Obviously there are several ways to add images to your GitHub README.md or other mark down files in GitHub.
- Check them into the repository that includes the README.md
- Use a CDN or other file storage outside of GitHub
- Attach the image to an issue within your repository
If you are going to use the first option, then there’s an obvious downside, in that the image(s) are now part of your repo. and will add to the overall download, clone, fork etc.
Obviously the second option is great if you have CDN access of other filer space.
The third option is presented on GitHub Tricks: Upload Images & Live Demos and simply requires
- Create an issue in your repo
- Drag and drop the image from File Explorer (or the likes) into the comment section of the issue
- When the link is updated in the comment, i.e. you see the image, copy the link using your browser (i.e. right mouse click, copy link)
- Now use this link in your markdown
To use the link in GitHub markdown just use