Monthly Archives: March 2023

Getting started with MassTransit

What is MassTransit?

MassTransit is an abstraction over various messaging transports, such as RabbitMQ, Azure Service Bus, Amazon SQS and others. We can use MassTransit in place of these transports and, ofcourse, change the underlying transport without affecting our code. It also includes some microservice based patterns, as Sagas, Routing Slip etc.

MassTransit offers an in-memory transport for testing code against.

Creating a simple test application

Note: I’m basically going to reproduce the code from In Memory, so I’d suggest going there to check the latest steps.

First off let’s add the MassTransit project templates to our machine

dotnet new --install MassTransit.Templates

Now this will add a bunch of useful templates that we can use via the dotnet CLI or via an IDE such as Visual Studio. In this case we’ll follow the In Memory tutorial by running the following command to create our project

dotnet new mtworker -n HelloWorld

or from Visual Studio or Rider you can create a MassTransit project from the MassTransit Worker project template.

Note: I’m differing from the MassTransit tutorial by naming my project HelloWorld, for no other reason that I pretty much always start these sorts of things with a HelloWorld project. So just in case you’re following along both the Mass Transit tutorial and this post, this is the only real difference in code.

Default project

At the time of writing, the default project targets .NET 6.0 so I’ve changed that to .NET 7.0 and language support to C# 11 in Rider, so my .csproj has the following


All the code is currenting within the Program.cs, the code that matters at the moment is

services.AddMassTransit(x =>

  // By default, sagas are in-memory, but should be changed to a durable
  // saga repository.

  var entryAssembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly();


  x.UsingInMemory((context, cfg) => { cfg.ConfigureEndpoints(context); });

As you can see we add MassTransit and at the end of the code we set MassTransit to use the in memory transport. Whilst this will build and run, it’s not really doing anything for us as we need to add at least one contract.

Adding a contract

From the MassTransit tutorial we simply run the following command in the CLI from the .csproj folder

dotnet new mtconsumer

This will add the Consumers folder along with the Contracts folder along with the consumer and contract code. Within the Consumer folder we have two files, the HelloWorldConsumer.cs file looks like this

Note: I’m not include the using and namespace lines in these files so that we can concentrate on the implementation code.

public class HelloWorldConsumer :
  public Task Consume(ConsumeContext<HelloWorld> context)
    return Task.CompletedTask;

The other file in the HelloWorldConsumerDefinition.cs looks like this

public class HelloWorldConsumerDefinition :
  protected override void ConfigureConsumer(IReceiveEndpointConfigurator endpointConfigurator, IConsumerConfigurator<HelloWorldConsumer> consumerConfigurator)
    endpointConfigurator.UseMessageRetry(r => r.Intervals(500, 1000));

The Contracts folder includes a single file, HelloWorld.cs which looks like this

public record HelloWorld
  public string Value { get; init; }

At this point we now have a consumer and a message/contract.

When a message arrives on the transport, our consumer, Consume message is called. So let’s add some logging to the consumer, exactly like the MassTransit example, so add the following to the HelloWorldConsumer class

private readonly ILogger<HelloWorldConsumer> _logger;

public HelloWorldConsumer(ILogger<HelloWorldConsumer> logger)
  _logger = logger;

Now in the Consume method we’ll just add a line of code to log information from the message so the method looks like this

public Task Consume(ConsumeContext<HelloWorld> context)
  _logger.LogInformation("Hello {Name}", context.Message.Value);
  return Task.CompletedTask;

The HelloWorldConsumerDefinition class can be used for setting up out configuration, we’re not going to do anything with this at the moment. Instead we need some code to publish methods. We are going to add a background service.

Background service

Add a new file/class to the root folder, named Worker. Here’s the one in the MassTransit tutorial

public class Worker : BackgroundService
    private readonly IBus _bus;

    public Worker(IBus bus)
        _bus = bus;
    protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
        while (!stoppingToken.IsCancellationRequested)
            await _bus.Publish(new Contracts.HelloWorld(value: $"The time is {DateTimeOffset.Now}"), stoppingToken);
            await Task.Delay(1000, stoppingToken);

Next, we need to register our work, by adding the following code to the Program.cs


Does it run?

If all’s gone to plan, we can either

dotnet run

or run via Visual Studio or Rider. This will run our service and we’ll see output to the console from our logging code.

What next?

This is fun, but let’s face it we really want to see this working with a “real” transport, so let’s make changes to work with RabbitMQ. To host an instance of RabbitMQ within Docker we can use the MassTransit image

docker run -p 15672:15672 -p 5672:5672 masstransit/rabbitmq

To check whether RabbitMQ is up and running, use your browser to connect to the machine hosting it, on port 15672 (i.e. To login, the default username and password are both guest.

Now we need to add the MassTransit RabbitMQ transport to our project, so add MassTransit.RabbitMQ via the nuget package manager or from the CLI use

dotnet add package MassTransit.RabbitMQ

Finally, replace everything x.UsingInMemory((context, cfg) => { cfg.ConfigureEndpoints(context); }); within Program.cs with

x.UsingRabbitMq((context,cfg) =>
  cfg.Host("", "/", h => {

Note: If you’ve changed the user or password, obviously replace those in the code above. Also replace with localhost or your remote server name/ip.

Run your MassTransit service.

Next, access your RabbitMQ dashboard and you should see messages coming into RabbitMQ (note: if you’ve changed the port, then the port number goes into the Host code like this, we’re using port 1234 to demonstrate a different port number)

x.UsingRabbitMq((context,cfg) =>
  cfg.Host("", 1234, "/", h => {

Note: remember to allow access to the remote server’s port 5672, if it’s not already accessible.

Is the checkbox checked on my AppiumWebElement ?

From Appium/WinAppDriver you’ll probably want to check if a checkbox or radio button element is checked at some point. For such elements we use the AppiumWebElement Selected property to get the current state. To set it within UI automation we would click on it, so for example we might have code like this

public bool IsChecked
   get => Selected;
      if(IsChecked != value)

Note: In my case I wrap the AppiumWebElement in a CheckBoxElement, but this could be in a subclass or extension method, you get the idea.

Plugin.Maui.Audio plays sound even if Android device is set to vibrate

I have a MAUI application which alerts the user with a sound and vibration when a task is completed. I noticed that turning the phone to vibrate didn’t actually stop the sound being played via the Plugin.Maui.Audio (as I sort of expected it to do).

It looks like what we need to do is write some Android specific code to check the Android AudioManager’s RingerMode.

If we assume we have a device independent enum such as the following (this simply mirrors the Android RingerMode)

public enum AudioMode
    Silent = 0,
    Vibrate = 1,
    Normal = 2

Now, from our Android code we would expose the RingerMode like this

if (Context.GetSystemService(AudioService) is not AudioManager audioService)
  return AudioMode.Normal;

switch (audioService.RingerMode)
  case RingerMode.Normal:
    return AudioMode.Normal;
  case RingerMode.Silent:
    return AudioMode.Silent;
  case RingerMode.Vibrate:
    return AudioMode.Vibrate;

return AudioMode.Normal;

Now we would simply wrap our Plugin.Maui.Audio code in an if statement, checking the AudioMode of the device. i.e. if Vibrate or Silent, don’t play the audio. For example

if (_deviceAudioService.AudioMode == AudioMode.Normal)
  var audioPlayer =
    _audioManager.CreatePlayer(await FileSystem.OpenAppPackageFileAsync("chimes.wav"));
  audioPlayer.Volume = Math.Clamp(_configuration.NotificationSoundVolume / 100.0, 0, 1);

Changing the origin of your local git repo.

Git, being a distributed source control system, allows us to switch the remote/origin for the push or fetch of our local repository. Or to put it another way…

We’ve just moved from one remote git repository to another, how do we update our local code base to “retarget” to the new location?

When you’re using GitHub, GitLab, bitbucket etc. you might come to a point where you migrate from one server to another. Ofcourse you can simply clone your repo. again from the new server OR you can just target you fetch/push origin to the new location like this…

To check your current remote/origin, just run

git remote -v

Now if you wish to change the remote/origin, simply use

git remote set-url remote_name remote_url

Where remote_name might be origin and the remote_url is the new .git URL of your server.