Displaying the device picker in a UWP application

Developers can use the UWP device picker flyout control within their application to allow the user to select a device from a list of available devices. The list can be filtered to display only particular types of devices.

For example, here’s how to display the DevicePicker flyout without filtering, i.e. showing all available devices

var devicePicker = new DevicePicker();
devicePicker.Show(new Rect(x, y, width, height));

In this case we simply create a DevicePicker and call the Show method which is passed a rectangle where you want the picker to flyout from.

There’s an overload Show method which allows a placement as well.

If you run this code in your application you’ll find that devices are enumerated over and displayed as they are found, so obviously this may take a little bit of time to enumerate all devices.

In most cases we probably want to filter the DevicePicker for a certain type of device. For example if we want to locate all Bluetooth devices we would use the following

var devicePicker = new DevicePicker();


devicePicker.Show(new Rect(x, y, width, height));

In this case we’ve filtered the DevicePicker so it will only display BluetoothLE devices and Bluetooth devices both in a paired (the true parameter) or unpaired (the false parameter).

Obviously we’re going to want to get at the device information or the selected device, when using the Show method, we will need to subscribe to the DevicePicker’s DeviceSelected event, for example

devicePicker.DeviceSelected += (picker, args) =>
   // outputs the selected device name

We can also respond to a couple of other events such as the DevicePickerDismissed and DisconnectButtonClicked.

As an alternate to the event approach, we could switch from using the Show method to use the async/await implementation which combines the Show and the DeviceSelected into he PickSingleDeviceAsync method, i.e.

var device = await 
      new Rect(x, y, width, height));
// outputs the selected device name