Migrating a folder from one git repo to another

I had a situation where I had a git repo. consisting of a Java project and a C# project (a small monorepo), we decided that permissions for each project needed to differ (i.e. the admin of those projects) and maybe more importantly in a way, changes to one were causing “Pending” changes to the other within CI/CD, in this case TeamCity.

So we need to split the project. Ofcourse it’s easy to create a new project and copy the code, but we wanted to keep the commit history etc.

What I’m going to list below are the steps that worked for me, but I owe a lot to this post Move files from one repository to another, preserving git history.

Use case

To reiterate, we have a Java library and C# library sitting in the same git code base and we want to move the C# library into it’s own repository whilst keeping the commit history.


  • Clone the repository (i.e. the code we’re wanting to move)
  • CD into it
  • From a command line, run
    git remote rm origin

    This will remove the remote url and means we’re not going to accidently commit to the original/source repository.

  • Now we want to filter our anything that’s not part of the code we want to keep. It’s hoped that the C# code, like ours, was in it’s own folder (otherwise things will be much more complicated). So run
    git filter-branch --subdirectory-filter <directory> -- --all

    Replace with the relative folder, i.e. subfolder1/subfolder2/FOLDER_TO_KEEP

  • Run the following commands

    git reset --hard
    git gc --aggressive 
    git prune
    git clean -fd
  • Now, if you haven’t already create a remote repository, do so and then run
    git remote add origin <YOUR REMOTE REPO>
  • // this should have been handled by step 6 git remote set-url origin https://youreposerver/yourepo.git

  • git push -u origin --all
    git push origin --tags