Author Archives: purpleblob

Fingerprint and biometrics authentication in Xamarin Forms

This is something I’ve wanted to try for a while and there’s a NuGet package that will allow us to enable and use biometric authentication with very little effort – much of this post will end up covering the github README at Biometric / Fingerprint plugin for Xamarin. So I strongly recommend checking that out.

Create a sample application

Let’s create a new Xamarin Forms application to test this out. So follow these steps to get up and running…

  • In Visual Studio create a new project – Mobile App (Xamarin.Forms)
  • At the solution level, right mouse click in Visual Studio 2019 and select Manage NuGet Packages for Solution
  • Browse for Plugin.Fingerprint by Sven-Michael Stübe
  • Click on the package then check each of your projects, shared and platform specific. We need to add the plugin to all projects, then click Install
  • In the Android MainActivity.cs file, OnCreate method after Xamarin.Essentials.Platform.Init(this, savedInstanceState); add
       () => Xamarin.Essentials.Platform.CurrentActivity);
  • In the Android Manifest add Required Permissions USE_FINGERPRINT
  • In the iOS project, open the Info.plist in code (F7) and add the following
    <string>Use your face to authenticate</string>

    Ofcourse the string can be whatever you want.

Now we’ve got the project and configuration set up you’ll want some popup, page or just a button on your MainPage.xaml to initiate the Fingerprint/Biometrics login. For now let’s just add a Button to the MainPage.xaml and, for brevity, just add a Clicked handler, so for example

<Button Clicked="Button_OnClicked" Text="Authenticate with Biometrics" />

and here’s the code within the code behind for Button_OnClicked

private async void Button_OnClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
   if (await CrossFingerprint.Current.IsAvailableAsync(true))
      var result = await CrossFingerprint.Current.AuthenticateAsync(
         new AuthenticationRequestConfiguration("Login", "Access your account"));
      if (result.Authenticated)
         await DisplayAlert("Success", "Authenticated", "OK");
         await DisplayAlert("Failure", "Not Authenticated", "OK");
      await DisplayAlert("Failure", "Biometrics not available", "OK");

We begin by checking if biometrics are available, passing in true will allow fallback to pin authentication. Assuming biometrics are available we then display the authentication mechanism using AuthenticateAsync passing in configuration that, in this case, will display some text on the fingerprint popup. If we’re authenticate then we display an alert to show success, in this example, but ofcourse you’ll handle success and failure as needed by your application.

Testing in the Android emulator

To test this application in the Android emulator

  • Goto the Settings within the Android OS and select Security
  • Under Device Security select Screen lock and add a pin
  • Under Device Security select Fingerprint and add a fingerprint, now to actually add a fingerprint we’ll click the … on the emulator and select Fingerprint, then click the Touch the Sensor button twice – you’re see the Fingerprint dialog go 50% of the way then 100% on the second click, finally click Done

Once we’re set up the security on the emulator and supplied one or more fingerprints run up your Xamarin Forms application and click the button you added. You’ll be presented with the AuthenticationRequestConfiguration you added, again using the … button on the emulator (if you closed the Extended controls dialog), select Fingerprint and click Touch the Sensore – this basically emulates a fingerprint touching the sensor.

To test for success, ensure the Fingerprint selected is one you added, i.e. by default Finger 1, to test for failure simply select one of the other, non-configured fingers and click Touch the Sensor

Testing in the iOS simulator

The setup for testing using the iOS simulator is a little simpler than Android…

  • Open the simulator and (in the latest XCode I’m using 13 but basically 12.x and above) select Features | Touch ID or Face ID (whichever is available on your simulator) and check the Enrolled option to show a tick (untick to remove the feature).

Now when you click your authentication button in your Xamarin forms application you may be presented with the dialog to allow the permission to be used, once you’ve accepted this you won’t see it again. Next you’ll see a small grey square which will denote your Face ID authentication (or for Touch ID you’ll get the fingerprint dialog), from the simulator’s Features and Face ID submenu, select Matching Face to simulate a successful authentication or Non-matching Face for a failure. For Touch ID simulators select Matching Touch for successful authentication or Non-matching Touch for a failure.


Code for this post is available on GitHub.


Biometric / Fingerprint plugin for Xamarin
Enrolling a Fingerprint

Change the colour of the status bar on Android (in Xamarin Forms)

In your Android project, values folder styles.xml file you’ll find something like

<style name="MainTheme" parent="MainTheme.Base">
   <!-- -->


<style name="MainTheme.Base" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">
   <!-- -->

Use the following element and attribute in the MainTheme.Base if that exists or the MainTheme (it will depend on the template you used at to whether one or both of these exist)

<!-- Top status bar area on Android -->
<item name="android:statusBarColor">#FF0C1436</item> 

You may wish to also change the colour of the bar background at the top of the NavigationPage (if you’re using the NavigationPage such as with Prism) by adding the following to the App.xaml

    <Style TargetType="NavigationPage">
      <Setter Property="BarBackgroundColor" Value="Color.Red"/>
      <Setter Property="BarTextColor" Value="Color.White"/>

in non-Prism you can change the Primary colour, for example again in App.xaml

    <Color x:Key="Primary">#FF3399FF</Color>

Adding certificates to the Java cacerts (or fixing PKIX path issue)

I’m back on some Java coding after a fair time away and was getting the old PKIX path building failed: error.

Basically Java is complaining that it didn’t recognise the HTTPS SSL certificate of the maven repository (in this case one hosted in Artifactory). Here’s the steps to resolve this….

Note: Instructions are on Windows using Chrome, but should be similar in different browsers.

  • Open the HTTPS repository in Chrome (or preferred web browser)
  • Use the dev tools (ctrl+shift+i) and select the Security tab
  • Click on the View certificate button
  • Select the Details tab
  • Click the Copy to file… button
  • Click Next until you see the format selector, I used DER format
  • Click Next etc. and save the exported cert to your hard drive

Let’s assume we saved the file as mycert.cer, now we need to import this into the cacert using the keytool…

  • Go to the location of the JDK/JRE you’re using, for example C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_101\jre\lib\security
  • Open a command prompt and type
    keytool -import -alias mycert -keystore "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_101\jre\lib\security\cacerts" -file mycert.cer

    Replace the first occurence of mycert with a unique name (key) for your certificate and then obviously the mycert.cer is replaced with the name of the certificate file you saved.

  • You’ll be asked for a password, the default is changeit obviously if this has been changed then use that
  • Type yes when prompted if you want to proceed

That’s it – the certificate should now be available to Java.

React router dom direct URL or refresh results in 404

When using React, we’re writing a SPA and when using the React Router we actually need all pages/URL’s to go through App.tsx and the React Router. If everything is not set up correctly you’ll find when you navigate to a page off of the route and refresh the page, or just try to navigate via a direct URL you may end up with a 404 in production, even though everything worked in dev.

Note: Obviously we do not have an App.tsx when transpiled, but I’ll refer to that page as it makes things more obvious what’s going on.

To be more specific to my situation where I discovered these issues – I’ve created a subdomain (on a folder off of the root) for a React site I’m developing that will hosted from that subdomain.

As stated, all works great using serve or the start script. When deployed to production the root page works fine and links from that page via React Router also work fine but refreshing one of those links or trying to navigate directly to a link off of the root results in a 404. So what’s going on?

This issue is that the web server being used is not routing those relative URL’s via the App.tsx router page now and so the React Router is not actually doing anything, it only works when we route things via the App.tsx code.

To solve this, within your React public folder or the root of where you eventually deploy the React web site to, add a .htaccess file (if one is not already there and if your webserver supports this file). Add the following to that file

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>

  RewriteEngine On
  RewriteBase /
  RewriteRule ^index\.html$ - [L]
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-l
  RewriteRule . /index.html [L]


And that’s it, now the web server will route via our App.tsx (index.html).

See the following references which supplied all this information and thanks to these posts I was able to get my React direct links working

404: React Page Not Found
Simple Steps on how to Deploy or Host your ReactJS App in cPanel
Routing single page application on Apache with .htaccess

Named arguments in C#

I’ve actually never had or felt a need to use named arguments in C#. Am I missing anything?

Well first off I have actually used named arguments in other languages and my immediate feeling was – this makes my code so verbose and I felt I got no real benefit from them. Certainly they can (sort of) document your code a little better, but with most/all development tools including intellisense or other tools to tell the development what parameters they were editing/adding and in some cases even show the named of the argument in the editor – hence the benefit of “documenting” seemed to be of little real use.

This all said, let’s look at what we can do with named arguments.

What are named arguments?

When we write methods/functions we pass arguments/parameters using “positional arguments”, which simply means the order of arguments must match the method signature’s argument order. For example let’s look at a simple method to add a person to some application

void AddPerson(string name, string address, int age)
   // do something

So when we use this method with positional arguments we would write

AddPerson("Scooby Doo", "Mystery Machine", 11);

In C# we also get the ability to use named arguments instead (without any changes to the method signature) by including the argument name as part of the call, so for example

AddPerson(name: "Scooby Doo", address: "Mystery Machine", age: 11);

With tools like Visual Studio 2019, this doesn’t really add anything useful (if we’re mirroring the argument positions) because Visual Studio already tells us the name of each argument in the editor. Obviously outside of Visual Studio, for example is source control, maybe this is more useful.

Surely there’s more to it than that?

Positional arguments are just that, the calling code must supply each argument in the correct position and whilst we can do the same with named arguments, you can also rearrange the arguments and hence no longer need to call using the same positions, for example let’s switch around the named arguments from earlier to give us this

AddPerson(name: "Scooby Doo", age: 11, address: "Mystery Machine");

The C# compiler will simply rearrange the arguments into their positions producing the same IL as is generated for a callee using positional arguments. Here’s an example of such code generated via dotPeek – it’s exactly the same code as for the positional arguments as one would expect.

IL_0013: ldstr        "Scooby Doo"
IL_0018: ldstr        "Mystery Machine"
IL_001d: ldc.i4.s     11 // 0x0b
IL_001f: call         void NameParamsTests.Program::AddPerson(string, string, int32)
IL_0024: nop

One area where named arguments offer some extra goodness is when we’re using optional argument, so let’s assume our AddPerson signature changes to

static void AddPerson(string name, string address = null, int age = Int32.MinValue)
   // do something

If we’re using positional arguments and we don’t have an address then we must still supply a value for the address, for example

AddPerson("Scooby Doo", null, 11);

But as we’ve seen, with named arguments the order is no longer a limiting factor, therefore we can used named arguments instead and no even bother with the address, the compiler will figure it out for us, hence we can write

AddPerson(name: "Scooby", age: 11);

Note: We can ofcourse use positional and named arguments in a method call if we wish/need to but then the named arguments would need to be in the correct position limiting the usefulness of using named arguments.

Named arguments – when we have lots of arguments

The simple AddPerson method probably isn’t a great example for using named arguments, so lets instead look at a method that takes more arguments with lots of optional arguments. If we instead have a method which looks like this

void AddPerson(
   string firstName, string lastName, int age = Int32.MinValue,
   string addressLine1 = null, string addressLine2 = null, string addressLine3 = null,
   string city = null, string county = null, string postalCode = null)
   // do something

Now we can see that if we have partial details for the person we can call this method in a more succinct manner, for example

AddPerson(age: 11, firstName: "Scooby", lastName: "Doo", postalCode: "MM1");

// or with mixed positional and named arguments

AddPerson("Scooby", "Doo", 11, postalCode: "MM1");

As you’d imagine, the compiler simply handles the setting of the optional arguments etc. as before giving us IL such as

IL_0001: ldstr        "Scooby"
IL_0006: ldstr        "Doo"
IL_000b: ldc.i4.s     11 // 0x0b
IL_000d: ldnull
IL_000e: ldnull
IL_000f: ldnull
IL_0010: ldnull
IL_0011: ldnull
IL_0012: ldstr        "MM1"
IL_0017: call         void NameParamsTests.Program::AddPerson(string, string, int32, string, string, string, string, string, string)
IL_001c: nop

Once our methods start getting more arguments and especially if lots are defaulted, then named arguments start to make sense, although with a larger number of arguments, one might question whether in fact the method call itself might be in need of refactoring, with our example here we could ofcourse create separate objects for different parts of the data and with C#’s object initializer syntax we sort of get a similar way to create “named” arguments, for example

public struct Person
   public string FirstName { get; set; }
   public string LastName { get; set; }
   public int Age { get; set; }
   public string Line1 { get; set; }
   public string Line2 { get; set; }
   public string Line3 { get; set; }
   public string City { get; set; }
   public string County { get; set; }
   public string PostalCode { get; set; }

void AddPerson(Person person)
   // do something

Now using object initializer syntax we could call this method like this

AddPerson(new Person
      FirstName = "Scooby",
      LastName = "Doo",
      Age = 11,
      PostalCode = "MM1"

Project Tye

In the last few posts I’ve been doing a lot of stuff with ASP.NET core services and clients within Kubernetes and whilst you’ve seen it’s not too hard to create a docker container/image out of services and clients, deploy to the local registry and then deploy using Kubernetes scripts, after a while you’re likely to find this tedious and want to wrap everything into a shell/batch script – an alternative is to use Project Tye.

What is Project Tye?

I recommend checking out

The basics are Project Tye can be used to take .NET projects, turn them into docker images and generate the deployments to k8s with a single command. Also Project Tye allows us to undeploy with a single command also .

Installing Project Tye

I’m using a remote Ubuntu server to run my Kubernetes cluster, so we’ll need to ensure that .NET 3.1 SDK is installed (hopefully Tye will work with 5.0 in the near future but for the current release I needed .NET 3.1.x installed.

To check your current list of SDK’s run

dotnet --list-sdks

Next up you need to run the dotnet tool to install Tye, using

dotnet tool install -g Microsoft.Tye --version "0.7.0-alpha.21279.2"

Obviously change the version to whatever the latest build is – that was the latest available as of 6th June 2021.

The tool will be deployed to

  • Linux – $HOME/.dotnet/tools
  • Windows – %USERPROFILE%\.dotnet\tools

Running Project Tye

It’s as simple as running the following command in your solution folder

tye deploy --interactive

This is the interactive version and you’ll be prompted to supply the registry you wish to push your docker images to, as we’re using localhost:32000, remember to set that as your registry, or better still we can create a tye.yaml file with configuration for Project Tye within the solution folder, here’s an example

name: myapp
registry: localhost:32000
- name: frontend
  project: frontend/razordemo.csproj
- name: backend
  project: backend/weatherservice.csproj

Now with this in place we can just run

tye deploy

If you want to create a default tye.yaml file then run

tye init

Project Tye will now build our docker images, push to localhost:3200 and then generate deployments, services etc. within Kubernetes based upon the configuration. Check out the JSON schema for the Tye configuration file tye-schema.json for all the current options.

Now you’ve deployed everything and it’s up and running, but Tye also includes environment configurations, for example

    value: 'true'
    value: 'http://*'
  - name: PORT
    value: '80'
    value: http
    value: '80'
    value: razordemo
    value: http
    value: '80'
    value: weatherservice

Just add the following NuGet package to your project(s)

<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Tye.Extensions.Configuration" Version="0.2.0-*" />

and then you can interact with the configuration using the TyeConfigurationExtensions classes from that package. For example using the following

client.BaseAddress = Configuration.GetServiceUri("weatherservice");


You can also include ingress configuration within your tye.yaml, for example

  - name: ingress  
    # bindings:
    #   - port: 8080
      - path: /
        service: razordemo

however, as an Ingress might be shared across services/applications this will not be undeployed using the undeploy command, so not to affect potentially other applications, you can force it to be undeployed using

kubectl delete -f

See Ingress for more information on Tye and Ingress.


Along with our solution/projects we can also deploy dependencies as part of the deployment, for example if we need to also deploy a redis cache, dapr or other images. Just add the dependency to the tye.yaml like this

- name: redis
  image: redis
    - port: 6379

Communicating between services/applications in Kubernetes

If you have, say a service and client in a single Pod, then you’re supplied a virtual ip address and the services etc. within the Pod are accessible via localhost, but you’re more likely to want to deploy services in their own Pods (unless they are tightly coupled) to allow scaling per service etc.

How do we communicate with a services in a different Pod to our application?

A common scenario here is, we have a a client application, for example the razordemo application in the post Deploying an ASP.NET core application into a Docker image within Kubernetes and it might be using the WeatherForecast service that is created using

dotnet new webapi -o weatherservice --no-https -f net5.0

We’re not going to go into the code of the actual services apart from show the pieces that matter for communication, so let’s assumed we’ve deployed weatherservice to k8s using a configuration such as

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: weatherservice
  namespace: default
      run: weatherservice
  replicas: 1
        run: weatherservice
      - name: weatherservice
        image: localhost:32000/weatherservice
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
        - containerPort: 80
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: weatherservice
  namespace: default
    run: weatherservice
    - port: 80
      protocol: TCP
    run: weatherservice

This service will exist in it’s own virtual network running on port 80, we may scale this service according to our needs and without affecting other services or clients.

If we then deploy our razordemo as per Deploying an ASP.NET core application into a Docker image within Kubernetes – it will also exist in it’s own virtual network, also running on port 80.

To communicate from razordemo to the weatherservice we simply use the service name (if we’re on the same cluster) for example http://weatherservice.

Here’s a simple example of razordemo code for getting weatherservice data…

var httpClient = new HttpClient();
httpClient.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://weatherservice");

var response = await httpClient.GetAsync("/weatherforecast");
var results = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<WeatherForecast[]>(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());

The first two lines will probably be set in your ASP.NET core Startup.cs file, although better still is for us to store the URL within configuration via an environment variable within k8s, so the client is agnostic to the service name that we deployed the weatherservice with.

Deploying an ASP.NET core application into a Docker image within Kubernetes

In the previous post we looked and an “off the shelf” image of nginx, which we deployed to Kubernetes and were able to access externally using Ingress. This post follows on from that one, so do refer back to it if you have any issues with the following configurations etc.

Let’s look at the steps for deploying our own Docker image to k8s and better still let’s deploy a dotnet core webapp.

Note: Kubernetes is deprecating its support for Docker, however this does not mean we cannot deployed docker images, just that we need to use the docker shim or generated container-d (or other container) images.

The App

We’ll create a standard dotnet ASP.NET core Razor application which you can obviously do what you wish to, but we’ll take the default implementation and turn this into a docker image and then deploy it to k8s.

So to start with…

  • Create a .NET core Razor application (mine’s named razordemo), you can do this from Visual Studio or using
    dotnet new webapp -o razordemo --no-https -f net5.0
  • If you’re running this on a remote machine don’t forget to change launchSettings.json localhost to if you need to.
  • Run dotnet build

It’d be good to see this is all working, so if let’s run the demo using

dotnet run

Now use your browser to access http://your-server-ip:5000/ and you should see the Razor demo home page, or use curl to see if you get valid HTML returned, i.e.

curl http://your-server-ip:5000

Generating the Docker image

Note: If you changed launchSettings.json to use, reset this to localhost.

Here’s the Dockerfile for building an image, it’s basically going to publish a release build of our Razor application then set up the image to run the razordemo.dll via dotnet from a Docker instance.

FROM AS build
COPY razordemo.csproj .
RUN dotnet restore
COPY . .
RUN dotnet publish -c release -o /app

COPY --from=build /app .
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "razordemo.dll"]

Now run docker build using the following

docker build . -t razordemo --no-cache

If you want to check the image works as expect then run the following

docker run -d -p 5000:80 razordemo 

Now check the image is running okay by using curl as we did previously. If all worked you should see the Razor demo home page again, but now we’re seeing if within the docker instance.

Docker in the local registry

Next up, we want to deploy this docker image to k8s.

k8s will try to get an image from a remote registry and we don’t want to deploy this image outside of our network, so we need to rebuild the image, slightly differently using

docker build . -t localhost:32000/razordemo --no-cache

Reference: see Using the built-in registry for more information on the built-in registry.

Before going any further, I’m using Ubuntu and micro8s, so will need to enable the local registry using

microk8s enable registry

I can’t recall if this is required, but I also enabled k8s DNS using

microk8s.enable dns

Find the image ID for our generated image using

docker images

Now use the following commands, where {the image id} was the one found from the above command

docker tag {the image id} localhost:32000/razordemo
docker push localhost:32000/razordemo

The configuration

This is a configuration based upon my previous post (the file is named razordemo.yaml)

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: webapp
      run: webapp
  replicas: 1
        run: webapp
      - name: webapp
        image: localhost:32000/razordemo
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
        - containerPort: 80
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: webapp
    run: webapp
    - port: 80
      protocol: TCP
    run: webapp
kind: Ingress
  name: razor-ingress
  - http:
      - path: /
        pathType: Prefix
            name: webapp
              number: 80

Now apply this configuration to k8s using (don’t forget to change the file name to whatever you named your file)

kubectl apply -f ./razordemo.yaml

Now we should be able to check the deployed image, by either using the k8s dashboard or run

kubectl get ep webapp

Note the endpoint and curl to that endpoint, if all worked well you should be able to see the ASP.NET generate home page HTML and better still access http://your-server-ip from another machine and see the webpage.

Deploying and exposing an nginx server in kubernetes

In this post we’re going to create the configuration for a deployment, service and ingress controller to access an nginx instance to our network. I’ve picked nginx simply to demonstrate the process of these steps and obviously, out of the box, we get a webpage to view to know whether everything work – feel free to can change the image used to something else for your own uses.


Below is the deployment configuration for k8s, creating a deployment named my-nginx. This will generate 2 replicas and expose the image on port 80 of the container.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: my-nginx
      run: my-nginx
  replicas: 2
        run: my-nginx
      - name: my-nginx
        image: nginx
        - containerPort: 80


Now we’ll create the configuration for the my-nginx service

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: my-nginx
    run: my-nginx
  - port: 80
    protocol: TCP
    run: my-nginx


We’re going to use Ingress to expose our service to the network, alternatively we could use a load balancer, but this options requires an external load balancer, so more like used on the cloud, or we could use NodePort which allows us to assigna port to a service so that any request to the port is forwarded to the node – the main problem with this is the port may change, instead Ingress acts like a load balancer within our cluster and will allow us to configure things to route port 80 calls through to our my-nginx service as if it was running outside of k8s.

We’re going to need to enable ingress within k8s. As we’re using Ubuntu and microk8s, run the following

microk8s enable ingress

The following is the configuration for this ingress.

kind: Ingress
  name: http-ingress
  - http:
      - path: /
        pathType: Prefix
            name: my-nginx
              number: 80

Running and testing

Now we need to apply the configuration to our kubernetes instance, so I’ve saved all the previously defined configuration sections into a single file named my-nginx.yaml. Now just run the following to run the configuration in k8s

kubectl apply -f my-nginx.yaml

If you like, you can check the endpoint(s) assigned within k8s using

kubectl get ep my-nginx

and then curl the one or more endpoints (in our example 2 endpoints). Or we can jump straight to the interesting bit and access your k8s host’s ip and if all worked, you’ll be directed to one of the replicates nginx instances and we should see the “Welcome to nginx!” page.

Installing Kubernetes on Ubuntu

In this post I’m just going to list the steps for installing Kubernetes (k8s) on Ubuntu server using the single node, lightweight MicroK8s.

  • If you don’t have it installed, install snap

    sudo apt install snapd

Now let’s go through the steps to get microk8s installed

  • Install microk8s

    sudo snap install microk8s --classic
  • You may wish to change permissions to save using sudo everytime, if so run the following and change {username} to your user name.

    sudo usermod -a -G microk8s {username}
    sudo chown -f -R {username} ~/.kube
  • Verify the installation
    sudo microk8s.status
  • To save us typing microk8s to run k8s command let’s alias it
    sudo snap alias microk8s.kubectl kubectl

Accessing the Dashboard

Whilst you can now run kubectl command, the Web based dashboard is really useful – so lets deploy it using

kubectl apply -f

By default the Dashboard can only be accessed from the local machine and from a security standpoint you may even prefer not to be running a dashboard, but if you decide you want it (for example for dev work) then…

As per Accessing Dashboard

kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard edit service kubernetes-dashboard

Change type: ClusterIP to type: NodePort and save this file.

You’ll need to run the proxy

kubectl proxy&

Now to get the port for the dashboard, run the following

kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard get service kubernetes-dashboard

Example output (take from Accessing Dashboard)

NAME                   TYPE       CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)        AGE
kubernetes-dashboard   NodePort   <nodes>       443:31707/TCP   21h

You can now access the dashboard remotely now on the port 31707 (see the PORT(S) listed above), for example https://{master-ip}:31707 where {master-ip} is the server’s ip address.

To get the token for the dashboard we need to set up and few things

kubectl describe secret -n kube-system | grep deployment -A 12

Then copy the whole token to the Dashboard Token edit box and login.

To enable skipping of the requirement for a token etc. on the dashboard (should only be used on a development installation) run

kubectl edit deployment kubernetes-dashboard -n kubernetes-dashboard

then add the following line

- args:
   - --auto-generate-certificates
   - --namespace=kubernetes-dashboard
   - --enable-skip-login  # this argument allows us to skip login