Pipeline>();
var pipeline2 = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<Pipeline>();

in the above code the same instance of the Pipeline is returned for each GetRequiredService call, but when the scope is disposed of or another scope created then a new instance for that scope will be returned.

The service provider is used to create/return instances of our services. We can use GetRequiredService which will throw and InvalidOperationException if the service is not registered or we might use GetService which will not throw an exception but will either return the instance or null.

Multiple services of the same type

If we register multiple implementations of our services like this

serviceCollection.AddTransient<IPipeline, Pipeline1>();
serviceCollection.AddTransient<IPipeline, Pipeline2>();

and we use the service provider and use GetRequiredService<IPipeline> we will get a Pipeline2 – it will be the the last registered type.

If we want to get all services registered for type IPipeline then we use GetServices<IPipeline> and we’ll get an IEnumerable of IPipelines, so if we have a service which take an IPipeline, we’d need to declare it as follows

public class Context(IEnumerable<IPipeline> pipeline)

Finally we have the keyed option, this is allows use to register multiple variations of an interface (for example) and give each a key/name, for example

serviceCollection.AddKeyedTransient<IPipeline, Pipeline1>("one");
serviceCollection.AddKeyedTransient<IPipeline, Pipeline2>("two");

Now these will not be returned when using GetServices<IPipeline> instead it’s expected that we get the service by the key, i.e.

var pipeline = serviceProvider.GetKeyedService<IPipeline>("one");

When declaring the requirement in our dependent classes we would use the FromKeyedServicesAttribute like this

public class Context([FromKeyedServices("one")] IPipeline pipeline)