Monthly Archives: March 2018

First look at Eclipse Vert.x

Eclipse Vert.x is a lightweight framework for developing web applications, microservices and more.

I’ve created a project using IntelliJ named VertxTest based upon a Maven project to try out the routing functionality in Vert.x.

Dependencies – the pom

Our pom.xml looks like this

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""


                                <transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">
                                <transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.AppendingTransformer">

The Verticle

As you can see from this my class MainVerticle (which extends AbstractVerticle) is created in the package com.putridparrot and the code looks like this

package com.putridparrot;

import io.vertx.core.AbstractVerticle;
import io.vertx.ext.web.Router;
import io.vertx.ext.web.handler.BodyHandler;

public class MainVerticle extends AbstractVerticle {
    public void start() {

        Router router = Router.router(vertx);

        router.route("/hello").handler(ctx -> {
                .putHeader("content-type", "text/plain")
                .end("Hello " + ctx.queryParam("name"));


        System.out.println("HTTP server started on port 8080");

Note: queryParam actually returns a List so in this example we would probably want to actually check the result and then get items from the list.

We extend AbstractVerticle overriding the start method to handle the setting up of our routes etc.

Building and Running

We execute mvn clean install and then mvn package to generate the executable jar. Finally we can run this using java -jar target/VertxTest-1.0-SNAPSHOT-fat.jar or similar in a configuration in an IDE (for example a JAR Application configuration within Intelli J just requires the path to the JAR listed above).

Testing and more

Now we should be able to run the following from your preferred web browser or Intelli J’s REST client (or similar in another IDE).


We can easily add further routes and/or handle GET or POST HTTP methods. For example here’s the addition of an error route using the get method



private void handleGetError(RoutingContext ctx) {

Now browsing to


will display a 500 error.

Static pages

We can also add static pages by declaring a route such as


where the pages directory is located off the root off of the project folder (in this example). Simply place your HTML pages in this folder and you can access them using the following URL


Routing based upon mime type

Along with routine based upon the specific query/resource requested we can also route based upon the Content-Type within a request. For example if using HTTP POST with Content-Type application/json we would want to return JSON, likewise if Content-Type is application/xml we’d expect XML return (and so on).

To route based upon the mime type we simply write the following

   .handler(ctx -> {
      System.out.println("JSON request");

   .handler(ctx -> {
      System.out.println("XML request");

Obviously in the examples above we’re simply routing off of the root “/” URL. Supply a path within the route method, as per previous example for other routing scenarios.

Running our Vertx application

We’ve seen we can create and run the JAR, but we can also create a Vertx application by creating a main method that looks something like this

public static void main(String[] args) {
   Vertx vertx = Vertx.vertx();

   vertx.deployVerticle(new MainVerticle());

We use deployVerticle along with our Verticle and Vertx does the rest.

Creating an ansible dockerfile

I was trying to run the ansible docker image on Docker hub, but it kept failing, so I went through the steps listed in inside of an Ubunto docker image

  • apt-get update
  • apt-get install software-properties-common
  • apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible
  • apt-get update
  • apt-get install ansible

Then running ansible –version demonstrated everything was working.

I decided to use the same commands to create a Dockerfile and hence create my own image of ansible.

  • Create an ansible folder
  • Create the file Dockerfile in the ansible folder

Please note, this is not a complete implementation of a Docker image of ansible so much as a starting point for experimenting with ansible.

Now we’ll create a fairly simple image based on ubuntu and install all the libraries etc. as above. So the Dockerfile should have the following contents

FROM ubuntu:latest

RUN apt-get -y update
RUN apt-get -y install software-properties-common
RUN apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible
RUN apt-get -y update
RUN apt-get -y install ansible

From the ansible folder run sudo docker build -t ansible ., if all goes well you’ll have an image name ansible created. Just run sudo docker images to see it listed.

Now run sudo docker run -it ansible to run the image in interactive mode and then within the container run ansible –version to see if everything worked.

Now we’re up and running there’s obviously more to do to really use ansible and hopefully I’ll cover some of those topics in subsequent posts on ansible.

Sorting a range on specific column of data using VBA in Excel

In my previous post I imported a CSV file into my spreadsheet and displayed the rows after my headings row. I now want to sort the rows by a column of data, but I do not want the heading to be part of the sort, so I basically want to sort the rows based upon the column starting at the row below the column headings – I hope that makes sense.

Anyway, we’re going to need to find all the rows and columns that make our range of data and then select a slice of the data which are our value items to sort. Here’s the code

rows = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
columns = ws.Cells(3, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
Set dataRange = ws.Range(Cells(3, 1), Cells(rows, columns))
Set sortColumn = ws.Range(Cells(3, 5), Cells(rows, 5))
dataRange.Sort key1:=sortColumn, order1:=xlDescending

In this example we set rows to be the row count and columns to be the number of columns starting at row 3 (where our data is imported to). Next we turn these values into a range object (mine’s named dataRange) again using row 3 as our data’s starting point. Next we create a sortColumn range to be the actual column we want to use as our sort key, in this case I’m using column 5 data. Finally we sort the first data range using the second and mine sort is descending in this example.

Loading an CSV file into a workseet in Excel

Let’s assume we have an Excel worksheet with some nicely formatted headers and just above the row containing the headers we’ve placed a button which will we use to load a csv file into the rows below header row (without losing our formatting etc.)

Go to the Developer tab in Excel and select Visual Basic then create a subroutine like this

Sub LoadFile()
Dim fileName As String
   fileName = "c:\myfile.csv"

   Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Import")

   ws.Rows("3:" & Rows.Count).ClearContents
   With ws.QueryTables.Add(Connection:="TEXT;" & fileName, Destination:=ws.Range("A3"))
        .TextFileParseType = xlDelimited
        .TextFileCommaDelimiter = True
        .AdjustColumnWidth = False
    End With
End Sub

I’ve simplified the code to have an explicit filename, instead of getting the filename via a folder selection dialog box or from a cell on the spreadsheet.

Simply get the active worksheet (mine’s named Import) and from this we’ll clear all row’s below our heading row (my rows start as row 3).

Next we use the QueryTables object and add the “Connection” supplying the filename that is to be imported. The destination is the start column/row where we want to place our data.

AdjustColumnWidth = False is useful to stop the import resizing your columns, the Refresh procedure will cause the spreadsheet to redraw itself.

Now this will load the CSV into the area below the column headings and not resize the columns to match the data size (hence not ruin existing formatting).

cxf-codegen-plugin not generating proxies everytime

In case this helps others out…

I am working on a Java project at the moment using Maven to build the code and run tests etc. I’m also using the cxf-codegen-plugin plugin (as below) to generate some proxies for a soap/wsdl file I have.


I found that when I tried to either use mvn generate-sources mvn install the generated source folder was deleted and recreated, however the proxies folder had no proxy code/files (i.e. the files were deleted and not regenerated).

If I ran mvn clean install the proxy code would re-appear, but subsequent calls to generate-source of install would again delete the proxy code/files.

To cut a long story short it appeared that another plugin was clearing out the generated-sources folder but the cxf-codegen-plugin plugin would not regenerate it’s proxy code/files because of another file which the plugin created in the cxf-codegen-plugin-markers folder.

Within this folder is a file with a UUID style name. This was being plugin used by the plugin to check whether it needed to regenerate it’s proxy code/files (it doesn’t check if the files exist or simply regenerate them each time it’s run).

You can recreate the problem easily by running mvn generate-sources to create the proxies, then delete the generated-sources folder and run mvn generate-sources again. No proxy files are created. Now delete the marker file and the proxies will get regenerated.

Deleting this folder (or just the file within it) will fix the problem.

To stop this happening again you can either ensure the folder or file are deleted when the generate-sources folder is deleted or even simpler just write your proxies to another folder, so this would now get deleted by the other plugins.


   <!-- other config -->

Running a maven plugin

Occasionally you might want to run a maven plugin without building/installing etc. at the same time – for example I am using wsdl2java to generate proxies for webservice and every now and then I want to just regenerate those proxies.

We can simply run

mvn antrun:run@your_execution_id