Vert.x futures

In previous examples of implementations of AbstractVerticle classes I’ve used start and stop methods which take no arguments, there’s actually asynchronous versions of these methods which support the Vert.x Future class.

For example

public class FutureVerticle extends AbstractVerticle {
   public void start(Future<Void> future) {

   public void stop(Future<Void> future) {

Let’s take a look at how our start method might change to use futures.

public void start(Future<Void> future) {

   // routing and/or initialization code

      .listen(port, l ->
         if(l.succeeded()) {
         else {

In this example we simply set the state of the future to success or failure and in the case of the failure supply a Throwable as the argument to the fail method.

Using the Future in our own code

Obviously the Future class may be used outside of the start and stop methods, so let’s take a look at creating and using a Future.

To create a future simply use

Future<Record> f = Future.future();

in this case we’re creating a Future which takes a Record. We can now supply our own AsyncResult handler to handle the future on completion, i.e.

Future<Record> f = Future.future();

f.setHandler(ar ->
   if(r.succeeded() {
      // do something with result

Many of the Vertx methods (like listen in the earlier code) supply overloads with an AsyncResult callback. We can pass a future as a callback using the method completer and supply a handler via the future. For example

Future<HttpServer> f = Future.future();
f.setHandler(l ->
   if(l.succeeded()) {
   else {;

   .listen(port, f.completer());