Monthly Archives: December 2013

Creating a simple database in MongoDB with C#

This is quick post on getting up and running with MongoDB using the “Official MongoDB C# driver” and both creating a database and adding some data to it.

  1. Using Nuget, add the “Official MongoDB C# driver” from 10gen to your project
  2. Add the following using clauses
    using MongoDB.Bson;
    using MongoDB.Driver;
  3. Create a POCO object to represent the data you want to persist. The key thing to remember is to add a property of type ObjectId without this we’ll get and exception stating “No IdGenerator found”.

    So an example POCO might look like this

    public class Person
       public ObjectId Id { get; set; }
       public string FirstName { get; set; }
       public string LastName { get; set; }
       public int Age { get; set; }
  4. Now we need to connect to the server and create/use a database.

    MongoClient client = new MongoClient();
    MongoServer server = client.GetServer();
    MongoDatabase db = server.GetDatabase("MyDatabase");

    Obviously the first two lines create a mongo client and then gets access to the server. The line server.GetDatabase(“MyDatabase”) will get the database (if it exists) but also create a database if it doesn’t exist.

    Note: if you are creating a database using GetDatabase it will not exist until you actually store data in it.

  5. Next we’re going to assume we want to store a collection of employees (a collection of Person objects). So we want to get the collection of “employees”. Like the creating of the database, if no employees currently exist we still get a collection object which we can then save data to.

    MongoCollection<Person> collection = db.GetCollection<Person>("employees");
  6. Let’s now create a Person object ready for adding to the collection and ultimately to the database.

    Create the following

    Person p = new Person
       Id = ObjectId.GenerateNewId(),
       FirstName = "Bob",
       LastName = "Baker",
       Age = 36

    Notice that we generate the Id using ObjectId.GenerateNewId().

  7. Our next step is to save the new Person to the collection and this will add the data to the collection and thus the database, thus we can then query for this data afterwards using the JavaScript shell.


Setting up my Raspberry Pi

As this is the third Raspberry Pi I’ve had to set up, and again I’ve forgotten the steps. Here’s a post of what I need.


  1. Ensure the OS is upto date
  2. Setup a WiFi USB device (I’m using the EDIMAX USB Adapter)
  3. Setup a static IP address
  4. Install mono
  5. Install Git tools
  6. Setup VNC

Fire up the Pi and login…

Ensure the OS is upto date

sudo apt-get update

This will update all packages.

You can also run

sudo apt-get upgrade

to upgrade the Linux kernel

Setup a WiFi USB device (I’m using the EDIMAX USB Adapter)

The EDIMAX EW-7811Un is on the list of WiFi USB adapters that’s verified for use on a Raspberry Pi and it’s the one I’ve used previously so I know it works :)

Note: An excellent and fuller guide is available at Raspberry Pi – Installing the Edimax EW-7811Un USB WiFi Adapter (WiFiPi)

I’ll just reproduce the steps I used here

  1. So obviously we need to start by plugging the USB adapter into the Raspberry Pi
  2. Next run

    This will tell us whether the adapter is ready to use as it should automatically have been recognized. You should see wlan0 plus other information output. Check the link above for more tests you can do to ensure everything is detected and read.

  3. Now we want to ensure that the adapter is configured, so type
    sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces

    or use your preferred text editor in place of nano.

    Make sure the file contains the following (and they’re uncommented)

    allow-hotplug wlan0
    iface wlan0 inet manual
    wpa-roam /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
    iface default inet dhcp
  4. Now we need to create/amend the configuration file for connecting to the network, so type
    sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

    We need to add the various entries for connecting to the network here, for example

       ssid="The Router SSID"
       psk="The Router Password"

    Obviously replace the ssid and psk with your router’s ssid and the password you use to connect to it.

  5. Type the following, to restart the network interface with the new configuration data

    sudo ifup wlan0

Setup a static IP address

Open /etc/network/interfaces again, for example using

sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces

We now want to change the configuration from using dhcp supplied address to using a static ip address. So alter the line

iface default inet dhcp

from dhcp to static and add the following


Obviously replace the address, gateway and netmask with your specific network settings. You may also wish to alter the eth0 adapter to mirror the wlan0 adapter with the same address etc.

Install mono

Finally time to install something. This is the easy part. To install mono just enter the following

sudo apt-get install mono-complete

Install Git tools

Time to install GIT.

sudo apt-get install git

Setup VNC

Install VNCServer using

sudo apt-get install tightvncserver

Now run tightvnsserver and note the number supplied for the desktop for connection from the client machine.

Raspberry Pi A+

The Raspberry Pi A+ has a single USB port (excluding the USB power socket) and no Ethernet port, which is a bit of a pain if trying to setup WiFi and having problems getting the configuration right (especially as I don’t have a powered USB hub to help me out).

Anyway after a lot of hassle here’s the configuration for the Raspberry Pi A+ running Wheezy Raspbian 7. The USB WiFi device I’m using is a WiPi dongle.

Let’s begin with the /etc/network/interfaces file, mine looks like this

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto wlan0
allow-hotplug wlan0
iface wlan0 inet manual
wpa-roam /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
iface default inet static

gateway 192.168.1.

obviously the above is setup with a static address, if you want to use a dynamic address change the static to dhcp and remove the address gateway and netmask (to tidy the config up).

Next we need to amend the /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf file, mine looks like this

ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev

ssid="The Router SSID"
psk="The Router Password"
pairwise=CCMP TKIP

The above configures for WPA2 security (use WPA for WPA1).

Caliburn Micro, convention based binding

Caliburn Micro implements a convention based system for binding to “default” properties on controls and actions etc. This is on by default but can be switched off using ViewModelBinder.ApplyConventionsByDefault and setting this to false. You can also enable/disable conventions on a view-by-view basis by setting the attached property View.ApplyConventions to true in a view, for example (with other namespace etc. removed)

<UserControl x:Class="Sample.ShellView"

Let’s take a look at some basics of the convention based code.

In a view model class (assuming you’re derived from PropertyChangedBae) we can add the following code

private string fullName;

public string FullName
   get { return fullName; }
      if(fullName!= value)
         fullName= value;
         NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => FullName);

Now, in the corresponding view add the following

<TextBox Name="FullName" />

Note the use of the name property and no binding property, this is because Caliburn Micro creates the link for us based upon the name and the binding property defined within it for mapping within Caliburn Micro (in other words, it’s binding based upon a naming convention).

For example the convention for a TextBox is that the binding property to be used is the Text property. Internally this looks like this

AddElementConvention<TextBlock>(TextBlock.TextProperty, "Text", "DataContextChanged");

We can, in fact, add our own convention based bindings for any controls not supported by default such as our own controls. For example, let’s create a convention based binding for a Rectangle object (which isn’t one of the default supported controls) whereby the convention based binding will look like this in XAML.

<Rectangle Width="100" Height="100" Name="Colour" />

and in our code (somewhere such as the top most view model or boostrapper) we would have something like this

ConventionManager.AddElementConvention<Rectangle>(Shape.FillProperty, "Fill", "FillChanged");

This will then create a binding from the name “Colour” on our viewmodel to the Fill property of the Rectangle (or Shape). Thus the Colour (obviously assuming it is a Brush) will be bound to the Fill property automatically.

The last argument in the AddElementConvention method is for the eventName and this can be used to use the same mechanism to fire commands on our view model.

Let’s add a Button to our code that looks like this, in XAML

<Button Name="Save" Content="Save" />

Now in the associated view model simply add the following code

public void Save()

It’s as simple as that to bind to the click event of the button. So, when the button is clicked the Save method on the view model is called. This is because of the following code, which Caliburn Micro

AddElementConvention<ButtonBase>(ButtonBase.ContentProperty, "DataContext", "Click");

One very useful bit of code in Caliburn Micro is for situations where you might wish to pass an argument to a method in a view model. Let’s assume that you have multiple save buttons on a form, one for draft save and one for full save (for want of a better example).

We want to use the same code on the view model to handle both saves, however depending on the argument pass to the method we will do a draft of full save. Maybe these two operations share a bunch of code so it suits us to reuse this code. Okay so it’s a slightly convoluted example, but you get the idea.

So our method will look like this

public void Save(string draftOrFull)
   // do a load of shared things

   if(draftOrFull == "draft")
      // draft save
   else if(draftOrFull == "save")
      // full save

Now add the following code to the XAML

<Button Content="Draft" cal:Message.Attach="[Event Click] = [Action Save('draft')]"/>
<Button Content="Save" cal:Message.Attach="[Event Click] = [Action Save('full')]"/>

The attached property Message.Attach will attach the Click event to the action “Save” passing the string draft or full – note the single quotes for the string.

We can achieve the same as above in a longer format as follows

<Button Content="Draft">
      <i:EventTrigger EventName="Click">
         <cal:ActionMessage MethodName="Save">
            <cal:Parameter Value="draft" />

Caliburn Micro and inversion of control using Ninject

Caliburn Micro comes with it’s own built in mechanism for creating objects as and when required. However it’s bootstrapper comes with methods which allow us to override the default behaviour. The methods such as GetInstance, GetAllInstances and BuildUp are used to resolve dependencies in a user supplied IoC container.

I’m the built in mechanism is more than adequate for most peoples usage, but I tend to rather like Ninject. So here are the steps (which ofcourse can be used with your own preferred IoC framework).

Create a bootstrapper as per the following (where ShellViewModel is replaced with your view model name)

public class AppBootstrapper : Bootstrapper<ShellViewModel>
   protected override void Configure()

   protected override void OnExit(object sender, EventArgs e)

   protected override object GetInstance(Type service, string key)

   protected override IEnumerable<object> GetAllInstances(Type service)

   protected override void BuildUp(object instance)

These are the methods we need to override and implement the code for, to allow Caliburn Micro to use our preferred Ioc framework.


The configure method is used to configure Caliburn Micro to use our IoC framework, so basically this is where we instantiate the StandardKernel in Ninject. Firstly add a class level variable as follows

private IKernel kernel;

Next override the Configure method to both create the kernel and set-up default bindings

protected override void Configure()
   kernel = new StandardKernel();


We’re going to want to have access to the WindowManager and EventAggregator within our code, so we’ll set up the bindings for them. If we’re passing a class to the generic argument of the Bootstrapper this this is enough code for the Configure method, but if, as I often prefer, we have something like

public class AppBootstrapper : Bootstrapper<IShellViewModel>

i.e. an interface passed as the generic argument, then we need to also set up the bindings within Ninject to resolve this interface. Hence adding the line


to the end of the Configure method.


Now we’ve created the instance of the kernel, the OnExit method allows us to place cleanup code such as

protected override void OnExit(object sender, EventArgs e)
   base.OnExit(sender, e);

This is (as you can see from the arguments, a event handler that Caliburn Micro hooks up to the Application.Exit event.


This must be overridden when providing our own IoC container. The method is used get the service for a given service, so we can simply call the following

protected override object GetInstance(Type service, string key)
   if (service == null)
      throw new ArgumentNullException("service");

   return kernel.Get(service);


This method must be overridden when supplying our own IoC container and is used to get all instances of a service. We can override it thus

protected override IEnumerable<object> GetAllInstances(Type service)
   return kernel.GetAll(service);


Finally, and again required when supplying our own IoC container, we need to override the BuildUp method. This is used inject instances into the IoC container and can be written as

protected override void BuildUp(object instance)

Full Code

The full code for this is as follows

public class AppBootstrapper : Bootstrapper<ShellViewModel>
   private IKernel kernel;

   protected override void Configure()
      kernel = new StandardKernel();



   protected override void OnExit(object sender, EventArgs e)
      base.OnExit(sender, e);

   protected override object GetInstance(Type service, string key)
      if (service == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("service");
      return kernel.Get(service);

   protected override IEnumerable<object> GetAllInstances(Type service)
      return kernel.GetAll(service);

   protected override void BuildUp(object instance)

Beginning with Caliburn Micro

Let’s take a look at some of the basics of Caliburn Micro.

Let’s start with the bare minimum, skeleton app to get us started…

  1. Create a WPF application is Visual Studio
  2. Use NuGet to add Caliburn.Micro via the references context menu
  3. Open App.xaml and remove the StartupUri=”MainWindow.xaml”
  4. Delete the file MainWindow.xaml as Caliburn Micro will create the main window for our application
  5. Caliburn Micro uses naming convention to allow it to load the relevant view for the view model, so the view should be prefixed with the same name as the viewmodel, i.e. create a class named ShellViewModel which will become the entry point to the application. Then create a UserControl named ShelllView
  6. Open ShellViewModel and drived the class from PropertyChangedBase (ass the using clause for Caliburn.Micro).

    PropertyChangedBase gives us the implementation of INotifyPropertyChanged for the databinding. So the code should look like

    public class ShellViewModel : PropertyChangedBase

    Obviously don’t forget to add Caliburn.Micro as a using clause

  7. Open the ShellView.xaml file and (just so we can easily see the user control’s usage, change the Background to a colour of your choosing. Also changed the Width and Height to a sensible starting value otherwise the application will open just as the caption bar. The user control size gives the initial size of the main window when it’s displayed
  8. Now we need to create the code to actually create the main window and hook display our intial control. Create a new class, it can be named anything you like but I’ll named mine AppBootstrapper to fit in with the App.xaml name
  9. Derive AppBootstrapper from Bootstrapper as per
    public class AppBootstrapper : Bootstrapper<ShellViewModel>

    Obviously don’t forget to add Caliburn.Micro as a using clause.

    As you’ll see we set the Bootstrapper up with the view model, not the view. Caliburn Micro’s naming conventions will work out the view name as ShellView and handle the composition of the views from this.

  10. At this point we have all the bits for Caliburn Micro to work but we need to actually get the bootstrapper to load. The simplest way is to edit App.xaml and enter the following code between the Application.Resources

    <local:AppBootstrapper x:Key="bootstrapper" />

    Obviously added the namespace as required.

Now if you run this you should see an application window with the dimensions based upon the size of the ShellView control and if you chose a different colour background this should be displayed.