A very basic overview or writing IL code

We can generate IL code using an ILGenerator and Emit methods from a C# application (for example). We can also write IL directly as source code files. For example, create a file test.il

Now add the following code

.assembly MyAssembly

.method void Test()

The text preceded by the . are directives for the IL compiler (ILASM which comes with Visual Studio). Within the file we’ve firstly declared an assembly named MyAssembly. Whilst this file would compile without the .assembly, it will not run and will fail with a BadImageFormatException.

Next we define a method (using the .method directive) named Test. The .entrypoint declares this is the entry point to our application (as this will compile to an EXE). Hence unlike C# where we use Main as the entry point, any method may be the entry point but only one method may be marked as the entry point.

To create a correctly formed method we also need the last line code to be a ret.

If you now compile this file using

ilasm test.il

You might notice that ilasm outputs the warning Non-static global method ‘Test’, made static. Obviously in C# our entry method would normally be a static method. Simply add the keyword static as below

.method static void Test()

Let’s now turn this little IL application into the classic Hello World by calling the Console.WriteLine method.

If you’ve ever written any assembly code you’ll know we pass arguments to subroutines by placing the arguments on the stack and then the callee will pop the expected number of arguments. So to output a string, we’ll need to push it onto the stack – in this case we use ldstr which specifically handles strings.

Console.WriteLine is available in the System namespace within mscorlib, and to invoke a method we’ll need to call it specifying the overload (if any) to use along with a fully qualified name, hence our Test method becomes

.method static void Test() 

ldstr "Hello World"
call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(class System.String)

The easiest way to learn IL is to look at decompilation from tools such as ildasm, ILSpy, Reflector or dotPeek, write code you wish to generate IL for, compile then decompile with one of these tools to see what’s going on.