F# currying in a little more depth

Unlike Scala, for example, F# does not use an alternate syntax to differentiate a “curry-able” function from a “non-curry-able” function. I was therefore interested in what the F# compiler does to when supplied with a function like the following

let add a b c = a + b + c

Does it really generate something like the following code?

let add a = 
    let add1 b = 
        let add2 c = 
            a + b + c

Obviously this wouldn’t be great as the code requires closures and sub-functions to be created and so would be less performant in situations where we do not require the currying capabilities.

Thankfully the F# compiler takes care of everything for us so that if we have code in our application which solely uses the add function, like this

let r = add 1 2 3

then the compiler simply generates the following, this is taken from ILSpy from the compiled code and obviously reproduced in C# which I think demonstrates pretty clearly what happens.

public static int add(int a, int b, int c)
   return a + b + c;

// therefore our call to the 
// function becomes
int r = Program.add(1, 2, 3);

Now, what happens if we start currying our functions, with code like this

let r = add 1 2 
let r1 = r 3

Here the compiler still creates the add method as before (as one would expect) but it also creates the following internal class (I’ve removed attributes to make it all a little cleaner)

internal sealed class r@9
   public int a;
   public int b;

   internal r@9(int a, int b)
      : this()
      this.a = a;
      this.b = b;

   public override int Invoke(int c)
      return Program.add(this.a, this.b, c);

// now our calling 
// code looks like this
int a = 1;
int b = 2;
FSharpFunc r2 = new r@9(a, b);
int r = (int)r2.Invoke((!0)3);

So in conclusion, if we’re not using currying on our functions then we get a “standard” function and once we start currying only then do we get the equivalent of sub-functions being created.