This should be a nice short post.

As I use IoC a lot in my desktop applications I also want similar capabilities in an ASP.NET MVC application. I’ll use Unity as the container initally.

  • Create a new project using the Templates | Web | ASP.NET Web Application option in the New Project dialog in Visual Studio, press OK
  • Next Select the MVC Template and change authentication (if need be) and check whether to host in the cloud or not, then press OK
  • Select the References section in your solution explorer, right mouse click and select Manage NuGet Packages
  • Locate the Unity.Mvc package and install it

Once installed we need to locate the App_Start/UnityConfig.cs file and within the RegisterTypes method we add our mappings as usual, i.e.

container.RegisterType<IServerStatus, ServerStatus>();

There are also other IoC container NuGet packages including NInject (NInject.MVCx), with this we simply install the package relevent to our version of MVC, for example NInject.MVC4 and now we are supplied with the App_Start/NinjectWebCommon.cs file where we can use the RegisterServices method to register our mappings, i.e.



See Extending NerdDinner: Adding MEF and plugins to ASP.NET MVC for information on using MEF with ASP.NET.