Monthly Archives: July 2016

Adding a WebApi controller to an existing ASP.NET MVC application

So I’ve got an existing ASP.NET MVC5 application and need to add a REST api using WebApi.

  • Add a new Controller
  • Select Web API 2 Controller – Empty (or whatever your preference is)
  • Add you methods as normal
  • Open Global.asax.cs and near the start, for example after AreaRegistration but before the route configuration, add

easy enough. The key is to not put the GlobalConfiguration as the last line in the Global.asax.cs as I did initially.

If we assume your controller was named AlbumsController, it might looks something like this

public class AlbumsController : ApiController
   // api/albums
   public IEnumerable<Album> GetAllAlbums()
      // assuming albums is populated 
      // with a list of Album objects
      return albums;

as per the comment, access to the API will be through url/api/albums, see WebApiConfig in App_Start for the configuration of this URL.

Passing arguments to an ASP.NET MVC5 controller

In our controller we might have a method along the lines

public string Search(string criteria, bool ignoreCase = true)
   // do something useful
   return $"Criteria: {criteria}, Ignore Case: {ignoreCase}";

Note: I’ve not bothered using HttpUtility.HtmlEncode on the return string as I want to minimize the code for these snippets.

So we can simply create a query string as per


or we can add/change the routing in RouteConfig, so for example in RouteConfig, RegisterRoutes we add

   name: "Music",
   url: "{controller}/{action}/{criteria}/{ignoreCase}"

now we can compose a URL thus


Note: the routing names /{criteria}/{ignoreCase} must have the same names as the method parameters.

Obviously this example is a little contrived as we probably wouldn’t want to create a route for such a specific method signature.

We might simply incorporate partial parameters into the routine, for example maybe all our MusicController methods took a citeria argument then we might use

   name: "Music",
   url: "{controller}/{action}/{criteria}"

Note: there cannot be another route with the same number of parameters in the url preceding this or it will not be used.

and hence our URL would like like



This should be a nice short post.

As I use IoC a lot in my desktop applications I also want similar capabilities in an ASP.NET MVC application. I’ll use Unity as the container initally.

  • Create a new project using the Templates | Web | ASP.NET Web Application option in the New Project dialog in Visual Studio, press OK
  • Next Select the MVC Template and change authentication (if need be) and check whether to host in the cloud or not, then press OK
  • Select the References section in your solution explorer, right mouse click and select Manage NuGet Packages
  • Locate the Unity.Mvc package and install it

Once installed we need to locate the App_Start/UnityConfig.cs file and within the RegisterTypes method we add our mappings as usual, i.e.

container.RegisterType<IServerStatus, ServerStatus>();

There are also other IoC container NuGet packages including NInject (NInject.MVCx), with this we simply install the package relevent to our version of MVC, for example NInject.MVC4 and now we are supplied with the App_Start/NinjectWebCommon.cs file where we can use the RegisterServices method to register our mappings, i.e.



See Extending NerdDinner: Adding MEF and plugins to ASP.NET MVC for information on using MEF with ASP.NET.

SignalR 2

Well it’s about time I revisited SignalR. I’m working on a little side project to act as a intranet dashboard for one of the applications I support.

The idea is to produce those commonly asked for pieces of information about the current state of the application, infrastructure etc. into a usable web page.

So first up I want a way to update the dashboard when changes are detected (or found when polling at specific periods) to the dashboard. As I have written something a little like this in the past with SignalR I thought it’d be good to see where the technology stood now.

So we’re going to create a bare minimum ASP.NET MVC application with SignalR periodically causing updates to the page – ofcourse there’s plenty of chat samples for this, so if you’re looking for something a little more in depth, please go and check those out.

Getting started

I’m using Visual Studio 2015 and will be creating an ASP.NET MVC5 web application for this (ofcourse you don’t need to got full ASP.NET MVC for this, but I want to integrate this into my MVC app).

  • Create a new project in VS2015, select Visual C#/Web/ASP.NET Application (available as a .NET 4.5 or above template) – my project is called SignalRTest
  • After you press OK, select MVC from the next screen and press OK
  • Add a new folder named Hubs (not required but keeps the code partitioned nicely)
  • Right mouse click on the Hubs folder and select Add | New Item
  • Select Visual C#/Web/SignalR
  • Select SignalR Hub Class (v2) and give it a meaningful name, mine is ServerStatusHub
  • If you have a Startup.cs file (this will be supplied if you have authorization enabled), then simple add the following line to the Configuration method
  • If you chose no authentication then you’ll need to create a Startup.cs file in the root folder (alongside the Web.Config in your solution), it should look like this
    using Microsoft.Owin;
    using Owin;
    [assembly: OwinStartupAttribute(typeof(SignalRTest.Startup))]
    namespace SignalRTest
        public partial class Startup
            public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)

Let’s pause and take stock, we now have a Hub derived object named ServerStatusHub which will be callable from JavaScript (in the application we’re writing) and will equally be able to call out to client JavaScript code as and when server updates come in.

We’re going to change the code in the hub to this

using System;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR;

namespace SignalRTest.Hubs
    public class ServerStatusHub : Hub
        private readonly Timer timer;

        public ServerStatusHub()
            timer = new Timer(state => Refresh());

        public void Refresh()

Note: this is not great code as the timer will just keep going until the application closes.

So this will both simulate the equivalent of events coming from some external trigger (in this case the timer) which will be received and processed on the web application (client) and it also allows the code to be called as a server to initiate a refresh of the status, i.e. via a button click (for example).

Open the Index.cshtml file in the Views/Home folder of the solution and remove all the divs leaving the following

    ViewBag.Title = "Home Page";

Now add to the Index.cshtml, the following

    <div id="serverStatus"></div>
<button id="serverRefresh">Refresh</button>

@section scripts {
    <script src="~/Scripts/jquery.signalR-2.1.2.min.js"></script>
    <script src="~/signalr/hubs"></script>
        $(function() {

            try {
                var serverStatus = $.connection.serverStatusHub;

                serverStatus.client.refresh = function(status) {

                    .click(function() {

            } catch (sourceError) {

                .done(function() {
                .fail(function() {
                    $('#serverStatus').html('Failed to start server hub');

        function htmlEncode(value) {
            return $('<div />').text(value).html();

Don’t worry about the blue squiggle line say thar ~/signalr/hibs could not be found, the proxies will created when the application runs. If you do want to see what’s created you can run the application and navigate to the folder (i.e. http://localhost:56433/signalr/hubs) and see the proxies.

So we’re creating the SignalR JavaScript code against the proxies and hence have an object named serverStatusHub.

Whilst the methods and types are Pascal case in the C# code we use Camel case for the JavaScript.

The code above simply creates a connection to the server status hub and then we create a client method (equivalent to a callback) where we’ll recieve updates from the hub as they come in. We’ll simply output these to the HTML page.

We also hook up to the button serverRefresh so the user can call the hub to get the latest status of the servers in our imaginary application. The rest of this section of code is error handling code, but it’s following (after the catch block) with the code to connect to the hub and start the SignalR hub up.

And that’s all there is to it.

Returning to Entity Framework database first

After working with a database project in Visual Studio, I thought it was probably time to create a simple console application to interact with the database using the current version of Entity Framework (v6.0).

So as we’ve already created the cddb database in a previous post, we’ll simply create a new console project and work with that DB.

  • Create your application, as stated mine is a console application
  • Add new item and select Data | ADO.NET Entity Data Model, mine’s named CddbContext (as this will include the source for the data context created for EF)
  • Select Code First from database
  • Create a new connection and supply the relevant details for your database connection
  • Press next then select the tables (and views) you want to generate code for – then click Finish

Here’s the code generated


public partial class CddbContext : DbContext
   public CddbContext()
      : base("name=CddbContext")

   public virtual DbSet<album> albums { get; set; }
   public virtual DbSet<artist> artists { get; set; }

   protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
         .HasMany(e => e.albums)
         .WithRequired(e => e.artist)


public partial class artist
   public artist()
      albums = new HashSet<album>();

   public int Id { get; set; }

   public string Name { get; set; }

   public virtual ICollection<album> albums { get; set; }


public partial class album
   public int Id { get; set; }

   public string Title { get; set; }

   public int ArtistId { get; set; }

   public virtual artist artist { get; set; }

finally let’s create a simple but of code to get the artists from the database, so in Main we have

using (var db = new CddbContext())
   var artists = db.artists;
   foreach (var a in artists)

If your database schema changes you will need to re-run the steps to generate your data context etc. or code by hand. There isn’t (currently) a way to update existing classes – so don’t make changes to the generated code and expect it to still exist after regeneration.

SQL Server Database Project

I must admit most (if not all) my SQL Server interaction takes place in SQL Server Management Studio, but I wanted to create a new database project using the Visual Studio database tools, so I thought I’d give this a go…

Getting Started

I always like to start such posts off with a set of steps for getting the basics up and running, so let’s continue with that way of doing things.

  • Create a new SQL Server | SQL Server Database Project (mine’s called cddb)
  • Select the project in solution explorer and if need be, open the project properties/settings and set the Target platform etc.
  • Right mouse click on the project and select Add | Table…
  • Name the table artist
  • Repeat the last two steps but name the table album

So at this point we have a database project and two tables/sql scripts with nothing much in them.

We’re going to create some very basic tables, as this post isn’t mean’t to be too focused on data but more using these tools.

So for artist.sql we should have

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[artist]

and for album.sql we should have

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[album]
[ArtistId] INT NOT NULL, 
CONSTRAINT [FK_album_Toartist] 
  FOREIGN KEY (ArtistId) 
  REFERENCES [artist]([Id])

Deploy/Publish your database

At this point, let’s actually publish our database to an instance of SQL Server or SQL Server Express.

Right mouse click on the project and select Publish, you should have the Database name supplied as cddb and the script as cddb.sql. Click the Edit button and enter the connect details for the instance of SQL Server. Finally click on the generate script button if you wish to create DB script and then run this yourself or click the Publish button to automatically publish your tables to the SQL Sever instance.

In the Data Tools Operations view you’ll see the process of publishing and creating the database scripts. Once successfully completed you should now have the cddb database running in SQL Server.

Let’s add some data

In a continuous integration and/or continuous deployment scenario, it’s useful to recreate our database from scripts, so generating the script instead of publishing to the database obviously helps in this, but it’s also useful to generate some data. Ofcourse it could be we’re populating the data from another instance of the DB but for this example we’re going to add some data via an SQL script.

Right mouse click on the database project and select Add | Script… We’re going to create a post-deployment script. As the name suggests this should be run after the DB is generated. I’ve named my script populate.sql, you’ll notice in the Visual Studio properties window the Advanced | Build Action will show PostDeploy.

We’re going to use the T-SQL Merge statement to create our test data, this script is as follows


MERGE artist AS target
   (1, N'Alice Cooper'),
   (2, N'Van Halen'),
   (3, N'Deep Purple')
AS source (Id, Name)
ON target.Id = source.Id
   UPDATE SET Name = source.Name
   INSERT (Id, Name)
   VALUES (Id, Name)



MERGE album AS target
   (1, N'Lace and Whiskey', 1),
   (2, N'I', 1),
   (3, N'III', 1),
   (4, N'Burn', 2)
AS source (Id, Title, ArtistId)
ON target.Id = source.Id
   UPDATE SET Title = source.Title, ArtistId = source.ArtistId
   INSERT (Id, Title, ArtistId)
   VALUES (Id, Title, ArtistId)


Ofcourse the above would be somewhat unwieldy if we’re populating hundreds of hundreds or MB of data entries.

Populating data from CSV

One possible solution for populating a larger number of records might be to use one or more CSV files to contain our seed data. So let’s assume we have the following files


1,Alice Cooper
2,Van Halen
3,Deep Purple

and albums.csv

1,Lace and Whiskey,1

we could now replace our post deployment code with the following

   FROM 'artists.csv'


   FROM 'albums.csv'


Importing data using SQL Server Management Studio

Whilst this doesn’t fit in with the context of this post, i.e. it’s not automated. You could ofcourse create the database and use SQL Server Management Studio’s Import task to import data into your database.

Simply select the database you want to import data into, right mouse click on this and select Tasks | Import Data and work through the wizard to import your data from a variety of sources.

Automating Excel (some basics)

Here’s some basic for automating Excel from C#.

Make sure you dereference your Excel COM objects

Actually I’m going to start with a word of caution. When interacting with Excel you need to ensure that you dereference any Excel objects after use or you’ll find Excel remains in memory when you probably thought it had been closed.

To correctly deal with Excel’s COM objects the best thing to do is store each object in a variable and when you’ve finished with it, make sure you set that variable to null. Accessing some Excel objects using simply dot notation such as


will result in COM objects being created but without your application having a reference to them they’ll remain referenced long after you expect.

Instead do things like

var workbooks = application.Workbooks[0];
var workSheet = workbooks.Sheets[1];

If in doubt, check via Task Manager to see if your instance of Excel has been closed.

Starting Excel

var application = new Excel.Application();
var workbook = application.Workbooks.Add(Excel.XlWBATemplate.xlWBATWorksheet);
Excel.Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Sheets[1];

application.Visible = true;

Setting Cell data

worksheet.Cells[row, column++] = 
    cell.Value != null ? 
       cell.Value.ToString() : 

Grouping a range

Excel.Range range = worksheet.Rows[String.Format("{0}:{1}", row, row + children)];
range.OutlineLevel = indent;
range.Group(Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value);

Change the background colour

worksheet.Rows[row].Interior.Color = Excel.XlRgbColor.rgbRed;

Change the background colour from a Color object

We can use the built-in colour conversion code, which from WPF would mean converting to a System.Drawing.Color, as per this

																			System.Drawing.Color clr = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(solid.Color.A, solid.Color.R, solid.Color.G, solid.Color.B);

Now we can use this as follows

worksheet.Rows[row].Interior.Color = ColorTranslator.ToOle(clr);

or we can do this ourselves using

int clr = solid.Color.R | solid.Color.G << 8 | solid.Color.B << 16;									worksheet.Rows[row].Interior.Color = clr;

Changing the foreground colour

int clr = solid.Color.R | solid.Color.G << 8 | solid.Color.B << 16;									worksheet.Rows[row].Font.Color = clr;


Using Rx to read from UI and write on a worker thread

I have a problem whereby I need to iterate over a potentially large number of rows in a UI grid control, the iteration needs to take place on the UI thread but the writing (which in this instance write the data to Excel) can occur on a background thread which should make the UI a little more responsive.

Now this might not be the best solution but it seems to work better than other more synchronous solutions. One thing to note is that this current design expects the call to the method to be on the UI thread and hence doesn’t marshal the call to the grid control onto the UI thread (it assumes it’s on it).

Within the UI iteration method I create a new observable using

var rowObservable = Observable.Create<string>(observer =>
   // iterate over grid records calling the OnNext method 
   // for example
   foreach(var cell in Cells)

   return Disposable.Empty;

In the above code we loop through the cells of our UI grid control and then place each value onto the observer using OnNext. When the process completes we then call the OnCompleted method of the observer to tell any subscribers that the process is finished.

Let’s look at the subscriber code

var tsk = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();

   Subscribe(r =>
      foreach (var item in r)
          // write each value to Excel (in this example)
   }, () =>

return tsk.Task;

In the above code we buffer pushed items from rowObserver so we only process every 20 items. We ObserveOn the default scheduler, so this will be a background thread (i.e. threadpool) but we SubscribeOn the current synchronization context – remember I mentioned this method should be called from the UI thread and hence the SubscribeOn (not ObserveOn) relates to the code we’re observing and this is on the UI thread. When the rowObserver completes we’ll still write out the last few items (if they’re less than the buffer size).

Note: It’s important to remember that SubscribeOn schedules the observable (in this case the UI code) not the code within the Subscribe method. This is scheduled using the ObserveOn method.

You’ll notice we use a puppet task, controlling a TaskCompletionSource and on completion of the rowObserver we set the result on the puppet task, thus allowing our method to be used in async/await scenarios.

Like I mentioned, this actually might not be the best solution to the original problem, but it was interesting getting it up and running.

Structured logging with the Semantic Logging Block

In another post I looked at Serilog and what structured logging capabilities can bring to an application, here I’m going to investigate the Patterns & Practices Semantic Logging Application Block.

So we’re looking at a means of logging more than just a “simple” string representing our state or failure (or whatever) from our application. Most likely we’re wanting to output log entries which can be analysed later in a more programmatic manner, i.e. querying or grouping log data.

Getting started

Let’s just get some simple code up and running to see how things fit together.

  • Create a console application
  • Using Nuget, add the following EnterpriseLibrary.SemanticLogging package
  • Add a new class named whatever you want, mine’s called MyEventSource

The MyEventSource class looks like this

[EventSource(Name = "MyEventSource")]
public class MyEventSource : EventSource
   public static MyEventSource Log { get; } = new MyEventSource();

   [Event(1, Message = "Application Failure: {0}", 
    Level = EventLevel.Informational,
    Keywords = EventKeywords.None)]
   public void Information(string message)
      WriteEvent(1, message);

Next up, let’s implement some simple logging code in our Main method

var eventSource = MyEventSource.Log;
var listener = ConsoleLog.CreateListener(
   new JsonEventTextFormatter(EventTextFormatting.Indented));


eventSource.Information("Application Started");

// do something worthwhile 

eventSource.Information("Existing Application");

In the example code we’re logging to the console and using the JsonEventTextFormatter, so the output looks like this

"ProviderId": "8983a2e6-c5d2-5a1f-691f-db243cb1f681",
"EventId": 1,
"Keywords": 0,
"Level": 4,
"Message": "Application Failure: Application Started",
"Opcode": 0,
"Task": 65533,
"Version": 0,
"Payload": {
"message": "Application Started"
"EventName": "InformationInfo",
"Timestamp": "2016-07-08T10:19:22.8698814Z",
"ProcessId": 20136,
"ThreadId": 19128
"ProviderId": "8983a2e6-c5d2-5a1f-691f-db243cb1f681",
"EventId": 1,
"Keywords": 0,
"Level": 4,
"Message": "Application Failure: Existing Application",
"Opcode": 0,
"Task": 65533,
"Version": 0,
"Payload": {
"message": "Existing Application"
"EventName": "InformationInfo",
"Timestamp": "2016-07-08T10:19:22.9648909Z",
"ProcessId": 20136,
"ThreadId": 19128

Let’s now add a rolling file listener to our Main method

var rollingFileListener =
      "logs\\semantic.txt", 1073741824,
      new JsonEventTextFormatter(EventTextFormatting.Indented));


So we simply attach another listener to our event source and now we are logging to both the console and a file (ofcourse in a non-sample application we would not be creating multiple JsoEventTextFormatters etc. but you get the idea).

That’s basically it – we’re up and running.

Returning values (in sequence) using JustMock Lite


Okay, so I have some code which is of the format

      // do something 
} while (reader.ReadNextPage())

the basic premise is Read some data from somewhere until the data is exhausted, then read the next page of data and so on, until no data is left to read.

I wanted to unit test aspects of this by mocking out the reader and allowing me to isolate the specific functionality within the method. Ofcourse I could have refactored this method to test just the inner parts of the loop, but this is not always desirable as it still means the looping expectation is not unit tested.

I can easily mock the ReadNextPage to return false to just test one pages of data, but the Read method itself needs to return true initially, but also must return false at some point or the unit test will potentially get stuck in an infinite loop. Hence, I need to be able to eventually return false on the Read method.

Using InSequence, we can return different values on the calls to the Read method, for example using

Mock.Arrange(() => reader.ReadNextPage()).Returns(false);
Mock.Arrange(() => reader.Read()).Returns(true).InSequence();
Mock.Arrange(() => reader.Read()).Returns(false).InSequence();

Here the first call to Read obviously returns true, the next call returns false, so the unit test will actually complete and we’ll successfully test the loop and whatever is within it.